What Think Which With To Friends: Oir - Us

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Look at the pictures.

What do you think the re|ationship is between

the people shown?
ffiffi m Which three of the pictures are closest to your experience? Discuss
§€& with other students, explaining how and why. Use the phrases in
#% the box and those in the Exam Reviser to he|p you.
# l best friends c|ose friends casual acquaintances extended family

nuc|ear family step adoptive family


ą m Work in pairs. Check that you understand the meaning of the
multi-word verbs in italics. Use a dictionary if necessary.
1 Do you take at'ter anyone in your family (in Iooks or persona|iry)?
2 When you were youngel, was lhere anyone in your family who used to
wind you up? lf so, what did he or she do?
Do you (or do you think you will) keep in touch with many of your schoo|
friends? Why/Why nor?
lf you need cheering up, who do you usual|y turn to?. Why? How does he
or she help you?

ffi Oir.us the questions in Exercise 3 with another student.

rx{ilj::j*l i UN|T 01 ]

:: :::..:j:]::1,,-:,: jj: -

ii: LrnrJlr, _.'s.

ruliura] c3a..a:
ariC nOi eraJa:
nlaklng ai],tl ,i].- ]
ii anvlle so a^*

ejecjded lc Cc ..c.,

lv*s jcu rla ijsi a r- :

hlm, l reai]sec' il--
c§en pei"son, ] ll:
i::lrier l i:a:=s
,Ja,]ilja.t qFA i--:

słŁ:13l n,J]-,nS Siea -

CatliłCi, Ł]Ui a,l.J,-3- :
: lr ,!, :_)';',, _, :_

i:ee ilnrr 3r:recj c:ł :.

Think about rhe djfferent kinds of people in the

and discuss rhese quesrions. cr wh*re it v,,r_.l:;]c a]] iea;, *
l,r'nłic thlnq as a blt of a :-
ln what sjtuations, if ever, wouId vou:
hepp€fi. Ą )",eai anc a ,;e]f i:,: -
1 hug rhem? .tl :', , r,p ,,,Q. , 'i._ą .- .

2 kiss them on the cheek? glni_Jp l,:is sc-caliec .l(a,.r; --,

3 give them a present? l!, |:)-,':,ł r;' jlrC ,. €a l -i i
4 buy them a drink? a,:'i''.:'.,^,,, -,: -,,.:*-: _,
5 buy them a meal? cŁ]jealive hes ircw beco1-1.a t,: t:-,
6 pay for their bus/rraln fare? in* aaciaj i_.arriers ihet *xisl ll: ...=
giving pełpi§ 3n exctlSe ic :-e=,
: one ofyour parents one ofyour sibilngs §aryjetjljl§ i,lixg - gl"lę1 Sol'rsi- -_]
', your best friend a friend of a friend
, a colleague your nexr,door nelghbour §l,rvllłCan]Cjn 3l]c\:,!lnaie],(-.'._ :] -:
, , iir. ',, _.- l; ,,i, i,, :_
",..]_ _ _ _
"], ', ,.'r, :n,a -

Read the text quickly and answer these questrons.

!'t-l.; itrel sign e sc-aa]i.jL] ,G:,_
_; r
agi*elng iO Caily cli s;i,ljre ia-:] _-.
1 Who is Danny Wal|ace and what did he do? ,,
2 -',,'.l'-:".'_:Je,"S] i. j_':...
what does he intend to do next?
nead the text again, For questions 1-6, decide which
answer A, B, C or D fits best according to the text.
goes, howevel and the rest is realiy up
Over 4,000 people across the world, in countries
1 According to the article, peopIe often don't make
contact with strangers because
as the UK, France, Norway and Puerto Rico
nolv signed up to take part in these 'Good Fridays', r A: rhey are afraid it mighr be seen as the wrong thing
ro do.
one can make up iheir own ruies as to how many or
hnds of acts they do, or indeed where. B they are re|uctant to mix with peop|e of different
cu|tures. ł

of kindness themseives are many and various C they are unwi|Iing to put the effori in and fee| they
one lhat Danny describes is the 'unsolicited haven't got tlme.

- You're sitting in a pub and see an old guy in the D they are concerned that people mighr be over-
he says, 'So you walk up to him with a drink, say friend|y towards them.

