Emma-H P-Potty

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Anecdotal Observation Record

Child’s Name: Emma Leslie Age: 2 y 2 m

Observer: Jen Rohlfing Date: 10.09.2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard
the child say.

Emma walked up to me and said “potty!” I brought Emma into the bathroom.
I asked her if she wanted to use the potty. She said “yes”. I helped her with
her clothing and to get onto the toilet seat. She sat there for a minute and
said “potty”. She had not gone yet. I asked her if she was going to go on the
potty. She said “yes, potty.” Then she urinated on the potty! Emma had a big
smile on her face when she finally went. This was her first time going on the
potty here.

Check off the areas of This anecdote illustrates the

development that apply:
following developmental goals:
Cognitive I. A.EL.1c Demonstrates behaviors to
Approaches to Learning
Social /Emotional meet self-help and physical needs.
X Physical (toileting)
I. A.EL.3 Demonstrates a healthy
II. Develops positive self-esteem
Check off appropriate boxes for the context of this

X Child-initiated activity X Done with adult guidance

Teacher-initiated activity Done with peer(s)
X New task for this child X Time spent 1-5 mins.
Familiar task for this child Time spent 5-15 mins.
Done independently Time spent 15+ mins.

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