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Chemistry Education

Research and Practice

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Analysing processes of conceptualization for

students in lessons on substance from the
Cite this: Chem. Educ. Res. Pract.,
2018, 19, 1010 emergence of conceptual profile zones
Edenia Maria Ribeiro do Amaral, *a João Roberto Ratis Tenório da Silva b
Jaqueline Dantas Sabino c
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

In this paper, we analyze the process of conceptualization experienced by students in Secondary School
when involved in activities in a teaching and learning sequence on the concept of substance, considering
the emergence of zones of the conceptual profile. The results point out that the approaches to different
Received 16th February 2018, modes of thinking of substance enabled the teacher to discuss and confront ideas, leading students to
Accepted 6th May 2018 construct or share meanings stabilized in a scientific view. The conceptual profile was an important tool to
DOI: 10.1039/c8rp00050f design activities by creating discursive contexts involving different modes of thinking about substance,
which contributed to raising specific discussions involving historical, scientific and social contexts to understand senses and meanings for substances.

Introduction In this way, to plan science teaching and learning sequences,

we must open up opportunities for students to express, discuss,
In this paper, we analyse the process of conceptualization confront and compare ideas brought from their experiences
(Mortimer et al., 2014) experienced by students in Secondary and produced in scientific contexts.
School when they studied substance in chemistry lessons Substance is an important and structuring concept, which
throughout different activities structured in a teaching and enables students to reach wider learning of chemistry (Gagliardi,
learning sequence (TLS). The process of conceptualization 1988). In the literature, there is a large discussion on issues related
was approached by taking into account the conceptual profile to the teaching and learning of substance (see De Vos and Verdonk,
theory (Mortimer and El-Hani, 2014) and more specifically by 1987; Dickinson, 1987; Abraham et al., 1994; Johnson, 1996, 2000,
using revised zones of the conceptual profile of substance 2002; Stains and Talanquer, 2007; Padilla et al., 2008; Close and
proposed by Silva and Amaral (2013). From the conceptual Scherr, 2015). Researchers have dealt with different issues to
profile perspective, science learning involves a more complex approach substance: discussing epistemological aspects for con-
process than only conceptual change from personal senses to a ceptions on substance and difficulties of learning at different levels
scientific view on concepts. It is related to a meaning-making (Oliveira, 1995; Hashweh, 1996; Johnson, 2000, 2002; Papagerogiou
process that goes toward the constitution of conceptual thinking and Sakka, 2000; Ngai et al., 2014), analysing historical difficulties
(Vygotsky, 1978). Students are considered as part of the larger to understand differences between chemical elements and sub-
social environment from which they bring senses and socially stances (Oki, 2002), and exploring students’ understanding of
stabilized meanings, which play an important role in the meaning- different forms of presentation of substances. Some of these
making process for scientific concepts. It seems not appropriate to authors pointed out the importance of historical and epistemo-
consider conceptual evolution as a linear progression but a dynamic logical aspects related to the development of ideas for scientific
process in which ideas come and go when students seek to under- concepts to overcome learning difficulties and to contribute to the
stand and articulate different ideas around scientific concepts. process of making meaning for substance in science teaching and
learning (see Oliveira, 1995; Hashweh, 1996; Ngai et al., 2014). In
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Departamento de Quı́mica/PPGEC, this work, we propose a discussion on epistemological, ontological
Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros, S/N, Dois Irmãos, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. and axiological commitments to the concept of substance in terms
E-mail: of conceptual profile zones, considering the importance of these
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Núcleo de Formação Docente, Recife,
aspects to the process of conceptualization.
Pernambuco, Brazil. E-mail:
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Postgraduate Program in Science
Mortimer (1995, 1996) introduced conceptual profiles as a
Education – PPGEC, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. tool for modeling the heterogeneity of thinking and speaking in
E-mail: science classrooms. He was initially inspired by Bachelard’s

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ideas on epistemological profile (1940), in which plurality of there is a process of conceptualization that is understood as a
thought is structured in terms of philosophical schools, and dynamic process, which is continually subjected to influences
some ideas are considered as obstacles to the understanding of from the external experiences lived by the individual (Mortimer
scientific concepts. Differently, Mortimer proposed conceptual et al., 2014). In this sense, in science teaching and learning, we
profiles for the investigation of science teaching and learning, seek to construct meanings for scientific concepts including
introducing not only epistemological commitments related to discussions on situations experienced by individuals. We learn
the ideas expressed by individuals, and giving attention to the the concepts when we apply them several times in different
heterogeneity of thinking in order to make students aware of situations, putting together senses and meanings in order to
their own conceptual profiles. In subsequent years, the philo- stabilize and share meanings, in a dynamic and continuous
sophical bases of the conceptual profile theory moved away from process. Vygotsky (1978) considered that this dynamic process
Bachelard’s ideas (Mortimer et al., 2014). could lead to the constitution of conceptual thinking.
The conceptual profile theory is grounded on the idea that Mortimer et al. (2011) argue that the assumption that
people present different ways of seeing and conceptualizing the individuals ‘‘possess’’ concepts comes from the tendency of
world, mainly by considering that the social world is not conceptual thinking to operate in a similar way when we recognize
homogeneous, and there are different ways of perceiving and situations as similar. That is, some meanings stabilize in the
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

understanding subjective experiences (Schutz, 1932/1967). process of conceptualization, but it does not imply a static
There is a heterogeneity of thinking, from which different types condition of conceptual thinking, which may change in the face
of verbal thinking can emerge in any culture and in any individual of new situations. Another explanation for the idea of permanence
(Tulviste, 1991). Regarding the cognition of individuals, the con- of the concept, e.g., the tendency of conceptual thinking to operate
ceptual profile theory is aligned with the social dimension of in a similar way, lies in the difference between meaning and sense
human mental processes, such as that proposed by Vygotsky (Vygotsky, 1978). For Vygotsky, sense is understood as a dynamic
(1978). Mortimer et al. (2014) pointed out that ‘‘The fact that those and personal formation, constructed individually, considering
collective constructions are imposed upon individual cognition that the sense of a word changes in different contexts. Whereas
follows from the development of individual thinking through the meaning is elaborated in a sociocultural context and can be
construction of an internal plane of functioning by means of considered more stable. For Mortimer et al. (2011), in the
cultural tools made available through social interactions’’ (p. 14). process of conceptualization, students can produce different
From this perspective, we can share different meanings expressed senses for the same word, and these senses may vary according
in different social languages starting from our diverse and multi- to different discursive contexts. However, collective discussion
faceted social experience. can lead to the construction and/or sharing of socially accepted
According to the conceptual profile theory, people can exhibit and stabilized meanings.
different modes of thinking that are accessed in different contexts, Differently from the conceptual change model for science
and they represent the ways of conceptualizing for a given experi- education (Posner et al., 1982), according to the conceptual
ence. In building conceptual profiles, these modes of thinking are profile theory, students do not necessarily have to change their
modelled as zones that represent ontological, epistemological and informal conceptions to learn scientific concepts, when non-
axiological commitments, which underlie the meaning-making scientific modes of thinking seem to be pragmatically appropriate
process for scientific concepts. Conceptual profiles are proposed to understand situations in quotidian life or specific cultural
for a given concept and are constituted by several zones, each one contexts. Therefore, the process of conceptualization involves the
representing a particular mode of thinking about that concept. coexistence of these different modes of thinking, and they can be
Each individual presents his or her own individual conceptual structured in a conceptual profile. In science teaching and learning,
profile, but he or she can share different senses and meaning in an it is important to focus on not only changing or substituting ways
appropriate sociocultural context, in which concepts can be applied of thinking in scientific ideas that our everyday language reinforces.
(Mortimer et al., 2014). Instead, we can promote discussion on cultural diversity and the
Conceptual profiles are models constituted by zones that role played by scientific ideas in social contexts (Mortimer et al.,
represent the relevant aspects of our experience (Mortimer et al., 2011). In this way, science teaching and learning involves making
2014) and individuals in making meaning for scientific concepts students aware of the diversity of modes of thinking related to
can express ideas related to different zones. In the classroom, scientific concepts, seeking to understand the pragmatic value for
modes of thinking can be associated with different senses and them in different contexts and situating the scientific view among
meanings that students attribute to a scientific concept. From others.
this perspective, in science teaching and learning, it is desirable In the science classroom, students must be engaged in
that the teacher adopts approaches to promote discursive inter- discussions, analyses and choices related to different situations,
actions in the classroom, producing a repertoire of ideas that will where they can compare different modes of thinking applied to
play an important role in the conceptualization process experi- them, including scientific views. According to El-Hani et al.
enced by the students. (2014), many times students are not aware of the role played
Mortimer et al. (2011) pointed out differences between ideas by scientific ideas to explain and/or solve particular situations
on concepts and conceptualization, considering that concepts and they intuitively choose informal ideas to approach them. In
are not physical entities inside people’s minds. For the authors, this case, it could be useful for teachers to lead students to think