1rou a drink" and walk away. The look of pieasure

2 What is the best way to describe how Dannys p|an
with bewilderment on his face is a pleasure to see.' changed?
ffi§ one lady who told hjm about getiing on a bus, Ą3 A joke became a profir-making business.
on and pul a t10 noie down and said: 'That's for . ór/ Ą^ Vague loea Decame a Concrete alm.
the next nine people,' So at every stop, everyone C A part-time hobby became a ful|,time job.
got on was tald that theił" fare had been paid for D An individua| effort became a London,wide plan.
says he is not only struck by the acts of kindness 3 Danny's'Cood Friday Agreement'states thar peopIe
and the obvious happiness of the people shouId
fiem, but also by the enormous pleasure of
@ Oo something kjnd at least every week.
doing the deed, Being nice cleariy makes you B do a certain number of acts of kindness.
C perform their acrs of kindness in a certain area.
D develop at least one new rule for acting kindly.
4 Now do many of rhe members feel about doing the acts
of kindness?
A bewildered that people are so happy -- sho.t,cęcł + e&Cl--ią,{
it always gone smooth|y, however: When Danny B embarrassed about approaching peopIe
hb Karma Arnry first started doinE their Good
they were sometimes met with a certain amount
(OPleas"a wiLh rhemselves
D surprised thar iL js so easy
ion, He feels that has changed now mostly
in the early days, he and his fellow good- 5 Danny has learned that when you do your act of
kindness you should
didn't realiy know how to do it properly. Feeling
naughty schoolchildren, a lot of peopłe felt that
A Lry to |ook nervous.
doing something ihey shouicln't, 'l would walk (,B __,rleave as soon a5 you've done it.
nervously like lwas doing something wrong and C ta|k to the person about what you're doing.
know when to leave,' he confesses. 'lt's hit-and-run D pretend that you're doing something wrong.
'he says. 'You have to walk up with confidence 6 How does the wrlter feel about Danny's plans for rhe US?
and don't gei in their faces, You say, "This is A He thinks his approach is too simp|e.
'Then you go.' B He thinks they wiIl have a huge impact there.
C He thinks his plans are overambitious and unlike|y to
Army idea has gone further than Danny ever happen.
or expected when he wroie that first,advert. ^.
(9lu thinks it wi|I be hard but Danny is the right man
as a bit of fun which also had a serious and for the;ob.
point io it, Danny felt that because of our socia|
many people - both givers and receivers - were fu Ois.urs these questions with other students.
out. So what next for Danny and his Karma Arnry? Look again at the list in Exercise ]. How would you fee| if
he intends to launch the American Karma Army a stranger did any of these things to you? Why?
believes that the simplicity of his message will Do you think that the way of 'spreading kindness'
lmpact in the US, 'Don't mug me. Hug mel' is described in rhe text is a good thing or not? Why?
his slogans that Danny believes wilI be particularly How do you think people in your country would feel
in combatlng street crime ihere, That sounds if peopIe did similar kinds of things to Dannys'Karma
ambitious to me, but if anyone has a chance of Army'? Why?
Ł believe me, it's Danny.
r*{§lłŁjffi l UN|T 01 i

ij ij m u §§§-w*x-* x * rx
:--: i,=:ii:i i :] i:i :,*l.,l § v*nb §x&§*n x§"x §px
-1 Y::ll: pairs. What does each of the mu jti-word verbs in italics jn
trlese sen[ences mean? Check your
answers in the Exam Reviser.
1 He was a friendly, open person and
I took ro him immediateiy.
2 |ti good to be able rc cheer someone
up by doingsomething nice.
3 l've alwaysgot on really wetl with
my sister
4 l feel very comfortable wjth everyone l work
with in my new job .l
immediately, ftted tn

5 l know l can always turn to my

parents for
suppori jf l need to.
lo getannoyed when my brocher winds
9 ii:O iit boyfriend for me utrl.

