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“In Omnia Paratus : Ready for Anything”

Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy (GM-ICA) 2019

In Omnia Paratus : Ready for Anything

July 6th – 9th, 2019

Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada

- Welcoming ceremony
- Anatomy competition
- Sightseeing and city tours
- Gala dinner

80 teams of preclinical medical students from
Indonesia and international medical schools,
especially in Asia Pacic region.

Medical Science Club (MSC) in collaboration with Department of
Anatomy Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas
Gadjah Mada

National International

Nama : Farah Dita Amany (Dita) Name : Almaas Salmaa Lathiifa

Phone number : +62 81227323232 (Almaas)
Email : Phone number : +62 81228067306
Line account : farahditaamany Email :
Line account : alsallathf

Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI)
Account Number: 0233616264; Swift code: BNINIDJAXXX
On behalf of Nadia Mutiara Zahra


Dear Delegates,

What you have been waiting for is nally here. Our beloved annual anatomy
competition, Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy (GM-ICA), is coming
once again!

On behalf of the organizing committee of GM-ICA 2019, I welcome you to this great
event of Medical Science Club collaborating with Department of Anatomy Faculty of
Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Gadjah Mada University.

Our journey has left a very valuable memory. GM-ICA was previously known as Gadjah
Mada Indonesian Medical Science Olympiad (GIMSCO) and we've always been evolving
since 2012. This year, we're coming to you once more to bring this biggest anatomy
competition to the next international level. We are looking forward to witness how GM-ICA
will grow and becomes more well-known. And we're so excited to have pre clinical
medical students from all over Indonesia and other countries joining our competition.

As we bring this abroad, we keep reviewing and evaluating what we've done years
back. It is a promise that we will improve the competition to become more exciting and
intense than before. Not only the competition as our core agenda, but also the city tour of
Sultanate city of Yogyakarta will bring you to a pleasant, once in a life time experience.
Yogyakarta is a place where culture and history meet. You will feel the warm ambience
once you are here. We hope we can create unforgettable memories and boundless
friendship in this year's GM-ICA together.

Almaas Salmaa Lathiifa
Project Ofcer GM-ICA 2019

Background 1
Event 3
Theme 3
Purposes 3
Target Participants 3
Date and Place 3
Form of Events 4
Structure of the Organizing Committees 6
Timetable of Events 6
Budget of Participants 6
Term of Registration 6
Quiz Committee and Judges 6
References 6
What to See in Yogyakarta 6
Closing 5

Appendix I Structure of the
Organizing Committees 7
Appendix II Timetable of Events 10
Appendix III Budget of Participants 12
Appendix IV Term of Registration 13
Appendix V Quiz Committee and Judges 15
Appendix VI References 17
Appendix VII What to See in Yogyakarta 18

Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and
Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada as one of
the pioneers of medical education and
biomedical in Indonesia, always improving
the quality both in academic and
research. One of them through student
activity that's held in Medical Science Club
(MSC) of the Faculty of Medicine, Public
Health, and Nursing, in Universitas Gadjah
Mada. MSC is one of the Semi-Autonomous
Student Bodies specializing in academic
and research, and is covered by the
Student Executive Board (BEM) of the
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and
Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Based on the Law of the Republic of

Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 on National
Education System Article 20 paragraph 2
states "Universities are obliged to provide
education, research, and community
service" or commonly referred to as
Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi. As one of the
pioneers of education in Indonesia,
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is obliged
to enforce the rule.

GM-ICA (Gadjah Mada International

Competition of Anatomy) 2019 is one of the
largest program that is held Medical
Science Club (MSC) of the Faculty of
Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, UGM
and in cooperation with Department of
Anatomy of Faculty of Medicine, Public
Health, and Nursing, UGM. This year, the GM-ICA 2019 is a series of
anatomy competition has the theme of “In
events with the main event in the
Omnia Paratus”, which means “Ready for
Anything”. The sentence is expected to form of Anatomy Competition.
motivate all parties involved in this event. The competition is joined by all
students of Medical Faculty in the
International stage.

Anatomy is chosen as a eld of science that is contested, because anatomy is one of the
most important branches of science in the world of health, and is studied by all health students
around the world. Through this competition, it is expected that medical student's interests in
studying anatomy is increased, so that their knowledge to master this eld of science will
increase too. In addition, this activity is expected to improve the spirit of competition among
medical students throughout Indonesia and International countries. As well as a forum for
gathering and brainstorming between medical students in order to improve the
understanding between each other, and improving cooperation to maximize the
performance of health workers in the future.

