Balance Sheet: Shareholders' Funds

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 Financial Statements

 Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet
( ` Millions)

NOTE As of As of
31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014


Shareholders' funds

Share capital 5 19,987 19,987

Reserves and surplus 6 762,742 647,293

Non-Current Liabilities

Long-term borrowings 7 196,267 72,717

Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 8 10,721 9,475
Other long term liabilities 9 42,036 39,394
Long term provisions 10 1,969 2,095

Current Liabilities
Short-term borrowings 11 6,259 12,510
Trade payables 12 71,232 62,663
Other current liabilities 13 140,675 106,454
Short term provisions 14 12,349 9,453
TOTAL 1,264,237 982,041

Non-current assets

Fixed Assets
Tangible assets 15 256,552 240,682
Intangible assets 16 277,892 158,100
Capital work-in-progress 26,561 12,442
Intangible assets under development 16 64,108 -
Non current investments 17 383,958 340,348
Long- term loans and advances 18 88,381 145,180
Other non-current assets 19 19,221 17,901

Current assets

Current investments 20 47,211 4,891

Inventories 21 94 11
Trade receivables 22 33,110 21,655
Cash and bank balances 23 3,887 4,460
Short-term loans and advances 24 53,942 24,218
Other current assets 25 9,320 12,153
TOTAL 1,264,237 982,041

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements

As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Bharti
For S. R. Batliboi & Associates LLP Airtel Limited
Chartered Accountants
ICAI Firm Registration No:

per Nilangshu Katriar Sunil Bharti Mittal Gopal Vittal

Partner Chairman Managing Director
Membership No: 58814 & CEO (India & South Asia)

Place: New Delhi Rajendra Chopra Srikanth Balachandran

Date: April 28, 2015 Company Secretary Global Chief Financial Officer

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