8l ,", .Óą.O
six months before ,ń.u
Hes really upset because he_broke up
with his grrlfriend y.irJrauy,
9 l
fell out with my fiatmate after we argued ,U"", ln. *r;il; ;;
10 l argued with my best frjend last week
bur l made u, ,'r|n nZr|Z,au,

t Look ar rhe groupings of the multi-word

verbs in the table. why have
*,ouped in rhis way? Look at ,n. rrr, ąevise, io ńelp you

Lake to someone cheer someone up get on with someone

turn to someone wind someone up go out with someone
breal< up wjth someone L: e$e Ltsten ro two pe]::
dlscussln8 one of these c _
fall out with someone =
Which question are the,, :
make up wlth someone Do they mosLly J$l.€€ ot .' ,
with each other?
-l Are people around us m.,:
** rhere are mistakes in these questions. Find the mlstakes and correct
them 2
now than in the pasr?
Whar different th jngs do ::
1 What do you usualiy,do io cheer gp yourseliiiyou're for in friends? Does ihis cl.-
feeling down? get older?

3 For what reasons do flatmates often fall 3R'*i,h each 3 Do you think thar your fa^-
jnporranr than your
4 Do you rhink mosr people rurn for famlly or friends orher? f.,er:
5 When you were a chiid, what did you do'ro wind your they need help? 4 Are old frjends berter rhar- -

6 How important do you think jt js to fit up at work? parents on? .

*ffiP Listen again and sa; -

7 For what reasons do couples often break each other person showed an interes. -
8 can you remember who you took for the firsr time you met? the other one was saying,
9 At what age do people
in your country start going
10 When was rhe last rjme you made
with someone our? § Write the headings ]-4ln :-.=
for wjrh ror.Jn" urr"r nuurfun corr€ct place in rhe skilIs bo,
rhe Exam Reviser and adc t -.
ł'_ s,:mr
i: #ep Lisren ro rhe sentences in Exercise
3 and underline the stress
phrase to each category.
on each multi-word verb. Ljsten again 1
and ,.p.u, ń. il;..;r. Reacting with agreemenr/

,J hve oi the questions in Exercise

3 to ask and answer with 2
Reacring with disagreement
3 Reacting wirh agreemen[ bu: .:
an aIternative viewpoint
4 Reacting wlth agreement ar. ::
another stmilar poinr
l pR§rfilum I UNIT 01

sPERKlnG SHl which two verbs in the box:

Showing an in&eregt irł wŁra& §,&h*r penple 1 are fo|lowed by an -ingform?
saying 2 arefollowed by an infinitive with ro?
A-.-- 3 can be followed by an -ing form or an infrnitive with to,
l see what y>u rnsafi, with a|mosr no change of meaning?
Yes, l hadn't thaught af that. 4 canbe fo|lowed by an,ing form or an infinitive with to,
with a change of meaning?
5 are followed by an object + infrnitive,with to?
Yes, plus y§u'v# gfif rs r*rngmŁer lha§
6 are foIlowed by an object + infinitive wirhout to?
That's true, and don'§ forg*t fhaf
True, but dan't yau think that ,.
Well, yau may be right about .,, but what
abaut.,,? {3
* Read the texr and answer these questions. Then
D complere rhe rext by writing the verb in brackets in
the correcr form.
l'm nat §s §#r8 abałr rhgr"
l don't think lcsn a§tr§s with yau abaut that
1 What reason does the writer give for the success of
socia| nerworking sites (ljke Facebook and MySpace)l.
2 What does the writer hope for the future of such sites?
Work in pairs. Discuss one of the questions in
Exercise 1. Show an interest in what your partner Social networking and the worId of virtual friends
is saying by using some of the phrases in Exercise 3. The phenomenon of social networking among
Change partners and discuss another question. Internet users keeps on _1 (grow). ln the
next thirty days,20o/o of lnternet users are expected
_2 (visit) a social networklike Facebook
or MySpace. _3 (visit) these sites js now a

Erammar -rrłgr fmrm§ emd significant way for adults to make'friends'g|obally.

so, what is it about these sites that has made them
§łx§§rł§x§v*g _4 (become) so successful?

