Priority Matrix Instructions

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Priority Matrix Assignment


You will be required to create a to-do list of about 8-10 tasks and, using that to-do list, complete the priority
matrix template. Here, you will prioritize your tasks by placing them into one of the four quadrants. Finally,
submit your priority matrix, your to-do list, and a response to the following: considering that the average time
commitment for an online course is 9-12 hours per week, how would this fit into your average week? Do you
believe your time management skills are strong already or is there room for improvement in this area?


1. Create a to-do list with 8-10 tasks using your preferred word processing software (MS Word, TextEdit,
2. Download the priority matrix template and the priority matrix rubric. It is recommended that you print out
the rubric.
3. Using your to-do list, complete the priority matrix template.
4. At the bottom of your priority matrix, answer the question:
Considering that the average time commitment for an online course is 9-12 hours per week,
how would this fit into your average week? Do you believe your time management skills are
strong already or is there room for improvement in this area?
5. Save both with the following naming conventions:
• FirstnameLastname_Todolist
• FirstnameLastname_Prioritymatrix
6. Upload into assignment link provided within Blackboard

Please note: if you need assistance, please view the example to-do list and completed priority matrix as well as
the how-to video which demonstrates how to complete the assignment.
Example to-do list and completed priority matrix

To-do List
• Research articles for discussion board (due tomorrow)
• Buy more milk and cereal
• Call bank for lost card
• Get oil changed
• Buy baking ingredients for daughter’s bake sale tomorrow
• Buy new shower curtain
• Give dog bath (vet appointment in 2 days)
• Respond to Facebook event about yoga with cats
• Pick up library book on hold (holds for 1 week)
• Use Dunkin Donuts coupon tomorrow
• Post about dog’s birthday on Instagram

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