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First Day for School College

Most people’s first day at college is the most stressful day of their lives because they don’t know
what to expect or they just don’t want to go through an embarrassing situation, but for me it was
the most exciting day of my life. First, I met new people who shared my interests, second it was
a whole new experience for me in which success depended on me, and third it was the first day
that I started studying something that I really liked. Finally I won’t forget it very easily because
lots of things were accomplished in my first day at UB.

First I met lots of people who were as excited as me for their first day at college. I really enjoyed
that day because everybody I talked to were people who were going to study Management with
me, so we shared the same interest. My new friends and I talked a lot that day about the first
things that crossed our minds, and then we exchanged our WhatsApp. In my case I tried to look
for the people who where completely interested in the program, the ones that were 100% of what
they were doing and that they were not going to drop out the program in afew months.

Second, for me it was an amazing experience that I had never gone through in my life. For the
first time in my entire life I was studying something that I was really into of. The other new thing
is that succeeding depended exclusively on me; nobody was going to be pushing me to study or
to prepare my homework. This new stage in my life was totally new for me and it was something
that I had to get used to.

Third, it was the first day I started studying something that I really liked, I have always
liked languages not just English, But I always said to myself that the first one that I was
going to learn world be English. Although I didn’t speak much English I remember that in
my first day I tried to practice my English as much as possible, but it was difficult to find
the person who dared to speak English. After some unsuccesful tries I found the person
who took the risk and she didn’t care about others, she was Leticia. I know that we made
lots of mistakes but we didn’t care, we just did our best and were able to understand each
other, which was the point.

Finally, I won’t forget that day because it was one of the most special moments of my life. That
day I received more things of what I had expected, I got friends, I was the first day of my
Management program, I realized that there was something that I was really good at. Now that I
am in my First year and I look back and I see that it was the best choice I have ever made, I have
no regrets, these first years have been the most remarkable and greatest years of my life.
A frightening experience

Every summer my family and I used to go to our country cottage. I will always remember the day when
we decided to take a stroll. I had been was walking with my little brother in the evening forest and
everything seemed to be perfect and quiet until the moment when he suddenly disappeared of my view.

I didn’t understand know what to do. It was the first time this had happened to me. I was absolutely
petrified. I needed to calm down and look for my brother. Unfortunately, I had no mobile phone. At first
I thought about asking someone, but I didn’t see anybody. It was getting dark. After searching for my
brother in that gigantic forest, I stood for a while to recover a breath, and, completely desperate and
exhausted, I started to shout his name, but nobody answered. All of a sudden, I heard someone’s fast
steps coming nearer closer to me…

I couldn't believe my eyes what I was contemplating: that “someone” was my brother! He was finally
found and absolutely safe and sound. We decided to come back home immediately. I’ll never forget that
terrible experience and those emotions of happiness that I felt when I saw my little brother again.

discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction towards, a person based on

the group, class, or category to which the person is perceived to belong. These
include age, caste, colour, criminal record, height, disability, ethnicity, family status, gender
identity, generation, genetic characteristics, marital status, nationality, race, religion, sex, and sexual
orientation. Discrimination consists of treatment of an individual or group, based on their actual or
perceived membership in a certain group or social category, "in a way that is worse than the way
people are usually treated".[1] It involves the group's initial reaction or interaction going on to
influence the individual's actual behavior towards the group leader or the group, restricting members
of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to another group, leading to
the exclusion of the individual or entities based on illogical or irrational decision making.[2]
Discriminatory traditions, policies, ideas, practices and laws exist in many countries
and institutions in every part of the world, including in territories where discrimination is generally
looked down upon. In some places, controversial attempts such as quotas have been used to benefit
those who are believed to be current or past victims of discrimination—but they have sometimes
been called reverse discrimination.
Positive impact of Video games:
Increases cognitive thinking: Video games play a very important role in enhancing the logical reasoning
prowess of the children. Incredible machine or the angry bird applications compel the kids to think and adopt
the best strategy to win the necessary points. They devise creating methods to resolve the puzzles quickly and
Enhancing the motor skills: One of the best advantages of the gaming technology is that it improves the hand
and eye coordination in children. In a shooting game, the user has to take aim and fire the gun as soon as
he/she spots the target. Coordination between the actual action and the cerebrum is essential to notch up the
win. The regular practice could lead to improved motor skills that might help the child to become successful in
the real world as well. According to the researchers, adults who are skillful in playing video games become
impeccable medical surgeons.
Managing the resources: Modern video games are based on strategies compelling the gamers to think out of
the box. Therefore, they become skilled in planning and devising strategies to executing the projects in the
professional world. Gamers with regular exposure turn out to be a better resource manager as compared to
those who are not avid followers of the strategy based gaming.

