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(Play Script)

Narrator: As Marjane waits for her flight to France, she recalls her
memories when she was still young. As a little girl, she had a quiet life,
and had only 2 obsessions: to shave her legs and to become the last
prophetess in the galaxy but then everything changed when she
learned about the sufferings of her people.


Setting: Satrapi’s House

(knocking at the door)

Ebi:(opens the door) Siamak! They released you!

Siamak: Ebi. Hello,Tadji.

Ebi: We’re so happy to see you alive!

Tadji: Come in! Don’t stay on the front of the door

Ebi: Marjane! You've grown!You were still a baby when I was arrested
(teary eye)

Young Marjane: who is this guy?

Little Girl: He’s my father. He was in prison. He’s a hero

Narrator: As the night lingers, Siamak narrates how he suffered from

Shah’s people

Siamak: Those scientists knew the human body very well. They knew
how to hit where it hurts. I've been lashed with large electric wire
cables. My foot doesn't look like a foot anymore. It's an indescribable
Ebi: What about Hamid? What happened to him?

Siamak: Hamid had been murdered. As a member of the guerilla, it was

hell for him.

Setting: Marjane’s neighborhood

Narrator: One fine morning, while Marji and her friends talks excitedly
about torture, Ramine, son of a member of Shah’s secret service, pass
by on his bicycle

Marji’s friend: Look, it's Ramine! Farzad told me that his father was a
member of the shah's secret service. His father killed a million of
people with his own hands!

Young Marji: A million!?

Marji’s friend: Absolutely!

Young Marji: We’ll give Ramine a lesson in their name!

Marji’s friend: Yeah! We will gouge his eyes out!

Narrator: And so they chased Ramine to torture him. Luckily, they

bumped over Marji’s mom.

Tadji: Marjane! What are you doing!?

Marji’s friend: Marji found some nails!

Young Marji: We’re gonna smash Ramine’s face!

Tadji:Would you like it if I nailed you by the ears?Go back home into
your room and stay there.

Setting: Marji’s room

Narrator: While Marjane sleeps in her bed, God visits her

God: Marjane, what's happening to you? It's not a behavior worthy of a


Young Marji: But God, Ramine's father killed people!

God:Marjane, this poor Ramine must not bear the burden of his
father's mistakes. Bad guys will pay sooner or later. Have faith in my
justice. Your duty is to forgive, not to make justice

Setting: Marjane’s neighborhood

Narrator: Because of God’s explanation, Marjane decided to forsake


Young Marji: Ramine?

Ramine: What do you want?

Young Marji: Listen, your father is a murderer, but it's not your fault.
I forgive you.

Narrator: But Ramine, as the son of his father, thinks that his father is
doing the right thing

Ramine: He killed communists, and communists are the devil!

Narrator: Ramine then leaves young Marji shrugging her shoulders off


Satrapi’s Home

Narrator: The war against the Shah worsens as days pass by, millions of
people died, buildings bombed and people wakes late at night at the
sound of the alarm warning them to secure themselves. Everybody
stands against the Shah and yesterday’s enemies are now heroes of the
One night, Marjane’s Uncle Anouche came. Together, they had dinner
while Anouche assures the Satrapi family.

Anouche: Now, everything will be better. Nothing will stop the people.
We'll finally have a free and fair society.

Narrator: Young Marjane butts in and asks questions about her Uncle
Anouche’s life

Young Marji: Uncle Anouche? How long did you stay in prison?

Anouche: Nine years

Young Marji: How old are you? Are you a communist?

Tadji: Marji, let your uncle digest!

Anouche: She wants to know everything. It's a good thing to be


Young Marji: Have you digested?

Tadji: Go to bed!

Young Marji: But…

Anouche: Put your pajamas on and I'll come.

Marji: I’m ready!
Ebi: You’ll see, she’ll eat your brain

Narrator: Anouche then laughs with astonishment to Marji’s curiosity.

Marjane’s Room

Narrator: As Marjane lies in her bed, her uncle Anouche tells her his

Anouche: … and then, I tried to came back by train with forged identity
papers but it didn't work. They arrested me.

Young Marji: And then you went to prison?

Anouche: Yes. You know…It's important that you know.

The memory of the family must not be forgotten.
Even if it's hard, even if you don't understand everything.

Young Marji: Don’t worry uncle, I’ll never forget

Anouche: It’s late.You must sleep. Here, it’s for you. I made it in prison.

Narrator: Young Marjane slept soundly, not knowing the unfaithful

events that’s about to happen.

Outside jail

Ebi: Marji, They arrested Anouche

Young Marji: I know… (crying) Daddy…

Ebi: It will be alright honey…Do you want to do something for him?

Anouche can have one visitor. You’re the one he wants to see.

