Turn The Following Into Reported Speech - EXTRA PRACTICE

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Turn the following into reported speech

1. ‘When I first came here, I had a hard time with the language,’ Susan said.
Susan said she had a hard time with the language when she first came there.
2. ‘I couldn’t’ believe my ears when I heard they’ split up,’ she said to him.
3. ‘Although I ‘m afraid I must reject your offer,’ Paul said to Philip
4. ‘You mustn’t ask such silly questions or you will find yourself in serious difficulties one day,’ she said to
5. Although I won’t be able to let you know until tomorrow, I might be able to come,’ he said to Sarah
6. The assistant said, ‘Shall I wrap this for you?’
7. ‘Is he going to accept the job offer?’ she asked
8. She said, ‘Be very careful with that knife. It’s very sharp.’
9. ‘We know you were involved in the robbery,’ the police said
10. The teacher said, ‘You mustn’t make that mistake again.’

11. Sandra said, ‘When shall I see him again?’

12. ‘I’ve heard her claim that she may give up her job and open a restaurant,’ she said
13. ‘I really must get going,’ Jane said to the family, ‘or I might miss the train.’
14. ‘I’m the one who broke the window,’ she said.
15. ‘I’m sorry that I didn’t phone you yesterday,’ said Jane, ‘but you see I had to take my dog to the vet’s.’

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