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about both scientific ideas and those emerging from social external world. Here, most of the ideas included in the pragmatic/
experience, seeking different ways of approaching a specific utilitarian zone tend to emphasize values for the use or application
problem and leading students to meaningful learning on scientific of substances, e.g., the utility of them causing benefits or damage to
concepts applied to different situations. In this work, we present human life or to the environment. For example, often it is
a teaching and learning sequence (TLS), planned to teach the recommended to eat protein-containing foods, such as milk,
concept of substance by considering different modes of thinking cheese and other animal foods, because of the benefit of protein
structured in terms of conceptual profile zones, in order to in maintaining the health of the body. It is also common to
analyse the process of conceptualization experienced by students recommend the use of medicines, herbal products or food supple-
in the classroom. ments to meet the needs of the body, for example, when someone
Silva and Amaral (2013) proposed a conceptual profile for says, ‘‘you need iron to stay strong!’’ The mention of iron in this
substance considering data obtained from different sources: case does not necessarily imply the visualization of a substance in
conceptions on substance in the historical development of the the chemical sense but it is associated with the benefit of some
concept, the literature on students’ misconceptions/conceptions product or material in a specific situation (Silva, 2017). In this
about substance, and answers obtained from questionnaires and sense, the understanding of substance comes under an affective
interviews applied to students and teachers. The authors proposed aspect (axiological commitment), and a more elaborated compre-
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

five zones for a conceptual profile of substance – generalist, hension on the properties of substance is not addressed.
essentialist, substantialist, rationalist, and relational. In further The substantialist zone was proposed considering ideas in
studies, the original zones were applied in science classrooms which a material dimension for substance is emphasized, as a
and changes were proposed for the zones (Silva, 2017a; Silva, counterpoint to the view discussed by Oliveira (1995) when he
2017b; Sabino and Amaral, 2018). In this paper, we have made a took into account Bachelard’s ideas on substance as a chemical
critical review of the original zones of the conceptual profile of model. The comprehension of substance as something that
substance and considered the following zones for data analysis – keeps materiality even in atomic–molecular dimensions leads
generalist, pragmatic/utilitarian, substantialist, empirical, rationalist students to consider that the properties of a substance extend
and relational. to its constituents (atoms or molecules). Mortimer (1997)
In the generalist zone, there is an assembly of ideas or proposed a substantialist zone for the conceptual profile of a
conceptions, in which substance is considered as something molecule, considering that handbooks and dictionaries claim
present in everything, without distinction of the constituents or that the molecule is the ‘‘smallest unit of matter that can exist
differentiation among materials, mixture, substance or chemical by itself and which retains all the properties of the original
element. In addition, substance is like the essence or something substance’’ (Mortimer 1997, p. 203). For Mortimer, this defini-
essential that constitutes and qualifies materials – a common tion is substantialist in the sense that molecules do not retain
idea in philosophical and historical contexts. These ideas are all the properties of the original substance. The properties are
representative of a generalist view of the concept and represent relative to the substances and not to their individual constituents
an epistemological commitment related to an ingenuous realism (atoms or molecules). Mortimer considered that substantialism is
(Bachelard, 1938/1996), as ideas involve immediate perceptions, present in scientific contexts and ‘‘for science itself, it is an
sensations, and/or intuitions that guide individuals in the con- important zone of the (conceptual) profile, since its automatic
struction of their notions according to the social and historical and almost unconscious use in chemical language can produce
setting where they live and interact with their peers. It represents confusion, leading chemists, and especially chemistry students,
a vague and generalized idea that substances can be anything to make mistakes’’. In the same direction, we proposed the
and are found everywhere. Ways of speaking related to this zone substantialist zone by considering ideas on substance as some-
are common in everyday situations, in which materials or thing exclusively material, in which the student does not make a
mixtures are classified as substances or are closely associated distinction between the properties of the substances and their
with them. For instance, it is common to find people who constituents in the atomic–molecular dimension. For example,
consider mixtures such as detergent, milk or mineral water as many students consider that gold atoms (Au) are a yellow-like
substances, regardless of whether these materials are formed by substance and that it is yellow because the atoms are yellow
various chemical compounds or substances. (Silva, 2011). Ideas like this can confuse the understanding of the
The pragmatic/utilitarian zone includes ideas on substances atomic–molecular aspects of substances. The difference in the
defined or characterized by their applications and uses, acquiring substantialist zone from the generalist one is that, in a sub-
importance for possible benefits or damage caused to human stantialist mode of thinking, there is an idea of substance
beings. In this sense, the properties of substances are addressed, contained in materials, but this concept is not understood in
not necessarily in scientific terms, but in a pragmatic sense. For the atomic–molecular dimension, such as a model to explain the
this zone, we identify both epistemological and axiological com- behaviour and properties of the matter.
mitments, considering a pragmatist sense such as that proposed The comprehension of the atomic–molecular aspects and
by Putnam (1995), where he considers that there is an interrela- macroscopic properties of substances is aligned with scientific
tionship between empirical situations and a theoretical approach thinking. According to the scientific perspective on substance,
that involves questions of value and interpretation, which three zones were proposed: empirical, rationalist and relational
lead individuals to construct their notions in accessing the zones. The empirical zone includes ideas on substance that

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address the physical and chemical properties of substances as In a system, the molecules of a substance are in constant
important features for their chemical identification. In this interaction with other species present in the environment
case, the existence of a diversity of substances that constitute and under specific conditions, with a constant energy exchange
materials giving them specific properties is recognized. These (Silva and Amaral, 2013).
properties can be determined or observed macroscopically In this work, these zones of the conceptual profile of
from the manipulation of materials or substances, and by substance inspired the proposal of a teaching and learning
observing transformations in nature. For example, water is sequence (TLS), taking into account the ideas proposed by
characterized as having a boiling temperature of 100 1C (at an Méheut (2005). According to Méheut, a TLS intends to bring
atmospheric pressure of 1 atm); or metals are characterized by aspects of research into practices in the classroom, and different
their gloss, malleability and hardness. Differently from the teaching perspectives may be implicated in their design. The
pragmatic/utilitarian zone, ideas in the empirical zone are author pointed out four main elements to design a TLS related
based on theory. For Norman (1998), empiricism is challenged to each other considering epistemological and pedagogical
in its central issues by the idea of observation as being theory- dimensions – the teacher, the student, the scientific knowledge
laden, highlighting the effort to interpret and to justify what and the ‘‘material world’’. The epistemological dimension refers
you see. In these terms, we consider that ideas included in an to a genesis of the concept and, for us, it represents to consider
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

empirical zone are aligned with a scientific view of substance, modes of thinking ranging from the senses and meanings
considering the understanding of this concept from its observable consolidated in diverse contexts to the scientific view of the
aspects and properties, which could be studied. Here, the students concept. For us, the ‘‘material world’’ proposed by Méheut is
have to deal with an idea about purity of substance, considering related to objects and processes that could be represented from
that physical and chemical properties are determined for sub- sociocultural situations. Therefore, the conceptual profile of
stances extracted from materials in order to characterize them. substance constitutes a model of structuring these modes of
In the rationalist zone, we find ideas or conceptions on thinking, which may suggest a genesis for the concept.
substance considering scientific models to explain its structures The TLS proposed sought to promote discussion and articulation
and properties. It is possible to represent and to characterize among different modes of thinking on substance from different
various types of substances – simple, compound, organic, inorganic, situations. These situations would potentially constitute diverse
etc. – from the knowledge of the entities that compose materials. The discursive contexts based on interactions between teacher and
ways of speaking related to this zone represent an understanding of students, and students and students, bringing different views and
the concept, in which students can go beyond macroscopic and conceptions and favouring the students to be aware of the plurality
concrete features of materials to interpret many kinds of phenomena of ideas that concepts embody (epistemological dimension). The
and the nature of substances: for example, to know that atmospheric activities were designed to promote active participation of students,
air is composed of several types of gaseous simple substances interactions and discussions in the classroom, in order to encourage
and compounds; or the differentiation of organic and inorganic the students to express their conceptions or to comment different
substances by the presence of carbon and hydrogen in certain ideas about substance (pedagogical dimension). With this, we
molecules. The rationalistic commitment for this zone is aligned believe that we have promoted opportunities for a process of
with the applied rationalism proposed by Bachelard (1949/1977), conceptualization that involves different modes of thinking on the
as theory and experiment come together by considering that concept being studied.
ideas arising from a theoretical approach tend to get their
application and data obtained empirically tend to be organized
by theories. Methodology
In the relational zone, there are complex ideas on sub-
stances when the relational dimension for the properties of This research adopted a qualitative approach for the methodology,
the substances is considered. For example, the same substance considering this perspective underpins the role played by research-
can behave as an acid or a base under certain conditions, and ers to construct and to interpret data from the contact with
the acidic properties do not identify the substance itself, but individuals and the research context (André, 2001; Bogdan and
represent the behaviour of the substance when it is dissolved in Biklen, 2007). This is aligned with research actions to analyse the
a specific solvent. In this way, some properties of the sub- students’ process of conceptualization in the science classroom. In
stances are associated with the conditions in which they are addition, a quantitative treatment was applied to the data in order
found and would not be parameters to give them a chemical to estimate frequencies in which the conceptual profile zones for
identity. This is aligned with a complex rationalism, leading to substance emerged from the students’ speeches in the classroom
the understanding of the concept of spheres with high level of discussions.
abstraction. According to Silva and Amaral (2013), in this zone, The research involved 13 students aged 14–15 years from
the concept of substance is considered as a theoretical model year 9 of Secondary School, in Recife, Brazil. We invited students
for explaining the behaviour of matter, and its existence in to attend voluntarily lessons in a special schedule offered by
the real world is considered a myth (Oliveira, 1995). Thus, the teacher in school. For ethical precaution and considering
the existence of pure substances with well-defined physical that the students were minor aged, their parents/guardians
and chemical properties stands as a theoretical approximation. were required to sign a term of consent for them to take part

