The Hepatocarcinogenicity of Tannic Acid

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The Hepatocarcinogenicity of Tannic Acid

B. KORP.g-ssY
(Department of PathologicalAnatomy and Pathohistology, University Medical School, Szeged, tlungary)

In the group of chemical hepatocarcinogenic early phenomenon was the swelling and increase
agents, the number of which has steadily increased of the cells constituting the retieulo-histiocyte
in recent years (:$7), tannic acid deserves attention. system. In the 8d month of treatment, the diffuse
Owing to its astringent effect, this compound was proliferation of connective tissue was rather con-
formerly used widely in therapy. The local treat- spicuous. Pseudolobuli appeared, and the prolif-
m e n t of thermal burns with tannic acid was sug- eration of small bile duets could frequently be
gested by Davidson (1935), and his procedure observed. The liver of the rats that survived
was generally employed in Hungary during World beyond the 100th day of treatment was shrunken,
War II. It was in the course of this war that and it surface was coarsely granular. Thus, the
the hepatotoxic action of tannic acid was recog- liver changes induced by tannic acid treatment
nized (1, 3, 4, 7, 36). Since the results of Anglo- were very similar to the so-called postnecrotie
Saxon scientific investigations were, on account or posthepatitic cirrhosis (16).
of the war, unknown in Central Europe, nobody Stressor effect of tannic acid.--The parenteral
in Hungary was informed about the hepatotoxic administration of tannic acid also resulted in a n
effect of tannic acid before 1946. intensive systemic stress (35, 37). In the course
Liver damage and cirrhosis.--On the basis of of protracted administration of tannic acid, the
comparative histologic examinations of the liver cytologic evidence of increased neurosecretory ac-
of individuals who had died of burns which were tivity was found in the anterior hypothalamic
treated with tannic acid and/or untreated, we nuclei (36). Further, male rats were found to be
suspected the hepatotoxic effect of this substance more susceptible than females to the lethal doses
as early as 1943-43. This suspicion was fully of tannic acid. In acute experiments twice as
confirmed by animal experiments, but our results many males as females died before the 60th hour,
could not, because of the war, be presented before whereas with chronic treatment 61 per cent of
1946, and the experiments had to be repeated, females, but only 33 per cent of the males, were
because our files had been lost for the same reason. alive on the 300th day. A high casein (30 per cent)
I t was shown in those experiments that tannic diet gave some protection against the lethal and
acid is a selective poison of liver parenchyma, hepatotoxic action of tannic acid: of the rats
the effect of which manifests itself, depending kept on a low casein (1 per cent) diet, exactly
on the dose and the route of administration, in twice as many died, before the 103th hour, as
acinocentral necrosis of varying extent. The dis- of those kept on a high casein diet (18). I t should
appearance of glycogen from the cytoplasm of be mentioned that acute poisoning with tannic
liver cells is an early phenomenon, but it is not acid may often be attended by gastric erosion
followed by fatty degeneration (12). (17); in the course of protracted treatment, u]cers
Next, we demonstrated the cirrhogenous effect are found in nearly 70 per cent of the rats at
~f tannic acid. White rats were given repeatedly, the pyloric region (33).
a t intervals of several days, subcutaneous injec- Absorption of tannic acid from the gastrointestinal
tions of tannic acid as a 1 per cent watery solution tract.--The question whether tannic acid adminis-
for the first ten doses, and thereafter as a 3 tered orally is absorbed from the alimentary tract
per cent solution, in graded doses of 10-70 mg/rat. was also studied. Handler and Baker (10) claimed
This treatment resulted in a gradual transforma- t h a t the gastrointestinal mucosa was, in their
tion of liver architecture (Fig. 1). In the early stages experiments on rats, impermeable to tannic acid.
(up to the 40th day) breakdown and subsequent We administered to rabbits and dogs aqueous
regeneration of the liver cells were the most strik- solutions of tannic acid in several concentrations
ing features, with a frequent acinocentral collapse (3.5, 5, and 10 per cent), tea, and claret by
of the argentophilic fibrous meshwork. Another stomach tube. We then examined blood samples,
Received for publication December 5, 1958. taken at various times, by a photometric micro-

