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Example Sheet 4

1 If a 20 km, 100 MVA, 11 kV three phase transmission line has a reactance of 0.27 ohms/km/phase and
resistance 0.15 ohms/km/phase, what is the theoretical maximum real power which can be transmitted
and what is the power loss when there is rated voltage at both line ends. [10.1 MW, 9.8 MW]

2 A 132kV, 100 MVA transmission line of reactance 0.2 per unit/ per phase supplies a 100 MW load of
0.9 power factor from a stiff supply (assume fixed at rated voltage). Calculate the supply and load
current. If a static VAR compensator is connected to the centre of the transmission line to maintain the
voltage at the centre at rated voltage calculated the supply and load currents and hence show this will
reduce the power loss in the transmission lines. [564 Amps, 514 Amps]

3 Describe with the aid of a diagram the connection arrangement and operation of a modern shunt
connected static Voltage compensator which uses a power converter as its MVA source.

4 A voltage compensator is connected to the centre of a 132kV 100 MVA lossless 3 phase transmission
line of impedance 0.1 pu/phase. Show with the aid of a phasor diagram how the maximum power
throughput of the transmission line will be increased. Give the MVA rating of the compensator.
[29 kVA]

5 Find the most economical division of loads for two 500 MVA generators at a total load of 200MW and
800MW when they have a total operating cost in £/hour given by
F1 = 0.002 P12 + 0.3P1 + 6
F2 = 0.003P22 + 0.1P2 + 1
where P1 and P2 are in MW. [100 MW, 100 MW and 460 MW, 340 MW]

6 If the per unit frequency regulation of machine 1 in 5(a) is 4% find the per unit regulation for machine 2
which gives economical loading over the loading range 200MW to 800MW. [6%]

7 Three identical 500 MW synchronous electrical generators are connected in parallel to an infinite bus.
The governor settings on the machines are 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08 per unit regulation respectively. If they
all have the same frequency at zero load what is their power divisions when their total load in 1200
MW? [554 MW, 369 MW, 277 MW]

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