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in this study. These students had already started studies on students was that both had very active participation in the
chemical content since year 8, and one of the authors of this lessons – one student presented predominantly ideas aligned
paper acted as a teacher in years 8 and 9 for this class. To with the scientific view of the concept, and the other expressed
preserve the identity of the students, fictitious names were used. difficulties in understanding the concept from the scientific
A teaching and learning sequence was planned and applied to point of view.
the class, and lessons were recorded in video focusing on the In lesson 1, initially, a questionnaire was applied to inves-
discursive interactions among students, and students and teachers. tigate students’ previous conceptions about the concept of
The more relevant recordings for research were transcribed and substance. After answering the questionnaire, students read
some pieces analysed in terms of episodes. and discussed the text ‘‘History of chemistry: Alchemy’’ (Fonseca,
Before the beginning of the sequence, students were 2007). After reading, students were divided into three small
required to answer a questionnaire in order to identify their groups to discuss questions such as ‘‘Nowadays, how does the
previous conceptions about substance. The teaching and learn- concept of an element present in Aristotle’s age look to you?’’
ing sequence occurred in three lessons – the first lesson lasted and ‘‘Do you agree with Aristotle’s ideas on the composition
two hours and the other lessons 1 hour each. The activities were of matter?’’ The intention was to promote a discussion on
carried out seeking to promote discussions on different situa- historical, epistemological and contextual aspects related to the
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

tions, which encourage students to construct an understanding concept of substance. Next in the lesson, the teacher used a
of the chemical concept of substance. For each activity, an digital tool for simulations on computers (https://phet.colorado.
object (content), learning objectives and actions to be carried edu) to present a scientific view about the atomic–molecular
out by the students were established. A brief summary of the aspects of chemical elements, substance and mixtures. Through-
activities developed in the teaching and learning sequence is out lesson 1, the teacher tried to stimulate student–student
presented in Table 1. interactions, and teacher–student interactions, mediating
At the end of the three lessons, two students were inter- debate and raising questions to instigate students to participate
viewed in order to verify whether they had a perception of and express their ideas.
the different modes of thinking of substance involved in the In lesson 2, the activities were carried out in two moments:
classroom discussions. The criteria for the choice of the two first, the students read the text Miracle Medicines from the

Table 1 Activities carried out in the TLS

Activity Objective Object Actions

Class 1 (2 h)
Application of questionnaires To identify students’ informal Conceptions on substance Reading and writing responses
Reading of historical text on the To discuss epistemological, his- Historical and philosophical Collective reading of the text
Aristotelian view of substance torical and contextual aspects views on the concept of substance
related to the concept of
Small group discussion and To promote discussions about Concepts of substance and Working in small groups and
questioning conceptions related to the con- chemical element – historical and discussing issues
ceptual profile zones conceptual aspects
Digital simulation on physical To discuss concepts of chemical Constitution – number and types Lecture and computer use for
states of substances (https://phet. element, substances, and mix- of atoms and molecules – and simulation. Debate in the large tures – molecular and atomic physical states of some group
aspects substances
Lecture and discussion To introduce scientific views on Atomic–molecular and macro- Exposition of scientific concepts
substance, and to articulate dif- scopic view of substance – con- stimulating debate and student
ferent zones of the conceptual cepts of chemical element and participation
profile substance
Class 2 (1 h)
Reading thematic text – the use of To approach the concept of sub- Theme on medicines, for discus- Collective reading of the text and
antibiotics during the war stance starting from a theme sion on substances text-oriented debate
Lecture and questioning To introduce scientific ideas and Some macroscopic properties of To present answers for questions
articulate different zones of the the substances asked in the lecture
conceptual profile
Class 3 (1 h)
Analyses of package inserts in To identify ideas used by students Substances that constitute To identify in package insert:
small groups to apply the concept of substance medicines substance, element and material
Discussion in small groups To promote discussions between Macroscopic aspects and mole- To answer questions posed on the
students on package inserts and cular atomic aspects of the con- board
questions cept of substance
Discussion in the large group To highlight the scientific zones Macroscopic aspects and mole- To share discussions carried out
of the profile in articulation with cular atomic aspects of the con- in small groups
other zones cept of substance

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book Napoleon’s Buttons,† proposed by the teacher to present were defined as pieces of discursive interactions that bring a
the theme on medicines, and second, the teacher presented meaningful set of ideas expressed by students and teachers (Amaral
content about the macroscopic aspects of the concept of substance. and Mortimer, 2007), and they were organized in turn to allow the
From this book, among others, the text had an approach on the identification of different ways of speaking that can be related to
importance of the antibiotic properties of substances, used mainly modes of thinking on substance.
during the First World War. Upon reading, the teacher intended to Mortimer and Wertsch (2003) sought to establish relation-
start a discussion about substances used to produce medicines, ships between ways of speaking and modes of thinking that are
and ideas about natural and synthesized substances that emerged representative of zones in a conceptual profile. According to the
from the classroom discussion. It was also possible to explore ideas authors, different modes of thinking are interwoven with different
on the macroscopic properties of the substances, benefits or forms of speech characterized in terms of social languages and
damage that products can cause in people, highlighting ideas discourse genres (Bakhtin, 1981, 1986). According to Bakhtin, this
about substances and products and their applications in various heterogeneity of speech exists because a discourse consists of
situations. several different social voices, considered as specific points of view
In lesson 3, the teacher brought back discussions held in the about the world, the ways of conceptualizing the world in words,
previous lessons and it promoted a very fruitful debate, in specific perspectives of the world, each one characterized by its own
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

which students were free to express their ideas and to make objects, meanings and values. As such, they can all be juxtaposed to
known the difficulties they had to understand the concepts one another and coexist in the consciousness of real people.
studied in lessons 1 and 2. Next in the lesson, the teacher asked From this point of view, the analysis of speeches produced
students working in small groups to identify chemical elements, in the classroom was oriented to the identification of ways of
substances and mixtures in package inserts. The purpose of the speaking of the students about substance that presented the
activity was to find out whether the students were able to apply the characteristics described in the proposed zones for the con-
concepts studied in previous lessons and whether they were able ceptual profile of substance, thus seeking to associate ways of
to relate the information contained in the package insert with speaking and modes of thinking about this concept. Identifying
some properties and effects caused by the substances on the the emergence of conceptual profile zones in students’
human body. The students were invited to answer some questions speeches is not always an easy task, considering that the ideas
posed by the teacher, such as ‘‘Are the medicines substances or representative of one or another zone are not necessarily
mixtures?’’, ‘‘What substances and chemical elements are present expressed in an isolated and well-defined way, e.g., students
in the medicine?’’. At the end of the lesson, teachers and students often express ideas in which different zones of the profile may be
engaged in an open discussion with the whole class, when each articulated. In analysis, we tried to visualize a set of elocutions to
group presented their answers. interpret modes of thinking presented by students. In Table 2,
In the planned teaching and learning sequence, at least two we summarize the zones of the conceptual profile for substance
different contexts were approached: the sociocultural context – used in the analysis.
Aristotle’s ideas, use of antibiotics in war, medicine package Different ways of speaking associated with different modes
inserts; and scientific context – presentation and simulation of of thinking on substance, represented by zones of the concep-
scientific models for substance, discussions on the properties tual profile of substance, were identified in the questionnaire
of substances and composition of materials. We expected to and episodes extracted from the lessons. They were framed on a
analyse the students’ process of conceptualization by considering spreadsheet (Microsoft Excels), in which lines represented the
the dynamics for emergence of different zones of the conceptual conceptual profile zones, emerging from each of the lessons,
profile in the classroom discussion. considering the individual responses and speeches for each
Data were organized in three parts for analysis: the answers student. A main spreadsheet was organized with different
to the questionnaire, the students’ and teachers’ speeches in arrangements that enabled us to estimate frequencies in which
the classroom discussion and interviews with two students. the zones of the conceptual profile emerged in the speech of
Answers to the questionnaire were categorized taking into each student, and for the entire data set analysed. Different
account the conceptual profile zones for substance: generalist, graphs were generated from the main spreadsheet and they
pragmatic/utilitarian, substantialist, empirical, rationalist and favoured a visualization of changes in the emergence of zones
relational. Students and teachers’ speeches were analysed in in the data set organized for analysis. It is important to
episodes extracted from the transcripts of the videos. The emphasize that the values for frequency cannot be considered
transcripts were made using standard punctuation marks seeking as absolute values.
to highlight pauses with commas, questions marks for interroga-
tions, slash to indicate interruption for speech, and parentheses to
make explanation or complementation for elocution. The episodes Results and discussion
The results are presented in three parts. Firstly, we present an
† Remédios Milagrosos in Os botões de Napoleão: as 17 moléculas que mudaram
a história. Penny Le Couteur, Jay Burreson. Translated by Maria Luiza X. Borges.
analysis of the students’ answers to the questionnaire taking a
Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2006. (Miracle Remedies. Napoleon’s Buttons: How 17 glance at the possible zones of the conceptual profile of
Molecules Changed History). substance that could be associated with the responses, before

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Table 2 Brief description of the conceptual profile zones for substance

