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Actor’s Tax Deductions

Depreciable Assets
 Audio Equipment
 Camera and Video Equipment
 Computer and Accessories
 File Cabinet
 Office Equipment
 PDA’s
 Reference Library (if purchased as a large set)
 Specialized Software

Operating Expenses
 Accounting Fees
 Advertising
 Agent Expenses
 Answering Service
 Audition (tapes, CDs and videos)
 Bank Fees
 Business Cards
 Cell Phone
 Charitable Contributions
 Coaching and Lessons
 Conferences
 Contract Labor (accompanist, dressers, etc)
 Costumes (purchase, alterations, cleaning)
 Dance Training
 Discounts Given
 Dues
 Education and Classes
 Film and Processing
Actor’s Tax Deductions (cont’d)

 Gifts to Business Associates ($25 per person per year)

 Head Shots
 Home Office (to be reviewed with CPA)
 Internet Expenses
 Interest (on Business Credit Card)
 Insurance
 Legal Fees
 Makeup
 Marketing
 Meals and Entertainment (50%)
 Music (arrangements, reproduction, training)
 Office Supplies
 Parking
 Postage and Shipping
 Printing
 Props
 Rent (office, storage, PO Box, theatre space)
 Rent (equipment, costumes)
 Resume and Portfolio Expenses
 Tax Preparation Fees (from last year)
 Taxes
 Tickets for Research
 Travel (air, cabs, cars, food, hotel, tips)
 Telephone
 Trade Magazines
 Vehicle Expenses (and track mileage as well)
 Vocal Training
 Website (development and ongoing costs)

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