The event name is “GM-ICA (Gadjah Mada International
Competition of Anatomy) 2019”

The theme of GM-ICA (Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy)
2019 is “In Omnia Paratus” which means “Ready for Anything”.

GM-ICA (Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy) 2019 is being
held in order to:
1. Be a scientic competition in the eld of anatomy among medical
students all overIndonesia and international countries.
2. Increase medical student's motivation to deepen the learning of eld of
anatomy, in order to give birth to future medical personnel who are
experts in the eld of anatomy.
3. Develop knowledge and understanding of medical students on
anatomical science.
4. Be a forum for communication and gathering among medical students
throughoutIndonesia and International countries in order to make new
and/or deepen the relation between medical students.

GM-ICA 2019 participants consist of 80 teams. Each team consists of two
Preclinical medical students from each medical faculty in universities throughout
Indonesia and international countries. Each university can send maximum two
teams as delegates.


Date:  July 6th – 9th, 2019
Place: Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada

GM-ICA (Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy) 2019 will be
held on campus of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM and its
surroundings on July 6th – 9th, 2019. This event is organized by Medical Science
Club (MSC) UGM and Department of Anatomy of Faculty of Medicine, Public
Health, and Nursing, UGM as well as some sponsors that can't be mentioned yet.
This event will be published to all medical faculties in Indonesia and international
countries, so it will involve dozens of universities. The publication process will be
done through the internet, delivery services, as well as working with publications
such as national printed media and local radio stations. GM-ICA 2019 is a series of
events consisting of anatomy competition and non-anatomical events.

Anatomy Competition

Preliminary Round

On the second day, the event starts with a rst preliminary round
consisting of 3 waves. At this stage, 80 teams will work on Timed-station
examination. The Timed-station examination is performed by looking
directly at the cadaver and will consists of around 60 questions. Each of
which has to be answered individually within 30 seconds (total 30 minutes).
The second preliminary round will be an individual written test of 60
questions. All instructions, questions, and answers will be written in English.
The 20 teams that are qualied will continue to the semi-nals based on the
top 20 ranks.

2 On the fourth day, the next agenda is the semi-nals. The 20 selected
teams are selected again with the Buzzer system, in which teams will
compete with each other to answer questions as fast and right as they can
to score. Buzzer system consists of mandatory questions, lightning questions,
and throwing questions. All instructions, questions, and answers will be
written in English. This round will select the 4 top-ranked teams to compete
in the grand nal round.

Revival Round

Meanwhile, the 8 teams with the second and third highest score in
each group in the Semi-nals are entitled to the Revival round. Revival
round is also implemented with Buzzer system. This round will take 1 team
with the highest score to compete in the grand nal round with 4 teams
that were qualied from the semi-nals. So there are a total of 5 teams that
go into the grand nal round.

Grand Final
4 In the grand nal, the selection is done with a combination of written
test and buzzer systems. The grand nal round will determine the Winner,
1st Runner up, and 2nd Runner up. Aside these awards, there will be
awards for the participants with the best 12 scores (Personal Prizes). The
score will be taken from the nal grade from Timed-station examinations
and written test in the preliminary round. The last award is Top National,
which will be given exclusively to the best team from Indonesia that has
the highest overall score.

More information will be included in the Competition Guideline that will be posted soon.

Non Competition Event

1. Welcoming ceremony of GM-ICA 2019

GM-ICA 2019 will begin with welcoming ceremony on the rst day, consisting of
organizers and faculty welcoming speeches, as well as entertainment events that will
accompany the participants' dinner. There will be a technical meeting regarding the
competition that will begin on the next day.

2. Sightseeing
On the third day, participants will be visiting tourist attractions in Yogyakarta. Tourist
attraction that will be visited are places that can describe the culture and natural
beauty of Yogyakarta. Through sightseeing it is expected that the participants can
refresh their mind after struggling in the competition.

3. Gala Dinner
The third day will end with a gala dinner and quality time to develop a close bond
between participants. This event aims to further unite the participants. GM-ICA does
not only prioritize the competition, but participants are also invited to practice the
values of friendship and kinship. Participants will display the arts from their respective
regions. It aims to create a Unity in Diversity.

Therefore, as the Committee of GM-ICA (Gadjah Mada

International Competition of Anatomy) 2019, we would like to
CLOSING thank all parties in advance for the kind attention, cooperation,
and supports in aiding the success of this event.

Structure of the
Organizing Committee
Attached in Appendix I.

Time Table of Events

Attached in Appendix II.

Budget for Participant

Attached in Appendix III.

Term of Registration
Attached in Appendix IV.