Zones Brief description

Generalist Substance considered as something present in everything. There is no differentiation of materials, mixture, substance or
chemical element. In addition, substance is like the essence or something essential that constitutes and qualifies materials
Pragmatic/ Substance defined or characterized by their applications and uses, acquiring importance for possible benefits or damage
utilitarian caused to human beings
Substantialist Substance understood as something material more than a chemical model, even in atomic–molecular dimensions leading
students to consider that the properties of a substance extend to its constituents (atoms or molecules)
Empirical Substance addressed by physical and chemical properties, which are important for its chemical identification. It is recognized
that there are many substances constituting materials and giving them specific properties
Rationalist Substance understood by scientific models to explain its structures, properties, and classification in different types – simple,
compound, organic, inorganic, etc. – depending on the entities that compose them
Relational Substance understood in a complex view when the relational dimension for the properties are considered. Properties do not
identify the substance itself, but represent the behaviour of the substance when it is associated with specific conditions

the application of the TLS. In the second part, we show an apple can prevent or reduce high cholesterol as well as many
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

analysis of the episodes extracted from lesson 1 and an over- other health benefits. An apple contains several substances.
view of lessons 2 and 3, from which we identify the emergence (5) What do you mean by pure substance? Give an example.
of zones of the conceptual profile in the discursive interactions, (6) In the previous lesson, we study the properties of matter. We
at different moments of each lesson, seeking to characterize have seen that there are general properties such as mass, volume,
conceptualization processes. In the third part, we present an and inertia, and specific properties such as density and boiling
analysis of the interviews with two students, after the applica- point. How important is it to know the properties of substances?
tion of TLS, in which we seek to understand details on the In general, the students presented short responses to the
conceptualization process for these students. questions and we were only able to make approximations to
the zones of the profile. We did not analyze question 5 from the
Analysis of the questionnaire questionnaire because the students’ responses were out of the
The questionnaire applied in lesson 1 had six questions, from scope of this paper. In question 1, the poem was mentioned
which we looked for previous conceptions of the students to and the teacher asked students: for you, what is a substance?
take a glance at possible zones of the conceptual profile that Some of the students’ responses were:
could be implied in these conceptions. Before the first ques- It is something that is present everywhere and everywhere on the
tion, the students read a short poem exalting chemistry that is earth; It’s all around us;
present in various situations – water we drink, breathing, Substance is something made up of atoms;
human metabolism and medicines. (It) is a set of molecules, which may form some things;
Questionnaire applied to the students For me, substance is all that has volume, matter;
POEM: Chemistry, a central science (Magda R. S. Vieira) Substance is all that has chemical composition.
Chemistry is a science/Very active and special/It is present in In question 2, the students were asked to give examples of
our life/In different and unique ways/As we look around/We cannot (a) chemical elements, (b) substances and (c) materials. Some
deny/Chemistry is all near us/At all times and places/In the water of the students’ responses:
we drink/In our breath/Also in our metabolism/We see Chemistry (a) chemical elements:
in action/Developing medications/Creating new technologies/ Set of atoms with different atom numbers e.g. mineral water;
Beyond the limits/From the pioneer Alchemy/For those who still/ Gases;
Find Chemistry apart/Look inside you/It joins us all the time. Hydrogen;
(1) According to the poem, Chemistry is actively present in O, H, N;
our daily life. So, substances surround us. For you, what is a Chlorine, sodium chloride;
substance? Water; H2O.
(2) Give some examples for: (a) chemical elements; (b) (b) substances:
substances; (c) materials. Set of chemical elements ex: sparkling water;
(3) Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who lived between 384 Water, air (H20, CO2);
and 322 BC, and he asserted that four primordial elements Water (H2O), carbon (C);
constituted all things: water, earth, fire and air. For him, different NaCl, CO2.
combinations of these four elements constituted everything. Do (c) materials:
you agree with this philosophical view (Aristotelian)? Is it similar to Gold, plastic;
the chemical view of substance we have today? Justify. Pen, pencil;
(4) Evaluate the statements if they are correct or not and Elements in different physical states e.g. ice;
justify your answer: (a) gold is a metal made up of atoms of H;
gold. Atoms are small particles and they form substances. Gold Beaker, graduated cylinder, Erlenmeyer flask, Petri dish, watch
is yellow, so gold atoms are yellow; (b) regular consumption of glass

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The responses in these two questions suggest that the students tried to explain (True, it must contain one substance for each benefit –
understand substance in different ways and there are misconcep- Laura), and two students denied the proposition without justifica-
tions in relation to the chemical view. According to the responses, tion. In this sense, it was not possible to make a deeper analysis of
the students considered substance as something present in every- this question and analyzing the modes of thinking, but the answer
thing, and there is no distinction among materials, substances, from Laura suggests an understanding of substance associated
and chemical elements; or substance has materiality (volume and with the benefits that it can promote for health (pragmatic/
matter); or substances have atoms or molecules in their constitu- utilitarian zone).
tion, presenting a chemical composition. The examples proposed In question 6, we asked the students about the properties of
by the students reflect the heterogeneity of thinking and suggest the substances. Many students presented vague or nonsense
that most students do not know how to distinguish chemical answers and some of them presented answers such as: To know
elements, substances and materials. Although it was not possible how to apply the substances by knowing their properties; to be able
to know details of the students’ ideas from their short answers, it to identifysubstances; to know in which physical state it (the substance)
is possible to consider that some of the ideas are related to is. From these answers, we suggest that some students seemed
different modes of thinking about the concept, and consequently to recognize the importance of the properties of substances
they should be associated with different zones of the conceptual for different applications (a pragmatic/utilitarian view) and
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

profile such as generalist, substantialist, pragmatic/utilitarian and as a way of identification of the substances (empirical or
rationalist. rationalistic view).
The ideas proposed by Aristotle on elements and substances The answers of the students to the questionnaire present
were mentioned in question 3, when the students were challenged ideas that suggest approximations to the different zones of the
to compare the views from philosophical and current contexts. conceptual profile, with the exception of the relational zone,
Most of the students disagreed with the Aristotelian view, but which was not identified in the answers. Considering an
they did not present clear ideas on atoms, elements and approximation of the students’ responses to the zones of the
substances or the distinction between them. Some answers to conceptual profile for substance, we estimated frequencies to
this question were: these zones for the whole class, as shown in Fig. 1. The students
The composition of matter is made up of atoms that constitute often expressed different modes of thinking in their responses
all things; and the sum of the percentages overpassed 100%.
(Matter is) Composed of atoms of various substances; According to Fig. 1, on the one hand, the students’ previous
I do not (agree); conceptions seemed to be representative of the intuitive or
Everything is composed of chemical elements, water, fire, etc. informal ideas, probably from perceptions built in the socio-
Everything is made of substances and it is divided into different cultural context (generalist and substantialist zones – 132%),
levels; I think matter is all made up of atoms and can have one or perhaps because of the lack of familiarity of the students with
more elements. chemistry studies, at this stage of schooling. On the other hand,
One student responded: I agree with him (Aristotle). In bringing it is interesting that we also found answers that seemed to
up Aristotle’s ideas, again we find the heterogeneity of thinking on represent ideas aligned with the scientific view for substance
substance and elements expressed by the students. For this (empirical and rationalist zones – 65%). This seems to be
question, the students’ responses suggested ideas associated with associated with previous studies of the concept (year 8), when
the generalist and rationalistic zones of the conceptual profile on some students reached scientific aspects to understand sub-
substance. stance. The analysis of the discursive interactions in the class-
In question 4, the students were invited to remark on given room was more effective in identifying the emergence of the
propositions: (a) Gold is a metal made up of atoms of gold. Atoms conceptual profile zones on substance.
are small particles and they form substances. Gold is yellow, so
gold atoms are yellow; (b) regular consumption of apple can Analysis of the emergence of zones of the conceptual profile of
prevent or reduce high cholesterol as well as many other health substance in lessons
benefits. An apple contains several substances. For item (a), we The emergence of zones of the conceptual profile of substance
found most of the students denying the proposition (Wrong, was analyzed from the transcripts of the three lessons that were
because the color of a substance does not define the color of its video recorded, from which relevant episodes were extracted.
atoms), but three students agreed with the sentence (True, We will present the detailed analysis for lesson 1 and the
because the atoms together form the gold). Here, we found clues synthesis of the analysis for lessons 2 and 3.
of the substantialist mode of thinking on substance, from Lesson 1. In lesson 1, the teacher had an objective of eliciting
which the students do not differentiate the properties of atoms, the discussion of epistemological, historical and contextual
molecules and substances. Here, the sentences informed aspects related to substance, as a starting point to place a
clearly that gold is a substance made up of atoms, and we were scientific view for this concept in a set of ideas that may embody
seeking to verify if students would extend the properties of the different senses or meanings. Four activities were carried out –
substance to its constituting atoms. reading and discussion of the text, digital simulation, small
For item (b), most of the students gave one-word responses group work and lecture and discussions. The text was two pages
(yes or true) confirming what the proposition stated. One student long and, initially, presented ideas about artisans’ work and

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Fig. 1 Estimated frequencies for zones emerged from students’ responses to the questionnaire.
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

