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Group Members : Anak Agung Gede Wirsana Putra (0127)

I Ketut Saka Sanam (0045)

Class :VB

Reading is the language skill which is easiest to keep up, many of us can
still read in a foreign language that we used to be able to speak a well.
Approaches to reading
Children whose mother tongue is no based on the Roman Script have more
stages to go through when they are learning to read in English. There are a
number of different ways to approach the introduction of reading in a foreign
1. Phonics
This approach is based on letters and sounds.

2. Look and Say

This approach is based on words and phrases, makes a lot of use of
flashcard or words written on cards.

3. Whole Sentence Reading

Here the teacher teaches recognition of whole phrase and sentences which
having meaning in themselves.

4. Language Experience Approach

This approach to reading is based on the child’s spoken language. The
teacher writes down a sentence for the child to read which based on what
the child was said.
The methods that will accompany the approach to reading above are as hereunder;
a. Five to seven-year olds
The pupils have to go through the process of reading like activities first;
reading from left to right, turning the pages at the right place, going back
and reading the page again.
b. Eight to ten-year old beginner
It is the time to spend much less time teaching the mechanic of reading,
and concentrate more on the mechanic of reading, but they know what
reading is about, and the speeds up the process.

c. Starting off
There are four possibility starting point, those are:

1. Reading a story from a book.

2. Reading a class story.

Instead of reading from a book, you might want to use a class story as
your starting point for reading.

3. Reading texts based on the child’s language.

This approach has provided effective with beginner in both age groups;
the idea is that each individual pupil has his or her own written text
which say what his or her wants it to say and it is used for both mother

4. Reading familiar nursery rhymes or song.

Most children learn nursery rhymes in their mother tongue and in
English without having a complete understanding of what they are
saying but it helps their confidence.

d. Reading aloud.
Reading aloud is not same as reading silently. It is a separate skill and not
one which most people have that much use for outside the classroom. But
it can be useful, especially with beginners in a language.

e. Silent reading
The aim of silent reading is more for understanding and pleasure. Pupils
do not need to say the word loudly but they must understand the meaning
of every sentences.

f. Different reading materials

The interesting reading materials should be prepared such as; reading card.

g. Introducing new book

The new book must always be introduced to the pupils to open and
encourage their knowledge.
h. Book reviews.
It is always a good idea to find out what pupils through of a book.

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