choose the correc[ alternative in these sentences. One theory which tries _5 (explain) their
E, success is Lhe idea ol'collectingi For many people,
Use the Crammar Reference to help you if necessary,
collecting things taps into not only our basic psycho|ogy
1 The majority of us avoid makinglto make contact with of 'having morel but also many people's lnsecuriries
each other. abour 6 (be) popular. ln other words, people
2 He wasn't realIy sure what he wanted achlevelto achieve. want lo have a large number of friends
3 The aim is to try breaklto break down social barriers. (prove) they are popu|ar.
4 l tried sendinglto send her flowers but rhe shop was I can see that these reasons are valid in a sense. l feel

already shut. sure, howevel that actually its compIete|y pointless

5 He encouraged me joininglto 1otn rhem every Friday. _8 (have) all these virtua| friends. ld like to
6 BeinglBe nice clearly makes you/ee lltoJeelnice. encoura8e people _9 (spend) time with their
7 One lady told him aboutto getlgettingon abus. real friends. They may otherwise regrer _10
(wasre) years of their lives in front of a screen before they
8 He took her out to dinner cheerlto cheer her up.
realise they actually have no friends at aIl.
9 lts worth to makelmaklng the effort ro be nice ro
other peopIe.
10 Anyone can 1oinljointng in if they want [o,
§ Oir.uss these questions.
1 How often do you use social networking sites?
ż Do you spend more time with your rea| friends or your

e Work in Look at the verbs in the box and

answer the questions. Use the Crammar Reference ro
virtua| friends? How do you feel about that?
How far do you agree with the opinions in the |ast
help you if necessary. paragraph ofthe text?

manage risk start regret let keep on

persuade help remember advise agree inrend
i UN|T 01 ;

:!o'n',:i'=Ę..-*= .:

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . KeVwcrdtn,
...l;J. J::: y. .",.f:l.ę10.|Tę|iP.r1:.Ę?F.a.,:
.Ę,. t?]
§xmgx §;:fgnn:eł§§om
This part o|rhe exam
§rac&§e* **m§ł
consists of eieht
key word,,.nrfo..r",io;;;;l;;;;'.''
For questions 1-8, complete
example). Each quesrion the second sen
parts: a lead-in
,.nr.n.., a key word
.on,.in, ,h.." meaning to tne łńt s-eni"n"".
word given. You must use u.ii!"t'n;;il'il-rTilil;i!#
Oetweei irri""
and sccond sen lence *i,h
middle, You have to fill e.p i; ,h. word given. Here is an example (0). ",]O
six worcs" -. -= -l':
second sentence so that
simiJar in meaning
is ffii.,.!
leao-1n sentence.
The answer musr be
ro rhe
' liJ3;;lT any more information, you
can always phone
Derween three and six
words, one oI lf you need any more
which must be the kev information,
word, The kev
word musr not b. chang.J
i" ;;; ;]" can be filled by the words 'don't
The focus o[rhis parr
i, gr"rrr. rnd I?;"?"o hesitate :c c
vocabulary. A wije range
e.g, -lng forms"and l"fi;l;i;;;
I I]ooals.. verb
renses, zfsrructu res,
(omĘar,.s:n,. passive Write the missing words
voice and reported in CAP|TAL LETTER;
speech. MuIti-word verbs
are ,rrJ .r.." 1 l'm sorry not to have;
taken the chance to go
1esled, 1
well as lexical phrase, ,;;
It doey male any ;;' REGRET trave -j ,,,:-
-, ]-.
.i dffircnce , . .. 1 was l _=_- with my friends when l
uonaerung if ..,, etc. had the chance.
2 What |'m saying is very
importani and you
ATTENT!oN nesc::
lt's very important that
l Read both sentences carefully. everyone ==_- \Ą,ha:
i,- s.: . - ]
2 a argument with Sally
Look ar rhe key word
and rrv ro
Idenrily whar kind oIword
[xlś" and she hu.",....]u]
,. -u
ii is oUT
(e.g. verb, noun).

3 Look at the words before

and after
and try to work our whar
I!. 9.Ę
of grammar or vocabulary
question is.tesring re.g. ENCOURAGED
phrasal verbs. reporteó
speech1. l'm glad my parents
4 =__- the piano ,,.,.3- ,,,2s 2 :-
Yrp be§veen three and six words 5 The party was much
in the gap inciuding .h. " "'-" better because r,,c, ,,, e.= -^^.^
word. Doni,change' rhe
k;; ALL = ='=
ke/ word.
that contracrions counl The party was
^cmember *=__- there.
a5 rwo words (e.g.
don't = r/o nor
=' My,friends said they would
rwo words). take
\ql\! rne
ll,E J*..a:
3*::3 tr -^=. -- *2ł= _^ :-^
5 Read your sentence to
check that it cHEER
makes sense. Ąso check
and verb form mistaker. - "r'""'a
to. .o.1lir-'lo MY friends wanted
-----__- me out io c ^-5.