techniques from the Ancient to Early Middle Ages to introduce Table 3 Episode 1.1 – Discussion of historical conceptions on substance
ideas on matter as developed by philosophers in Ancient Greece. in a small group, in lesson 1
For illustration, we present a short piece of the text on Aristotle’s 1. Teacher: For you, what has changed about the concept of chemical
ideas, which is relevant for the analysis in this paper: ‘‘Aristotle elements and substance? (from the historical context to nowadays)
(384 BC, 322 BC) was born in the Greek city of Stagira and he is 2. Miguel: We discovered that the chemical element is like the atom of
the substance. . .
renowned as one of the most important philosophers of mankind. 3. Valentina: Nowadays, the element is constituted by atoms. . .
He adopted and modified the theory of the elements created by 4. Miguel: Nowadays, element is as if it was the atom of matter
Empedocles. According to Aristotle, matter was constituted by a single 5. Valentina: Before, it was the substance, the element. . .
6. Miguel: It was fire, earth, air. . .
essence, which could not have isolated existence (continuous matter). For 7. Valentina: Then! They were the substances!
the essence of matter, the four primary qualities – heat, cold, dryness and 8. Miguel: Yes, they were the substances of today. . .
wetness – would combine in pairs, thus forming the elements earth, 9. Valentina: What about the substance?
10. Miguel: Nowadays, it is the set of elements.
water, air, and fire. By the variation of the relative quantities of the four
qualities, objects composed of combinations of these elements could be
converted into each other. For Aristotle, only four from six possible throughout history; however, we do not have evidence that they
combinations were allowed – earth is cold and dry, water is cold and understood what a chemical element is, when they spoke of
wet, air is hot and wet, and fire is hot and dry’’. The teacher discussed elements as atoms that constitute substance or matter. From this
the text trying to bring together historical conceptions and analysis, it is not appropriate to consider that the students pre-
scientific ideas on substance. sented a rationalist view of the concept of substance, even though
After reading the text, the teacher posed some questions they reasoned based on the atomic–molecular dimension. In this
similar to those posed in the questionnaire: (a) Nowadays is sense, we consider that they presented the ideas that represent the
there the concept of element as stated in the time of Aristotle? and generalist zone of the profile in this episode, considering that they
(b) Do you agree with Aristotle’s ideas on the composition of do not differentiate materials, substances, chemical elements and
matter? The students discussed these questions in small groups atoms. Araújo et al. (1995) argue that most of the textbooks still
and the teacher intervened when she had demands or perceived it present Aristotelian definitions of substance and highlight that
was necessary. Small group work favored the interactions between problems can appear when teacher and students deal with these
students for discussion and elaboration of ideas. Episode 1.1 views. Silva and Amaral (2013) found that students do not seem to
(Table 3) represents a discussion in a specific group. have a clear idea of how substances compose materials and they
In episode 1.1 (Table 3), Miguel and Valentina expressed an are constituted by chemical elements.
understanding that suggests the differences between the concepts Episode 1.2 (Table 4) was extracted from discussion with the
of chemical elements and substances in the historical and current whole class during the activity of digital simulation, when the
contexts. For them, nowadays we have been considering the idea of teacher was presenting the scientific view of substance by showing
atoms as constituting elements (turn 3), and previously there was simulations of the atomic–molecular composition and dynamics
the idea that matter was constituted of four elements (turns 5 and for substances – water, oxygen, neon and argon – in different
6), and these elements had a status of substance (turns 7 and 8). physical states (gaseous, liquid and solid). The software displayed
The students expressed that current ideas on atoms, elements and the images of small colored balls representing atoms that consti-
substances are organized as follows: elements are like an atom for tute three simple substances (oxygen, neon and argon) and one
the substance (turn 2) or matter (turn 4), and substances are compound (water). The grouping of balls changed by heating or
constituted by a set of elements (turns 9 and 10). They seemed to cooling simulating different physical states for each substance.
understand that explanatory models of matter have changed These images were shown to the whole class with a projector.

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Table 4 Episode 1.2 – Discussion on the atomic–molecular aspects of Table 5 Episode 1.3 – Discussion on chemical elements constituting
substances with the whole class substances with the whole class

1. Teacher: The air, is what? 1. Teacher: What is the difference between oxygen and water?
2. Laura: There are several substances. . . 2. Jose: Because the water is made of two different atoms
3. Teacher: And when you have several substances, what do you call it? 3. Carlos: Because the water molecule has three atoms and oxygen
4. Rafaela: Element? has two
5. Jose: No!!! Mixed substance 4. Gabriela: Is a set of different molecules and elements
6. Laura: So the air is a mixture? 5. Teacher: What are the elements that make up water?
7. Miguel: Oxygen, carbon dioxide, water. . . 6. Jose: Hydrogen and oxygen
8. Teacher: And what are oxygen, carbon dioxide and water?
9. Miguel: Chemical elements
10. Laura: No, substances! No? Element? Ahhh I do not understand the ways of speaking associated with the rationalist zone of
anything at all! the conceptual profile, since they point to an understanding of
water (substance), considering its constitution by two chemical
The teacher’s purpose was to discuss the differences between elements, from an atomic–molecular dimension.
elements, substances and mixtures, confronting ideas from In summary, in lesson 1, several activities were carried out
historical and scientific contexts. with distinct objects and objectives that sought to explore the
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

In episode 1.2 (Table 4), the three students seemed to concept of substance under different aspects. The engagement
understand the (atmospheric) air as a mixture, but they did of the students in carrying out these activities played an
not express well-defined ideas about the differences between important role in the meaning-making process for concepts.
substance and chemical element. Laura and Jose indicated the The small groups work favored the expression of ideas by the
air as a mixture (turns 2, 5 and 6), and Miguel specified some students. The reading of text with issues related to the historical
components of it (turn 7), but he got confused defining these development of the concept and the subsequent discussion
components as chemical elements (turn 9) and also Rafaela were important for the perception and understanding of the
(turn 4). In the activity of digital simulation, students visualized sociocultural aspects associated with the meaning attributed
substances such as neon and argon – constituted for one atom to the concept of substance. All these features – expressing
each – in an atomic–molecular dimension and it seemed to ideas, reading the text to confront ideas, and analyzing digital
interfere with conflicting ideas presented by them. Also, Laura simulations – contributed to make meaningful the classroom
clearly expressed her difficulties in differentiating substance discussion and consequently to expand the repertoire of ideas in
and element (turn 10). the process of meaning making for the scientific concept.
In episode 1.2 (Table 4), we observed advances in the students’ Lesson 2. In lesson 2 the teacher introduced a theme about
speeches, which appeared more elaborate than in episode 1.1 medicines from which the macroscopic properties of substances
(Table 3). It is important to highlight that the activities dealt with were emphasized (see Table 1). In proposing a theme for studies,
two different contexts – historical and nowadays – to discuss the we considered it an important tool to teach scientific concepts
concepts, creating opportunities for the students to visualize them through situations intentionally engendered in the classroom
in diverse situations. Although there is no evidence that they put (Moura et al., 2010). Among others, the students read a text
together ideas from the different contexts, we can consider that about the development of products with an antibiotic effect used
students seemed to look for shared meanings for these ideas, mainly during the First World War. From the text, the teacher
performing their own trajectories in a process of conceptualization showed more specifically the structural formula of penicillin and
(Mortimer et al., 2011). In terms of conceptual profile zones, we discussed the antibiotic properties of this substance, highlight-
realize a movement from generalists to a more rational way of ing historical and social aspects related to the use of the
speaking on substances, even though there are persistent ideas in a medicines composed by it. The teacher’s purpose was to intro-
generalist zone. duce scientific ideas on the properties and uses of substances
In order to analyze how the students were making meaning bringing together different contexts in which these ideas were
for the concepts, we extracted another piece of the discursive and are applied. In addition, she discussed about mixtures,
interactions following on the activity of digital simulation. In processes of separation/extraction of substances from materials,
episode 1.3 (Table 5), we intend to illustrate a moment in which physical and chemical processes, melting and boiling points,
the students expressed ideas closer to the scientific view of density and intermolecular interactions. From the discussion, other
substance. issues arose such as extracting substances from plants, natural and
In episode 1.3 (Table 5), Jose expressed a good understanding artificial substances and the classification of substances. In lesson
of the constitution of water (turns 2 and 6) and Carlos pointed 2, we observed different ways of speaking about substances that
out the difference between water and oxygen from the different were associated with different modes of thinking characterized in
number of atoms in both molecules (turn 3). Gabriela still terms of empirical, rationalist, pragmatic/utilitarian, and substan-
presented ideas of a generalist view when she did not show tialist zones of the conceptual profile.
indications for which molecules and elements are different in Some of the students emphasized the importance of sub-
the two substances, oxygen and water (turn 4). At this point, Jose stances to human beings, following ideas given in the text, which
and Carlos seemed to differentiate the concepts of atoms, highlighted the use of antibiotics for the treatment of infections
elements, and molecules, and we can consider they presented in soldiers injured at the front in the war. Therefore, the reading

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stressed the ideas about the macroscopic properties and appli- materials than a model for explanation of the behavior of
cations of substances, and the students were invited to extend matter. It is important to highlight that both of the ontological
their ideas on substance considering differences other than categories (Chi, 1992) – material and abstract – could be aligned
from elements and mixture (lesson 1). The text favored the with the scientific view for the concept of substance, depending
emergence of ideas included in the pragmatic/utilitarian zone on the articulations constructed between macroscopic and
of the conceptual profile, when they highlighted relationships atomic–molecular dimensions. This could be a big challenge
between substances and their application, for example, as to teach the concept of substance in chemistry lessons.
Carlos claimed that knowing the properties of substances is Lesson 3. In lesson 3, three activities were carried out – the
important ‘‘to know whether it (the substance) causes benefits or analysis of package inserts by students, discussion in small
damage’’. Nevertheless, ideas associated with the other zones of groups of questions by the teacher, and discussion with the
the conceptual profile emerged in the classroom discussion. whole class (see Table 1). The teacher’s purpose was to identify
The students expressed ideas representing the empirical and students’ ideas when they applied the concept of substance,
rationalist zones of the conceptual profile, especially when and to highlight the ideas representative of the scientific zones
the teacher presented scientific models to explain the theme. of the profile in articulation with other zones. The students were
For example, when referring to the properties of substances, asked to identify chemical elements, substances or mixtures
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

