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Sierra Leone UNIT 2

1. What physical factors factors influence where people live in Sierra Leone? (Climate,
Landforms, bodies of water)
Sierra Leone has 4 distinct physical regions: the coastal swamp, the Sierra leone Peninsula, the
interior plains, and the interior plateau and mountain region. The coastal swamp is where you
would find more people living because it is close to water. The capital of Sierra Leone is
Freetown, which is located in the coastal swamp region.

2. Explain Arithmetic Density and provide the associated statistical data for Sierra Leone.
Arithmetic Density is the total number of people divided by the total land area. The Arithmetic
density for Sierra Leone is ​280 people per sq mi.

3. Explain Physiological Density and provide the associated statistical data for Sierra
Physiological Density is ​the number of people per unit area of arable land. The physiological
density of Sierra Leone is ​2,476.

4. Explain Agricultural Density and provide the associated statistical data for Sierra
Agricultural Density ​compares the number of farmers to the area of arable land. Associated
Statistical Data unavailable.

5. How has population affected the distribution of medical care in Sierra Leone?
Since most of the population is located in the coastal area, more medical services will be
available there.
6. Explain Crude Birth Rate and provide the associated statistical data for Sierra Leone.
Crude Birth Rate is the number of live births per year per 1,000 people. The crude birth rate of
Sierra Leone is 35.01.

7. Explain Crude Death Rate and provide the associated statistical data for Sierra Leone.
Crude Death Rate is the number of deaths per year per 1,000 people. The Crude death Rate of
Sierra Leone is 10.02.

8. Explain Natural Increase Rate and provide the associated statistical data for Sierra
Natural Increase Rate is the percentage at which a country's population is growing or declining
without the impact of migration. The Natural Increase Rate of Sierra Leone is 2.13 percent per
9. Explain Total Fertility Rate and provide the associated statistical data for Sierra Leone.
Total Fertility Rate is the average number of children born to a woman during her childbearing
years. The Total Fertility Rate of Sierra Leone is 4.73 children per woman.

10. What changing social values, and access to education, employment, health care and
contraception have reduced fertility rates in Sierra Leone? Then explain how the world
has been affected.
Education is very tough to get in Sierra Leone and because of this, the fertility rates have been
dropping. Adults don’t want to pay for all their children to get education (keep in mind they have
6-9 children). Employment also plays a role in the reduction of fertility rates. Studies show that
women who are employed have less children than the average unemployed woman. The use of
contraception​ ​also contribute to this because they prevent pregnancies. This not only applies to
Sierra Leone, but also the whole world.

11. Explain Infant Mortality Rate and provide the associated statistical data for Sierra
Infant Mortality Rate is the percentage of children who die before their first birthday within a
particular area or country. The Infant mortality Rate for Sierra Leone is 82 deaths per 1000

12. Explain Child Mortality Rate and provide the associated statistical data for Sierra
Child Mortality Rate is t​he probability per 1,000 live births that a newborn baby will die before
reaching age five under current age-specific mortality patterns.

13. Explain Life Expectancy and provide the associated statistical data for Sierra Leone.
Life expectancy is the number of years a person can expect to live. The life expectancy of Sierra
Leone is 52.21 years.

14. How do the above (11,12, and 13) affect the population growth or decline in Sierra
Infant Mortality Rate, Child Mortality Rate, and Life Expectancy all affect the population growth
or decline by contributing the deaths of a certain age group and the average life expectancy
over a period of time to make it easier to determine whether the population will grow or decline.

15. Are there any population policies currently in Sierra Leone? If so please explain the
There are no current population policies in Sierra Leone.
16. Find and explain the current population pyramid for Sierra Leone and the forecasted
2015 Population Pyramid of Sierra leone. This must include a Population Pyramid
current and forecasted.

17. Plot Sierra Leone on the Demographic Transition Model and explain why they are
located within that stage.
Sierra Leone is in Stage 2 of the DTM because they have a high birth rate and a decreasing
death rate.

18. Plot your country on the Epidemiological Transition Model and explain why they are
located within that stage.
Receding Epidemics because the fertility is high and then declines and they are going through a
health transition.
19. Make a T-Chart with 3 Specific Push and 3 Specific Pull factors for Sierra Leone.

20. Find a map of Internal Migration within Sierra Leone.

21.Find a map of External Migration of Sierra Leone.

22. What type of forced immigration has occurred or is currently occurring in Sierra
Leone (If there are any current forced migrations you must use it, if not look for historical
forced migrations)
Since the end of a civil war, Sierra Leone has hosted a lot of refugees from neighboring
countries. In 2005, Sierra Leone had received 60,000 Liberian refugees. This is forced
immigration because the people of Liberia had to leave because they were in danger.

23. Explain the Ecumene of your country.

Ecumene is inhabited land ​that is considered occupied and used for agricultural or any other
economic purpose. The yellow part of the map shown above is land where there is no
permanent residence and is not occupied, and the green parts are inhabited land.
24. Find 2 maps of Sierra Leone’s current population 1 local and 1 global.


1. What stage is Sierra Leone in on the DTM?

2. What is the physiological density if Sierra Leone?
3. What are push and pull factors?

1. Sierra Leone is in stage 2 of the DTM.

2. The physiological density of Sierra Leone is ​2,476.
3. Push factors are things that make people want to leave their country/state/city and pull
factors are characteristics of places that make people want to move to a certain location.

In this unit, I learned many things about population and migration. I learned about the different
types of migration, how a DTM and ETM works, different types of push and pull factors. I also
learned about how population pyramids works and the different types of population densities.
Works Cited

Population of Sierra Leone. 2019 Demographics: Density, Ratios, Growth Rate, Clock, Rate of

Men to Women.​,

“Ecumene.” ​Statistics Canada: Canada's National Statistical Agency / Statistique Canada :

Organisme Statistique National Du Canada​, 17 Sept. 2018,


“Factors of Persistent Poverty in Sierra Leone.” ​E,​

Fyfe, Christopher, et al. “Sierra Leone.” ​Encyclopædia Britannica,​ Encyclopædia Britannica,


“Population Density Grid, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000) " Maps.” ​SEDAC​,


Roser, Max, and Hannah Ritchie. “Child & Infant Mortality.” ​Our World in Data,​ 10 May



“Sierra Leone - Birth Rate, Crude.” ​Sierra Leone Birth Rate Crude Per 1 000 People,​

“Sierra Leone - Life Expectancy at Birth 2017.” ​​, Follow Us, 1 July 2019,

“Sierra Leone Population (LIVE).” ​Worldometers,​

“Sierra Leone Total Fertility Rate.” ​Sierra Leone Total Fertility Rate - Demographics,​

“The World Factbook: Sierra Leone.” ​Central Intelligence Agency,​ Central Intelligence Agency, 1

Feb. 2018,

“World Population.” ​Wikipedia,​ Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Oct. 2019,

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