What Is Typography

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What Is Typography

 Typography is the visual component of the written word.

 Typography also is the art and technique of arranging type to make written
language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.
-The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces,point sizes, line
lengths,line-spacing (leading), and letter spacing (tracking), and
adjusting the space between pairs of letters.

*Typeface is a set of one or more fonts each composed of glyphs that share
common design features. It has own specific weight, style, condensation,
width, slant, italicization, ornamentation, and designer or foundry such as ‘ITC
Garamond Bold Condensed Italic’which is bold.
*Typeface has own designer which is called type
design.It’s often employed by type foundries while in
digital it called font developers or font designers.
*Other than that,typeface is a collection of glyphs.
Each of which represents and individual
letter,number,punctuation mark, or other symbol.
For Example:-
- Roman uppercase A looks the same as Cyrillic
uppercase A and Greek uppercase alpha.
* The point is the smallest unit of measure.Normally it’s used for measuring
font size,leading and other items on a printed page.
* The size of the point has varied throughtout the history of printing.

*Line length is the width of a block of typeset text,usually measured in

Unit of length like inches or points or in characters per line.
*The maximum line length thats fits a determined design.It’s determined by
typographic parameters based on a formal grid and template.
*Text can be flush left and ragged right, flush right and ragged left, or justified
where lines are of equal length.
*Line spacing or leading refers to the distance between adjacent lines of type.
*Leading can be used to enhance the legibility of a page or block of text.The
term is still used in modern page-layout software such as QuarkXPress and
Adobe InDesign.

*Double spacing is an entrenched practice due to the era of typewriters and in

academic settings, to allow the addition of handwritten comments and
*Letter-spacing also reffered to as tracking by typographers. It’s should not be
confused with kerning.
-Kerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in
a proportional font.
-Kerning adjusts the space between individual letter forms, while
tracking (letter-spacing) which is adjusts spacing uniformly over a
range of characters.

-Normally kerning applied to letter pairs as a number by which ther

default character spacing should be increased or decreased.
*Letter-spacing adjusments are frequently used in news design.The speed
Which pages must be built on deadline does not usually leave time to rewrite
Paragraphs that end in split words or that create orphance or widows.

*Adjusting letter-spacing are used in differing methods such as Microsoft

word, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe
*The amount of letter-spacing in text affects legibility.
-Legibility is the ease with which a reader can recognize individual
characters in text.
-Aspects of type design that affect legibility include x-height,character
shapes, stroke contrast, the size of its counters, serifs or lack
thereof,and weight.

*Legibilty is different from readability. Readability is the ease with which

a reader can recognize words, sentences and paragraphs.
 The term typography is also applied to the style,arrangement, and
appearance of the letters,numbers and symbols created by the process.
 Type design is a closely related craft.It’s also may be used as a decorative
device,unrelated to communication of information.
 Typography is the work of typesetters,typographers,graphic designers, art
directors, manga artists, comic book artists, graffiti artists.

-Typesetting is the
composition of text by
means of arranging
physical types or digital
Example Of Typography :

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