Manuela claimed that they are ‘‘extremely well defined’’, which presented in the package inserts of different medicines. In
tends to be associated with an empirical mode of thinking. general, we found that most of the students still had difficulties
Also, Jose pointed out that a pure substance ‘‘has only one type in distinguishing those concepts and expressing ideas in an
of molecule’’, and ‘‘when it (the substance) has one type of atom it appropriate chemical language, when they were not able to
is a simple substance’’, making clear the difference between pure match the name of the substances and chemical elements. We
and simple substances by using a scientific model to characterize realized that the package inserts bring complex information on
the types of substances (rationalist zone). The teacher and the the action of the medicines, but they did not show chemical
students discussed the classification of substances, when they try formulas of substances. It was not easy for the students to
to understand the properties of the substance that constitutes understand all the chemical issues involved in the text of
medicines or other products, and the process of extraction of these package inserts, at this level of schooling (year 9).
substances from natural sources. It is possible to extract a pure Most of the students were not able to articulate ideas discussed
substance from a mixture of them (natural substances), but it is in previous lectures to the analysis of the package inserts. Silva and
also possible to synthetize chemical substances in laboratories Aguiar (2011) verified that students (year 8) did not use definitions
(synthetized substances). For this specific point, students get of substance in a conscious and adequate way in an activity on the
confused about the difference between the concepts of pure sub- importance of minerals on human nutrition, which involved the
stance (out of the mixture or material) and simple substance – a understanding of the concepts of chemical elements and sub-
substance made up of just one type of element. stance. In this work, the students seemed to understand that
Ideas representing the substantialist zone of the conceptual several substances constitute medicines and these medicines when
profile also emerged when the teacher and the students held a ingested by the people can provoke desired reactions (cure dis-
discussion about substances obtained by extraction from plants eases) and/or side effects. For them, the effect caused by these
to produce medicines. For example, when Jose said ‘‘Most of the substances in our organism depends not only on the nature of the
time it (the substance) has to be modified. If you take a substance constituents but also on the amount in which the medicines are
out of a plant, for example, you have to change something’’. The ingested. However, they have struggled to translate their ideas in
student seemed to consider substance as something material terms of atoms, chemical elements, and molecules that make up
inside of the plant, since it must be modified in the process of the medicines.
extraction, in spite of many times the appropriate process of With regard to the emergence of the conceptual profile
extraction is chosen according to the properties of the substance. zones, we observed the ways of speaking representative of four
For example, it is common to extract essences from plants by zones: generalist, pragmatic/utilitarian, substantialist and
vaporization and condensation. Although it was not the purpose rationalist. To illustrate the ways of speaking associated with
of the teacher, ideas on pure, natural or synthetized substances the generalist zone, we look at the speeches by Jose: ‘‘it does not
emerged in the discussions and the students found it hard to matter the substance, depending on amount and intensity, sub-
manage and to understand these issues. These difficulties went stances can cause benefits or damages to the human body’’, and by
beyond our aims in this work as they focused on differences Laura: ‘‘the elements are secnidazole and excipients, and the
between natural and artificial substances. substances are what constitute them, it is cellulose’’. Jose seemed
In lesson 2, we see that the type of activity led the classroom to reproduce common knowledge about substances and their
discussion through ways of speaking about the sources and effects, without a deep reflection on chemical concepts. Laura
properties of substances, favoring the emergence of different presented very confused ideas related to the names read in the
modes of thinking mainly associated with the applications and package inserts when she considered the active principle of the
effects of the substances in human life. It is possible to point medicine, secnidazole (synthetic derivative of the group of
out ontological shifts in these modes of thinking, considering nitroimidazoles with antiparasitic activity effects) and excipient
that it was predominantly ideas on substance more as concrete as elements made up of cellulose (substance).

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Ideas associated with the pragmatic/utilitarian zone can be understanding of substance, for example, when they work with
illustrated by the following speech by Laura: ‘‘I think the natural package inserts.
substance is likely a chemical substance (both) that can cause benefits or Fig. 2 shows generalist ideas that are more evident in the
damage’’, and by Miguel: ‘‘I think they (the medicines) are made up of questionnaire, lesson 1 and again in lesson 3. We agree that
some substances that together will cause effects’’. Bernardo expressed the students did not abandon their informal conceptions in the
the ideas associated with the substantialist zone when he said, process of teaching and learning of scientific concepts, but we
‘‘What are medicines made up of? From compressed substances’’. can see that they advanced in expressing ideas related to the
Rationalist ideas were considered when the students recognized scientific zones, extending their particular conceptual profiles
substances described in the package inserts regardless of whether (Mortimer et al., 2014). Besides, they expressed more diversified
they were represented by chemical formulas, for example, when ideas in lessons 2 and 3, suggesting that scientific ideas were
Rafaela said: ‘‘. . .if we know the molecular formula of the substances, so discussed in articulation with other modes of thinking.
we could know the elements’’ and Valentina said: ‘‘cellulose, silicon, The TLS design played an important role in promoting
sodium starch glycolate. . .those are substances’’. In this way, the discussions and bringing out diverse conceptions that can be
students tried to answer the issues posed by the teacher – to identify contrasted and reflected from the school content to be studied.
chemical elements, substances and mixtures in the package inserts – Therefore, in this work we seek to promote an approximation of
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

but other ideas emerged in the discussions in both small groups and scientific knowledge with the sociocultural context from a
the whole class. theme, a way to contemplate the epistemic dimension of the
In the analysis of the three lessons, we observed variations teaching and learning sequence (TLS), according to the terms
in the emergence of zones of the conceptual profile of sub- proposed by Méheut (2005). From the point of view of the
stance. The emergence of the conceptual profile zones for the pedagogical dimension, we found that the teacher played an
whole class in the episodes extracted from each lesson and in important role in favoring the communication of the ideas by
the questionnaire is illustrated in Fig. 2. the students, seeking to raise and capture different conceptions
The students expressed ideas associated with all zones, and visions about the concept being worked on. A broader
except for the relational zone, which represents a complex domain of possible sense and meanings that the concept can
way of understanding the substance. The ideas related to the acquire in different contexts or situations seems to make the
relational zone were not expected for this level of schooling. In teacher more aware and engaged in the task of promoting
Fig. 2, we can observe a large variation in the emergence of the debate and interactions in which students’ ideas are considered
conceptual profile zones throughout the three lessons and in (Silva and Amaral, 2010). It points to the potential use of the
the questionnaire. We attribute these variations to several conceptual profile theory in the formation and professional
factors, such as the different types of questions and didactic development for science teachers.
situations to which the students were exposed, and the use of a In the analysis of the emergence of the zones of the
theme in which the concept of substance has a specific use conceptual profile from the discursive interactions in the class-
related to human health. In spite of the texts and theme room, each student went through a particular conceptualiza-
guiding the discussions in a specific direction, in general, we tion process, presenting different rhythms and pathways in
can see that students presented more elaborate ideas than making meaning to the contents studied. We consider that it is
the informal conceptions found in the responses to the ques- important to analyze learning pathways experienced by two
tionnaire, throughout the lessons (see Fig. 2). Nevertheless, students, seeking to understand in depth the different aspects
students’ informal conceptions emerged in discussions of of the process of conceptualization. As previously mentioned,
new situations even if they seemed to advance in a scientific learning pathways were analyzed in terms of the variations in

Fig. 2 Dynamics of the emergence of the conceptual profile zones in the three lessons and questionnaire for the whole class.

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the emergence of conceptual profile zones for each student in relation between the identity of substances and their properties,
each lesson. regardless of how they were obtained. Ideas like that are represen-
tative of the empirical zone of the substance concept. In some
Process of conceptualization of the students – Laura and Jose moments of the lesson, Laura referred to substances as something
We present a detailed analysis of the conceptualization process that might cause some benefit or damage to the human body – ‘‘it
for two students – Laura and Jose – who actively participated in all (the substance) can be changed to cause benefit to your body, or it can
of the lessons. This analysis would be unreliable for students who be changed to injure it, depending on the quantity. . .’’. For her, the
participated in a limited way because we do not have enough amount of substance plays an important role for the action of
evidence for how they dealt with previous and new ideas focused substances. In this case, the use and effects of the substances
in the classroom discussions. The expression of ideas that we seemed to guide the comprehension of the concept, promoting the
identified as associated with the zones of the conceptual profile emergence of the pragmatic/utilitarian zone of the conceptual
was different for both students, which endorses the individual profile. The ideas representative of the substantialist zone emerged
dimension of the meaning-making process for scientific concepts, in this lesson, for example, when Laura admitted that an isolated
although social interactions play a crucial role in it. water molecule has an equal boiling point at 100 1C.
In lesson 3, the teacher’s purpose was to encourage students
Analysis of Laura’s conceptualization process
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

in applying the concepts studied to analyze package inserts.

Laura expressed ideas and raised questions in most of the Laura appeared to realize that medicines have several substances in
classroom discussions. In her speech, she explicitly recognized their composition and presented a more structured speech: ‘‘I think
her difficulties with different aspects of the concepts of substance the medicine is a mixture, which is made of substances that are
and chemical elements. In Laura’s responses to the questionnaire, excipients and secnidazole’’. It is quite probable that she read this
we were able to identify conceptions that suggest approximations to information on the package insert, but she did not know the
the three zones of the conceptual profile, at least. She pointed to meaning for technical names, including excipients like a substance.
the importance of knowing the properties of the substances Conflicting ideas about the differences between substances and
‘‘because from it we can classify and divide them into groups and molecules emerged when she requested ‘‘So molecule is substance?’’
facilitate the study (on substance)’’, suggesting an empirical view of and she replied herself ‘‘but it is small’’, showing difficulties in
the concept. In replying to the proposition about apples’ benefits differentiating macroscopic and atomic–molecular dimensions of
and composition, she expressed ‘‘true, as it should contain one substances, which often implies in assigning the properties of the
substance for each benefit’’, highlighting a pragmatic view on substance to the molecule. In this case, the ideas included in the
substance. Laura considered false the statement about the yellow substantialist zone emerged in Laura’s speech, in this lesson.
color for gold because the atoms are yellow, ‘‘false because I think According to the analysis shown above, from Laura’s speech,
atoms are very small and their color has no influence’’. In spite of the ideas representative of the zones of the conceptual profile were
the proposition being considered false, she seemed to state the placed in an Excels spreadsheet, in order to generate a visualiza-
color for atoms, a macroscopic characteristic, suggesting an tion of the emergence of zones for the student throughout the TLS.
approximation to the substantialist commitment. The emergence of the zones is not considered from the absolute
Throughout the three lessons, different ways of speaking values of the frequency, but it represents a proportional analysis of
were identified in Laura’s speech, when conceptions and ideas the dynamics of zones observed during the three lessons and in the
were exposed, confronted, compared and reflected, in the questionnaire.
classroom discussions. In lesson 1, Laura expressed difficulties In Fig. 3, we can see the heterogeneity of the ways of
in differentiating chemical elements, simple substances, com- speaking by Laura at different moments in the lessons and in
pounds and mixtures, for example, in the discussion about air, the questionnaire, which makes it possible to consider that
she seemed to be surprised because air is a mixture, and she different modes of thinking were interwoven in her conceptua-
felt confused to classify its components: ‘‘No, substances! No? lization process (Mortimer and Wertsch, 2003; Mortimer and
Element? Ahhh I do not understand anything at all’’ (episode 1.2 El-Hani, 2014). In general, it seems reasonable to expect that
(Table 4), turn 10). In addition, she presented misunderstandings after the student expressed ideas aligned with the scientific
about pure substance and simple substance: ‘‘I think pure (sub- view, the emergence of the nonscientific modes of thinking
stance) is when you have only one type of element’’. These are the ideas should be overcome. Nevertheless, Fig. 3 shows an oscillation
representative of the generalist zone of the conceptual profile, and of the emergence of the scientific and nonscientific zones of the
they often emerged in her speech. It did not seem to restrict her in conceptual profile. For example, even though generalist ideas
stating the ideas representative of the other zones, for example, for emerged in lesson 1 and they were less frequent in lesson 2,
the rationalist zone, she claimed ‘‘nowadays water is a substance, but as the student followed constructing more structured ideas,
before it was an element! That substance nowadays, in the case of water, generalist ways of speaking persist in Laura’s speech when she
is formed by hydrogen and oxygen’’. was faced with applying these ideas in a new situation (insert
In lesson 2, during the discussion about the acquisition and packages – lesson 3).
application of natural and synthesized substances, Laura stated In this dynamic process, stabilized meanings could be part
that there is no difference between these two types of substances – of the students’ repertoire of ideas. We consider that the
‘‘I think it’s the same thing’’ – suggesting an understanding of the scientific ideas of substance were incorporated to the senses

