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Letra A Xiomara y la letra B brayan

A: good morning

B: good morning, how are you lady

B: How can you help?

A: I am interested in the internet service for the home, since my children study and I
want to learn about the world

B: Well, do you know our plans?

A: I do not know them

B: ok, we have three plans

B: first plan: 5 megabytes of internet with local telephony

B: Second: 10 megabytes of intertent, local and international telephony

B: Third: unlimited internet with unlimited local and international calls

A: I want the plan #

B: ok, go to the box to cancel and be assigned a technician

two months later

letra A Xiomara y letra B harold

A: good afternoon

B: good afternoon

A: I come because I have a problem in my internet service

B: what is the problem?

A: I do not have internet, nor local or international calls

B: I understand, give me your ID number

A: twelve million three hundred forty-five thousand six hundred seventy-eight

B: lady, here in the system shows me that you have not paid for the service and it is cut

A: ok what do i do?

B: cancel the service in the box and we will restore the service in one hour

A: thank you,

B: have a good day

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