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Manual Estimation of the Dewatering Radius of Influence

(Sichardt's Equation) & Maximum Dewatering Volumes (Daily Pumpage)

Site Name: FPL Metropolitan Apartments - WR 8001247 & 8010087

Location: Intersection of NW 6th Street & N Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Summary of Plan Details:
Ground surface elevation at the proposed dewatering site is approximately +4.00 feet relative to the North American Vertical
Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Groundwater elevation at the proposed dewatering site is approximately +0.50 feet NAVD, as
determined from existing monitoring wells located in the vicinity. The maximum proposed excavation depth is -6.00 feet NAVD.

Dewatering fluids will be pumped from one excavation trench to a 20,000-gallon weir tank, then to the storm sewer system using a
self-priming four-inch (4”). Dewatering calculations, derived using the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Drainage
Handbook Exfiltration Systems (February 2012), are included in Attachment A. Pump and weir tank (sedimentation tank)
specification data are provided as Attachment C.

Dewatering fluids discharged to City of Fort Lauderdale stormwater inlets will be monitored for turbidity. In the event turbidity
levels exceed 29 NTUs, dewatering activities will not recommence until turbidity levels below 29 NTUs are established.
Additionally, monitoring will comply with any specifications determined by the Department.

Groundwater samples will be collected daily and analyzed for arsenic to ensure dewatering activities do not entrain the residual
arsenic contaminant plume beneath Wisdom Village Crossing. Dewatering fluids will be discharged exclusively into the stormwater
sewer system as long as arsenic concentrations do not exceed 50 µg/L. Dewatering activities will cease if arsenic is reported above
50 µg/L, and the department will be notified.

Dewatering assumptions are based on the time required to dig, dewater, and install concrete-encased duct banks during normal
daylight working hours. Dewatering duration for utility installation is estimated at eight (8) hours per day per section.

Best management practices (BMPs) to control sedimentation and stormwater pollution runoff will be observed during dewatering
operations. Existing catch basins and accessible drainage entry points at the site will be protected through the use of curb barriers,
including hay bales wrapped in silt filter fabric and/or booms, to filter sediment from stormwater prior to entry into an existing
drainage system.

Maximum dewatering volume and ROI for manhole section (S-4):

Variable Value US units Value Metric Units

Hydraulic Conductivity (k) 17.5 feet/day 0.000062 meters/second
Aquifer Thickness (H) 145 feet 44.20 meters
Depth to Water 3.5 feet 1.07 meters
Excavation Depth 10.0 feet 3.05 meters
Open Trench Length (a) 15 feet 4.57 meters
Open Trench Width (b) 10 feet 3.05 meters
π 3.14 3.14
Number of Extraction Points (n) 1 1
Pumping Time per day 480 minutes 480 minutes

Example Calculation
A. Calculation of Radius of Influence (R0) for an open hole

𝑅0 = 3000 × (𝐻 − ℎ) × √𝐾

h = H - (Excavation Depth - Depth to Water) = 42.21 meters

H-h= 1.98 meters
Radius of Influence (R0) = 46.70 meters

B. Calculation of the Effective Radius (Re) for rectangular excavation area adjustment

(𝑎 × 𝑏)ൗ
𝑟𝑒 = 𝜋

re = 2.11 meters

C. Calculation of the Maximum Total Influence (R0 + Re)

Maximum Total Influence = Radius of influence (A.) + Effective radius of rectangular excavation dimensions (B.)

Maximum Radius of Influence = 48.81 meters

160.13 feet

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D. Dewatering Pump Rate (q) per Extraction Point (n = 1)

𝑛 × 𝑞ൗ
𝐻 2 − ℎ2 = ( 𝜋 × 𝐾)(𝐿𝑛𝑅𝑜 − 𝐿𝑛 𝑟𝑒 )

h = H - (Excavation Depth - Depth to Water ) 42.21 meters

H2 - h2 171.20 square meters

π*k 0.000193851 meters/second

lnR0 - lnre 3.10

2 2
(H - h ) / (lnR0 - lnre) 55.25

q = ((H2 - h2)*πk)/((lnR0-lnre)*n) 0.0107 meters /second

2 2
q = ((H - h )*πk)/((lnR0-lnre)*n) 169.76 US gallons/minute

Maximum Daily Pumpage for largest excavation dewatering demand (q x pumping time) = 81,484 US gallons/day

The calculations presented are deemed appropriate and in accordance with State of Florida Rules and Regulation as certified by a registered
Professional Engineer authorized by Chapter 471, Florida Statutes and defined by the Florida State Board of Professional Engineering. To the
best of my knowledge, all information summarized in this report is true, accurate, complete, and in accordance with applicable State of Florida
Rules and Regulations.

Reviewed and Approved by:

Robert L. Digitally signed by
Robert L. Vinson III
This item has been digitally signed and sealed by Robert L. Vinson III, PE #53438 on 11 April 2018 using
a digital seal. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the SHA
Vinson III Date: 2018.04.11
07:30:00 -07'00'
authentication code must be verified on any electronic copies

Robert L. Vinson III, P.E.

License No. 53438

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