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Fig. 3 Emergence of the conceptual profile zones in the three lessons and the questionnaire for Laura.
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

and meanings presented by Laura, which seems to be aligned despite the advances in the use of the scientific language, Laura
with the objectives of educational aims at school. Scientific and yet did not embody stabilized meanings for chemical substance.
nonscientific ideas play important roles in the teaching and In another moment of the interview, a macroscopic dimension
learning process of making meaning for scientific concepts. In was mentioned to investigate her comprehension of substance
this case, we reinforce the conceptualization process such as a properties, mainly considering the activity with the package inserts.
continuum in which senses and meanings oscillate depending This moment is shown in episode IL2 (Table 7).
on the experiences of individuals (Mortimer et al., 2011). In episode IL2 (Table 7), Laura recognized the properties as
In the interview with Laura, after the TLS, our expectation important to identify substances mainly by addressing melting
was to identify details of the conceptualization process experi- and boiling points for them (turns 2 and 5), a very common
enced by the student. Initially, we asked her to define the approach found in chemistry textbooks. However, she did not
concept of substance, and episode IL1 (Table 6) shows a piece realize the role played by these properties in materials or
of the interview at this moment. substances present in our life or social context (turn 4).
In episode IL1 (Table 6), Laura was able to express in detail Vogelezang (1987) stated that students admitted the existence
her conflicting ideas about chemical elements and substance of substances (or materials) around everything, but usually they
(turn 2), using words belonging to the scientific language. This do not associate them with contents studied in lessons of
suggests a kind of appropriation she had during the lessons chemistry. At another moment of the interview, the teacher
and an indication that she is advancing in the understanding of expressed the following statement: ‘‘Substance is everything
the scientific meaning of substance. She correctly exemplified a that is around us. Almost everything we see in the world is a
substance (O2), identified the atom that forms that substance chemical substance’’. And Laura commented: ‘‘I think kind of
(O), but defined an element as ‘‘a lot of O2’’. The teacher everything we see is composed of substances, which does not mean
intervened seeking to stress the senses presented by Laura for that this is a type of substance (. . .) a pen is made up of several
substance (turns 3–7), by evoking chemical symbols presented substances, but that does not mean a pen is a type of substance. . .
in the periodic table. In turn 8, Laura recognized O as an no! One or more substances make up a pen’’. She seemed to
element representative of its different isotopes and she com- understand the difference between material (mixture) and
pared it to the substance O2. The teacher suggested that she is substance. When the teacher asked her to comment on another
putting together macroscopic and atomic–molecular (‘‘micro- sentence ‘‘The smell of a perfume is due to a substance present
scopic’’) dimensions for the concept (turn 9). Then she defined in the material’’, Laura stated ‘‘I think the smell is a property like
substance as being ‘‘a set of atoms’’ (turn 10). We consider that this. . . and what will come of it. . . maybe, I think, that the perfume

Table 6 Episode IL1 – Laura exposing the definition of substance in the interview

1. Teacher: Define substance

2. Laura: Every time I feel confused about element and substance. I know that element is the whole set (. . .) element is a kind of general, and substance I do
not know well what it is, because. . . it has the atom of something. For example, the substance oxygen would be in the case O2, the substance would be
O2, and an ‘‘O’’ would be an atom and a lot of O2 together is an element, I think.
3. Teacher: Do you think a lot of O2 is an element? In the periodic table, what do we find?
4. Laura: Elements.
5. Teacher: Is there oxygen in the periodic table?
6. Laura: There is.
7. Teacher: But we see the representation in the periodic table only with an ‘‘O’’, right?
8. Laura: Yeah! But the element would be ‘‘O’’ because it would be ‘‘O’’ along with all its variations. Like that. . . ‘‘O’’ isotopes would all be together when
putting the ‘‘O’’ element there. And like that. . . what’s the point? Substance right? Substance would be, for example, O2 the substance oxygen.
9. Teacher: You defined the substance using an example and speaking in microscopic terms.
10. Laura: So if I was defining it in words other than with examples, I would say that substance is a set of atoms.

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Table 7 Episode IL2 – Laura discussing substance properties in the interview

1. Teacher: How important is it to know the properties of substances?

2. Laura: I think it’s important for you in differentiating one from the other, so you know more about the substance. For me, it does not matter,
but for certain people who. . .
3. Teacher: Why do you think it does not matter, you do not have substances in your daily life?
4. Laura: Yes, but I kind of do not care what property of the substance I ‘‘catch’’.
5. Teacher: Because you are only thinking about the melting point, boiling. . . you are not thinking of the smell, flavor. . .
6. Laura: It is that whenever I think of properties I remember more of melting point and boiling point, things like this

is a mixture, and I think the smell is a property of this. The smell attention to the difference between meanings related to elements
will be a property of the substance present in there. The smell is not and substance in the historical context and nowadays – ‘‘There were
a kind of substance. The substance has properties like melting and four elements and today there are more (of them)’’ – presenting a
boiling points, color, smell, taste. . . I think this is also a property of generalist way of speaking.
the substance. So I think the smell is a property’’. Here, Laura In lesson 2, the discussion on the use of substances to
seemed to get confused about the smell as a sensation and as produce medicines and natural and synthetized substances
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

the property of a specific substance composing the perfume. appeared to promote the emergence of different modes of
These results suggest that Laura presented elaborate ideas thinking from Jose’s speech. He expressed the following idea
about substance, but she did not stabilize meanings in terms of ‘‘I think that chemical substances are created in the laboratory’’,
a scientific view, and (personal) senses still played an important from which he associated substance to the processes of synthesis
role in her conceptualization process. It appears from such and industrialization of products (generalist view) – and ‘‘Most of
evidence that the process of conceptualization occurs by oscilla- the time it (substance) has to be modified. If you take a substance
tion between senses and meanings, in a continuum movement out of a plant, for example, you have to change something’’ –
toward the stabilized meanings, which are shared socially. Laura considering substance as something material contained in
advanced in the understanding of substance by acquiring the plants (substantialist mode of thinking). We realize that the
domain in the use of the scientific language but the meaning- approach of the macroscopic aspects for substance stressed
making process is not conclusive, and she would be faced with some of the structured ideas presented in the previous lesson,
challenges in her learning pathway as soon as a new situation is leading to the emergence of the ways of speaking representative
engendered. From this perspective, it is not so easy to measure of generalist and substantialist modes of thinking about the
progression for learning. concept. Jose also claimed that it is important to know the
properties of substances to ‘‘know the amount and intensity of
Analysis of Jose’s conceptualization process substance (for use)’’ at the same time that he pointed out ‘‘the
Jose presented active participation in the classroom discussion color, smell’’ as some of these properties (an empirical mode of
and, differently from Laura, most of the time he expressed thinking of substance). However, when appropriate in the dis-
structured ideas in a scientific view in the responses to the cussion, he confirmed the scientific ideas previously presented
questionnaire and throughout the three lessons. In this way, he (rationalist mode of thinking). For us, it marks the dynamics of
seemed to understand the different aspects of the substance his process of conceptualization, when he is invited to express
concept – differentiating elements, substances and mixtures, ideas in a continuous movement of seeking for a wide under-
and the classification of pure and simple substances, in both standing of the concept.
macroscopic and atomic–molecular dimensions. In lesson 3, we see more diversity of ideas in Jose’s speech,
In lesson 1, Jose presented predominantly ideas from a which suggests that the discussion on the package insert
scientific view, when debating in the diverse activities and allowed posing new ways of speaking about substance, enga-
discursive contexts. For example, he expressed ideas such as: ging the student in a new challenge to articulate ideas. From
‘‘H2O is a substance and H is an element; What changed? Now, I reading the text in the package inserts, Jose was able to identify
know what it is. Chemical element is atom; Substances are atoms the name of the components of the medicine, but the lack of
together; H2O is made up two different atoms; (pure substance) is symbols for chemical elements lead him to say ‘‘I do not think
when it has only one type of molecule; (simple substance) because there is any element here’’. He considered that it was not
it is constituted of only one type of atom’’. Jose showed the ways of possible to get information about chemical elements without
speaking aligned with a rationalist mode of thinking on sub- the chemical formula for substances. In the analysis about the
stance, considering atomic–molecular dimensions to explain properties of the substances, he stated ‘‘it does not matter the
the constitution of matter. Nevertheless, at some moments, he substance itself, it depends on the amount and intensity of this
seemed to show other commitments related to this concept, for substance (it) can cause benefits or damage to the human body’’.
example, Jose explains to a colleague – ‘‘molecule is substance, He seemed to evoke a very common sense idea about good
the smallest part of the substance is a molecule’’ – it sounds like a practices in the use of some products – salt, sugar, coffee, etc. –
substantialist way of understanding the concept, when macro- and, as in the previous lesson, he named ‘‘intensity’’ as a feature
scopic and atomic–molecular dimensions are not clearly dis- to evaluate the use of substances, expressing a way of speaking
tinguished. Also, in discussing Aristotle’s ideas, he did not give representative of the generalist mode of thinking. Jose also