Negative effects of video games:

Addiction: Kids are often glued to their gaming consoles, forgetting about the outside world. The long term
effects can prove to be extremely harmful with the child becoming irritated and losing the interest in studies
or outdoor games, which can affect their health badly.
Discarding relationships: Preoccupation can do a lot of harm to the user because they might not have the
required time to fulfill their commitment towards the relationship. There are many instances when
the kids become extremely argumentative with parents to cover their faults.
Health issues: One of the severe disadvantages of video games is related to the health of the child. An
individual with continuous exposure to games may become obese and get affected with life threatening disease
over a period of time. Obesity is a modern day scourge for the people and causes more harm than good in the
long run. In addition, with continuous exposure to the screen, the user might face infection in the eyes.
In order to ward off the problem, plan a schedule to play the video game but do not extend the time. Make sure
that it doesn’t impact your daily life or else all the advantages can go down the drain resulting in tremendous
social networks and our young generation

Social media is a term used to describe the interaction between groups or individuals in which they
produce, share, and sometimes exchange ideas over the internet and in virtual communities. The impact
of social networks on young people is significant. Children are growing up surrounded by mobile devices
and interactive social networking sites such as Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook, which has made the
social media a vital aspect of their life. Social network is transforming the manner in which young people
interact with their parents, peers, as well as how they make use of technology.

The effects of social networking are twofold. On the positive side, social networks can act as invaluable
tools for professionals. They achieve this by assisting young professionals to market their skills and seek
business opportunities. Social networking sites may also be used to network professionally. On the
negative side, the internet is laden with a number of risks associated with online commuinties. Cyber
bullying, which refers to a type of bullying that is perpetrated using electronic technology, is one of the

Bullies have taken to internet sites such as Twitter and Facebook, where the hide behind the anonymity
provided by the internet to carry out their despicable acts. Young people also run the risk of
inadvertently disclosing their personal information since on most occasions; they usually neglect to read
carefully websites’ privacy policies. Whenever young people fail to read the policies and disclaimers,
they are exposed to risks of having their personal information disclosed. This is especially a serious
matter in light o the rising cases of cyber crimes such as identity theft. New studies reveal that social
networks have the ability to sway people to spend money by running advertisements on the user’s page
. Such forms of near-subliminal advertising can subconsciously cause an individual to buy certain
The world is brimming with different problems and concerns that people hardly realize. Many of these
issues aren’t addressed are because of the fact that we are scared to admit that they have become a
problem in today’s society. One issue that needs to be addressed is Cyberbullying. Two-hundred years
ago when are founding fathers wrote the constitution and wrote in the first amendment that we had
the right to free speech and in the fourth amendment’s protection against “unreasonable search and
seizures,” and laws against harassment apply online that there would be anything to the extent of what
is being done or said to the young people in today’s society.

The definition of cyberbullying is the inappropriate use of technology such as a cell phone or the
computer. There are many ways to bully someone and the problem is arising in today’s class rooms and
on the popular internet web page called “facebook.” There are students and teens getting cyberbullied
that have to live with what happened to them and the things people say do scar many people for life
and that can begin to cause problems when you are working and interacting with adults.

Technology has become such a vital part in are everyday life. In the fourth amendment it states that you
have protection against unreasonable search and seizure’s and in the first amendment it states your
right to free of speech, this is the problem with all these online issues. With teens leading the way the
courts are struggling on how to translate the digital world.

Cyberbullying can have serious consequences. These cyberbullying are teasing and hurting a child’s self-
esteem. In cyberspace you should never give out your internet or e-mail to anyone. If you are a victim
you should always save the messages or print whatever they say, it helps so you actually have proof to
show the authority. It is also important for the victim to tell their parents or guardian so they can help
you stop the bully. It is very important to inform young people about the law so they know what could
happen if they are a victim or a bully themselves.

Cyberbullying is becoming a much more common issue then it ever has been. With more and more
young people using facebook and MySpace these young children have more of a chance to become
victims of bullying. Facebook is working hard to make their privacy setting stronger, but it will take some
time. Cyberspace is ruining lives and in some way the word needs to be spread to these young adults
and children. Internet in general as well as cell phones is a growing problem for teens and children. Even
though it make be highly unlikely for younger children to commit suicide it is not impossible.

Cyberbullying is becoming a larger and growing issue in all communities today. Bullies in cyberspace are
everywhere not just on your publicized websites like facebook and MySpace. A recent survey across
America found that 75% if students between ages eight and sixteen have been a victim of some kind of
cyberspace bullying. With violent video games and illegal downloading cyberspace has become a very
dangerous place. A recent suicide in Greensburg, Indiana has got some national attention and this kind
of thing is what we need to stop. If a child makes that decision it his or her own families to make that
choice to spread the word.
business letter

Bandar Lampung, September 6th, 2016

Number: 11/AB-CD/EFGH/II/2016


Jambu Air street, Number 11, Bandar Lampung


Ahmad Yani street, Number 01, Tangerang

Dear Sir,

Through this letter we inform you that our order had arrived on time. However, after we checked the
products you sent us, there are some damages of some computers.

