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Water Research Vol. 16. pp.

83 to 88, 1982 0043"13M/g2t~)10083~O6503'00/0

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright • 1982 Pergamon Prim Ltd


Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, GA 30332, U.S.A.

(Received April 1981)

Abstract--Activated sludge samples from 2 laboratory units and 12 sewage treatment plants were
examined to determine the effect of filamentous microorganisms, floc size and suspended solids concen-
tration on SVI. An attempt was also made to correlate SVI to zone settling velocity. At a suspended
solids concentration range of 7(X)-4800m g l - t there was no effect of filamentous microorganisms at
filament length concentrations below 10:/~m (rag SS)- t. However, when it was over l0 T/~m (rag SS)- t
SVI increased sharply with increasing concentrations of filamentous microorganisms.
At all suspended solids concentrations examined SVI varied with floc size at filament length concen-
trations below 10 ~um (mg SS)- t. But, at filament length concentrations higher than this level, no effect
of floc size on SVI was observed.
The effect of suspended solids concentration on SVI was examined at different levels of filament
lengths. It was found that the shape of SVi-suspended solids concentration curve varied with the level of
filament lengths. A well defined relationship was found between SVI and zone settling velocity at all
suspended solids concentrations examined.

INTRODUCTION However, the relationship was not consistent for all

In the operation of activated sludge plants as well as sludges.
In plant control, SVI is used to determine the con-
in research studies, the Sludge Volume Index (SVI) is
dition of sludge and whether bulking is occurring or
used to characterize the settling properties of acti-
not. A bulking sludge is characterized to yield a SVI
vated sludge. Although widely used, a number of
of greater than 1 0 0 m l g - 1 (Vesilind, 1979; ASCE/
investigators have demonstrated that SVI may not be
JWPCF, 1959) and, in most cases, identified by the
indicative of the true sludge settling characteristics
excessive presence of filamentous microorganisms
(Dick & Vesilind, 1969; Fitch & Kos, 1976). Dick &
(Bisogni & Lawrence, 1971). It has been found that
Vesilind (1969) found that SVI may be a useful par-
there is a well defined relationship between SVI and
ameter for inplant control, but should not be used for
the filament quantity (Sezgin et al., 1978). These
comparison of sludge settling characteristics from dif-
workers found that when filament length was over
ferent plants nor for prediction of secondary clarifier
l0 T/zm (rag SS) -t, SVI increased sharply starting
underflow solids concentration to determine the
from about 100 ml g- t for suspended solids (SS) con-
required sludge return rate. With small settling
centration range of 1000-1600 m g l - t . Similar obser-
columns such as 1 I. graduated cylinders, which are
vations were reported on experiments with activated
used for the SVI test, artificial settling conditions are
sludges from a number of wastewater treatment
created. Schaffner & Pipes (1978) reported that in ex-
plants (Sezgin et al., 1980).
periments with a full-scale treatment plant, the under-
One of the objectives of this study was to investi-
flow solids concentration computed from SVI
gate the effect of filamentous microorganisms on SVI
measurements agreed only once out of 11 measure-
at different SS concentrations. The other objectives
ments. It resulted in lower underflow solids concen-
were to determine the influence of floc size on SVI
tration in 6 times and higher in 4 times. Despite these
and to investigate whether any relationship exists
insufficiencies, SVI is still widely accepted as a stan-
between SVI and zone settling velocity which is com-
dard method (APHA, 1976) because of the relative
monly accepted parameter to characterize settling
ease of conducting the analysis by less well trained
properties of sludges.
Because SVI reflects a response to biological,
chemical and physical characteristics of activated MATERIALS AND METHODS
sludge, it is difficult to observe an orderly relationship Activated sludges from 2 laboratory activated sludge
between SVI and any one of these factors. Dick & units and 12 sewage treatment plants were used to investi-
Vesilind (1969) reported that SVI values varied with gate the variation of SVI with the quantity of filamentous
microorganisms and floc size at different SS concen-
physical characteristics of sludges such as plastic vis- trations. Laboratory activated sludge units (Sezgin et al.,
cosity and yield strength, e.g. increasing SVI values 1978) were continuous-flow with cylindrical aeration basins
with increasing plastic viscosity and yield strength. (14-cm dia., 79-cm high, liquid volume 10.371.) and
,";4 \h,,t n~ ,,, ,,'..

