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Supporting Punjabi Farmers: An

Exploratory Study.

Akram, Durrani, Riaz, Qasim and Shahid Abstract

School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE)
Lahore University of Management Sciences
This study is to identify core issues of farmers of
Lahore, Pakistan Central Punjab. Our basic focus is to identify major
{16100206, 16100201, 16100249, 15030029, causes which reduce their crops production. Afterwards,
suleman.shahid} a systematic solution for the identified problems was
devised for the famers based on user research findings
*Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication
and an application is developed which addresses the
Department of information and Communication Sciences crop related problems. An evaluation testing suggested
Tilburg University, The Netherlands that this system is likely to be adapted by the farming community of Punjab.

Author Keywords
Punjab; Farmers; ICT intervention; Pakistan

ACM Classification Keywords

H.5.2 [User interfaces]: prototyping,

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for
Despite Pakistan being a predominantly agrarian which
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
shares a major input to the country’s GDP but still
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
Pakistan is far behind its neighboring countries in terms
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
of per acre yield [1]. For the past few years,
for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other
Agricultural sector throughout the world has undergone
uses, contact the Owner/Author.
significant improvement owing to the incorporation of
Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).
technology with agriculture. With the availability of real
CHI 2014, Apr 26 - May 01 2014, Toronto, ON, Canada
time information about best farming practices, farmers
ACM 978-1-4503-2474-8/14/04.
can make better decisions and adopt methods that are

best suited for the enhanced productivity of their crops. User Research
However in Pakistan, no prior work has been done for The goal of user research phase was to identify the
the integration of technology with agriculture sector core information requirements of the farming
and traditional means of information dissemination are community and to determine the usage of ICT as a
still prevalent. The current methods for information medium to transmit such information. Our main focus is
retrieval by farmers are either through radio and on farmer’s core problems and to identify major causes
television or in a word of mouth fashion by fellow which reduces their crop production.
farmers and retailers [3]. In the current era of science
and technology, these methods have a limited scope Participants and Procedure
[1] and suffer the problem of unreliability in case In Pakistan there are a total of 5.07 million farms while
information is attained through peers or retailers. As a in the rural areas of Punjab there are nearly 3.86
result farmers follow traditional methods of farming and million farms with a total farm area of 27.83 million
no new efforts are introduced in the conventional acres which constitute about 76 percent of total farms
procedures to increase productivity of their crops. In in Pakistan [7]. We chose central Punjab (Faisalabad
short, technology has not yet been adapted in the District) to conduct the interviews as this region has a
agricultural sector of Pakistan therefore a thorough large belt of cultivable land including crops such as
research needs to be carried out to identify farming wheat, cotton, rice, sugarcane etc. The participants
requirements of farmers that are critical for enhanced chosen had a minimum of 5 years of agricultural
crop yield and to utilize technological resources for experience and had to be a thekay-daar (farmer who
provision of information that addresses such heads the land and has the decision making power).
requirements. Due to their experience, these participants could rightly
Conversely, researches have been conducted in point out the problems or information requirements.
different countries for the intervention of Information Thirteen farmers were voluntarily interviewed
and Communication Technology (ICT) in agricultural individually in their farms as physical context is
sector to improve the farming standards and enhanced mattered a lot for getting more appropriate information
productivity. E-Choupal is one such example where with [8]. The interviews consisted of open ended questions
the mediation of ICT the farmer is being provided with to engage the farmers in discussions. Such semi-
real-time information and customized knowledge to structured interviews give insights into an issue from
improve his decision making ability [4]. Awaaj Otalo, a the perspective of the end-user [9] and additional
voice based application for small scale farmers, has questions emerge out of the discussion [10]. Three of
also been keenly adopted by the farmers as no prior the farmers interviewed were illiterate, three were
technical knowledge is required [5]. Such systems can semi-literate and the remaining claimed to read Urdu
significantly improve the dissemination of information quite comfortably.
in agricultural area in the developing world.
User Research Findings
All interviews were recorded and later reviewed for
qualitative analysis. Following are the major findings of sell it in the black market at higher rates. Like fertilizer
the interviews: information, farmers heavily rely on market dealer to
give some better seed. They do not know which seed is
Weather Uncertainty
more suitable for their soils. Hence, many of the
The interviews indicate that farmers face the problem
farmers require information regarding the usage, prices
of weather uncertainty during whole farming cycle
and the location of purchase outlets of the fertilizers
especially in sowing and harvesting phase. The farmers
and seeds.
pointed out that weather uncertainty can be adverse to
the production of their crops e.g. “The rainfall should
Canal Scheduling System
not occur at least one week after sowing the seeds of
The ground water is salty in the rural areas of the
wheat” (P #3, 5). For sugarcane heavy rainfall was said
Faisalabad district, as a result of which irrigation is
to be harmful as “It can damage the roots of sugarcane
highly dependent on the canal system. The canal
and as a result its growth is stunted” (P #8). The
(Upper Bari Doab) is closed for a month each year, but
farmers claimed that if they know of the forecast
often the schedule is changed and the canal is closed
beforehand they can irrigate their crops accordingly.
for a longer period of time. No credible mechanism to
disseminate changes in the schedule is in place for the
Unreliable Pesticide, Fertilizer and Seed Information
One of the problems faced by farmers includes the Current Information Sources and Technological
limited pesticide information. Many famers pointed out standing
that when their crop is facing pests attack, they have to The current sources of information is mainly either
rely on the dealers in the market for pesticides because radio, television, retailers or through peers. They argue
they don’t know what remedies to apply for certain that television and radio doesn’t provide them with
pests. “We cannot claim any damages to our crops due timely and dedicated agro-information. Retailers are
to ineffective or wrong pesticide provided by the arguably biased towards greater margins. Farmers
retailer” (P#9). There is no standardized information often seek advice from their peers and follow suit if one
available to them, by either the government or any of them is successful.
other authorized personnel. As a result, the farmers are Three farmers owned a mobile phone and three
heavily dependent on the local market dealer who may exceptions had the basic knowledge of the phone but
or may not provide them the right pesticide. This result used it infrequently (for calls). Some of them even had
is in accordance to the studies conducted in [3] which smart phones and were decently acquainted with touch
indicate that farmers are sometimes abused by retailers interfaces. Generally, they preferred a visual system
who can give them fake sprays that can spoil their with audio feedback which could disseminate the
crops. required information. They favored images/visual aid to
Similarly, the information regarding fertilizers is also get information instead of solely an audio system.
not only scarce but during the sowing season, some
dealers often reduce the fertilizer availability so as to
General Findings and information about best farming practices.
At-least four participants complained about the market Therefore, we seek to continue our research and extend
rates of their crops. They fretted about the low return it to a larger platform involving stakeholders from other
on their investment. Some even argued that their countries of sub-continent. Through a collaborative
expenditures were greater than the revenue due to effort, better and generalized solutions can be built for
poor yield and low rates of crops by the monopolistic the farming community of not only Pakistan but other
industries. countries as well since a large portion of farming
Two participants seemed to have no confidence in such requirements found in the user research phase overlap
an ICT intervention and thought that the only way to with those of India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
improve their livelihood was to increase the market
rates of the crops. References
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information to famers through a simple and
3. Omar Mubin, Joshua Tubb, Mauricio Novoa,
minimalistic design. The solution was based on KIOSK
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which incorporated simple design principles in the Understanding the Needs of Pakistani Farmers and
language of farmers that made it easy to be utilized. An the Prospects of an ICT Intervention. In
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