Trabajo Esfuerzo

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28 CHAPTER 1 Stress

Computer Problems
C1.1 The symmetric truss ABC of height h and span 2b carries the upward vertical
force P at its apex C. The working stresses for the members are st in tension and sc
in compression. Given b, P, st , and sc , write an algorithm to plot the required vol-
ume of material in the truss against h from h ¼ 0:5b to 4b. Also find the value of h
that results in the smallest volume of the material in the truss. Assume that the truss
is fully stressed (each member is stressed to its working stress). Use the following data:
b ¼ 6 ft, P ¼ 120 kips, st ¼ 18 ksi, and sc ¼ 12 ksi.

FIG. C1.1, C1.2

C1.2 Solve Prob. C1.1 assuming that P acts vertically downward.

FIG. C1.3 FIG. C1.4

C1.3 The truss ABC has an overhang b, and its two members are inclined at angles
a and y to the horizontal, both angles being positive. A downward vertical force P
acts at A. The working stresses for the members are st in tension and sc in com-
pression. Given b, P, a, st , and sc , construct an algorithm to plot the required vol-
ume of material in the truss against y from y ¼ 0 to 75 . Assume that each member
of the truss is stressed to its working stress. What is the value of y that results in the
smallest material volume? Use the following data: b ¼ 1:8 m, P ¼ 530 kN, a ¼ 30 ,
st ¼ 125 MPa, and sc ¼ 85 MPa.
C1.4 A high-strength adhesive is used to join two halves of a metal bar of
cross-sectional area A along the plane m-n, which is inclined at the angle y to the
cross section. The working stresses for the adhesive are sw in tension and tw in shear.
Given A, sw , and tw , write an algorithm that plots the maximum allowable axial
force P that can be applied to the bar as a function of y in the range 0 a y a 60 .
Assume that the metal is much stronger than the adhesive, so that P is determined by
the stresses in the adhesive. Use the following data: A ¼ 4 in. 2 , sw ¼ 3500 psi, and
tw ¼ 1800 psi.

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