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502 Cancer Research Vol. 19, J u n e , 1959

method based on the reduction of arsenotungstic gave rise to ulceration of the skin, these ulcers
acid. The ingestion of the compounds was soon rapidly and completely healed if the treatment
followed by a rapid increase in the level of tannic was stopped temporarily or if the injections were
acid in the blood. Peak effects were observed given at another site. In no case did a tumor arise
at 3 hours (55-110 gg/cu cm plasma); the con- from the margin of an ulcer or from the healed
centration then gradually diminished, and by the scars. Local carcinogenic effects were not observed
end of 24 hours the blood contained no tannic even when the skin ulcers of rats produced by
acid (14). Histological examination revealed t h a t thermocauterization were painted with tannic acid
the hepatotoxic effect after oral administration for 1 year (19). Local carcinogenic effects were
was similar to that observed after parenteral treat- not observed with white mice either, when their
ment (15). Long-lasting treatment (over 180 days) skin was treated with a tannic acid solution for
of rats per os also resulted in cirrhosis, if the dose a longer time. These mice showed no hepatic
given per os exceeded by several times the usual tumors. 2
parenteral dose (a total amount of 10-15 gin. The simultaneous administration of tannic acid
tannic acid given in 90-120 doses was effective) and ~-acetvlaminofluorene (tannic acid oarenteral-
(11). ly, AAF in the food) showed t h a t tannic acid
Induction of liver t u m o r s . - - O n e drawback of greatly enhanced the hepatocarcinogenic action
subcutaneous administration is that the toxic ef- of ~-acet:vlaminofluorene. On the lS0th day of
fect of tannic acid is great and t h a t the skin the experiment, 9~ per cent of the rats treated
undergoes necrosis and subsequent ulceration at with both substances, but onlv ~8 per cent of
the place of injections. For this reason the majority the rats treated only with AAF. developed liver
of the animals died early in the experiment. (The tumors, aside from the fact that in the first group
lethal effect is influenced by dose, method of metastases were also present. The incidence in
administration, age, sex, and diet.) Nevertheless, rats treated with tannic acid alone was about
when 150-200 m g / k g body weight was injected 50 per cent. Among the animals treated with both
subcutaneously every 5th day in a 1.5 or ~ per compounds, advanced liver c;rrhosis frequently
cent aqueous solution, 30-50 per cent of the ani- occurred, in contrast to the mild hepatic changes
mals survived for ~00, and 5-15 per cent for found in the animals treated only with AAF.
300, days. Of the animals that survived the 100th These experiments suggest that liver cirrhosis is
day of treatment, hepatomas and/or cholangiomas an important promoting factor in liver carcino-
developed in about 56 per cent. Liver tumors genesis (29).
induced by this approach were always multiple In the liver of rats treated with tannic acid
and mostly benign, although invasion of the liver per o8 or parenterally for a long time, the appear-
veins and an atypical pattern seen in some eases ance of small loci of myeloid metaplasia was a
suggest that the possibility of low-grade malig- common phenomenon. At the same time, hyper-
nancy should be considered (13, 19, ~0). cellular bone marrow was found. In a few animals
The hepatocarcinogenic effect was inhibited by treated for a long time, leukemic myelosis de-
a high casein-low fat diet (25 per cent casein,
veloped, as seen from the tremendous enlargement
5 per cent oil) and promoted by a diet containing
of the spleen and the disappearance of its normal
little casein and much fat (3 per cent casein,
~0 per cent sunflower oil). On the other hand, pattern, as well as the myeloid infiltration in
the cirrhogenous effect of tannic acid could not various organs. The high grade of anaplasia and
be influenced by the casein and fat content of the mass of mitotic nuclei indicated stem-cell
the food. Although the survival of the rats main- leukemia.
tained on a high casein-low fat diet was somewhat Massive deposition of a yellowish-brown, iron-
longer than that of the animals fed a low casein- containing pigment, especially in the spleen, may
high fat diet, liver tumors occurred in the latter be considered a sign of intravascular hemolysis.
group twice as frequently (67.5 per cent) as in Thus, the occurrence of extramedullary hemo-
the former (29.7 per cent). The diet containing poietic loci may be regarded as a compensatory
little casein and much fat exerted, by itself, no process. I t is supposed t h a t the leukemoid reaction
carcinogenic or cirrhogenous effect (21, 22). Vita- elicited by long-lasting tannic acid treatment may,
min B12 (Berubigen, Upjohn), 1 ~g/100 gm twice in exceptional cases, result in a true leukemia
weekly given intramuscularly, exerted no influence (24). I t should be noted t h a t in the strain of
on the hepatocarcinogenic effect of tannic acid. 1 r a t which we have used for 10 years spontaneous
Although subdermal application of tannic acid tumors rarely occurred; those observed were of
i Korphssy and Mosonyi, unpublished experiments. Korp~ssy and Bart6k, unpublished experiments.