The damages are:

1. Three units of CPU do not working

2. Five units damaged keyboards

For the evidence, we will send you back the damage products to be re-check by your company.

We hope in the future, we would not receive anymore damaged products like this. If this thing happen
again, we are sorry that we will cut off our cooperation contract.

Thank you for your concern. We will wait for you reply.


Oraginil passage 1
A second major problem is maintaining astronouth’mental health. Being confined for
long periods of time in dark and hostile space undoubtedly produces anxiety loneliness
and boredom are other psychological concerns.

1. Note.
Maintaintaining astronouth’mental - Confined=limited – Undoubtedly produce= certainly

2. Paraphrase
The article in space science magazine report that to maintain astronouth’mental
health is priority. in psychological manner who staying in dark and hostile space for
unlimited time certainly create anxiety, loneliness and boredom (Clintan.p.18)

Original passage 2

Source : Page 18 of a three page article in the October 15, 2003, issue of Space
Science magazine. The title of article is “Manned Mars Flight: Impossible
Dream?” The author is Patrick Clinton, a NASA physician.

A second major problem is maintaining astronauts’ mental health. Being

confined for long periods of time in dark and hostile space undoubtedly produces
anxiety. Loneliness and boredom are other psychological concerns.
Finally how can astronauts”let off steam” when interpersonal conflicts develop? Even
best friend can irritate each other when force to spend weeks together in isolation.
Space station are small, cramped, busy workplaces and there is little privacy. Also,
space exploration is dangerous, which add to the stress abroad a spaceship.
1. Note
Interpersonal conflict – irritate each other – together in isolation - space exploration

2. Paraprhase
The article in space science magazine report that how can astronauts”let off steam”
When in working team has interpersonal conflict. Space exploration is dangerous. Even
best friend can rub the wrong way each when one of them force to spend weeks
together in isolation. With small space station, armed and busy workplaces , all those
add stress overseas a spaceship.(Clintan.p.18)

Original passage 3.
Source :
Source : A Letter to the Editor written by Cory Brunish, which appeared on page 9
of the February 16, 2004, issue of Time magazine

Why should we spend vast amounts to reach mars when there is a very high chance of
its not providing anything that would improve out lot here on earth? Why not allocate
those billion for home improvement”? think of the progress that could be made in curing
cancer. Aids, and other diseases; in cleaning our water, air, and soil, and in feeding
hurry nations. Why confront the hazard of outer space when we should fighting
homelessness, property and unemployment on earth?
1. Note :
Reach to mars - .those million for- why not think - the hazard out space.

2. Paraphrase
Why should pay out to reach mars, when it doesn’t provide anything lot on the earth?.
Why not think , it doesn’t distribute those billion for home improvement? Why don’t be
made in curing cancer, Aids, and other diseases; in cleaning our water, air, and soil;
and feeding hurry nations. Why meet ahead on the hazard of outer space when we
should struggle homelessness, property and job loss on the earth (Brunish, p. 9 )

Original passage 4
Source : Page 48 of a nine-page magazine article written by Jeffrey Kluger. The
article appeared on pages 42-50 in the January 26, 2004, issue of Time magazine.
The title of the article is “Mission to Mars: First the Rover Lands and Now Bush
Wants to Send People. We Can Do It Even Faster Than Planned, but Here Is What
It Will Take.”

Speed is everything on the way to mars and not only because of a seven-month trip in a
confined space can be torturous. The bigger problem is that it can be lethal because of
radiation exposure in deep space, where the absence of earth’s magnetic field leave
astronauts for more exposed to deadly cosmic energy than they are in orbit or on the
way to the moon
1. Note
Speed …to mars – seven- month trip - deep space – they are in orbit

