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Ideas para explorador FFC:

-Adrenaline Rush, +Speed(Iniciativa?), Trigger:HP Loss

-Burial, Burie zombified enemies inmediatly(Instakill nomuertos?)
-Doubleshot, Attack twice in quick succession
-Conceal, Turn transparent until you take next action(Invisible(4), hasta que se
haga acci�n de ataque/r�pida/lenta/objeto)?
-Hunting, A well-aimed attack meant to fell the hunter's prey. If the attack kills
the target, you also obtain loot.
-Sidewinder, Attack, double damage to monsters
-Wallet Shot, Aim for the target's gil pouch. Successful hits score a large amount
of gil. (Pega m�s en ladr�n...)
-Critical: Evasion+, Gain EVASION when user becomes HP Critical.
-Detectar trampas?
-Return Fire, Avoid bow-based enemy attacks and fire an arrow back at the
attacker. (Trigger: Ataque f�sico a distancia?)

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