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2nd Chapter Test in Science 4

Third Rating Period

Name ______________________________________ Grade IV - ________________________
Teacher _____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A. Matching Type
Match the word in column A with its correct description in column B.
1. Commensalism a. the kind of interaction in which both organisms
benefit from each other
2. Competition b. the kind of interaction in which one organism kills
smaller organism for food
3. Mutualism c. the interaction among organisms where one
benefits while the other is not benefited or harmed
4. Parasitism d. an interaction in which two organisms compete for
5. Predation e. an interaction where no organism is affected or
f. a symbolic relationship where one organism
depends on the host for food, protection and

B. Multiple Choice
Select the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the study of the interaction of living things with one another and with its environment.
A. community B. ecology C. ecosystem D. population
2. What is the study of the interaction of living things with one another and with its environment?
A. A system that helps animals survive in the environment.
B. All of the biotic and a biotic factors in an area.
C. A place with a bunch of dead organisms.
D. A relationship among organisms.
3. Which of the following can best represent the ecosystem?


Living Community Non-Living Community


Living Community Non-Living Community


C. Living Community Non-Living Community


D. Living Community Non-Living Community

4. What kind of interaction is shown below?

plants worm bird snake hawk

A. competition B. commensalism C. parasitism D. predation
5. One example of commensalism is when the plant like fern is attached on a branch of tree. Why is the
interaction called commensalism?
A. Both a branch of a tree and a fern benefit from each other.
B. Only a branch of a tree is benefitted from the relationship.
C. A fern benefits from the relationship while a branch of a tree is neither harmed nor benefitted.
D. They compete with each other.
6. There are different species of animals and plants living together in the same environment. How is this
organization classified?
A. association B. community C. ecology D. population
7. In a community where there are predators and prey, one always finds _________________.
A. many more predators than prey C. equal number of predators and prey
B. many more animals than plants D. many more prey organisms than predators
8. Which of the following statements are true about changes in the size of population?
1. Birth increases the population.
2. Death decreases the population.
3. Birth decreases the population.
4. Death increases the population.
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 4 C. 2 and 3 D. 2 and 4
9. What will happen if there are more predators than preys in an ecosystem/
A. The source of foods will increase.
B. The source of foods will decrease.
C. The source of foods will remain the same.
D. Other animals will also decrease in number.
10. Why is the relationship between a bee and a flower considered mutualistic?
A. The bee benefits from the interaction because of the nectar it gets from the flower.
B. The flower benefits from the interaction because of the pollen grain being transferred by the bee
from one flower to another.
C. Both the bee and the flower benefit from the interaction because of the good things that contribute
to their development.
D. The bee benefits from the interaction while the flower is affected.
11. Which of the following pairs of organisms has harmful interaction?
A. a snake and a rat C. a bird’s nest and a tree
B. orchids and a trunk of a tree D. butterflies and flowers
12. You put twelve small fish in an aquarium which contains three gallons of water. You fed them with the
right amount of food. After five days, some of the fish died. Why did it happen?
A. They smelly and cloudy water in the aquarium was not replaced.
B. The aquarium did not have enough temperature range.
C. There was no enough space for the number of fish.
D. The aquarium was moved to another place.
13. Man interferes with the balance of nature when he ______________________________.
A. pollutes air and water
B. practices selective logging
C. disposes his garbage properly
D. helps control overpopulation by practicing family planning
14. Overpopulation affects the balance of nature. Which of the following does not support this statement?
A. It may result to death of some organisms.
B. More consumers may upset the balance of nature.
C. Overpopulation may result to fighting and struggle for survival.
D. More people will work and the balance of nature could be improved.
15. Which of the following can help conserve our ecosystem?
A. Construct buildings near the river banks.
B. Improve the ecosystem by inviting tourists to visit your place.
C. Protect the forests and bodies of water against harmful activities.
D. Encourage the political leaders to build farm to market roads to reach all beautiful places.

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