l a b l e I. PrccJslO[1 of 11oc attd lilament counting and M/III~ ,,qtttnn~ ~o that ',ctthng tc~,tn could bc Collduetcd Jtlc,ti ~.
technique m lhc aeration ba',in v, ithout transporting the ~,lut.tgc I)ul-
m+ the ,cttling tc~,t,,, the contenl of the ,,ettllng ct+lumn ~'.,t-
('oelficient t)l qirred ',~th a single paddlc ~,tirrcr at 2 3 rpm. The ,,hldgc
variation liquid interface ~as recorded m e r a pcriod (>f 60 m m rhc
Parameter Mean r',,) SVI test ,it SS concentrations of 700. 11(X/and 1500 nag I
~as performed m I-I. g r a d u a t e d c~,lindcr. SVI wa~ d e t e r -
Floc number, no mg ' 1.1 × 10"~ 211 mined I'rorn 30-rain settled ,ludgc ~oh{mc (APHA. 19"761.
5.5 ~.: 10a 13 Of the treatment plants. (our reccixed domestic ~c~agc:
Floc size, ,am _-m
_4 7 the othcr~ trcatcd a mixture of domcstic and industrial
532 q v, astcs: food processing, metal plating, paint, tanner> and
Filament number, no mg ~ 0.7 × 10"~ 24 electronic induslrie~,, l h c operational condition,, ~f the
33.9 × 10'~ 4 (reatmcnl plant,, ha',c bccn prescnted elsewhere ISczgin.
Filament length, ,am m g ' 3.2 × 10 ~ 55 19801.
7.3 x 1()" 16 Activated sludge samples from the treatment plants ~ere
collected from the claritier underflow hne and diluted v.ith
effluent to SS concentrations of 7fX). 1100. 1500. 2450 and
inverted Erlenmeyer flask sedimentation basins (liquid 4 8 0 0 m g l L Settling tests were conducted in settling
volume 1.1 1.). Aeration basins were stirred with 3-paddle columns which were identical to the aeration basin-settling
stirrers and aerated with air (or oxygen) to produce a mean columns used in laboratory experiments. Prior It) the
velocity gradient of 83- 85 s- '. Feed was settled domestic settling test the content of the settling column was stirred
sewage from the City of Richmond, California. The analy- and aerated at a mean ~elocity gradient of 83 85 s ' for
sis necessary, i.e. chemical oxygen demand (COD), ~arious 15 min The settling tests were carried out in the similar
forms of solids and nitrogen, during the operation of the manner as in the settling tests of laboratory studie:, The
units were performed in accordance with the procedures SVI test was also conducted at SS concentration.,, of 700.
outlined in Standard Methods (APHA, 19761. In the labora- 1100. 1500. 2450 and 4800 mg I '. SS determination on the
tory studies, two series of experiments were conducted sample of the claritier undcrflow linc was made in accord-
referred to herein as Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. ante with Standard Method~ (APHA. 1076,1,
Detailed description of laboratory activated sludge units Floc and lilamcnt counting and si/ing v.cre performed
and the conditions under which Experiments 1 and 2 were on diluted samplcs using prc,,iously-described proccdure
performed, have been presented elsewhere (Sezgin et al.. (Sezgin, 19801. To tesl the precision of the floc and lilamcnt
1978}. counting and siling method 4 replicate samples were taken.
In laboratory experiments, settling tests were carried out dilutcd and countcd. The coefIicient of ~ariation of the
in the aeration basin at SS concentrations of 700, 1100 and method at low and high floc number and size and filament
1500 mg I - ' . Aeration basins were constructed as settling number and length are sho~n in Tablc 1.