6 7 She tried very hard to

make me dec]oe :c co
ln rhe exa,m. remember cł-::* *'..
rne complete senfence.
nor to write PERSUADE =-
You should
write only the missing words She tried very hard
in =__- camping v,,ith ner,
the space on your answer
sheer, 8 Maria is nicer than rnost
of the people i\,,ot1
^cmembeĄ too, thatyou should
alway5 1y;-ilę something
oNE ,,,.-.
in each Maria is =_-- people l
gap: you do not lose work with
marks for a
wrong answef.
ła*i,n":iij* : UNIT 01

*X ffiY Read rhese sentences. Then Iisten again and

comp|ete them. Compare your sentences with
another student, making sure that they make sense.
1 Many sisters have been seen at varlous
award ceremonies and film premieres recenr|y,
2 There is IlkeJy to be a |ot of - -- wherl a
famous woman's sister aIso starts becoming famous
Privately, PeneIope Cruz is probably a little
about be;^g used b} hel sisre,.
f People have notjced that Brirney! sister is jusr as
as her and may be ready to rake her p|ace

,5' Differences in PersonalitY and issues from _-

often cause cIashes between peopIe,
/ Research shows that a younger child may be more
than his or her oIder sibIrngo,
y' People tn the _- are often driven by a need
ro be in the limelight.
/ lt slsters have a good relationship to start with, they will
probably be _- of each other! successes and
fai l u res.

3 UlsCuSS tnese questIons.

1 ll you were a celebrity, how do you think you would feel
about a younger sibiing using your fame or success to

1 R.ead ihis introductlon to a radio programme and

get whar he or she wanted? Why?
Where are you in the'birth order' in your fami|y? Use
answer the questions.
some of the phrases in the Exam Revjser to help you.
How much do you think birrh order has affected the
personalitres and lives of you and your sibIings?

-;liee and JeSSiCa, Stenna and Savannah,
__,__ney and Jamle L_ynn showblz rs fu]l of
]_::e]S WhO WOIk Slde by srde. But, as OuI
:.soOndent Penny Drtver asks, is keeptng rt
._. lamily a leclpe lor dtsastei oI success?'

', i,ai do you think she means by'keeping it in the

. l ,u' and 'a recipe for d jsaster or success'?
!a.; do you
thlnk about the question she asks?

*= i.=, Llsren to the radio programme. What does ....:::.:.,:,.:,:,.:,::.:.

: .., ,a)

is rhe maln facto" rhar detern ines

l UN|T 01 i

, FĄ.k, !
ffir',*ęęęr*ę*** entleles ffi Complete the text by writing the zero

1 arlicle (O),the, a, 3.
ffi Complete these sentences with the
zero article @), the, an or a.
A good argument
Conffict is part of -, 1 life,
most commonly srarting aI ::-:l
Penelope Cruz is _.--=-1 actress your broihers and sisrers. lndeed,
mosr psvchologii,, ugr..",i._ .=
whose sister; ..----.----.-2 Monica benefit of having siblings rs |earning
her sistert success to her own
has used h;;;; handle confficr. l: c:es
there, horyever, As we get olde;
advantage. alńost alltf us ."";";;; ;;::;
Being --.--------.-_3 celebriry cerrainIy wjthin -] :i
i 2 fańty.