Young Marji: I’ll go


Narrator: In Jail, Marjane gathers all her courage just to see her uncle
Anouche one last time

Guard: Ten Minutes

Anouche: What a nice dress! What a nice little girl! You're the little girl I
wish I would have had. But you'll see, one day, proletariat will rule.
Here. I made another Cygnus with breadcrumbs for you. It's the uncle
of the first one.

Narrator: Young Marjane and Anouche cried and cried, knowing that
it’ll be the last time they’ll ever see each other again. Marjane knew
that after this his uncle will be executed.

Narrator: That night, God visits Marji again to comfort her

God: What's up my child? Don't be sad

Young Marji: Shut up! They killed him and you did nothing!

God: I’ve nothing to do with it

Young Marji: Shut up! Go away!!! I don’t want to see you again! Go
away! Get lost!!!


Narrator: One year after the revolution, Iraq attacked Iran. In the name
of the fight against the foreign enemy, the state wiped out the enemy.
Arrests and executions increased. Everybody was scared. The new
government established even more repressive laws.
Within two years,their everyday life changed, and so are they.

One unfaithful evening, the Satrapi family rushed to the hospital when
they heard what happened to Taher

Taher’s wife: It's his heart again.They wanted to stop the communists.
They threw a grenade. Taher couldn't endure it. He was lying on the
ground when I arrived.

Ebi: Everything will be alright

Taher’s wife: No, it won’t!

He must have an open-heart operation. They can't afford it here. He
must be sent to England.
I went to see the administrative director of the hospital.
Do you know who he was? My old window cleaner. I pretended not to
recognize him. I begged him to authorize my husband’s passport but he
just told me that everything depends to God, that he will be get better
if God wants it. (sobbing)

Ebi: Don’t worry, I know someone who is making passports. Calm down.
It’ll be alright.

Narrator: Ebi then visits the passport maker, at first they’re glad when
he said he’ll be able to finish the passport in 15 days, but their hope
shattered when he called saying that he can’t do it anymore. He have
to escape.
Three weeks after, Taher died.


Marjane’s school

Narrator: All the events that happened changed Marjane, she decided
to have a voice against the new government’s tyranny. At Marjane’s

Teacher: Thanks to the government, we don't have any political

prisoner left. We finally earned our freedom.

Teenage Marjane: Madam

Teacher: what?
Marjane: It's the new government that ordered the execution of my
uncle. From 3000 prisoners during the shah, we now have 300 000 with
you. How dare you lie!

Teacher: Stop it!


Satrapi’s home

Narrator: The school called Marjane’s parents and informed them what
she did. Her parents, especially her mother, Tadji, worries for her

Tadji: Who was it?

Ebi:The school. Marji put the religion teacher to her place.
Tadji: Again?
Ebi: Yes. She takes after her uncle
Tadji: Do you want her to end like her uncle, executed?
Do you know what they do to young women like Niloufar?
The law forbids to kill a virgin. She's forced to marry a Guardian of the
Revolution. Then he takes her virginity and executes her.
Do you understand? If someone touches one of her hair, I'll kill him!

Narrator: And that’s when they decided to send Marjane to study



Narrator: The night before Marjane’s departure, Her grandma came to

sleep at their home.

Grandma: Listen. I'm gonna give you an advice that will always be
In your life, you'll meet a lot of bad people. Remember that it's
stupidity that pushes them to be evil. It will prevent you from
answering to their nastiness. Because there's nothing worse than
bitterness and vengeance. Always remain worthy and true to yourself.



Narrator: At first, Marjane was so excited to live a new life in Europe.

She’s now living in a bed and board when her mother’s friend decided
that their apartment is too small to accommodate her. She found goods
that’s not available in their country anymore and for a few while, going
to the supermarket was her favorite pastime. She went to French
school and get acquainted with the school’s dropouts. She smoked and
became a member of a band.
At first it was difficult for her, she tried to convince herself that she
found her place, but Christmas time was sure to remind her that she’s
At the dormitory she had a fight with a nun and that’s the beginning
of a series of moves and finally ended to a retired philosophy teacher’s
villa. Marjane wanted to be integrated the next year so she studied
hard to improve her knowledge.


At a Party
Narrator: The time of change came and Marjane became a young
woman. One time, Marjane attended a party…

Young Man: Where are you from... Marie-Jeanne?

Marjane: Yeah… I’m from… I’m French

Young Man: Ha? I wouldn’t have guessed. Last year I was in Paris…

Marjane: Excuse me, I must go.

Young Man: Okay, Well then. Bye…

Narrator: As Marjane walks alone in the shadow of the night, she heard
her grandma’s voice, as if she was there with her scolding her

Grandma’s voice: So you're French?

Marjane: Grandma, stop!