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KoRPXSsY--Hepatocarcinogenicity of Tannic Acid 503

mesenchymal origin, but no spontaneous leukemia (Goodman and Gilman, 1955). Even purified phar-
was observed in untreated animals. maceutical preparations of gallotannic acid con-
Histogenesis.--It seems that tumor formation tain, however, in addition, pentadigaUoylglucose
induced by tannic acid treatment in the liver and several other known or partly known organic
is related to the regenerative liver cell and bile substances in small quantities, for example, ellagic
duct hyperplasia occurring as a sequel of repeated acid, quercitol, and quercic acid.
breakdown of the parenchyma. The cholangio- Oenotannic acid (contained in red wine) and
fibrosis observed, in the presence of the reparative gallotannic acid (obtained from nutgall) are not
epithelial proliferation after the 100th day of identical, the former belonging to the group of
the experiment, is, in our view, a preneoplastic condensated tannic acids or pyrocatechins, the
change. The intense reticuloendothelial hyper- latter to the tannic acids having an ester binding.
plasia of the early phase later became less con- To our knowledge, oenotannin is not available
spicuous. In our opinion cirrhosis is an important commercially.
promoting factor in hepatocarcinogenesis; tumor The tannic acid used in all our experiments
formation, however, is not a necessary sequel was Acid. tannic. U.S.P. 3
to this process. Human-pathologic relationships.--Since tannic
When the action of tannic acid on liver is acid is no longer applied locally to thermal burns,
compared with that of substances of quite dif- the substance is now ingested only with food.
ferent chemical composition (dimethylaminoazo- As is known, certain beverages (tea, coffee, cocoa,
benzene, ~-acetylaminofluorene, ethionine, carbon claret) contain varying amounts of tannic acid:
tetrachloride, alkaloids of Senecio jacobaea, etc.), there are 94--475 mg. in a cup of tea, ~15-371
one may be greatly impressed by the resemblance mg. in a cup of cocoa, and 90-187 mg. in a
in the sequence of pathologic changes. From this cup of coffee (~8). "Light" clarets contain 0.1-1.15
point of view, the statement of Farber (5) deserves per cent, "heavy" ones 0.~-0.3 per cent, those
to be quoted: "It therefore appears that many obtained from Southern Europe 0.5 per cent or
different chemical compounds, capable of produc- more (30). Thus, at least 1-~ gm. tannic acid
ing liver tumors in rats and mice, induce a similar is ingested with 1 liter claret. I t is not known
sequence of histological changes in which oval whether the tannic acid of red wine and that
cell hyperplasia, presumably of bile duct epithelial obtained from nutgall act on the liver in the same
origin, is prominent." We arrived, earlier, at the manner.
same conclusion, with the difference that we be- Among the so-called antioxidants used for the
lieved the "oval ceils" to be of reticuloendothelial preservation of fruits, vegetables, etc., there are
origin (16, 19). I t is noteworthy that myeloid also derivatives of gallic acid. The British Com-
metaplasia was also found in the liver in the mittee for Alimentary Standards suggested as
course of carcinogenesis by p-dimethylaminoazo- an upper limit 0.01 per cent for pyrogallate and
benzene (31). This phenomenon is, in the opinion 0.0~ per cent for butylhydroxyanisole (35, 38).
of W. Fischer (6), rather characteristic. In our opinion, the possibility that the excessive
Mechanism of action.--The metabolic changes consumption of tea, coffee, cocoa, or claret, as-
associated with tannic acid carcinogenesis are not sociated with the absorption of their tannic acid
known. Thunberg (34) showed in 1936 that lan- content may, especially if certain favorable dietetic
nic acid inhibited the hydrogenase activities in factors be present, result in hepatic damage should
certain crude seed and animal tissue extracts. become a subject of deliberation.
In an examination of endocrinologic relationships In considering the carcinogenicity of tannic
tannic acid exhibited a strong s t r e t ~ r effect, mani- acid, the following properties are of particular
festing itself in the activation of the adrenocortical interest: (a) it is water-soluble; (b) it is weakly
function of the pituitary and in the hypertrophy carcinogenic and acts at a site distant from its
of the zona fasciculata in the adrenal cortex. application; (c) its action on the liver is influenced
Other authors (9, 3~) believe that a pituitary- by dietetic and endocrinologic factors; and (d) it
adrenal interrelationship may be a prerequisite enters the human organism via the food.
for liver cancer formation. REFERENCES
Source and chemistry.--A variety of tannic acids 1. BAKER, R. D., and HANDLER, P. Animal Experiments
is found in nature. These acids are polymers of with Tannic Acid. Ann. Surg., 118:417-26, 1943.
various hydroxybenzoic acids. The acid commonly 2. CAMERON, G. R.; MILTON, R. F.; and ALLEN, J. W.
referred to as tannic acid is gallotannic acid. I t Toxicity of Tannic Acid. An Experimental Investigation.
The Lancet, 2:179-86, 1943.
is usually obtained from nutgall, an excrescence a Obtainedthrough Johnson &Sons, Ltd., Hendon, London,
on the young twigs of various species of Quercus N.W.4.

