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Third Quarter Examination

January - ,2018
English 10

NAME :________________________________ GRADE & SECTION :___________ Score :____

Vocabulary. Choose from the box below the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. Write
your answer on the space provided.

A.unclearly B. joyful C. aloneness D. permanent E. contented F. greeted G. concisely

____________________1. Many poets have written their masterpieces not in the presence of others but in solitude. C
____________________2. Prose describes life vaguely unlike poetry that describes in vividly. A
____________________3. Once created great poem becomes indestructible and lives on until eternity. D.
____________________4. Irvin has fame, fortune, and a loving family; needless to say, he is living a blissful life. B
____________________5. The teacher in satisfied with the students’ answer. E


DIRECTIONS: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
6. The writer of “The Story of Keesh “
A. Adam Smith B. Jake Cruz C. John Milton D. Jack London
7. Which of the following is a singular indefinite pronoun?
A. Both B. Few C. All D. Somebody
8. Which of the following is a plural indefinite pronoun?
A. Somebody B. Someone C. Nobody D. Many
9. Relative pronoun in sentence "success is only for those who believe in hard working." is B. for C.who D. in
10. This refers to the reasons why a character feels, thinks, speaks.
A. character motivation B. character values C. character traits D. character action
11. In writing composition, this means that all ideas in a paragraph flow smoothly from on sentence to the next
A. Cohesion B. Coherence C. Unity D. Logic
12. Speech written to convince the listeners of the validity of the speaker’s argument about “Why People Should
Connect More with Nature “
A. Persuasive speech B. Argumentative speech C. Informative speech D. Declarative Speech
13. Speech that tries to change the reader’s mind by convincing him or her to agree with your point of view about
‘Nature vs. Nurture “.
A. Persuasive speech B. Argumentative speech C. Informative speech D.
14. _________: everybody :: demonstrative pronoun : those
A. Relative pronoun B.Personal pronoun C. Reciprocal pronoun D.Indefinite pronoun
15.Which is not a relative pronoun?
A. What B. Which C. Way D. That
16. Plot : Sequence of events :: _________: main message of the story
A. Point of view B. Characters C.Setting D. Theme
17.Conflict: opposition of forces : : _______:final outcome of events in the story.
A. exposition B.denouement C.climax D. rising action
18. Which of the following is a demonstrative pronoun?
A.myself B.those C.mine D. everyone
19.It uses certain elements of words that give clues on what is going to happen next.
A. Flashback B. Foreshadowing C. Foretelling D. Foregrounding
20. In a plot of story, the logical arrangement of events is presented. It has five essential parts except
A. denouement B. exposition C. atmosphere D. climax
21. It uses certain elements of words that give clues on what is going to happen next.
A. Flashback B. Foreshadowing C. Foretelling D. Foregrounding
22. It refers to the series of related events that make up a story.
A. character B. plot C. setting D. theme
23. Street children find useful trashes for them to earn money for their basic needs.
Which word in the sentence is a verb?
A. children B. find C. useful D. buy
24. The expression to " throw back your shoulders" means ___________________.
A. exercise your shoulders B. be confident and brave
C. forget your responsibilities D. show your feelings
25. Uses words that describe the five senses to create a mental image of something.
A.Personification B. Symbolism C. Hyperbole D.Imagery
26. Which type of poem must have only 14 lines? A. ballad B. sonnet C. epic D. limerick
27. It is the central idea or topic of the story.
A. Topic sentence B. Main idea C. Controlling idea D. Theme
28.Rhyme Scheme of a Shakespearean Sonnet
A.ababcfcfeded B. abbacddceffgg C. ababcdcdefefgg D.ababdcdcefef
29. An orderly person designates a place for everything in ( his, her, its, their ) place.
30.No one should be afraid to show ( his, her, its, their) love for the country.
31. The Filipino youth respects ( his, her, its, their) country’s heroes.
32. We, Filipino students, should study hard as much as (he, our, they, we) can.
33.The number of soldiers increases ( its, their, his, her ) ranks every after war.
34. Manuel L. Quezon is known for (his, her, its, they ) abiding faith to the Filipino people.
35.A number of Filipinos have shown (his, their, her, them ) admiration toward Manuel L. Quezon.
36. Every Filipino child should try to hone ( his, her, its, their ) ability.
III . B. Choose the best topic sentence for each group of supporting sentences. Encircle the letter of your answer.

37. ____________________________________. I enjoy summer sports like water skiing and baseball. The weather is
usually sunny and hot, so I can go to the beach almost every day. Gardening is my hobby and I spend many summer
days working in my garden. Unfortunately, the days pass too quickly in summer.
A. I like to garden in summer. B.Summer is my favorite season.
C. Summer is too short. D. Summer is the sports time of the year.
38. _________________________________. I usually go skiing every weekend in the winter even though it is
expensive. I love the feeling of flying down a mountain. The views are beautiful from the top of a mountain and along
the trails. Even the danger of falling and getting hurt can’t keep me away from the slopes on a winter day.
A. Skiing is expensive. B. Skiing is my favourite sport.
C.Skiing is dangerous. D. Skiing is my past time.
39.________________________________________. First of all, we need money to repair old roads and build new
roads. We also need more to pay teachers’ salaries and to pay for services such as trash collection. Finally, more tax
money is needed to give financial help to the poor citizens of the city. It is clear that the city will have serious
problems if taxes are not raised soon.

A.We should raise city taxes. B.City taxes are too high.
C.City taxes pay for new roads. D. We need to pay our taxes.

40.______________________________________. First, fruits and vegetables are packed with the vitamins and
minerals you need to keep your body functioning smoothly. In addition, they give you the carbohydrates you need for
energy. Fruits and vegetables have lots of fiber to help your digestive
system work properly. Finally, many scientists believe that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables can help fight diseases.
If you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables , you’ll be on the road to better health.
A. Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. B. Healthy living
decreases the tendency to have diseases. C. Eating vegetables and fruits is the road to a
healthier life. D. Vegetables and fruits are for everybody.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding."
- Proverbs 3:5
- Ma'am Kadesh Jean B. Denzo – Planteras

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