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Profile Video For EWC (Preferably: 2 Minutes, but Maximum 3 Minutes)

I believe that people born for a purpose, and for me the secret of living is giving. Some people
wait to give back presume they are still struggling with their own bread, but the truth is no matter
what resources we have, we can always start today
< Motionless, berdiri menatap pemandangan, angle video dari samping. Berjalan slow
motion, zoom in muka, angel samping kemudian muka >

Contoh video: (Menit 0:07 – 0:20)

I am Musawwir Muhtar, I was participated at the East-West Center Leadership Program back
then, it was in 2014. I specifically joined for Institute for Natural Resources Managers, The
YSEALI Academic Fellowship.
<Menghadap kamera di dalam café, focus ke object, latar sedikit ngeblur>

Contoh video (Menit 0:16 – 0:18)

The East-West Center has always been an inspiration for me and I think for many others as
well, not only because we get to learn many things back then, but you know the EWC’s staff
Christina, Lance and others. They are keep tracking and following their alumni’s activities and
keep asking “Hi guys, how’s your project going or, what are you up to guys these days”.
<Kombinasi cuplikan foto (file dari Awi), potongan video sedang berdiskusi di dalam
cafe, dan Awi berbicara (angle meyesuaikan samping bawah ke depan dll)

They just tried their best in helping us in every way possible and that was captivating because
its already been 5 years and we still keep the strong bounding
<Awi berbicara menghadap kamera>
I studied nutrition at the university and I always bothered by the fact there’s a plenty of people
do not have enough food to eat due to poverty and low economic status and some of them still
suffering from malnourished.
<Optional, cuplikan main laptop, diskusi>

There were not enough youth working in agricultural sector, not enough woman, and not
enough diversity,… and I want to change that!
<Awi menghadap kamera>

So I decided to run Morbi+ in 2016, so we are currently working with small family farmers and
women cooperatives that utilizes moringa to drive sustainable economic growth and nutritional
security in the community in South Sulawesi Indonesia.
<Showcasing produk daun kelor yang ditarauh di rak atau meja, slow-mo and zoom in product>

Through the East-West Center Innovation Labs 2019 I hope to learn to become a better leader
and also learn how to have a bigger impact in the community we work and beyond.
Through my action I hope to inspire the young people in my generation. I hope that they will
follow their dreams and follow their passion in life
<Menghadap kamera>

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