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504 Cancer Research Vol. 19, June, 1959
8. DAvxnsoN, E. C. Tannic Acid in the Treatment of Burns. 22. - - . Infuence of Dietary Protein on the Carcinogenic
Surg. Gynec. & Obst., 41:~02, 1925. Activity of Tannic Acid. Acta Morph. Hung., 3:853-62,
4. ERB, I. H.; MORGAN, E. M.; and FAR~ER, A. W. The 1953.
Pathology of Burns. Ann. Surg., 117:~34-55, 1943. 23. KORPkSSu B.; MOSONYI, M.; SZTAI~OJEVITS, A.; and
5. FARBER,E. Similarities in the Sequence of Early Histologi- TRAUB, A. Chronic Local Irritation and Acetylamino-
cal Changes Induced in the Liver of the Rat by Ethionine, fluorene Carcinogenesis. Ceskoslovenska Oncologia, 2:
~-Acetylaminofluorene, and $'-Methyl-4odimethylamino- 308-16, 1955.
azobenzene. Cancer Research, 16:14~-48, 1956. .~4. KORP.~.SSY,B.; SZTANOJEVITS,A. ; and KOLTAY, N. A Pre-
6. FISCHER, W. Durch Buttergelb erzeugte Tumoren. Arch. liminary Study on Haemoblastoses Produced in Rats by
Geschwalstforsch., 7: 301-~0, 1954. Tannic Acid. Acta Morph. Hung., 4:91-102, 1954.
7. FORBES, J. C., and EVANS, E. I. Tannic Acid and Liver ~5. KORP~SSr, B.; T(iRSK, J.; and Kovkcs, K. Endokrine
Necrosis. Surg. Gynec. & Obst., 76:61~-13, 1943. Ver~nderungen bei experimenteller akuter Gerbs~urever-
8. GOODMAN, L. S., and GILMAN, A. The Pharmacological giftung mit besonderer RUcksicht auf die Nebennieren-
Basis of Therapeutica. New York: MacMillan Co., 1955. rinde. Acta Physiol. Hung., 1:113-24, 1950.
The Inhibition of Liver Carcinogenesis with 8~-Methyl-4- ]~. ; SZTANOJEVITS,A. ; and KoaP$.ssr, B. Histomorphologi-
dimethylaminoazobenzene in Hypophysectomized Rats. cal Changes following Aspecific Damage in the Anterior
Cancer Research, 13: 77-79, 1953. Hypothalamic Nuclei of Rats. Acta Morph. Hung. 4:409-
10. HANDLER, P., and BAKER, R. D. The Toxicity of Orally 416, 1954.
Administered Tannic Acid. Science, 99:398, 1944. 27. Kov~.cs, K., and KORPASSY,B. Effect of Dietary Protein
11. KOLTAY,N., and KORPkSSr, B. Esperimenti per provocare Content on the Hypophyseal Adrenocortical System and
cirrosi epatica in ratti mediante soluzione di acido tannico the Lymphatic Organs of Normal Rats and of Rats in
somministrato per via orale durante un periodo prolungato. Alarm Reaction. Acta Physiol. Hung., 3: 243-53, 195~.
Arch. "de Vecchi," 17:307-28, 1951. 28. MARTINEK, R. G., and WOLMAN,W. Xanthines, Tannins,
12. KoRPkssY, B. Leberschiidigung durch Gerbs~iure. Schweiz. and Sodium in Coffee, Tea and Cocoa. J.A.M.A., 158:
Ztschr. Path. u. Bakt., 12:13-23, 1949. 1030-31, 1955.
13. - - . H~patomes et cholangiomes provoqu~s chez le rat s MosoNYI, M., and KORP~SSr, B. Rapid Production of
par administration sous-cutan~e d'acide tannique. Bull. du Malignant Hepatomas by Simultaneous Administration of