~ 7ff,,,~-ff~--- -'-r--- J~xlmom ~l
A~tam~e 1429 J
' 1418 At.a,,'mbm. 6 6 7
Tr eotment p~a~t ~o~ora~ory E I [ 2[ Sus..,-~r,.aea
experiment xp Jig,
C~)~ I~ rr.o r
0~o Lomo

Cur syslem • •

eoo ~
SO~ Jose
Rodeo 0
s~x~m o o
- I
VCSD ae Suspended ~ , d s
Son Pobio Czx~ 700 mg I

S Son R-oncmco
ol I
,0 ~ ,0 ~ iOA
L ivllrmoce TOPOI lel~l/~ of fdomLmt$ per ~ SI~ . p.m


1¢~ j,mt~m SVI

tO: ,0 ~ ,0" ,0"
4oo S,,sper~ea sol~s - A'T;-O
Toto~ ,er~th of filomen~ p ~ rr~ stuart , ~ m n'~ Conc 2 4 5 0 m~ i

,C0£ 2oo.
~,mum SVI

8O0 Cone • I1(~ ~ I I

• i o ;~ ;, ,o, ,o~
TOtal ,engfh of filaments per ~ $[~le, k~



Con~: 4 0 0 0 rr~ I ' Maxim~ SVI ~ a l n o b k ) , 206



~ cl A
o ~ zOO

, i i - o -" i
tO~ i0 e IO~ ~0~

Totol I~l,0m of fiiamsnt's p ~ m~ $1uOge, ~si mq" TotoI Itngltl of fl~ornents per rn~ sluOOe. /~m ~ '

Fig. I. Effect o f f i l a m e n t l e n g t h o n S V I at d i f f e r e n t s u s p e n d e d solids concentrations.

Sludge volume index with activated sludge characteristics 85

R E S U L T S A N D DISCUSSION (Fig. 2). As presented in Fig. 2, depending upon the

level of filament lengths the shape of the SVI curves
Effect of filament length and SS concentration on SVI varies with SS concentration. At intermediate filament
The variations of SVI with the total length of fila- lengths such as 4-6 x l0 T~m (rag SS)-t, SVI con-
mentous microorganisms at different SS concen- sisted of two parts, a rising and a falling limb. For
trations are shown in Fig. 1. For the SS concentration example, for a filament length of 6 x 10~/~m
range of 700-4800 mg l - t filament lengths of below (mg SS)- t SVI increased from 240 to 260 ml g- t with
107 #m (mg SS)-Z had no effect on SVI which was an increase in SS concentration from 700 to
below 100 ml g- i. However, when the filament length 2450mgl -t. Further increase in SS concentration
was over 107/~m (mg SS)-t, SVI increased sharply from 2450 to 4800 mg 1-1 resulted in a decrease in
with increasing filament length. Since, at no settling, SVI from 260 to 208 ml g-1. In Fig. 2, the falling
sludge volume is always 1000 ml, for a given SS con- limbs of the curves corresponding to filament lengths
centration, X, there will be a maximum SVI attain- of 4-6 x l0 T/~m (mg SS)-1 were not shown because
able (i.e. IO00/X). Therefore, at a fixed SS concen- there were no data points between 2450 and
tration as filament length increases SVI is expected to 4800mgl-t. Therefore, the exact shapes of these
increase up to that maximum level and then level off curves were not known nor whether the turning point
because of volume limitation (i.e. 1000 ml). For this occurred at 2450 mg l - t (Curve A) or at a higher SS
reason, the relationship between SVI and the total concentration (Curve B). A rising and a falling limb
filament length appears to be an S-shaped curve. for a SVI curve was also reported by other investiga-
Whether the relationship is a steep S or spread S tors (Somers, 1968; Dick and Vesilind, 1969). At low
depends upon the quantity of filamentous micro- filament length levels, i.e. 106-10 ~ #m (mg SS)-1, SVI
organisms relative to the amount of activated sludge increased gradually with increasing SS concentration.
flocs and their interaction during the course of It is possible that at low filament concentrations, the
settling. As presented in Fig. 1, when filament length turning point between rising and falling limbs of the
is over a critical limit i.e. l0 Tgm (mg SS)- 1, a steep SVI curve was not reached for SS concentrations up to
increase in SVI with an increase in filament length is 4800 mg l- 1. At high filament length levels, i.e. greater
observed at lower SS concentrations. However, at than 8 × l07/~m (mg SS)-t, SVI decreased progress-
higher SS concentrations a rather gradual increase in ively with increasing SS concentration up to
SVI with an increase in filament length appears to be 4800 mg l- t (SVI = 208 ml g- 1). Since there were no
the case. data points between 2450 and 4800 m g l - t the SVI
The solid lines plotted through the individual curves were not shown between this SS concentration
points in Fig. 1 were used to plot curves of SVI vs SS range (Fig. 2). These variations in SVI with filament
concentration at different filament length levels length and SS concentration can be explained by the