2. Paraphrase
Speed is very important for Space exploration to mars and not only because of some
moths in confined space can be torturous. The bigger problem it can be fatal
because of radiation coverage in deep space. Where is no any earth’s
Magnetic leave astronauts for more uncovered to deadly cosmic energy when they are
in orbit or journey to the moon. (Kluger. P.48)
Page 136
Practice 3
We should not send a manned spacecraft to mars. Lengthy of space
exploration lead to problems of physical and mental. They have big problem during in a
space station. Firstly, it is the potential of bone loss. Secondly, it is mental health. The
article in space science magazine report that to maintain astronouth’mental health is
priority. in psychological manner who staying in dark and hostile space for unlimited
time certainly create anxiety, loneliness and boredom (Clintan.p.18). The article
in space science magazine report that how can astronauts”let off steam” When in
working team has interpersonal conflict. Space exploration is dangerous. Even best
friend can rub the wrong way each when one of them force to spend weeks together in
isolation. With small space station, armed and busy workplaces , all those add stress
overseas a spaceship.(Clintan.p.18).Another side ,Why should pay out to reach mars,
when it doesn’t provide anything lot on the earth?. Why not think , it doesn’t distribute
those billion for home improvement? Why don’t be made in curing cancer, Aids, and
other diseases; in cleaning our water, air, and soil; and feeding hurry nations. Why meet
ahead on the hazard of outer space when we should struggle homelessness, property
and job loss on the earth. (Brunish, p. 9 ) Finally, Speed is very important for Space
exploration to mars and not only because of some moths in confined space can be
torturous. The bigger problem it can be fatal because of radiation coverage in deep
space. Where is no any earth’s Magnetic leave astronauts for more uncovered to
deadly cosmic energy when they are in orbit or journey to the moon. . (Kluger. P.48)
. Conclution that space exploration is important for future science but human on the
earth more important for all problems. Such as; Keep human life, environment from
destruction on the earth. Don’t let we get mars. Zupiter and other but we lost our earth.


Practice 4

Read the original passage and the two summaries that follow it the answer this
1. Which of the two is the better summary?
Answer: Summary B because its much shorter than paragraph. Simple and clear.

2. A

Practice 5 :
English – no longer seen to become dominant - more problem and complex –
Evidence resistance – distinct consciousness in many countries – “First among equal”
_ English is strong - looking ahead of English.

Summary: 1
For ahead most of people will use more than one language and English
doesn’t become dominant. English will be the most important language but it is more
challenging and complex for the future. There is different perception in many countries
about develop and developing dominant in English. Even some evidence show
of strunggle to it, desire to change it . The researches sees English as likely to
become the “first among equals” rather than having the global field to itself (part. 3). On
other hand, English is strong as a second language, and teaching it has become a
growth industry, said Montgomery. And employees in part of Asian are already looking
ahead of English.

Summary : 2
380 million people speak it as their first language – .half the world …. Proficient - the
global language - Not because of English is easy….. but now so widely …… - native
speaker have trouble …..

Summary :
More that 380 million English people verbalize English and maybe two-thirds
as speak their second language and a billion are learning. And 2050 be predicted half
the world will be more or less skill in English. It is the language of globalization-of
international business, politic and diplomacy. It’s the language of computer and internet.
On computer or internet both , there you can see poster, hear sing and read
document. Truly the tongue spoken back in the 1300s only by the”low people” of a Robert of Gloucester put it at the time. And English now the global
language. English become global language not because of English is easy but English
has complex rules. Now so generally spoken in so many space that umpteen versions
have evolved, some so particular that even “native speakers possibility have problem
understanding each other. And bewildered about (its) core meaning

Practice 6
English is easy to learn but difficult to master. May people learn English but no
all able to straightforward their English as well. Firstly, for ahead most of people will
use more than one language and English doesn’t become dominant. English will be
the most important language but it is more challenging and complex for the future.
There is different perception in many countries about develop and developing
dominant in English. Even some evidence show of struggle to it, desire to change it .
The researches sees English as likely to become the “first among equals” rather than
having the global field to itself (part. 3). On other hand, English is strong as a second
language, and teaching it has become a growth industry, said Montgomery. And
employees in part of Asian are already looking ahead of English. Secondly, More that
380 million English people verbalize English and maybe two-thirds as speak their
second language and a billion are learning. And 2050 be predicted half the world will be
more or less skill in English. It is the language of globalization-of international business,
politic and diplomacy. It’s the language of computer and internet. On computer or
internet both , there you can see poster, hear sing and read document. Truly the
tongue spoken back in the 1300s only by the”low people” of England. as a Robert of
Gloucester put it at the time. And English now the global language. English become
global language not because of English is easy but English has complex rules. Now so
generally spoken in so many space that umpteen versions have evolved, some so
particular that even “native speakers possibility have problem understanding each other.
And bewildered about (its) core meaning. However, English is difficult for learner, but It
may not cut down strength to be master of English . Like or dislike, English is the one
language to unit one to other all on the world Nowadays.
People everywhere around the world are learning English as first or second language. English
involves in many popular songs and cultures around the world and it is the most common
language on the internet. Foreign people communicate with English because it’s the most useful
language in the world
It’s not because it’s an easy language to learn. There may be some part of English is easy, but
most of them are tough. To say the least, if English do not have such a verity form, it still is hard
to learn with those grammars and part of speech. Throughout the frequency and wide usage,
English becomes more complicated. Perhaps the native speakers cannot understand some
words that each other tries to say. The verity usages of set can be a typical example. Set can
mean so many things under different kind of circumstances.

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