WHO - Water Quality

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Minimum water quantity needed

for domestic uses

WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia

How much water is needed? How much does each

A water supply is an essential requirement for all individual use?
people. Determining how much is needed is one of People use water for a wide variety of
the first steps in providing that supply. Providing activities. Some of these are more
enough water to meet everybody’s needs may be important than others, for example,
difficult in the short-term so water can be made having a few litres of water to drink a
available in stages. Continuous checking - including day is more vital than washing
talking to the various users of the supply (especially clothes - but people will need to
women) will enable limited resources to be focused wash if skin diseases are to be
effectively. Providing water is never free; the water prevented and physiological
needs to be collected, stored, treated and distributed needs met. Each additional use
- providing too much water is a waste of money. has health and other benefits, but
Taking too much water from a limited source may with decreasing urgency (see
deprive people elsewhere of water and have adverse Figure 1). This is often measured in
environmental and health impacts. litres per person (capita) per day
Collect basic information
How many people are there? A hierarchy of water requirements
How much does each individual use? People’s needs are not always predictable - for
example the need to wash sanitary towels or to wash
How many people are there? hands and feet before prayer may be felt to be more
Establishing the population to be supplied may not important than other uses. Talk to people to confirm
be easy after an emergency, but consulting their priorities. Different populations may also have
administrators, feeding centres, community leaders specific needs - such as using water for anal
and making direct observations (such as the average cleansing. Different genders will also have different
number of people per shelter and then counting priorities, with women being concerned about basic
shelters) can give various estimates of the population household needs at the top of the hierarchy, men
- don’t just rely on one figure but compare perhaps having a concern for livestock, girls needing
independent assessments. Displaced people will water to wash during menstruation and boys wanting
also be moving about, so estimate changes in to go for a swim! Waste, spillage and leaks also need
population. Include local populations as well as to be taken into consideration. Hot or windy weather
displaced people. may increase people’s individual needs.

To establish how much an individual needs, standard

quantities have been established as guidelines (see
table 1). These have been broken down into
categories to increase the accuracy of the estimate,
for example not all water will be needed at the house.
It may be preferable to provide separate water
supplies for bathing, washing or animals, as well as
for hospitals, feeding centres and schools. Water for
hand washing will be needed near latrines.

WHO/SEARO Technical Notes for Emergencies Technical Note No. 9 1

Minimum water quantity needed for domestic uses

– lasting solution
Medium term
- maintaining
Short term

Long term
10L drinking

20L cooking

30L personal washing

40L washing clothes

50L cleaning home

60L growing food (domestic use) Increasing
70L waste disposal (sanitation)
business (crops production livestock) quality

gardens recreation

Figure 1. Hierarchy of water requirements

(inspired by Abraham Maslow’s (1908-1970) hierarchy of needs)

Water does not all have to come from the same Managing demands
source, thus people may be provided with bottled It may be that some water demands can be reduced
drinking water, but use a stream to wash their clothes by providing alternatives. Water borne sanitation
in. As demand for water increases, generally the (flush toilets) is a luxury that needs a large volume of
quality needed for each use can be reduced - water water (up to 70L per person per day) - pit latrines or
for cleaning a floor does not have to be of drinking simple pour-flush toilets should be the first choice.
water standard and water for growing subsistence Some water requirements may be met by using
crops can be of a lower quality still. Thus, before the lower quality water (untreated) or recycling water.
quantity of water can be established, some decisions Encouraging drought resistant crops or keeping
need to be made. livestock that can survive on less water can reduce
demands, as can providing alternative livelihoods
Decide: that require less water.
what needs are going to be catered for;
(eg. only drinking or drinking, cooking and
Ensure supply is having an impact
Supplying water does not mean it is all having the
what is the programme for implementation; desired impact. Look at the whole water supply
(eg. provide limited water initially and a full system and identify weak points. Providing more
supply later) water to a tap stand will not necessarily increase
consumption if it is too far away or people do not
what sources are available; have enough water containers. Providing more water
(eg. are resources limited, what is the water may cause drainage problems if there are no
quality) and facilities for disposing of sullage.
who is managing each supply (e.g. which Evaluate
organisation is responsible for domestic see how much water people are actually using
supplies, hospital supplies, needs of schools). and when and where they use it

2 Technical Note No. 9 WHO/SEARO Technical Notes for Emergencies

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