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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

2. “People are disturbed not by things, but by their view of
things.” Epictetus
3. Developed a pattern of taking care of himself and being self-
responsible Has a training institute in New York  Born in
1913 in Pittsburgh and moved to New York 4 years later 

4. Died at the age of 93 Although he didn’t get a date, this

method decreased his fear of rejection  He made himself talk
to 100 girls at the Bronx Botanical Gardens during a 1-month
period  During adolescence, he was quite shy with girls 
5. Ellis regretted using the term RATIONAL THERAPY, because
many psychologists misinterpreted it as meaning therapy
without emotion. In 1956, at the APA annual convention, Ellis
gave his 1st paper on RATIONAL THERAPY, his term then for
6. In the early 1990’s changed to Rational Emotive Behavior
Therapy (Frogatt, 2005) soon changed to Rational-Emotive
Therapy  originally called Rational Therapy 
7. a result of the dissatisfaction with his practice 0f
psychoanalysis and with person-centered therapy

8. Source: 
Thinking Allowed 
9. The emotional and behavioral consequences are not only
caused by the activating event but by the individual’s BELIEF
SYSTEM (B). Individuals respond to an activating event (A)
with emotional and behavioral consequences (C). 
10. IRRATIONAL BELIEFS (B) often cause difficult emotional and
behavioral consequences (C).
11. Individuals’ problems (emotional , behavioral
consequences) stem not only from activating events but from
their beliefs about such events (Sharf, 2008).

Source:  The War on Musturbation (Ellis movie clip #2: ABCs of
REBT) &fe
13. A major role of the therapist is to dispute (D) these
irrational beliefs (B).

Source  The War on Musturbation (Ellis movie clip #3: social
phobia) &f

15. RationalityHumanism Responsible Hedonism 

16. This view does not lead to irresponsible behavior, because
individuals with a responsible attitude toward hedonism think
through the consequences of their behavior. Hedonism –
seeking pleasure and avoiding pain 
17. Ellis believes that individuals should be accepted for
themselves, a concept similar to Carl Rogers’ “Unconditional
Positive Regard” (Ellis & They should accept that they make
mistakes, that they have worth, and that some of their own
assets are stronger than other assets that they or others
possess. Ellis believes that individuals preferably should have
Unconditional Self Acceptance (USA). Dryden, 1997; Ziegler,
18. Therapy with REBT shows individuals how they can get
more of what they want from life by being rational. It refers to
people using efficient, flexible , logical, and scientific ways of
attempting to achieve their values and goals (Ellis, 2005). 

19. Vulnerability to DisturbanceSocial Factors Biological

Factors 
20. Ellis (cited in Sharf, 2008) believes that certain severe
mental disturbances are partly inherited and have strong
biological components.
21. Individuals are likely to define themselves as good or
worthwhile, depending on how they see others reacting to
22. Irrational Beliefs About Competence and Success –
“Because I strongly desire to get A’s in all subjects, I “must” get
all A’s at all times and do perfectly well.”Examples of
Irrational Beliefs (Ellis cited in Sharf, 2008):
23. Irrational Beliefs about Love and Approval - “Because I
strongly desire to be loved by Sarah, I absolutely “must” always
have her approval.”
24. Irrational Beliefs about being Treated Unfairly – “Because I
strongly desire Eric to treat me considerately and fairly, he
absolutely “must” do so at all times and under all conditions,
because I am always considerate and fair to him.
25. Irrational Beliefs about Safety and Comfort – “Because I
strongly desire to have a safe, comfortable, and satisfying life, I
“ must” find life easy, convenient, and gratifying at all times.
26. 3 categories of irrational beliefs Dryden (1990) and Ellis
(1991b cited in Sharf, 2008) 1. Demands about self 2. Demands
about others 3. Demands about the world and/or life
27. Low frustration tolerance- individuals who cannot tolerate
frustration easily are more likely to be disturbed than those
who can (Harrington cited in Sharf, 2008).Musturbation – the
term for all types of must statements 
28. Related to the concept of low frustration tolerance to
disturbance is anxiety. 1.Discomfort Anxiety – individuals’
comfort level is threatened and they must get what they want.
2.Ego Anxiety - individuals’ sense of self worth is threatened
and they feel that they must perform well.
29. Goals of REBT
30. New philosophy of life that can make the client feel more
appropriately and act more efficiently and effectively ( Villar,
2011).Clearer and more rational thinking 
31. Here-and-now irrational ideas and their accompanying
self-verbalizations (Ellis, 1974;1994 cited in Villar, 2011)
Cognitions, emotions and behaviors that create the problems
and their underlying themes 
32. E = represents an effective rational outlook accompanied
by emotional and behavioral changes D = stands for disputing
the irrational beliefs  C =represents the emotional and
behavioral consequences largely determined by the individual’s
beliefs about this event  B = stands for irrational belief/s  A
= represents the activating event 

