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Narrative Report

I myself was looking forward for the journalism workshop. Me and my friends
decided to get in the gym early because the room was getting cramped by our
other classmates. But when it came around however it started off slow. First of
the other students poured into the gymnasium most came from our own school
SSJW some came from other schools like Nagilian and other schools after a
while. Ones the other students have finally settled down the facilitators started
the program with opening remarks talking about what journalism is and then
separating us in groups. After that the lecture started and it was about News
Writing and I paid attention for a while but got drowsy listening to the lecture
because the editorial cartooning was the only thing I was looking forward to.
After about an hour I noticed that people were passing around the schedule so I
went to get one and found out that the Editorial cartooning will take place
tomorrow. After knowing that I stuck around for a bit to listen to some more
lectures but I never really joined any of the actual workshop but I did accompany
some of my friends that did go to the workshops just to see what I could learn.
After the photojournalism lecture I walked of my seat and decided to help out
ma’am Agnes who was selling an assorted mix of foods and drinks to the
attendants. Of course I was still paying attention to the lectures but all of them
just didn’t really seem to interest me. Soon enough the first half of the program
ended and I left for lunch. After lunch I stuck around for the first lecture which if I
remember correctly was the lecture about feature writing. After which I then
preceded to continue helping out ma’am Agnes at the food stand all the while
listening to the lecture. Then my friend JaJa performed at the spoken poetry,
and that marked my first day at the Journalism Workshop.
So on to the second day. The first lecture was about Editorial Cartooning but
unfortunately me and my brother got there late so the program started off and I
missed a sizable portion of the lecture I went on to listen to the rest of the
lecture. As soon as the lecture ended I went of to the workshop and learned a
few more things, also most of my friends were there so it was an over all fun
experience. After we wrapped up at the editorial cartooning workshop we set off
to the volleyball game for the sports writing. Even though we had no plans to
participate it was still a treat to watch we also took some pictures in order to help
those who are participating in our group.
Much of the events were over with at this point ant the program was winding
down at this point or so I thought, it was then that they announced that the
extemporaneous activities were about to start. First off was a dance competition
and I admit it was fun to seeing them dance but because they were all
replicating the same dance it got a bit repetitive and after a while I stopped
paying attention. When the pageant started I along with aa few friends asked
permission from our advisor if we could meet up for the reunion. She said yes,
so we also got Ma’am Pagador to sign our slip and then the guard let us out.
After we went to Mcdonalds and enjoyed but soon as we finished and went on
back to school the guard did not let us back in. So that’s how my second day
turned out.
And that’s how my two days in the journalism workshop, it was quite the
experience I admit I wasn’t the most productive but I enjoyed and learned quite
a bit.

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