Quiz Committee and Judges

Attached in Appendix V.

Attached in Appendix VI.

What to See in Yogyakarta

Attached in Appendix VII.

Appendix 1


Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy
(GM-ICA) 2019

PROTECTOR : Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM

Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed, Sp.OG(K)., Ph.D

PRECEPTOR : Vice Dean of Academics and Student Affairs of Faculty of

Medicine,Public Health, and Nursing UGM
Prof. dr. Gandes Retno Rahayu, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D
Supervisor of Medical Science Club UGM
Anita Kustanti, S.Kep., NS., M.Kep
Perdana Samekto, S.Gz, M.Sc, Dietisien

PERSON IN CHARGE : President of Student Executive Board of Faculty of Medicine,

PublicHealth, and Nursing UGM
Dhiana Ayu Novitasari
Chairman of Medical Science Club UGM
Muhammad Raghib Dilwan


Project Ofcer : Almaas Salmaa Lathiifa

Vice Project Ofcer : Farah Dita Amany

Secretary I : Nickyta Azzahra

Secretary II : Meika Mergian Raharjo

Treasurer I : Widiana Hardita Putri

Treasurer II : Nadia Mutiara Zahra


Head : Nia Lestari Muqarohmah

Vice : Ranastri Asyinta Srimanganti

Members : Deskantari Murti Ari Sadewa

Desak Ayu Made Yamuna Elica
Natalia Susanti
Syaogi Ahmed 'Azizy
Muhammad Ridzky Pratama Surya
Riki Wartakusumah
Veila Anisya Mellania

Head : Achmad Ilham Nurgina

Vice : Wahyuda Nuzul Fahmi Head : Melia Lichwan

Members : Haifani Ega Anantomi Vice : Jeremy Tertius

Thesya Ananta Putri Cristopher Efendi
Annisa Maulidina Dzulhija Pangestuti
Trisha Chereen Chang Rivo Junieta
Rifki Habibi Rahman
Members : Khoirun Nisa Setiawati
Agung Susilo Lo
Rahmalik Valent Milliano
Naelan Adining Rahma
Isfria Jami'atul Nikmah
Dhira Kumari
Annisa Rahmawati
Esti Pratiwi
Head : Eka Amalia Patricia Alika Kurniawan
Muthilaras Febiena
Vice : Azka Khansa
Hasna Fikriya
Members : Sefa Eka Ningrum Putri Noviantika
A'yun Amalia Firdausy Rochmadiana Afa
Qorri' Muqorronaturrohmah Rochmadiani Afa
Devita A. Rachmadi Rianza Ainunnisa
Annisa Alianti Alya Fitra Centurya
Fatin Anfusina Monica Agustina
Tanzilla Yolan Septyantri
Prasista Ariadna Kusumadewi
DIVISION Wilsen Widal Kho
Muthia Fahiratunnisa Amany
Head : Sara Silvanda Diajeng Isti Utari
Zulfa Tsurayya
Vice : Dea Fairuz Puspa
Astri Khairana Wardhani
Members : Tania Muthia Balkhis Almaratus Sholihah
Nurmalita Puspitasari
Uga Andari Niski


Head : Muhammad Raghib Dilwan

Vice : Teuku Zanadi Aulia Faza

Members : Adhitya Nur Mahendra

Abdurrahman Nur Prasetyo
Muhammad Asyam Fawwaz


Head : Annisa Dianing Ratri

Vice : Alya' Hanan

Members : Gabriel Nugraha Andika

Indah Permata Sari
Myllana Sonia
Vida Dwi Novinda Sari
Rhea Sabella
Sara Tasya Amelia


Head : Hanin Nabilla Nurrahmani

Vice : Atrika Fitri Nur Cahyani

Members : Andrea Radyaputri

Wisnu Pinandito
Pradnya Nur Ihsanti
Mubarok Alfa Rizqi
Nadia Yasmine


Head : Fairuz Khairunnisa

Vice : Elan Galant Saputri

Members : Fina Cahya H

Aurelia Ryveka
Yasmin Aulia Rahmah

Appendix 2

Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy (GM-ICA) 2019
Saturday, 6th July 2019
Time Activities Location

16.00 Arrived at Hotel Hotel

16.00 – 18.30 Preparing for Opening Ceremony of GM-ICA Faculty of Medicine, Public Health,
and Nursing UGM
18.30 – 20.30 Opening Ceremony of GM-ICA