Cancer, 37: 52-56, 1950. Tannic Acid and 2-Acetylaminofluorene. Nature, 171: 791,
14. KORPASsr, B.; HORVAI, R.; and KOLTAr, N. On the Ab- 1953.
sorption of Tannic Acid from the Gastro-intestinal Tract. 30. PETTENKOFFER,S. A bor~szat k~zlk(inyve. (A Textbook of
Arch. Internat. Pharmacodyn., 88: 368-77, 1951. Oenology.) Budapest: Pallas, 1922.
15. KoRP~,SSY, B.; KOLTAr, N.; and HORVAY, R. Toxizitiit 31. RICHARnSON, H. L., and BOI~OS-NACHTNEBEI~ E. Study
peroral verabreichter Gerbsiiure. Wien. ]din. Wnsehr., of Liver Tumor Development and Histologic Changes in
62:270-71, 1950. Other Organs in Rats Fed Azo-Dye SP-Methyl-4-dimethyl-
16. KoRPkSSr, B., and KovAcs, K. Experimental Liver Cir- aminoazobenzene. Cancer Research, 11:398-403, 1951.
rhosis in Rats Produced by Prolonged Subcutaneous Ad- 3~. RICHARDSON, H. L.; O'NEAL, M. A.; ROBERTSON, C. H.;
ministration of Tannic Acid. Brit. J. Exper. Path., 30: $66- and GRIFFIN, A. C. The Role of Hormones in Azo-Dye In-
73, 1949. duction of Liver Cancer and the Adrenal-lipoid Response
17. - - . Haemorrhagic Gastric Erosions and Duodenum in Hypophysectomized Rats. Cancer, 7:1044-47, 1954.
Pigmentation in Rats Following Parenteral Administration 33. SZTANOJEVITS, A.; M6NUS, B. Z.; and KORP~SsY, B. Ex-
of Solutions of Tannic Acid. Acta physiol. Hung., 1:125- perimentally Induced Gastric Ulcer in Rats. Problems of
30, 1950. the Pathogenesis. Acta med. Hung., 5:~51-65, 1954.
18. Komes B.; Kovs K ; and SZTANOJEV~TS,A. Influ- 34. THUNBERG,T. Tannin und Dehydrogenasen. Ein Beitrag
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Liver Injurious Effect of Tannic Acid. Acta Physiol. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 73:199-210, 1936.
Hung., 3:233-41, 195~. 35. TRUHAUT,R. Les dangers de canc~risation, r~sultant de la
19. KORP~SSY,B., and MosoNrI, M. The Carcinogenic Activ- presence de substances ~trangeres dans les aliments. Arz-
ity of Tannic Acid. Liver Turnouts Induced in Rats by helm. Forsch., 5:613-24, 1955.
Prolonged Subcutaneous Administration of Tannic Acid 36. WELLS, D. B.; HUMPHREY, H. D.; and COLL, J. J. The
Solutions. Brit. J. Cancer, 4:411-20, 1950. Relation of Tannic Acid to the Liver Necrosis Occurring in
~0. ~ . The Carcinogenic Action of Tannic Acid. Effect of Burns. New England J. Med., 226:629-35, 1942.
Casein on the Development of Liver Tumours. Acta 37. Conference on Experimental Hepatomas. J. Nat. Cancer
Morph. Hung., 1:87-54, 1951. Inst. (SuppI 'lmti: 1417-1650, 1955.
21. ~ . Influence of Dietetic Factors on Carcinogenic Ac- 38. Ministry of ~'ood Bulletin, 13 June, 1953; Nr. 705; Station-
tivity of Tannic Acid. Lancet, 1:1416, 1951. ery Office, London.