33. Source:

 Albert Ellis's Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) 
34. Such a form can have both diagnostic and therapeutic
purposes. Clients then dispute the irrational beliefs that apply
and replace them with effective rational beliefs.  The REBT
Self-Help Form (Dryden, Walker, and Ellis, 1996) – clients enter
their activating events and consequences, help determine
important irrational beliefs. 
35. Therapists listen to the beliefs the clients have about the
activating event. (Bernard cited in Sharf, 2008). Therapists
listen while clients describe feelings and behaviors
(consequences that they feel are caused by specific experiences
(activating events).  The A-B-C- assessment usually starts from
the beginning of the first session and continues throughout the
therapy. 
36. Frustration Discomfort Scale can be used to distinguish
self-esteem from frustration intolerance Beck Depression
Inventory  Millon Clinical MultiAxial Inventory II 
37. Ellis believes that the best way to develop a therapeutic
relationship is to help solve the client’s immediate problem
(Ellis & Ellis may do this for 2 or 3 sessions and then possibly
work on larger issues. Ellis identifies the activating events,
irrational beliefs, and emotional and behavioral consequences
(ABC). Dryden, 1997).
38. When working with children, therapists may proceed
cautiously in developing a relationship before teaching REBT
methods. With patient who are unfamiliar with REBT, the
therapist often introduces the purpose of therapy.  The
relationship between client and therapist is important in REBT.

39. 1. Coping Self Statements – an individual who is afraid of
public speaking may write down and repeat to himself several
times a day such as “ I want to speak flawlessly, but it is alright
if I don’t,” “No one is killed for a poor speech,” and “I am an
articulate person.”
40. 2. Cost-Benefit analysis – individuals who are addicted to
smoking may be asked to make lists of the advantages of
stopping smoking and disadvantages of continuing smoking.
They will think seriously about these advantages and
disadvantages 10 or 20 times a day.
41. 3. Psychoeducational Methods – listening to audio tapes
that teach the principles of REBT is often recommended. 4.
Teaching Others – persuading others not to use irrational
beliefs can help the persuader to learn more effective ways of
disputing her own irrational beliefs.
42. 5. Problem Solving - by helping people expand their choices
of what they want to do and be, REBT helps them choose
rational thoughts, feelings and actions.
43. 1. Imagery – imagining asking a woman for a date, being
turned down, and working on experiencing healthy rather that
unhealthy negative emotions. (Dryden and Ellis, 2001, 2003)
44. 2. Role Playing – repeated role playing of the situation gives
the individual a chance to feel better about her social skills and
change inappropriate emotional self statements (Ellis, 1986)

45. asking silly questions to receptionist or teachers engaging

strangers in conversations 3. Shame Attacking Exercise –
although the exercise can be practiced in a therapy session, it is
done outside therapy. Examples:
46. 4. Forceful self-statements - I f a client told himself that it is
awful and terrible to get a C on an examination, this self-
statement can be replaced by a forceful and more suitable
statement such as “ I want to get an A, but I don’t have to!”
(Dryden and Ellis, 2003)
47. Arguing strongly and vigorously against an irrational belief
has an advantage over therapist-client dialogue since all of the
material comes from the client.5. Forceful self- dialogue
48. Rather than quitting a job, a client may work with an
unreasonable boss and listen to their unfair criticism but
mentally dispute the criticism and not accept the boss’ beliefs
as her own.1. Activity Homework Examples:

49. Failure to accomplish task = penalty Task

accomplishment = reward 2. Reinforcements and Penalties
50. workshops on communication skills, job interviewing
skills Assertiveness Training Workshop/s can be helpful for
those who are shy 3. Skills Training Example:

51. Some techniques fall into 2 or 3 of those categories.

52. If you would get release and let your anger out, Disrupt the
blasted peace and scream and yell and shout, Just go to any
length to show you can’t be still, And you’ll display enormous
strength—until the time you’re killed! Pound, pound, pound!
Pound, pound, pound! Pound your enemies! Oh what fun it is
to stun anyone who does not please you! Sock, sock, sock!
Knock, knock, knock! Howl and whine and cry! And everyone
from you will run and hate you till you die! Pout, pout, pout!
Shout, shout, shout!—when things are a mess! Rip, rip, rip! Slip,
slip, slip into a profound depression! Think, think, think! Drink,
drink, drink only of cruel fate! Keep your mind preoccupied
with everyone you hate.

53. Source:

 Three Rational Humorous Songs 
54. Not only does REBT stress cognitive insight, but it also
emphasizes emotional insight.
55. 1. Acknowledging that disturbances come not only from the
past but also from irrational beliefs. 2. How individuals
continually indoctrinate themselves with the same kind of
irrational beliefs that originated in the past. 3. Accepting first 2
levels of insight with the realization that knowledge of these
insights does not automatically change people.
56. Awareness of rational beliefs is not sufficient; active
challenging of irrational beliefs, and development of rational
beliefs, using knowledge of the A-B-C theory of personality is
57. Individuals not only have changed feelings, thoughts and
beliefs but also know how they have done so and why (Ellis,
2002; Ellis, 2003d cited in Sharf, 2008).

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