'*.r .-----.----.-a sibling rivalry

,or. Another polnt rhar psycho|ogists generally agree
o. : :
d arguing is, in itself ł
,, ,
o good
thinglA góod row uiio*,
to expres' their fee|ings and to ćIear
entertainment industry is full
degenerates into a bał row with
rhe i ł good row, hgyu",=.-.4
of -.----.----.-6 people who wanr
l.Ó O"
one person storming-3
inrut,, una ,h;;;;;;;;;;*.-;
lhe Onel off
Sibling rivalry may lead to So how do you make sure thar your arguments -.
7 remain jn
-;;r"r"r" -
relarionship breaking up. WĘn ,ru, row'category? Dr]ohl Cortman,
ą; or;a;;;
nappens lr s usually because 8
there are a number of key pornts.
F-r,, .*h an issue early before .a
built it up in your *
relarionship was poor ro ,ruri*irl-l.
;i.d;; a major crjsis. Seconc . i
|anguage as posirive as you
- don'r jusr Ilsr a sLring of compia --
one o[ j', ., 8 most importanr po;n,,
Sisters with a
good relationship often
give each o.r|., _=----9 support i, Lo lry lo respecl * -
,o liu" *iin -_
and other persons opinion and learn ]0 differe::-_
Cottman says that worrh rrying ro put things into perspe-
_ . relationship with our siblings
,ls one 1.t;5altl
this way, lf we can qratn ourselver,o ur.".oilpromise and
oI .''''........-.--12 most importanr affectio- -
-10 in shaping our personality.
criticism and conrempr rhen we.;.
world wjll be }. ]2 berrer plrce,"
;ó;;.;.ilł il;:;;"''-
ffi Look at the rules for the use of
ffi Work in small groups and discuss whether
you agree or dlsag.tę
articles ln the crammar Reference -''4Ś
these statements. Cive reasons
and answer these quesiions. to;uriĘ yJ;;";:"j;;.
1 Arguing ls an inevitable and useful pari
1 Which rule matches each example in of life.
2 one benefit of having siblings is to learn how to
Exercise handle conflic:.
2 3 Arguments usually end up with people shouring
which rules srorming ci
abour rhe use of arLicles jn voul
are different from those
4 HumouI compromtse and affection are essential and in good argun]€-:!
Wm*mfu*§*r5s pe*p§e
.,Yf;§.§§,,ąqlt*.ry§1-.;1+.f ,§§Sg*Ę:;:x*§;:?:]7'{},§.a § **m*r§fu§mg
Ł ,ry:{
in pairs. Think abour the meaning
of the phrases in rhe l
#r,ercru:xr pt*tx §,ł€i§f§§' ones:
* di&g,gr/g . are you sure you know?
tr§c§ć do you think you might know?
Look at these pairs of sentences, In
are you sure you don't know?
each ca§e, do we use 1łt:, o,r,not?
1 A , a: life is not.alwavs '
l , ,€aSY.
B r,e

\ life of celebrities is be diplomatic be decisive

not always easy.
Ę gooa company
2A to --j .
be fiercely loyal be spontaneous
I first went school
---"'"' be considerate be brurally honesr
when I *u, fiu".
have a selfish streak
B I went back to ]Łp be a natural leader have a vivid imagina: i
school l utt"nO"al. i6ta be painfully shy lose your remper easily have a razor-sharp n^,:l
and it had completely have a strong sense (often) put others first have a tendency to i-a
changed. of responsibility
she started her *
snap decisions
own very successful fashion łst other students
ffi sure about the ones you don't know or you're
about, Use a dictionary if necesary. no
e Tlra fashion busjness
she star-ted was very successful.
l P§ć§ffilurn i UN|T 01

@ Complere rhese sentences using phrases from the {^

DoX jn Exerclse 1. ffi UISCuSS tnese questions with a partner.
Then check
your ideas in the Writing Reference.
1 When I was a child l was jł1
open my mouth to speak to anybne.
and would never 1 How do you think you should start the reference?
2 ]'m the kind of person who \,:}t.iJi,i.=i '6rlt
2 How do you think you should finish ir?
down quire quickly afterwards.
l usua||y calm
3 Do you think the language shou|d be forma| or informal?
u V9rY i=---_:_ 'iieison
who doesn't like to plan
4 How do you think the paragraphs cou|d be organised?
' ]',T
things in adVance too much.
rook again ar rhe model in rhe WriLing Relerence
4 l am a \.ir.,., person and would
do anything to and hnd rhe lormal equivalenrs of the}ollowing
5upport my friends,
phrases and sentences.
5 l think l'm quite a -|, /-,.: ; person
- I generally make 1 to whoever wants to read this
consjdered decisions and keep calm in aŹrisis.
6 ld say that l've 8ot :hvnur,q_ and l always try to
2 Everyone can see that she works very hard.
right ching moral|y. .,,(., ..
do the 3 She is definitely very responsible,

4 Everyone knows thar she works well in a team.

B column
Add one more phrase for describing peop|e to each
in rhe Exam Reviser.
5 She is very organised and sensitive abour other
as well.