FIG. 1.--Numerous mitoses in the regenerating liver paren- FIG. 8.--Completely transformed archilecture of the liver,
chyma of a 105-gin. rat, treated 4 times with 2.5 per cent with the formation of pseudo-lobules. The rat, weighing 187
aqueous tannic acid solution (3 m l . ) a t 2-hour intervals by gm., was treated with 750 mg. tannic acid administered
stomach tube. The rat was killed after 50 hours. Hematoxylin subcutaneously in 28 doses. The rat was killed on the 141st
& eosin. X400. day. GCim~ri's reticuIum stain. X 100.
FIG. ~.--Proliferation of reticnloendotheliat (oval) cells in FiG. 4.--Coarse nodular cirrhosis. The rat was treated with
the liver of a 120-gm. rat treated with 4 ml./5 per cent/tannic 9,700 mg. tannic acid/kg body weight, administered subcu-
acid solution by stomach tube once daily for 8 days. The taneously in 48 injections, and died on the 278th day.
rat was killed on the 7th day. Hematoxylin and eosin. X400.

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Downloaded from on October 6, 2019. © 1959 American Association for Cancer
I~G. 5.--Polymorphism of the liver cells with an enormous
binucleale cell and proliferated oval cells. The rat was given
sixteen subcutareous injections, or a total of 320 mg. tannic
acid ; it was killed on the 71st day. Hematoxylin & eosin. X400.
FIG. 6.--Invasion of a large blood vessel in the liver.
The rat was treated with 4,~50 mg/kg body weight tannic
acid, administered in ~ doses,and died on the l ~ d day. )<3~0.
FIG. 7.--Atypical pattern in cholangioma simulating
low-grade adex~ocarcinoma. The rat was given a total of 9950
mg. tannic acid/kg body weight in 49 injections, and died
on the ~294th day. Hematoxylin & eosin. )<$60.
FIG. 8.--Cholangiocarcinema invading hepatic tissue of
rat (~':ee Fig. 6). Hernatoxylin & eosin. X400.

