Guideline Project Photovoice

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Photovoice Project

1. This project is a substitution for my class on 9-10

October 2019.
2. In group of 5 (presentation group), discuss the topic
which is very interesting to you related to the
nursing world.
3. Create a 5-10 page photovoice writing based on the
intended topic.
4. Refer to the example below for the layout.
5. Each photo should be analysed using SHOWeD
analysis and mention the name of the analyser and
after that give conclusion/implication from the
result of analysis.
6. Print your work in A4 paper.
7. The deadline for your project is 14 October 2019
(class B) and 15 October 2019 (class A).
8. If you have questions related to the project, please
post them in the WhatsApp group.

Good Luck!
Investigating Identity Changes of Nursing
Students: A Visual Analysis
Listia Nursaidah
Sri Maryani

Nursing Academy
Health Polytechnic Tasikmalaya

Someone’s personality can change by learning process applied in the campus is a

times and ages. Both environment factor and Problem-Based Learning (PBL). According
association factor incredibly impact on to Savery & Duffy (1995, pp. 36-38)
person personality changes. For instance, the
"Problem based learning (PBL) as a
nursing students are required to have a good
general model, was developed in medical
personality, be friendly, be responsive to do
education in the mid-1950's since that time
health services. Trough learning and it has been refined and implemented n over
practicum activity as well as organization, sixty medical schools. The most
the nursing students can develop their widespread application of the PBL
personality. approach has been in the first two years of
medical science curricula, where it
A good nursing personality is very replaces the traditional lecture based
important since according to Hao et al (2014, approach to anatomy, physiology etc. …
p, 137) PBL as we described it contrasts with a
variety of other problem or case based
“A professional identity is a nursing self
concept that represents how nursing approaches. Most case based learning
students assess nursing professions or strategies use cases as a means for
values and beliefs that guide how nursing testing one understanding. The case is
students think, act and interact with presented after the topic is covered in
patients.” order to help test understanding and
support synthesis. In contrast, in PBL,
This is the most important process of
all of the learning arises out of
professional socialization. Research shows
consideration of the problem. From the
that achieving a nursing identity is an
start, the learning is synthesized and
important developmental task for teenagers
organized in the context of the
and young adults who choose class nursing.
The changes in learning process that
The learning process in problem
differs from senior high school period also
based learning is demanding for the students.
influence the changing of student nursing
The lecturer takes a role as a facilitator rather
character in the way of learning, either
than as the materials giver for the students
individually or in groups. It is because the
such like in senior high school. This activity
then requires students to prepare themselves nurse who has anti-corruption cultures. It is
for the materials to read before entering the in line with Koo & Kim (2016, p .68) who
class, so it requires them to more actively mention that
seek information. The model servers the
“Nursing students aims to become
problems in such a way that students find the
professional nurses who can call on their
necessary learning needs so that they can
own abilities to take care of patients in
solve the problem, especially in terms of clinical fields. To become professional
learning about cases in nursing diagnoses. nurses, students must have a clear
Independent learning process on PBL understanding of their capacities and
method can produce self directed learning, interests in the nursing profession.”
including the increasing of knowledge, skill,
achievement and self-development where The project documented in this
individual uses many methods anytime and writing was completed by using the visual
anywhere. SHOWeD analysis photo voice conducted
during a month and intended to show
Besides learning about nursing changes of nursing students in the
problems, nursing students also get anti- Polytechnic of health Kemenkes
corruption education lesson (pendidikan Tasikmalaya. The photos were taken when
budaya anti korupsi) which was never been the students first entered the nursing class
founded at in senior high school level. That where we still wore black and white
learning aims at creating the candidate who uniform until we could formally wear
can avoid corruption and be professional nursing student academy uniform.
Figure 1 : Example of SHOWeD Analysis

S - “What is SEEN here?”

Nursing student is standing with smile to the patient.
H - “What is really HAPPENING?”
Nursing students in the first semester exercising to speak therapeutic
communication and asked for agreement to patient before doing treatment.
O - “How does this relate to OUR lives?”
Before doing anything is better to speaking and asking for agreement the first,
don’t be careless doing something, especially relations with other people.
W - “WHY are things in this way?”
Because being a nurse requires a lot of exercise and study, moreover
terms of practicum at laboratories.
e - How could this image EDUCATE people?
Becoming nurses is not easy, it takes several processes, several things should be
done and we need to be able to manage our time.
D - What can I DO about it?
Doing exercise to give best treatment and be friendly to the patients.

The first time we know the

oxygen tube and practice
how to use it. From start
how to regulate the steam,
regulate the Oxygen
Pressure control and how to
pair it to the patient. This is
used for patients with
oxygen needs. It is easy but
we also must be careful.
This is Dr. Alex from Russia.
He is an expert physician in
the field of maternity. He
delivered material on neonatal
emergency in Poltekkes
Kemenkes Tasikmalaya
followed by all Nursing
Students. It becomes our first
experiences get the presenter
foreigner from Russia.

Slides from the PBAK

material. From this slide,
nursing students learn about
corruption, what corruption is,
what kind of corruption, what
the impacts of corruption are,
how to eradicate it and the role
of students against corruption.
So we can avoid the
corruption behaviour.

This is when we presentation one

of the material from the Maternity
lesson. We are divided into
groups, each from the group
sending its representatives for a
presenter of reproductive diseases
and one becoming a moderator.
This is related to PBL system.
One of nursing students of
Dokumentasi Keperawatan
lesson was writing down the
tasks given by the lecturer who
could come to the class.

This is a group of HIMA Jurusan

Keperawatan is one of the
organizations in Poltekkes
Kemenkes Tasikmalaya which
oversees the student nurses. At
our campus we must to have one
organization that we followed.

These are two nursing students

educating the dangers of Diabetes
Mellitus to their friends. This is
the task of the campus. They take
advantage of this opportunity
when English lesson is in the
form of outdoor learning.

Koo, H. Y., & Kim, E. J. (2016). Vocational identity and ego identity status in Korean
nursing students. Asian nursing research, 10(1), 68-74.

Hao, Y. F., Niu, H. J., Li, L. P., Yue, S. J., & Liu, X. H. (2014). Measurement of professional
identity in Chinese nursing students. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 1(2), 137-144.

Savery, J. R., & Duffy, T. M. (1995). Problem based learning: An instructional model and its
constructivist framework. Educational technology, 35(5), 31-38.

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