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Assignment No.

Date: 07-11-2019

Topic: Debrief On Amy Caddy’s speech.

The speaker was comfortably dressed and had enormous confidence in her
voice with great audible pitch and started her topic with some visual funny
pictures. A brief introduction was given about herself.
Explaining real life history or background of those pictures, the speaker slowly
dragged the attention of audience towards the topics on communication, body
language, mind and behaviour.
Again with the help of visual aids the speaker explained the importance of
body language, how it influences mind and intern how mind influences
behaviour. With an example, she categorically narrated the difference
between verbal and non-verbal communication and how the later place a key
role in social behaviour, though many thing the opposite way.
The speaker used an inspiring statement on faking, “Don’t fake to make it, but
fake it till you become it”. This was well described with some real examples.
Pictures of various body languages with high and low in confidence were
shown and some simple tips were given on improving our confidence by
practicing some body languages in our day to day life.
The speaker concluded by giving her own real life examples which were touchy
and summarized quickly what she wanted to communicate to the audience.

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