l i I i i


\ Maximum SVI
X ........~ mtainab~
7 Filament length , ~m rag-' \
E 600 I x I0 e

8 x 10 7


6x I0'

4 x I0 T Q-" ........
2 x I0 ~
I x I0 7
I x I0'

0 I000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Suspended solids concentration t m g I -

Fig. 2. Variations in SVI at different levels of filament length and suspended solids concentrations.
,~(' \}~st I S t Z ( , I ~.

effect of filamentous microorganisms on agglomer- SVI such as those encountered at filament length con-
alion of activated sludge floes and on their sub- centrations of 10" 10"um ImgSS) ~ IFig 2) Ho~-
sequent settling. ever, at this h)w fihtment concentration the sims in-
It has been proposed that, depending upon the crease in SVI with increasing SS concentration can bc
quantity of filamentous microorganisms protruding attributed to the increasing failure of floes to form
from activated sludge floes, different types of aggre- aggregates (Vesilind, 1069, 1979). Vesilind's (19691
gates are formed in the course of agglomeration {Sez- explanation of poor agglomeration of concentrated
gin et al., 1978). At very low extended filament lengths sludges is that particles which have an affinity for
i.e. <10 ",urn fmg SS) '. when floes approach each clumping are held apart by the shear mass of solid
other they make a particle to particle contact. As a matter. However, when the sludge is slowly stirred
result, compact, high density "'floe-to-floe'" aggregates agglomeration is enhanced because it produces at
are formed. When floes having extended filaments physical rearrangement of the particles and increases
lengths greater than 10" ,urn (mg SS)- ~ flocculate the the probability of their collision. Since SVI is the ratio
first contact occurs between filaments and filaments of settled sludge volume to SS concentration, to yield
and flocs. As a result, "'filament-to-iilament'" and increasing SVI values with SS concentration it is
"'floc-to-filamenr" aggregates are formed. These aggre- expected that settled sludge volume should increase
gates are rather loose and have low densities. more rapidly relative to the increase in SS concen-
In an unstirred batch settling test and at relatively tration.
low SS concentration, "floe-to-floe'" aggregates pro- The increase in SVI at a fixed SS concentration
duce a course and open structure {Dick & Ewing, with increasing filament concentration such as from
19671. As a result, sludge settles well and yields low 10" to lOS gin (mgSS) ' l is attributed to the forma-

80 J i i i

Susplmcle(I SOhCIs Laboratory Exp I Exp2

6O 140 -Cone : 2 4 ~ 0 mq i -I
7 A f sysmm • •
~ Suspenaed SOlids Oxygen sylflwr~ o o
E 40 Cone 7 0 0 mg I-r 12C
g T r l a t m l n t D~nt
ZO iOC @o Loma v
San Jose o
o i i i i i 8c RoG~o
O 50 K30 150 200 250 3OO MilbfOe •
Mean floc SiZe, #rn E VC.SD e
- 60
140 I S~cremento e
40 S San Fror~m¢o *
Llverm~e x

