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Assignment #4 1

Assignment 4

Matthew Van Roeyen-Warda

College Of Southern Nevada

Assignment #4 2

Observing and evaluating the culture of Lois Craig Elementary School was for the

purpose of evaluating the school for its educational culture, place of learning, sense of safety,

invitation for learning, promotion of self-actualization, and development of values and

socialization. The typical school setting was designed with safety in mind. This was due to the

geographic location of the school. Although gates, and security, were present, the school was

designed with minimal interaction with outside variables since visitors were required to check in

through the administration office. The grounds were well kept, as the building maintained its’

structural capacity for housing a learning environment. The equipment was current, and up to

date. Lighting was used appropriately, since each classroom had an adequate visible amount of

light. Landscaping was not an issue since there were not many visible trees, or shrubbery, that

required attention. The parking lot was a visible distance away from the school, but allowed for

required parking. At least two gates were used to prevent students from leaving, and security

was able to monitor people entering and exiting the area.

The school’s mission statement, “Lois Craig Elementary School will provide a safe

environment, rigorous instruction, high expectations, and encourage active community

involvement.”, was designed to help others understand the school’s awareness of its’

expectations within the community. The motto, “Every minute matters”, refers to how each

teacher makes every minute count to educate students. Although there was no official mascot for

the school, their logo was the lions. Staff, and visitor, interactions were kept to a minimum,

because each member of staff was busy using their time wisely. Student and faculty interactions

were also kept to a minimum, but help was given if students requested it. In terms of the formal

practices, a school bell schedule was practiced throughout the day. Grouping of students was

performed on an individual grade level. The school used inclusion, and a pull-out program for
Assignment #4 3

special education students. Students socialized in the lunchroom, halls, and playground. In

terms of traditions, achievements, and awards, the community recognized the value that the

school provided in terms of a learning environment. In terms of community pride and sense of

identity through ceremonies, assemblies, trophies, and artifacts, each class was sent to a gym for

assemblies, and did not display trophies or artifacts.

The culture of the classroom was diverse. The teacher observed expected the students to

understand that they were there to learn. Success, interactions with students, and the teacher’s

personality were dependent upon the diversity of the classroom. The level of student

participation in the class varied due to individual students, and the needs of those individual

students. Modifications, accommodations, and inclusion techniques, were practiced on an

individual basis. The interactions between teachers and students, rapport, cohesiveness,

distribution of power, tone, frequency and reinforcements were also maintained on an individual

basis depending on the needs of each student.

Assignment #4 4


Parkay, Forrest W. (2013). Becoming A Teacher, 9th Edition. Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

Education, Inc.

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