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Sida-Berumen 1

Roster #: 18
Karla Sida-Berumen
Student Lesson Plan:
12) Students who are gifted and talented- (CCSD- GATE Programs)
EDU 202

Objective: To demonstrate what the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) programs entail in
the Clark County School District. The goal would be to showcase how students get placed into
the GATE program.

Materials/Equipment: Handout sheet with four (4) sample GATE entry test questions. Video-
Primary Gifted and Talented- Classroom practice 2:50-5:10 (shown in PowerPoint).

● PowerPoint Presentation
○ Slide 1-2 – What is GATE?
○ Slide 3 – GATE Program
○ Slide 4 – How does GATE works?
○ Slide 5 – Secondary Education GATE programs.
○ Slide 6- Video- Primary Gifted and Talented- 2:50-5:10
○ Activity – Class will complete the handout with the sample test questions.
● Ask class what they think of the sample test?
● Is this level of difficultly suitable for the second grade level?
● What do you think the GATE assessment should test the students on?

Closure: What are the benefits of having a program like GATE? Disadvantages any can see?

Outline for Lesson Plan:

Slide 1
 GATE stands for Gifted and Talented Education
 The purpose of GATE programs is to meet the unique needs of gifted children.
 If a child is gifted, it means they have the capacity to easily acquire content that is
 If a child is talented, means they have more of a skill set towards creative/artistic things.
 Research tells us that grouping these children with their mental peers is important for
academic and social/emotional development.

Slide 2
 The Federal Definition of Gifted Students is: Students, children, or youth who give
evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or
Sida-Berumen 2

leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities
not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities.
 Gifted Education Services (GES) identifies and serves the academic and affective needs
of students identified as gifted in all grades, and students identified as eligible for the
TAGS program in Title I schools.

Slide 3
 The program is designed to meet the unique educational needs of gifted children as
defined in the state standards for gifted students
 The GATE program uses the same state standards, core curriculum and basic skills as
the regular program.
 GATE students are grouped with their intellectual peers with the goal of building the
capacity for highly complex thinking and analysis in an interactive environment.
 CCSD invites parents to attend Social Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) workshops
held twice a year at the Gifted Education Services Office.

. Slide 4
 All Title 1 schools conduct a universal screening of all second graders recommended by
the teachers.
 Students may take the test up to three times.
 They may only take the test once in a twelve month period.
 Students who score in the top 10% are then recommended for further screening.
 If a student passes and enters the program, he/she will not have to retake the test.
 Students are pulled out of class for an hour or so for GATE.

Slide 5
 Schools address the needs of their gifted population in a different ways using the state
approved structure for gifted education.
 Academically accelerated and gate identified students are placed into classes
designated for students achieving at the highest levels.
 Advanced Placement “AP” courses are designed to parallel college level courses.
 An “AP” exam is offered at the end of the course by the College Board.

Slide 7
Video- Primary Gifted and Talented- 2:50-5:10. Would you agree that these students
are “gifted” based on their responses from the video?

Activity: Handout with four (4) sample test questions.

What do you think of the sample test?
Is this level of difficultly suitable for the second grade level?
What do you think the GATE assessment should test the students on?

What are the benefits of having a program like GATE? Any disadvantages you see? Recap.

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