20.30 – 21.15 Technical Meeting of the competition

21.15 – 21.30 Closing

21.30 Back to Hotel Hotel

Sunday, 7th July 2019

Time Activities Location

06.30 – 07.15 Breakfast Hotel

07.15 – 08.00 Moving to Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health,
and Nursing UGM
08.00 – 08.45 Registration

08.45 – 09.00 Preparing for Preliminary Round 1 (Timed-station examination)

09.00 – 09.45 Timed-station examination (First wave)

09.45 – 10.30 Timed-station examination (Second wave)

10.30 – 11.15 Timed-station examination (Third wave)

11.15 – 12.45 Break

12.45 – 13.00 Preparation for Preliminary Round 2 (Written Test)

13.00 – 14.30 Written Test

14.30 – 15.00 Moving to Malioboro Street Malioboro Street

15.00 – 19.30 Sightseeing (Malioboro Street)

19.30 – 20.00 Back to hotel Hotel

20.00 Arrived at hotel

Monday, 8th July 2019

Time Activities Location

06.00 – 06.30 Breakfast Hotel

06.30 – 07.50 Moving to Prambanan Temple Prambanan Temple

07.50 – 11.30 Sightseeing (Prambanan Temple)

11.30 – 16.00 Break

16.00 – 17.00 Moving to Ramayana Ballet Purawisata Ramayana Ballet Purawisata

17.00 – 20.30 Gala Dinner and enjoying Ramayana Ballet performance

20.30 Back to hotel Hotel

Tuesday, 9th July 2019

Time Activities Location

05.00 – 06.00 Breakfast Hotel

06.00 – 06.30 Moving to Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public
Health, and Nursing UGM
06.30 – 06.40 Announcement of the Preliminary Round

06.40 – 07.00 Re-registration (Semi-nalist)

07.00 – 07.30 Semi-nal round brieng

07.30 – 08.30 Semi-nal Round (First wave)

08.30 – 09.30 Semi-nal Round (Second wave)

09.30 – 10.00 Revival round brieng

10.00 – 11.00 Revival Round

11.00 – 12.30 Break

12.30 – 15.30 Grand Final

15.30 – 16.00 Awarding and Closing Ceremony

Appendix 3

Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy (GM-ICA) 2019

Below is the summary of facilities included in the registration fee of one person.
Delegates' fee:

No. Item Price

1. Accomodations (4 days 3 nights) IDR 750.000,00

2. Transportation and Consumption during events IDR 300.000,00

3. GM-ICA Kit IDR 30.000,00

4. T-shirt IDR 60.000,00

5. Sightseeing and city tour IDR 60.000,00

TOTAL IDR 1.200.000,00

*Registration fee of the observer is the same with the delegates.

Notes :
If you would like to extend your stay till 10th July 2019, please inform us through the provided
Travel Plan that will be published few weeks before the D-day. Additional fee is required to cover
the cost of room charge.

Appendix 4

Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy (GM-ICA) 2019

1. Delegates have to be Indonesian or International preclinical medical

student from medical schools around the world.
2. Each medical school can only send 2 teams which consists of 2 members per
3. Applicants who won previous GIMSCO 2017 (winner, 1st runner-up, 2nd
runner-up, 3rd runner-up, and 4th runner-up) are allowed to apply for GM-
ICA 2019, but not in the same team.
4. Please note that all information related to dates and times stated here is
based on GMT+7 time zone (local time in Western Indonesian Time).
5. GM-ICA 2019 registration period consists of
Ø Early Registration (8th April - 27th April 2019), and
Ø Late Registration (1st May - 18th May 2019).
6. The quota for applicants in GM-ICA 2019 is 80 teams.
7. Registration guide:
1) Simply go to our ofcial website Please note
that every process will be done through our ofcial website.
2) Register an account (if you don't have any), and then Login. This account
will be used throughout the application process.
3) Applicants have to submit the documents required:
Ø Prole photo of each delegate (3×4 format)
Ø Letter of Agreement (signed and stamped; you can download
it on our ofcial website)
Ø Recommendation letter (Letter verifying that you are a
preclinical medical student as a representative of your medical
Ø Delegates' student card (scanned)
4) Wait for the document verication that will be sent to your email.
5) Registration fee should be transferred within 3 days following document
6) Upload your bank transaction invoice/evidence of payment through our
website within 24 hours after payment.
7) Wait for the nal verication.
8. Registration fee:

IDR 1.200.000/person (IDR 2.400.000/team)

Payment has to be done collectively per team by transferring to:
Bank   : Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI)
Account title  : Nadia Mutiara Zahra
Account number : 0233616264
International swift code : BNINIDJAXXX

9. As soon as the registration period is closed, we will send you a “GM-ICA Ticket”.
Don't forget to check your email. You have to show us your ticket on the D-day of
GM-ICA 2019!
10. The registration payment cannot be refunded. GM-ICA 2019 committee has the
authority to disqualify the following applicants:
Ø Applicants who register with falsied information and document
Ø Applicants who do not full the registration fee
Ø Applicants who do not full the terms and conditions of the registration.
11. The registration will be closed prior to the deadline if maximum capacity is reached.
12. Applicants have to nish the registration prior to the competition
13. Any further necessity required for re-registration will be announced later.
14. We welcome all observers from every institute to participate in GM-ICA 2019. Each
university can only send one observer for this event.

