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Name: ______________________ Grade 10: ________ Date: _________Score: _________


Watch the film Odyssey with the lead actor ARMAND ASSANTI before you answer this
assignment. Print this in long bond paper (back to back); then, pass it on the next
meeting. Identify the following. Write the number of the correct description beside the
word it modifies. Write legibly.

_____ Lotophagi _____ Eurylochus _____ Melantho _____ Poseidon _____ Moly
_____ Athena _____ Anticleia _____ Eurycleia _____ Melanthius _____ Circe
_____ Sisyphus _____ Laertes _____ Telemachus _____ Eumaeus _____ Scylla
_____ Nausicaa _____ Calypso _____ Alcinous _____ Polyphemus _____ Sirens
_____ Eurymachus _____ Odysseus _____ Philoetius _____ Telegonus _____ Aelios
_____ Antinous _____ Tiresias _____ Palamedes _____ Penelope _____ Hermes

1) A god of the sea, earthquake, & horses; although there were various rivers personified as
gods, these were technically under his sway
2) described as the Lotos Eaters, rather than Lotus Eaters, which muddies the water a bit, as
the Greeks used the term “lotus” to discuss several edible plants
3) Autolycus & Amphithea’s daughter; Oddyseus’ mother; granddaughter of the trickster god
Hermes who was the father of her father; her name means anti-fame; grandmother of
Telemachus; mother-in-law of Penelope
4) second-in-command of Odysseus’ ship during the return to Ithaca; relative of Odysseus
through marriage; portrayed as an unpleasant cowardly individual who undermined Odysseus
and stirred up trouble
5) They were actually prophets with bodies of a bird and beautiful human heads or half-woman,
half-birdlike creatures that sang such sweet songs that those listeners forgot everything and
died of hunger.
6) son of Polybus; an Ithacan nobleman; as evil as Antinous but far more soft and cowardly; he,
along with the majority of his fellow suitors, showed no regard for the Greek custom of xenia
or guest-friend hospitality.
7) daughter of the god of the son, Helios, & Perse, an oceanid & sister of Aeetes, the keeper of
the golden fleece, and Pasiphae; beautiful witch-goddess, sorceress or enchantress who
transformed her enemies or those who offended her into animals through the use of magical
8) son of Odysseus & Penelope who was just an infant when his father left for the Trojan War;
searched for his father with the help of Athena; married Cassiphone and/or Circe or Nausicaa
9) sister of Melanthius & maidservant in the palace; had an affair with Eurymachus; one of the
favorite maids of Penelope whom she treated like a daughter; described as having a sharp
tongue; rated the beggar Odysseus
10) daughter of the titan Atlas; a beautiful nymph who fell in love with Odysseus & imprisoned
him for several years in her island in order to make him her immortal husband
11) She asked Zeus to order the release of Odysseus from the island so Zeus sent Hermes to tell
Calypso to set Odysseus free, if not, her island would sink at the bottom of Poseidon’s sea.
12) Biological father of Odysseus; to get even with Autolycus, he raped Anticleia before she got

13) monstrous sea goddess who haunted the rocks of certain narrow strait opposite the whirlpool
14) loyal swineherd who, along with Philoetius, helped Odysseus reclaim his throne; son of King
Ktesios of Syria; the first mortal that Odysseus met when he returned to Ithaca; generous in
his offerings to guests & gods [Hermes in particular] & so fair-minded as to strive to divide
meals equally between everyone he fed
15) the gigantic one-eyed son of Poseidon and Thoosa in Greek mythology, one of the Cyclopes;
name means “very famous”; killed & devoured some of Odysseus’ men
16) son of Circe from Odysseus who accidentally killed his father with a spine of stingray. He
brought the body back to Aeaea & took Penelope & Telemachus. Circe made them immortal
and married Telemachus while he married Penelope & Had a son, Italus.
17) keeper of winds; king of the island Aeolia, one of the rocky Lipara islands close to Sicily,
along with his wife and their 6 sons & daughters who were married to one another; later,
classical writers regarded him as a god;
18) Theban prophet who inhabited the underworld; showed Odysseus how to get back to Ithaca
& allowed him to communicate to other souls in Hades; was blinded by gods for revealing
their secrets
19) king of Ithaca; son of Anticlea by Sisyphus, not Laertes; husband of Penelope; father of
20) the most arrogant of Penelope’s suitors; led the campaign to have Telemachus killed
21) messenger god (sometimes shown as young & sometimes bearded); was called
Psychopompos (guider of soul
22) was a little prince sold to Laertes as a slave by a Phoenician sailor; Odysseus’ primary
cowherd; stood with Odysseus against Penelope’s suitors; worked together with Eumaeus by
locking the suitors in Odysseus’ home & stealing their weapons so they could not fight back
23) beautiful daughter of King Alcinous & Queen Arete; a mother figure for Odysseus; ensured
Odysseus’ return home
24) wife of Odysseus; daughter of Icarus of Sparta; sister of Tyndareus thus she’s the cousin of
Helen & Clytemnestra; mother of Telemachus
25) granddaughter of Peisenor, Odysseus & Telemachus’ nurse; Laertes treated her as a non-
consummated wife
26) known as Mulo; Hermes’ gave this herb to Odysseus to protect him from Circe’s magical spell
27) a happy ruler of Phaeacians in the island of Scheria; his name literally means “mighty mind”;
son of Nausithous or Phaeax (son of Poseidon & Corcyra); have 5 sons & 1 daughter
28) inventor of dice & several letters of the alphabet; outwitted Odysseus, making him join the
expedition against Troy
29) stepfather of Odysseus; husband of Anticlea; father-in-law of Penelope
30) brother of Melantho; treacherous & opportunistic goatherd who supported the suitors
especially Eurymachus

Name: ______________________ Grade 10: ________ Date: _________Score: _________

Assignment #3 (Watch the film Odyssey)

Print it in long bond papers then submit to your teacher.

1. What did Odysseus ask Penelope to do if he wouldn’t be able to come back from the War?


2. How did Odysseus & his men escape Polyphemus?


3. How did Odysseus show his intelligence and cleverness in Odyssey?


4. How did Odysseus show his intelligence and cleverness in Iliad?


5. Why did Poseidon get mad with Odysseus? Cite two (2) reasons.



6. What was Circe’s condition for returning Odysseus’ men into human form?


7. How long was Odysseus held captive by Calypso in Ogygia? Why?



8. Why didn’t Odysseus accept Calypso’s offer of immortality?


9. What would be Calypso’s punishment if she wouldn’t release Odysseus?


10.Why did Aelios help Odysseus to have a safe voyage to Ithaca? How did he help Odysseus?



11.Who opened the bag of wind? Why? What happened after it was opened?




12.Why were Odysseus men killed in the sea? What killed them?



13.Why did Anticleia end her life? How did she do it?



14.Who helped Odysseus to finally go back to Ithaca? How?



15.Why did Odysseus disguise himself as a beggar?


16.Why did Penelope devise an archery competition among the suitors?


17.Why did Odysseus kill Penelope’s suitors?


18.How long did Penelope wait for Odysseus to come back home?


19.What moral lessons did you learn from the epic?


20.Why was Odysseus’ journey considered a hero journey?


21.What places did Odysseus visit in "The Odyssey"?






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