Downloaded from on October 6, 2019. © 1959 American Association for Cancer
504 Cancer Research Vol. 19, June, 1959
8. DAvxnsoN, E. C. Tannic Acid in the Treatment of Burns. 22. - - . Infuence of Dietary Protein on the Carcinogenic
Surg. Gynec. & Obst., 41:~02, 1925. Activity of Tannic Acid. Acta Morph. Hung., 3:853-62,
4. ERB, I. H.; MORGAN, E. M.; and FAR~ER, A. W. The 1953.
Pathology of Burns. Ann. Surg., 117:~34-55, 1943. 23. KORPkSSu B.; MOSONYI, M.; SZTAI~OJEVITS, A.; and
5. FARBER,E. Similarities in the Sequence of Early Histologi- TRAUB, A. Chronic Local Irritation and Acetylamino-
cal Changes Induced in the Liver of the Rat by Ethionine, fluorene Carcinogenesis. Ceskoslovenska Oncologia, 2:
~-Acetylaminofluorene, and $'-Methyl-4odimethylamino- 308-16, 1955.
azobenzene. Cancer Research, 16:14~-48, 1956. .~4. KORP.~.SSY,B.; SZTANOJEVITS,A. ; and KOLTAY, N. A Pre-
6. FISCHER, W. Durch Buttergelb erzeugte Tumoren. Arch. liminary Study on Haemoblastoses Produced in Rats by
Geschwalstforsch., 7: 301-~0, 1954. Tannic Acid. Acta Morph. Hung., 4:91-102, 1954.
7. FORBES, J. C., and EVANS, E. I. Tannic Acid and Liver ~5. KORP~SSr, B.; T(iRSK, J.; and Kovkcs, K. Endokrine
Necrosis. Surg. Gynec. & Obst., 76:61~-13, 1943. Ver~nderungen bei experimenteller akuter Gerbs~urever-
8. GOODMAN, L. S., and GILMAN, A. The Pharmacological giftung mit besonderer RUcksicht auf die Nebennieren-
Basis of Therapeutica. New York: MacMillan Co., 1955. rinde. Acta Physiol. Hung., 1:113-24, 1950.
The Inhibition of Liver Carcinogenesis with 8~-Methyl-4- ]~. ; SZTANOJEVITS,A. ; and KoaP$.ssr, B. Histomorphologi-
dimethylaminoazobenzene in Hypophysectomized Rats. cal Changes following Aspecific Damage in the Anterior
Cancer Research, 13: 77-79, 1953. Hypothalamic Nuclei of Rats. Acta Morph. Hung. 4:409-
10. HANDLER, P., and BAKER, R. D. The Toxicity of Orally 416, 1954.
Administered Tannic Acid. Science, 99:398, 1944. 27. Kov~.cs, K., and KORPASSY,B. Effect of Dietary Protein
11. KOLTAY,N., and KORPkSSr, B. Esperimenti per provocare Content on the Hypophyseal Adrenocortical System and
cirrosi epatica in ratti mediante soluzione di acido tannico the Lymphatic Organs of Normal Rats and of Rats in
somministrato per via orale durante un periodo prolungato. Alarm Reaction. Acta Physiol. Hung., 3: 243-53, 195~.
Arch. "de Vecchi," 17:307-28, 1951. 28. MARTINEK, R. G., and WOLMAN,W. Xanthines, Tannins,
12. KoRPkssY, B. Leberschiidigung durch Gerbs~iure. Schweiz. and Sodium in Coffee, Tea and Cocoa. J.A.M.A., 158:
Ztschr. Path. u. Bakt., 12:13-23, 1949. 1030-31, 1955.
13. - - . H~patomes et cholangiomes provoqu~s chez le rat s MosoNYI, M., and KORP~SSr, B. Rapid Production of
par administration sous-cutan~e d'acide tannique. Bull. du Malignant Hepatomas by Simultaneous Administration of
Cancer, 37: 52-56, 1950. Tannic Acid and 2-Acetylaminofluorene. Nature, 171: 791,
14. KORPASsr, B.; HORVAI, R.; and KOLTAr, N. On the Ab- 1953.
sorption of Tannic Acid from the Gastro-intestinal Tract. 30. PETTENKOFFER,S. A bor~szat k~zlk(inyve. (A Textbook of
Arch. Internat. Pharmacodyn., 88: 368-77, 1951. Oenology.) Budapest: Pallas, 1922.
15. KoRP~,SSY, B.; KOLTAr, N.; and HORVAY, R. Toxizitiit 31. RICHARnSON, H. L., and BOI~OS-NACHTNEBEI~ E. Study
peroral verabreichter Gerbsiiure. Wien. ]din. Wnsehr., of Liver Tumor Development and Histologic Changes in
62:270-71, 1950. Other Organs in Rats Fed Azo-Dye SP-Methyl-4-dimethyl-
16. KoRPkSSr, B., and KovAcs, K. Experimental Liver Cir- aminoazobenzene. Cancer Research, 11:398-403, 1951.
rhosis in Rats Produced by Prolonged Subcutaneous Ad- 3~. RICHARDSON, H. L.; O'NEAL, M. A.; ROBERTSON, C. H.;
ministration of Tannic Acid. Brit. J. Exper. Path., 30: $66- and GRIFFIN, A. C. The Role of Hormones in Azo-Dye In-
73, 1949. duction of Liver Cancer and the Adrenal-lipoid Response
17. - - . Haemorrhagic Gastric Erosions and Duodenum in Hypophysectomized Rats. Cancer, 7:1044-47, 1954.
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FIG. 1.--Numerous mitoses in the regenerating liver paren- FIG. 8.--Completely transformed archilecture of the liver,
chyma of a 105-gin. rat, treated 4 times with 2.5 per cent with the formation of pseudo-lobules. The rat, weighing 187
aqueous tannic acid solution (3 m l . ) a t 2-hour intervals by gm., was treated with 750 mg. tannic acid administered
stomach tube. The rat was killed after 50 hours. Hematoxylin subcutaneously in 28 doses. The rat was killed on the 141st
& eosin. X400. day. GCim~ri's reticuIum stain. X 100.
FIG. ~.--Proliferation of reticnloendotheliat (oval) cells in FiG. 4.--Coarse nodular cirrhosis. The rat was treated with
the liver of a 120-gm. rat treated with 4 ml./5 per cent/tannic 9,700 mg. tannic acid/kg body weight, administered subcu-
acid solution by stomach tube once daily for 8 days. The taneously in 48 injections, and died on the 278th day.
rat was killed on the 7th day. Hematoxylin and eosin. X400.

Downloaded from on October 6, 2019. © 1959 American Association for Cancer
The Hepatocarcinogenicity of Tannic Acid
B. Korpássy

Cancer Res 1959;19:501.

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