Richmond +

0 i i i i I
K)O 150 200 25,0 300

60 Suspendecl SOlidS
Cone I I C ~ m(~ i-'
> 4o


Mean fl0c size, #.m

i i

120 120
Sulpendld solids
Cone : 4 8 0 0 m 0 I"
IO0 10<3

• o

80 eO
/ q i l n d l d soids
~ ~o 60

~> 4o 40

2O 20

0 I I I I i I I I I I
Mean floc size , / ~ m Meon fkx: s i z e , # m

Fig, 3, Variations in SVI with floc size at different suspended solids concentrations.
Sludge volume index with activated sludge characteristics 87

tion of "floe-to-filament" and "filament-to-filament" 4800 mg 1-1. At 700 mg 1- ~, there were not enough
aggregates. These aggregates settle very slowly, there- data to observe the same relationship indicated at the
by, yield higher SVI values. other SS concentrations. Jahaveri & Dick (1969)
At intermediate levels of filaments, i.e. reported that the size of aggregates got smaller along
4-6 x l0 T/~m (mg SS)-1, the rising limb of the SVI with a significant increase in their density during
curve is attributed to the increasing failure of sludge thickening of activated sludge. As a result, increasing
to agglomerate into a coarse, open structure to pro- floc sizes with decreasing floc densities yield increas-
duce a well settling sludge. Poor agglomeration is ing SVI values (Fig. 3). However, mean floc size
caused by the presence of filaments and increasing SS influences SVI to a limited extent as compared to the
concentration. As a result, settled sludge volume in- effect of filamentous microorganisms. It is interesting
creases more rapidly than the increase in SS concen- to note that the relationship between SVI and mean
tration yielding increasing SVI with increasing SS floc size holds for a variety of sludges.
concentration. Falling branch of the SVI curve at
intermediate [4-6 x 107/am (mg SS)- 1] or high levels Relationship between SVI and zone settling velocity
of filaments ['7-8 x 107/am (mgSS) -1] results from It has been reported (Dick & Vesilind, 1969) that
the combined effect of filamentous microorganisms there is not a consistent relationship between zone
and SS concentrations which still result in poorly ag- settling velocity and SVI. However, in this study a
glomerated sludge. However, this time, the increase in consistent relationship was observed between zone
settled sludge volume is less pronounced than the in- settling velocity and SVI when conducted at the same
crease in SS concentration. So, the net result is de- SS concentration regardless of the type of sludge, i.e.
creasing SVI with increasing SS concentrations. domestic, partially domestic or industrial origin
(Fig. 4). Chao & Keinath (1979), working with a syn-
Effect of floe size on SVI thetic substrate and laboratory activated sludge units,
While investigating the possible relationship observed a similar relationship to that found herein
between a basic physical property of activated sludge, between SVI and zone settling velocity. Accordingly,
i.e. floc size, and SVI, it was found that, at filament the question of whether or not SVI can be used to
length concentrations of less than 107/am (mg SS)- 1, characterize sludge settling properties remains un-
a relationship existed between SVI and mean floc size. answered in the literature. These results indicate that
As illustrated in Fig. 3, SVI increased with mean size if zone settling velocity from a batch settling test is
of floes for SS concentration range of 1100-- used for characterizing sludge settling properties, SVl

i eo¢
M~ ~lurn SVl
ex~orInm~ Om ~ •
60¢ Affal~ble * ~ 7
~ m m
Su=pl~ed I~oiid=
- -- TJ~T~m svi Ro~o 0 4oo Con~: I~00 mg I-r
t ~ole ,~1429 s~MIIbco
IPablO •••
1200 zoc
IOOO S~cramen~ •
re, S ~ FromrlKo Zone utflmg velocsty, ¢m mm "1

gO0 l Livermonl


, , , , , ,

200 Con: 2450 mq I -~
Z~¢~ i~111ngvel~htlf, cm mm-I
0 2 4 £ 8 I0 12

aoo ~ 9 0 9

Co~;: lICK) f~g I -I

~ x = m u m SVt
2oo ~ , , ~ : . 208
200 ~ " ~ . , ~ t V Z Suspen¢lo¢lsO~ls
Cone 4800 mOI"
00 2 / / / I~) I~ I/
ZOn4 IlffllnQ v~oclly, era rain-I ZOnll lleMlll~ VI~CITy i Cm l ~ n I