Appendix 5

Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy (GM-ICA) 2019

Quiz Committee and Judges for Preliminary Round to
Revival Round

dr. Junaedy Yunus, M. Sc, Ph. D (Head)

dr. Alan Rismawan
dr. Amalia Yuanita Dewanti
dr. Arinal Chairul Achyar
dr. Bernadetha Astrid Octaviani
dr. Edison Herysusanto
dr. Edreana Khusnur Roah
dr. Khoironi Rachmad Damarjati
dr. Toni Febriyanto
dr. Verena Natasha Yang

Quiz Committee and Judges for Grand Final

Dr. dr. Dwi Cahyani Ratna Sari, M.Kes., PA(K)

dr. Santosa Budiharjo, M.Kes., PA(K)
dr. Junaedy Yunus, M. Sc, Ph. D
dr. Indra Tri Mahayana, Ph. D., Sp. M

Appendix 6


Appendix 7

KARTA Gadjah Mada International Competition of Anatomy (GM-ICA) 2019

When you think of Indonesia, your brain might instantly connect it to the ocean views
galore of Bali or the dazzling city life of Jakarta. But, there is this one place that you may
have heard, one place that if you have been there even just for a day, you would not want
to leave, and that is Yogyakarta. This place is not the kind that shoves its wonder directly to
your face, but rather gently drilled its place into your heart.

Yogyakarta (pronounced 'Jogjakarta' and called Yogya, 'Jogja', for short) is

geographically located at the foot of Mount Merapi in the south-central part of Java
Island. It's a perfect start point for visiting two of Indonesia's most important archaeological
sites, Borobudur and Prambanan Temple. Yogyakarta is the soul of Java. In here you can
see the island's artistic and intellectual heritage rooted deep in its people. The daily use of
the local language, Javanese, creates a warm atmosphere within the city. People riding
delman (traditional horse carriage) in the middle of busy street, really brings back your
childhood memories.

Formed in 1755 when the Giyanti
Treaty was signed and ratied. From the
time when Mataram kingdom was
divided into the Sultanate of Yogyakarta
(Ngayogyakarta) and Surakarta
(Surakarta Sultanate), this city remains
ercely independent up until now. It
means that Yogyakarta is still headed by
a sultan, whose kraton or walled city
palace remains standing tall despite
being a two and a half centuries old
building. There is also a retreat place for
the Sultan and his family nearby, called
Taman Sari (water castle), which was built
by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.

Javanese cultural tradition that has

been passed down through generations,
such as gamelan (Javanese orchestra),
classical and contemporary Javanese
dances, wayang kulit (leather puppet
show), kethoprak (Javanese theater),
batik (wax-resist dyeing method), and
other forms of traditional art will leave you
spellbound and take you back into the
ancient days.

During the night, the city becomes

more alive. The main road, Malioboro
Street, is always crowded with people
trying to nd late night snack or just simply
going outside for fresh air. Many street
vendors, tourist shops and cheap hotels
are concentrated along this street or in
the adjoining tourist area such
Sosrowijayan Street. Almost everything in
here is pocket friendly, so you dont have
to worry about falling short of money.
Yogyakarta is also the only major city in
Indonesia, which still has traditional
'Becak' (rickshaw-style) transport.
Imagine riding a becak while looking at
street art in your right and left, sounds
nostalgic isn't it ?

That being said, Yogyakarta is a

perfect combination of old interlace with
the new. A place where traditional and
modern culture met. And a place where
your heart could settle.

Line: @gbl7572g
Facebook: GMICA 2019
Twitter: GMICA2019
Instagram: gmica2019

Almaas Salmaa Lathiifa
+62 81228067306
ID Line: alsallathf
Achmad Ilham Nurgina
+62 81901443720
ID Line: ailhamn

Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Farmako Sekip Utara, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman

@gbl7572g @gmica2019 @GMICA2019 GMICA 2019

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