Inda Arlyn Management Styles

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6 Management Styles


The DIRECTIVE (Coercive) style has the primary objective of immediate compliance from
The “do it the way I tell you” manager
 Closely controls employees
 Motivates by threats and discipline
Effective when:
 There is a crisis
 When deviations are risky
Not effective when:
 Employees are underdeveloped – little learning happens with this style
 Employees are highly skilled – they become frustrated and resentful at the

The AUTHORITATIVE (Visionary) style has the primary objective of providing long-term
direction and vision for employees:
 The “firm but fair” manager
 Gives employees clear direction
 Motivates by persuasion and feedback on task performance
Effective when:
 Clear directions and standards needed
 The leader is credible
Ineffective when:
 Employees are underdeveloped – they need guidance on what to do
 The leader is not credible – people won’t follow your vision if they don’t believe
in it

The AFFILIATIVE style has the primary objective of creating harmony among employees
and between manager and employees:
 The “people first, task second” manager
 Avoids conflict and emphasizes good personal relationships among employees
 Motivates by trying to keep people happy
Effective when:
 Used with other styles
 Tasks routine, performance adequate
 Counselling, helping
 Managing conflict
Least effective when:
 Performance is inadequate – affiliation does not emphasise performance
 There are crisis situations needing direction

The PARTICIPATIVE (Democratic) style has the primary objective of building commitment
and consensus among employees:
 The “everyone has input” manager
 Encourages employee input in decision making
 Motivates by rewarding team effort
Effective when:
 Employees working together
 Staff have experience and credibility
 Steady working environment
Least effective when:
 Employees must be coordinated
 There is a crisis – no time for meetings
 There is a lack of competency – close supervision required

The PACESETTING style has the primary objective of accomplishing tasks to a high
standard of excellence:
 The “do it myself” manager
 Performs many tasks personally and expects employees to follow his/her example
 Motivates by setting high standards and expects self-direction from employees
Effective when:
 People are highly motivated, competent
 Little direction/coordination required
 When managing experts
Least effective when:
 When workload requires assistance from others
 When development, coaching & coordination required

The COACHING style has the primary objective of long-term professional development of
 The “developmental” manager
 Helps and encourages employees to develop their strengths and improve their
 Motivates by providing opportunities for professional development
Effective when:
 Skill needs to be developed
 Employees are motivated and wanting development
Ineffective when:
 The leader lacks expertise
 When performance discrepancy is too great – coaching managers may persist
rather than exit a poor performer
 In a crisis

8 Needed Supervising Skills

1. Communication
Supervisors with developed communication skills are able to use listening techniques and
nonverbal strategies to improve conversations.
It is essential for a supervisor to be able to balance time constraints and a heavy workload
while managing other employees and projects.
Having excellent communication skills allows supervisors to speak with impact, whether
it be off-the-cuff dialogue or brief updates to their team. It is essential to keep thoughts
organized and to the point.
Giving and receiving feedback is another area that can be improved with developed
communication skills. When using the right techniques, feedback can be used to reinforce
or change behavior.

2. Conflict Resolution
Conflict is when change happens and stances differ. When a supervisor has the ability to
manage conflict well, issues come to resolutions and successful relationships are
A supervisor’s ability to define and identify conflict styles, causes, and methods for
handling conflict can improve the department’s or organization’s productivity.

3. Leadership
Supervisors with leadership skills help bring accountability to their teams by creating a
supportive and motivating work environment.
Leaders are able to delegate and manage a wide variety of skillsets. It is important for
supervisors to lead their teams in the most effective way by recognizing where the
strengths are, where improvement is needed, and how to properly use the skillsets of
each team member.
4. Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is a crucial skill in understanding how to methodically, strategically, and
collaboratively make decisions, solve problems, and foster innovation.
A supervisor with critical thinking skills has the ability to develop a step-by-step process
from targeting the problem to developing a solution.
Critical thinking also helps in situations in which groups have different thinking styles and
need a collaborative environment created to successfully work through issues.

5. Interpersonal Skills
Different from communication skills, interpersonal skills are important for a supervisor to
identify and build a purposeful team culture within an organization.
Interpersonal skills enable an individual to develop highly effective teams that are built
upon consensus, effective meetings, social style understanding and relationships.

6. Time and Priority Management

Supervisors with time and priority management skills can boost productivity and
Being able to balance a heavy workload and time constraints while managing and
delegating other employees and projects is an essential skill.
It is ideal for supervisors to understand what is urgent and what is important.
Supervisors with time and priority management skills are able to understand the
differences in employee’s time and priority management and adjust projects and
workloads to ensure success.

7. Diversity and Generational Differences in the Workplace

Diversity management benefits associates by creating a fair and safe environment where
everyone has access to opportunities and challenges.
It is crucial for supervisors to have the ability to be aware of workplace diversity and
understand the gaps and differences that exist as well as their impact.
Being aware of diversity issues helps supervisors appreciate the different experiences and
places value on the impact it has on the workplace.

8. Problem Solving
Good problem solving skills are fundamentally important within the workplace.
A valuable supervisor is someone who not only knows how to take an issue and find the
root of the real problem but also has a process for solving the problem in a structured
manner. Supervisors with excellent problem solving skills can greatly benefit any

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