Fig. 4. Relationship between SVI and zone settling velocity at different suspended solids concentrations.
performed at the same SS concentration used for edges the opportunity given by Professor D. Jenkins I,~ the'
settling could be used as appropriately to characterize author to conduct this research.
CONCLUSIONS APHA (1976) Standard Methods for the ExamWatt,m ,~;
Water and Wastewater. 14th Edition. American Public
1. SVI was influenced by sludge characteristics as Health Association, New York.
determined by floc size, SS concentration and the ASCE/JWPCF (1959) Sewage Treatment Plant Design
presence of filamentous organisms. Manual of Practice, No. 36 American Society of Civil
Engineers, Water Pollution Control Federation.
2. For a SS concentration range of 700-4800mg Bisogni J. J. Jr & Lawrence A. W. (1971) Relationships
1-~, SVI increased sharply with filament length con- between solids retention time and settling characteristics
centrations of over 10; ~m (mg SS)- ~. However, when of activated sludge. Water Res. 5, 753.-763.
filament length concentration was less than 10" #m Chao C. A. & Keinath T. M. (1979) Influence of process
loading intensity on sludge clarification and thickening
(mg SS)-~, no effect of filamentous microorganisms characteristics. Water Res. 13, 1213-1223.
on SVI was observed. Dick R. I. & Ewing B. B. (1967) Evaluation of activated
3. When filament length concentration was less sludge thickening theories. J. sanit. Enymt Div. Am. Soc.
than 10 ~,am ( m g S S ) - t and at a fixed SS concen- cir. Enyrs 93, 4--29.
tration, SVI was primarily influenced by floc size. SVI Dick R. I. & Vesilind P. A. 11969) Sludge volume index
what is it? J. Wat. Pollut. Control Fed. 41, 1285 1291.
increased with increasing mean floc size. However. the Fitch B. & Kos P. (1976) Toward a more meaningful index
effect of floc size on SVI is obscured at filament length of sludge quality. J. War. Pollut. Control Fed 48,
concentrations higher than 10 ~ #m (mg SS)- 1979.- 1987.
4. The relationships between SVI and filament Javaheri A. R. & Dick R. I. (1969) Aggregate size variations
during thickening of activated sludge. J. War. Pollut.
length concentration and floc size hold for a variety of Control Fed. 41, RI97-R214.
sludges. Schaffner M. W. & Pipes W. O. (1978) Underflow rate and
5. The SVI-SS curve has the following character- control of an activated sludge process. J. Wat. Pollut.
istics for a SS concentration range of 70(04800 mg l- Control Fed. 50, 20 30.
Sezgin M. {1980) The role of filamentous microorganisms
and filament length range of 10~-108 ~m (rag SS) -t. in activated sludge settling. Print. War. Technol. 12.
At intermediate filament lengths the SVI curve con- 97 107.
sists of rising and falling limbs. However. while at low Sezgin M., Jenkins D. & Palm J. C. {1980) Floc size, #ila-
filament lengths [i.e. < 107,am ( m g S S ) t ] the SVI ment length and settling properties of prototype acti-
vated sludge plants. Pro¢l. War. Technol. 12, 171 182.
curve has only a rising limb at high filament lengths
Sezgin M., Jenkins D. & Parker D. S. (1978) A unilied
[i.e. > 8 10:,am ( m g S S ) ~] the SVI curve has only a theory of filamentous activated sludge bulking. J I+',a.
falling limb. Pollut. Control Fed. 50, 362-381.
6. SVI could be sensibly related to zone settling Somers J. A. {1968) The relation between sludge volume
velocity of sludges. index and sludge content in the activated sludge process.
Water Res. 2, 563 573.
Vesilind P. A. 11969) Quiescent batch thickening of acti-
Acknowledgement--This research was conducted at the vated sludge in small cylinders. Vatten 4, 456-462.
University of California, Berkeley where the author was a Vesilind P. A. (1979) Treatment and Disposal of Wastewater
part time research assistant for another research directed Sludges, 2nd Edition. Ann Arbor Science. Ann Arbor.
by Professor D. Jenkins. The author gratefully acknowl- MI.

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