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presented conflicting ideas related to natural and synthetic example, that a water molecule would have a boiling point in
substances, when he stated ‘‘(natural substances) as the name 100 1C. Jose argued, ‘‘This is wrong because the molecule has no
says (they) are found in nature and do not have to suffer any boiling point, the substance does’’, reinforcing his response in the
chemical industrial process and, as I said before, depending on the questionnaire.
amount (it) can bring benefits or damage to the organism (body)’’. Following the interview, the teacher showed some state-
Here, he expressed a naive view about natural substance ments and asked Jose to comment on them. In Table 8, we
pointing the amount as the reason for the effects it causes in show the statements and comments from Jose.
the human body, showing a way of speaking that highlights a In Table 8, Jose confirmed previous ideas related to the
pragmatic/utilitarian mode of thinking of substance. On the scientific view of substance, nevertheless the conflicting ideas on
other side, differently than in lesson 2, he pointed out that pure substance and compounds persisted (see items 2 and 4). In
substances’ properties can be useful to identify substances – item 2, he disagreed with the statement taking into account that
‘‘When you know the properties of a substance, you can identify it compounds (constituted by more than one chemical element)
in the environment’’ – a way of speaking representative of an can also present constant melting and boiling points, not only
empirical mode of thinking. The emergence of conceptual pure substance. He claimed that the pure substance has only one
profile zones from Jose’s speech is shown in Fig. 4. chemical element (item 4), a definition given for a simple
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

In Fig. 4, we did not see significant changes in the emergence substance. In this case, it seemed that understanding of sub-
of the conceptual profile zones from Jose’s speech throughout stance in the atomic–molecular dimension is not aligned with
the three lessons and the questionnaire. He continued to express the macroscopic comprehension, as purity is related to the
ways of speaking representative of the rationalist modes of separation of substances from mixtures or materials. In lessons
thinking of substance in the whole TLS; however, other ways 2 and 3, we realize Jose’s difficulties in describing the extraction
of thinking emerged from discursive contexts resulting from of substances from natural sources. Another interesting point is
activities carried out in lessons 2 and 3, including ideas that are when Jose did not relate smell to a property of substance present
more intuitive. In this case, we highlight the importance of in perfumes but to a reaction that our body presents to the
encouraging discussion on different situations in the science substance (item 5). In lesson 2, he had listed smell as one of
classroom in order to bring together different ways of thinking the substance properties, and it reinforces that Jose understands
from which the students draw meaning to understand the the atomic–molecular model to explain the relations among
scientific view for concepts in the face of the different meanings atoms, chemical elements, substance and mixture, however he
stabilized for them in nonscientific contexts. has difficulties in understanding the macroscopic aspects of this
These results lead us to a positive expectation toward the concept.
understanding of the concept of substance in Jose’’s interview, In summary, we consider that Jose marked mainly the
when a closer conversation would allow us to perceive details in scientific ideas in the classroom discussion, but it does not
his process of conceptualization. First, the teacher asked him to mean that he did not defend other modes of thinking of
define substance and he claimed, ‘‘Something is made up of substances, since they emerged sometimes. We suppose that
molecules (. . .) if it is pure, it is made up of only one type of molecule. Jose has a predominant commitment to scientific views in the
If I am not mistaken, it (a substance is) composed (is constituted) of school context. In this sense, we claim the importance in
more (?)’’. First, he presented an atomic–molecular view of the bringing discursive contexts associated with different modes
substance, and then he seemed to be confused about the classifica- of thinking of scientific concepts to the classroom discussions;
tion of pure substance and compound, a difficulty not expressed in the teachers could contribute to reach a wider and more
the lessons. At another moment, the teacher asked him about the meaningful learning, by allowing the students to confront the
statement that a molecule has the properties of the substance, for scientific and the other modes of thinking. In Jose’s case, some

Fig. 4 Emergence of the conceptual profile zones in the three lessons and the questionnaire for Jose.

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Table 8 Jose’s comments on the statements shown by the teacher

1. Substance can be understood as a compound made up of a single element or by more than one element.
Jose 1: Yes, a substance is made up of molecules, which are formed of one or more chemical elements. Therefore, when analyzing a substance, it is noticed
that it is fundamentally constituted by one or more chemical elements.
2. Pure substance has all the properties distributed equally. A way of verifying whether the substance is pure or not is by freezing or heating it. If the
melting and boiling points remain constant, the substance is pure.
Jose 2: No, because this also occurs in compounds. The variation (of properties) is observed only for mixtures.
3. Substance is everything around us. Almost everything we see in the world is a chemical substance.
Jose 3: No, most of what is around us are mixtures.
4. The pure substance is that which is found in nature and when it undergoes a chemical process, it becomes impure.
Jose 4: No, pure substance is that made up of molecules of only one chemical element.
5. The smell of a perfume is due to a substance present in the material
Jose 5: No, for the ‘‘smell’’ itself is not a substance, but a reaction of our bodies to a substance present in the perfume (mixture).

difficulties to understand diverse aspects on the concept of conceptual profile zones as a tool to science teaching and learning
substance emerged as specific situations were presented in by structuring different modes of thinking indicating epistemo-
classroom discussion and we realize it more clearly in the logical, ontological and axiological commitments for them.
Published on 07 May 2018. Downloaded on 4/21/2019 8:51:55 AM.

interview. The discussion about different modes of thinking The students’ process of conceptualization was dynamic and
seemed to be useful in helping him to make connection continuous, and dependent on the individual characteristics of
between scientific knowledge and real situations. students, their experiences and participation in the proposed activ-
Laura and Jose showed different processes of conceptualization ities in a TLS. The students’ participation in discursive interactions is
and learning pathways. On the one hand, Laura presented crucial to the articulation of senses and stabilized meanings for
difficulties to understand substance in an atomic–molecular scientific concepts. Therefore, it is quite important that teachers start
dimension, and she sought for articulation between macroscopic discussions in the classroom, and they act as mediators in this
and atomic–molecular dimensions. On the other hand, Jose process, in order to make the students aware of the heterogeneity of
presented stabilized meanings related to the atomic–molecular ideas existing in the learning of scientific concepts. It is important to
dimension for the concept of substance, but he seemed to have highlight that students expressed different modes of thinking in
difficulties in articulating this view with macroscopic aspects different moments in the TLS, and some of these ideas persist
and applications of the substances. during the process of understanding the scientific view for the
Finally, we point out that each student must present a concept of substance. It appeared relevant to address these ideas
particular process of conceptualization with different learning in the classroom discussion, because many times they come from
demands. This is an important point to consider when teachers the experiences lived by students and have value in real life for them,
and researchers make proposals for science teaching. In addition, assuming an important role in the meaning-making process for
it is relevant to the evaluation of science learning, when advances scientific concepts.
in the understanding for scientific concepts occur without neces- From the results in this work, we could point out some
sarily overcoming informal conceptions or neglecting meanings issues. It seemed desirable that in science teaching and learning we
stabilized in sociocultural contexts. In this sense, an evolution of take into account discussions on scientific and nonscientific ideas
the conceptual thinking could be evaluated taking into account in the classroom, in order to promote a meaningful understanding
the expansion of the repertoire of ideas expressed by students, in on scientific concepts and models, which could be articulated to
which ideas accepted in a scientific view for a specific concept other forms of seeing and conceptualizing the world. In this sense,
could be confronted to different ways of understanding this science learning could be aligned with sociocultural contexts
concept that reach sense or meaning in other contexts. contributing to inserting scientific knowledge in real situations
experienced by individuals.
The process of conceptualization is characterized as a
Final comments dynamic process in which different modes of thinking come
and go in a collective and individual search to share stabilized
In this paper, we analyze the process of conceptualization meanings. It points to the importance of planning and design-
experienced by students when involved in activities in a TLS on ing teaching and learning sequences seeking for promoting
the concept of substance, considering the emergence of zones of discussions on diversity of ideas/situations in the classroom,
the conceptual profile. The results showed that the approaches on mainly allowing students to express their conceptions and
different modes of thinking of substance enabled the teacher to experiences. The evaluation of the learning does not seem to
discuss and confront ideas, leading students to construct or share follow a linear or progressive movement of conceptual change,
meanings stabilized in a scientific view. The conceptual profile was but a more complex and dynamic process in which continuously
an important tool to design activities by creating discursive contexts new ideas are constructed in articulation with the previous ones.
involving different modes of thinking about substance, which Finally, the conceptual profile theory provides a consistent
contributed to raising specific discussions involving historical, basis to plan the TLS, to analyze the process of conceptualiza-
scientific and social settings to understand senses and meanings tion and to guide the teacher in leading discussion in the
for substances. Thus, we mark the relevance of the use of classroom.

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