Grandma: It was just a question. I didn't know you were French

Marjane: Do you think it's easy to be Iranian? People are looking at me

as if I was a savage. We're just fanatics screaming and fighting each

Grandma: Is it a reason to disown your origin? Remember what I told

you. Be true to yourself.
Scene 17:

Narrator: After 3 years in Austria, finally Marjane’s feeling good. She

have new friends. She attended the so-called anarchist meetings just to
have an excuse to drink beer and eat sausages. There she met
Fernando, she realized then and there that he was the man of her life

Fernando: Marjane, are you here?

That night, I finally understood, thanks to you.
You revealed me to myself. If it doesn't work with you, it won't work
with any girl. I know it, now.
I am homosexual. Ha! It's good to tell it.
Thank you, Marjane. Thank you.

Marjane: Welcome


Narrator: Marjane swore not to fall in love again. She tried so hard not
to get caught again, but life is life, she met Marcus, an aspiring writer,
he reads her excerpts from his plays and cares for her. She thought she
finally found love. Until one day she found out that he was cheating on

Marjane: Marcus! I I bought some croissants!

Marcus: Marjane! It’s not what you think! Let me explain! Marjane! I
love you!

Narrator: Marjane went home. She cried her heart out but her
depression were met by Frau Doktor Schloss accusations

Frau Doktor Schloss : I can't find my brooch. It's you who stole it!

Marjane: Leave me alone!

Frau Doktor Schloss: I shan't let it rest at that! Thief!

Marjane: Go away! I hate you!

Frau Doktor Schloss: Give me back my brooch or I’ll call the police!
Hey! Where are you going! Thief! Come back!


Narrator: Marjane’s sitting on a bench of a park as she blames herself

on how stupid she is for falling in love to a filthy, drug addict, scumbag
who never even cared to stand up for her in the front of his mother or
even worry whenever she tells Marjane to buy weeds for him.

Marjane: I’m such a fool! Fool! Fool!

Narrator: And it was Marjane’s first night in the streets. First of the
many. She survived the war but it was a love story that almost got her.

Narrator: Marjane decided to go back home. Her parents promised not
to ask her anything. And as Marjane arrived, they remained true to to
their promise. They talked during lunch and Marjane realized how big
the casualties the war had left their country. Everyone was excited to
see Marjane but she refused to see them. Marjane went into
depression and tried to end her life but overdosing herself.

And for a long time, she met God again

God: My child, why are you here?

Marjane: I’m dead?

God: No my child, your time hasn’t come yet. You’ve got much to do.
Rise and Shine! Go and do what you have to do and remember the
fight must goes on!

Narrator: When Marjane wakes up, she knew she had to get back on
her feet again


Narrator: Marjane went to a university. While in an art class, the

university called for an assembly

Assembly Man: So, I'm asking to all young ladies to wear tighter
trousers and longer cowls. They must cover their hair and must not use
any make-up. Does anybody have a question?
If not, the session is ended
Marjane: Our cowls are short, our trousers are indecent,
we put on a lot of make-up, etc. You make comments about us while
the brothers...have many different clothes and hair cuts.
Sometimes, we can even see their under wears.
Why is it that as a woman, I'm not allowed to feel anything when
watching them, while men can get excited on our shorter cowls?

Narrator: Marjane went to her grandma and told her waht she just did
and her grandmother felt very proud for her


Narrator: It was at the University where she met Reza. Their feelings
for each other blossomed and they started dating. One day, while they
were driving in a car, the officers caught them while holding hands.
They were penalized for it

Reza: Let’s go abroad

Marjane: I don’t want to

Reza: The only way we can be free is to get married. So?

Narrator: Because they wanted to be with each other they decided to

get married.

Narrator: Days passed by so fast and so did Marjane’s love for Reza

Marjane: I don’t think I still love my husband. I think we’ll part.

Grandma: So this is your terrible thing? I thought somebody had died!

Listen, a first wedding is a rough work for the second one. It will be
better next time. You're crying because you were wrong. It's hard to
accept your own mistakes, isn't it?



Narrator: Marjane ended her relationship with Reza. She decided to

go back to France. She spent her remaining time with her grandma,
they went to the Caspian Sea to breath some fresh air. The day before
her flight she visits her uncle Anouche’s and grandpa’s remains and
promised them that as fas as possible she’ll try to remain true to

Ebi: you're leaving forever. You're a free woman.

Tadji: Iran of today isn't for you.I forbid you to come back

Marjane: Yes, Mom.

Grandma: My sweet little girl

Narrator: Marjane never saw her Grandma again. Freedom always has
a price.


Narrator: Marjane arrived at Vienna and called a cab, when she got in,
the driver started talking

Driver: Ahhh.. what a weather! What country are you from?

Marjane: Iran


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