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Group: S1 L2 /26

Test : Family + pets + numbers

A. I can name close family relationships.

1.Complete the sentences with the right family word. /10

Kate is Shaun’s (1) 1 _______________________________________

Adam is Polly’s (2) 2 _______________________________________

Adam is Emma’s (3) 3 _______________________________________

Polly and Adam are Fred’s (4) 4 _______________________________________

Pablo is Shaun’s (5) 5 _______________________________________

Lisa is Jason’s (6) 6 _______________________________________

Shaun is Emma’s (7) 7 _______________________________________

Kate is Alex’s (8) 8 _______________________________________

Emma is Kate’s (9) 9 _______________________________________

Fred is Adam’s (10) 10 _______________________________________

B. I can name pets.

2.Complete the sentences with the right pet. /6

These are my pets!

I have got two (1), they are friends with Pepper. Pepper is a young (2).

Betsy is a lazy (3). She doesn’t like any activity because she can’t see very well, she’s

That’s why Mickey, a (4) and Minnie a (5) don’t find her scary.

My two (6),Toby and Winston, control the house.

1 4

2 5

3 6
C. I can write numbers.

3. Write the numbers in words.

0 _______________________________________

15 _______________________________________

24 _______________________________________

38 _______________________________________

42 _______________________________________

59 _______________________________________

60 _______________________________________

73 _______________________________________

89 _______________________________________

96 _______________________________________

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