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ABC Community School

March 4, 2018
Karla Sida-Berumen

Education today is evolving. Technology allows students to be more creative and

more connected. Students in this generation have been using technology their entire

lives. They are so used to learning in this way that they tend to be more engaged when

technology is incorporated into the lesson. Having technology accessible in the

classroom is a huge advantage to students. They will be able to access current reliable

information quick and easy. In The Importance of Educational Technology in Teaching,

Stose said,

“Educational technology has three domains of use: Technology as a tutor

(computer gives instruction and guides the user), technology as a teaching tool

and, technology as a learning tool.”(111).

Technology is a huge part of the learning curriculum. It has so many tools and software

that can help a student reach their full potential. Technology has educational games and

such to help the student get some extra practice on materials they don’t quite understand.

The instructor as well can use the technology to assist in their lessons. Technology is

something that we need more of in classrooms. The future of education is technology.

Work Cited

Stosic, Lazar. (2015). The importance of educational technology in teaching.

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education

(IJCRSEE). 3. 111-114.

While researching the different standards for the CCSD, Nevada and, National level I

noticed that they are very similar but they have some differences. While I was looking

into the CCSD technology education standards, I noticed that they are more like a plan to

grow the student’s success. The State standards for technology are more in depth and

grade level based. The sophistication and level of difficulty increases as the grade level

goes up. Every level does however focus on the same targeted goal. They all target

cooperative learning and creativity. The Standards push students to think outside of the

box and problem solve using digital tools. Another thing that I noticed is that the national

level of standards is pretty vague. The State level of technology education standards is

very detailed. It lists the National standard and breaks it up into what is expected of the

students to be able to do by a certain grade level.

The standards that I will use in my lesson plan are:

1.C.12.1- Develop digital models or simulations to answer questions or to solve problems.

2.D.12.2- Justify method of electronically interacting for a specific goal or purpose.

Students understand that all life forms, at all levels of organization, use specialized structure and

similar processes to meet life’s needs.

Students understand biological evolution and diversity of life


• Name of lesson: Rat Abdominal Organs Dissection

• Grade Level Appropriateness: 9-12 Grade Levels

• Technology Content Standard Addressed: 1.C.12.1- Develop digital models or simulations

to answer questions or to solve problems.

2.D.12.2- Justify method of electronically interacting for a specific goal or purpose.

• Other Content Standard Addressed: Students understand that all life forms, at all levels of

organization, use specialized structure and similar processes to meet life’s needs.

Students understand biological evolution and diversity of life

• Objective: Students will be able to name the organ systems and their function of a rat.

Be able to identify the organs in a dissected rat.

Be able to relate the bodily functions to other mammals.

Be able to identify the surgical tools needed to complete the lab.

• Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Virtual Reality headset


Hand Controllers

• Suggested group size: Groups of 2

• Procedures: Every Student gets a VR headset with the headphones and hand controllers. Turn

on your VR (Virtual Reality) headset. It should already be set up so the dissection opens

automatically. Connect your headphones and hand controllers to the corresponding ports. Move

your hands around and pick up some of the surgical tools that you see on your right side to get a

hang of moving around before you start. Even if it is VR you still need to practice LAB


Pick up your rat and place him belly up. First, examine the external features and locate the


❖ Cranial Region- Head/ neck

❖ Pectoral Region- Where arms and legs attach.

❖ Thoracic Region- Chest area and abdomen/belly.

❖ Pelvic Region- Where back legs attach.

Next, pick up your scissors and forceps. The rats come pre marked for where the incision

should start and end (Between the Pectoral and Thoracic region). Press hard enough for your

incision to cut through the skin and the muscles but not too hard that it destroys an organ.

Make sure you stop the incision before you reach the genitals.

When you open up the incision, locate the liver.

(First darkly colored organ that you see)


Next, you want to locate the stomach.

(Located right under the liver)

Lift the stomach, and name which organ is located under.


Locate the spleen.

(The spleen is about the same color as the liver and is located under the stomach as well.

Locate the small intestine and name its three sections.

(Small intestine is located next to the stomach. Its three parts are duodenum, jejunum and


Lastly, locate the colon and the large intestine.

(The colon is a large greenish tube that extends from the small intestine to the anus. The

colon is also known as the large intestine.)

• Assessment: You will be graded on lab safety with surgical tools used in the VR. Students will

also be graded on location of the organs and their functions.

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