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building our ideal art room

Think about it:

Imagine your perfect art room.
Now consider the following:

• What does it look like?

• What do you hear? See? Smell?
• What materials are available?
• How is the room set up?

• Think about –
• supplies
• tables
• chairs
• storage
Sketch it up:
• Sketch some of your ideas

• Include classroom set up

• tables, chairs, materials storage

• Remember your space must accommodate our

entire class
Map it out:

• Materials: graph paper, pencils, erasers, rulers, colored


• Using your notes and sketches as references, draw a floor

plan of our new art space on graph paper, keeping items
approximately to scale.

• Remember your space must accommodate our entire class

• Use colored pencils to add details

Write about it:

• On the back of your floor plan, write a paragraph

describing our new space. Be sure to add specifics from
your original notes, including sensory details (sights,
sounds, and smells).
Share it:
• Share your completed floor plan and description with the
other students in your group.
• Discuss the following:
• What features were similar between your plans?
• What was different?
• Is there anything you might change or add to your plan
• Share your completed floor plan and description with the
other students in your group.
• After small group discussions, we will share as a class to
learn what each group discovered.

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