6 when you first meet her...

7 she is much more confident now.
8 She can deal wiLh pre5sure very weIl
Ę Oiscuss wlth other students wherher the senrences
in Exercise 3 are true about you. Explain your 9 because ofa|l ihese reasons, .,.
reasons 10 | definicely
,,viih examples about th jnk shes the best person
your personaiity. Which for the job.
srudent in the class do you think is mosl similar o e 5ęg 1yr,5ią", i"e:ą.l.Ęfl:i. page 2B0o
to *
i/ou? ln what ways?
fu Vou are going to write a character reference for ]

elrher thjs rask or the one in Exercise 1. Think

about I

someone you know who you could wrlte a

!Ą/r§e§s=g § r*fmremce

reference for and decide which task you're going


I Look at the writing task and answer these questions. anSWer.

What ls the task asking you to write?
2 What three rhings do you need to include in your
You have been asked to provide a reference for
friend of yours who has applied for a job as
Programme Organiser in in English language
a Social ]

college. '
Your reference should provide information about
friend s personal qualiiies and skills, their
Ielevant experlence and reasons why they
should be
considęred for thls job.

Ł9 P/an how many paragraphs your reference will have.
lnen make some brief notes for each one, including
relevant phrases for describin8 people from
Vocabulary section on page 14.
5 iirtn( tt
1tuts s tp\\rrgttr t 1s\ rl\t\ r ttx e\ {

-orn|any as a tourist guide for English-speaking Ę Wrire your referen ce'ln220-260 words using your
:ourisrs r-isiting your country. The compiny hai asked paragraph plan and notes. Make sure the lar,guage
.ou to provide a character reference foiyour friend. you use is appropriately formal.
l: iqui-relerence, vou should:

w holt tnu linoir,ńe persou

c=scrihe tlre persons ski]ls and
qualides rr-hich
=;Ie hL,ł 5er suirable ior ńe iób:
c_:-liŁre h;s her reler-anr lt-or!, esprrience-
l §,§*fiffil§rfi l UNIT 01

@ Comp|ete these sentences using phrases from the

box in Exercise T.
fu Oiscus these questions with a partner. Then check
your ideas in the Writing Relerence.
when l was a child l was ahq and wou|d never 1 How do you think you should start the reference?
2 How do you think you should finish lt?
|'m Lhe kind of person who \,l:r"r,:; "bLji I usua||y caIm 3 Do you think the language shou|d be forma| or informa|?
down quite cuick|v afierwards. 4 Now do you rhink the paragraphs cou|d be organised?
l'm a very 1r L . l peison who doesn,t Iike to o|an
things in advance too much. Look again at the model in the Writing Reference
l am a \ol1,ol\ person and would do anything to and find the formal equivalents of the following
5upport my friends. phrases and sentences.
l th jnk l'm quite a
f.-| r' person - l generally make 1 to whoever wants to read this
considered decisions and keep ca|m in a crisis. 2 Everyone can see that she works very hard.
ld say that l've got 'Ą,^c,uvq and lalways try to do the 3 She is defrnitely very responsible.
right thing mora|ly. .;r:, .1l 4 Everyone knows that she works well in a team.
@ łaa one more phrase for describing peop|e to each She is very organised and sensitive abouc other people
as we|l.
column in rhe Exam Reviser,
6 when you first meet her...
7 she is much more confident now.
8 She can deaI wirh pre5sure very we|l.
§ Oiscuss with other students whether the sentences
in Exercise 3 are true about you. Exp|ain your reasons
9 because ofa|l rhese reasons, ...
10 | definitely think shet the best person for the job.
with examples about your personality. Which
srudent in the class do you think is most simi|ar to
you? ln what ways?
You are going to write a character reference for
either this task or the one in Exercise 1. Think about
Someone you know who you cou|d write a character
Wrie§e*g l reference reference for and decide which task you're going ro
I Look at the writing task and answer these questions.
1 What rhe task asking you to write?
is "."
2 What three things do you need to include in your answer? You have been asked to provide a reference for a :

friend of yours who has applied for a job as a Social .

Programme Organiser in an F,nglish language college.

Your reference should provide information about your
friend's personal qualities and skills, their previous
relevant experience and reasons why they should be
considered for rhis job.

§ Plan how many paragraphs your reference wll| have,
Then make some brief notes for each one, inc|uding
relevant phrases for describing people from the
' " :".:""* i :"" : Vocabulary section on page 14.
A friend of yours is appĘng for a job with a travel
company as a tourist guide for English-speaking * Wrlt.
f,S your referen cę in 220-260 words using your
prrrgrrph p|an and notes. Make sure the |an-guage
tourists visiting your country. The company has asked
you use is appropriately forma|.
you to provide a character reference for your friend,
In your reference, you should:

' say how you kno* the person:

. describe the person's skills and qualities which
make him/her suitable for the job;

' describe his/her relevant work experience.

Larłgł;ag*ffietr§ewr t uNlT 01 |

I nead_the email and decide which
word A, B, C or D
Q Complere rhe texr wirh the words in
ol the words cannot be used,
DeSt htS each gap.

brutally fiercely heavy level livid

shape sharp snap streak stripe s

To whom it rnay conc€rTt

l have worked with Daniel for nearly
ten ve;us
time, as well as being a colleague, n"
personal friend,
Daniel has a ----.-----.----.-----.---1 sense of
Thank you so much for the party last
Even though l didnt know many people,
weekend. ' always puncual and aiwaystries to
l fiited He is always considerate of other people.
ln H
, ----..----.----.---1 immediately and felt u.ry -u.ń ,, describe him as a lovilti"nJ
home] lt was nice to meel your friend
Flórence. She a|ways puts otn",,1ffiffi '
'] ] "i;ffi;&:
was so friendly and I took
soon as l met her. We've got a lot in
2 h.,
us ]. 'l3.at'all
Hecan.be, .|

common, I think somerimes, but people respect him

- we ce.rrainly got 3 really
well at the nls oplnlon.
party. lt was good ro see Danny
again, ioo - although
whenever l see him, he spends'thJwhole He is not someone to make 5|
;<now whyl
4 me up
and irying to annoy ń". r aont
but always thinks about ,t'ling, *r..r"frrlly-
calm in a crisisand remains ] .. ':,, l ,. . ii§
Coing_ Lo that party really
faced wirh a difficuIt a".irioniU*r ror*rr,ifr
---..---.---------.---5 me uo ls a very intelligenr person wirh
acrually as ld been leeling a bit down a razor-
l fel|.----.----.-----.---6 witńa friend
mind and 2:great sense of,hunrotr,r:.tle
money he owed me, which wasn'| very
erą!J]/€pel'sonand hasa,,,
_ _ 8imm
___. ___, 7 up with each other rń
nice. We did - he cin always come up with u good id", o;;
*"'r" frlends 5olutlon ro a problem.
again now, but the whole thing made
me f..i rurh"r
upset. lt's really good to know ihat l : l have no hes-iiauon in reąmńĆnding
can ulway, turn Daniel
___" '
you when l need some help 1 un6
posirion he has applied ro, ,n your.oĘun|'
some funl
Anyway,l hope you're OK. Hope to speak
|o you soon. Grammar
§ ł,.r.. are mistakes in these sentences.
mistakes and correct rhem.

l] -tonave
is one of best friends l've had in
Rtl:]. my 11

1 Aup Bon Cin D out

a good relationship with my sisters
A for to me,
2 Boff Con Dto
3 Aup Bon
3 Their father has been in and out of prison
a d
C from Dto 4 Jt! hopelesr ŁĘ'i to talk to him about
4 A whisking B winding C wondering ir - hp
D willing listen ro anyone
5 A cheered B chatted C took
6 Aup
D went 5 ] love music you sometimes
hear in pubs
Bon C out D for lreIand_
7 Ado B talk C take D make 6 J distinctly remember ?oi giurthe money
8 Ato B from Cat Dup last week_
7 You'll need a coat and some boo*
- and
Coat iS Waterproof

8 ] d be grateful if you
could help me carryiĘ all
boxes upstairs.
9 ,Ąu\y brorher plays the guiiar very well and
,^ §:"n.n'', lll,c.
10 He decided ń'ałl-frgĘ decision
after he had
chance to talk to his friends

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