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College of Southern Nevada Education Department ice Learning Component (10 Hours) EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 Teachers make our community better... outside the classroom too! ‘Whether seeking employment with s local education agency, applying for an education scholarship, or writing a proposal for grant funding, tis important that an applicane show a ganuina ‘commitment ta their carnmuniy. ‘The Service Leeming component of your CSN introductory clase gives you the opportunity to build upon your exiting community service cammitmant, or set he foundation for "many future years of community involvement and service ta others. As a matzer of fac, statistics show that most ‘teachers began thinking about education as a career after volunteering in some capacity with local schools, reigious ‘groups. or commurity organizations, ‘Your 40 hour Service Learning i a separate graded component fram your 10 hour CSN Field Observation requirements for EDU 201, 202, or 203. Imagine the aifference in the Las Vegas community, when you become a part of it! How it works... On the nex: page, you wil read ebout ‘approved ways to satisly the Service Learning component of your introductory class. These suggestions can be used alone, Learning requirement. The successful completion of the entire 110 hour Service Leerning component: isa graded ‘ssignment equal to 10% ofthe total points within your intro course, therefore equal in value ta ane entire letter grade. Use the Service Learning Preapproval forrn [page 3) to plen for, and get approval for your aroject. Use the Service Learning Log [292 4 to document your hours of sarvioe, slong with any supporting material requirad by your instructor. Your instructor will provide you with mare information about how thay wil want these documents submitted. end thai epacific ue dates during the semester. oO 4 t ce Learning Component conn EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 Approved Service Choices + Community Service CSN’ Fiold Trip Waiver and provide ‘Component in which the student Works in a volunteer capacity at any ‘organization that wil allow volunteers, ang that serves the betterment of school age children in the community. This agency is one in which the student solicits and can obtain a verified latter of Participation or certificate from the organization's leadership that documents their participation and hours of credit once completed. + Private School (non coso) ‘The student must arrange contact ‘and obtain written permission from the school's administration prior to visitation, and must have an officer of the school provide signed verification upon schoo! letterhead of the type of service performed, and duration of the community service to the school. + Organized Field Trip Your CSN instructor may be able to organize an education based field trip in which all members of the class mest at another location, instead of attending class at the regular scheduled time to eam service credit. Students must fil out it to the insiructor before traveling to sponsored off-campus event. Credit hours and verification for this, experience will be determined by your instructor, + “CSN Sorves” Volunteer lf you have no idea where to start, cconsider visting the CSN Serves website and locking through material there httpv/ conserves/ We already have a "number of agencies that you can volunteer at, and earn transcript credit along with mating the requirements for this Introductory 201, 202, or 203 course, + Other Service The student can design and present 2 unique service oriented ‘educational experience to their instructor. The proposal must be in writing and agread upon by the CSN student and GSN instructor brior to accumulation of hours + YOU MAY NOT list the schoo! you chose for your Field Observation Tequest, or any other CCSD school as the agency for this Service Learning Proposal. Why? First of al, the 10 hours for Field Observation is independent of the 10 houre serving ‘the community at another agency. ‘Secondly, you have no idea what school you will eventually be placed at this time, Lastly, your eventual cooperating teacher may not give you Permission to stay an extra 10 hours beyond the requirements of the Field Observation. The 10 hours of Community Service is not related to the 10 hours of CCSD Field Obsorvation, so DO NOT start cold calling any CCSD acho! to ok permission to volunteer there, Complete this form and submit to your CSN instructor before proceeding with your contact hours Your Full Name: Plecttheu Gregory Van Reagen-Warla— CSN Professor : Dr, Ce ZL shell Service Learning Pre-approval (10 Hours) Agency Name & Contact Person tet: ry on Agency Address: 3200 Soaring lull De Agency Phone: OLT26 72¢, Contaet Person's email: Tom. vos 2o0ib Pa acl com DIRECTIONS: Complete the following 3s sotlons $0 that your instructor and selected agency is aware of your sence learning requirement plan NEED/PURPOSE: - Why Is this service needed? How will it help the community? Vie tory Outreach provides fart te the. community, ACTION: - What specifically will you be doing over the 10 hours? C leaacag, helping to organize ond solu, admin duties, other duties as needaf ite experience? What evidence do I need to collect ram the agencylcontact person to Vrily ny parichatonn This church offers Sanctuary te eople, and wi'll have a Ll Es've impact by bringing people tooé they. F hope te goin s deeper vnderstandin of garth through thy'c operience, Tneedte collec€ a verification email to verifymy garticigatien, © SIGNATURES: ave vod tis conce proposal and approve to issued Te wniea wl bea on FL A24A77 tepproximate dete) Student: atthew Gre; Vo, = Agonev/Contact Person's Approvat, © CSN Instructor Approval: Service Learning LO€ (a0 Bours) EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 Participation Log: Complete (Combine) Service Learming components to equal 10 hours or more. Be sure to attach Specific additional documents required for each type of service listed below. + Gommunity Service: Your Full Name (print: Matthews Van Keeyen Component wtich the sient work a vobnter 3 cin ee capacity at eny opsrizaton that wil ellow volunteers, : nd that saves the betterment of school age chisren Agency/Type of Service: _V/ tory Owtreach inte community. This agency is one n which the ‘udont sols ae can cbaln a vero ete of Dao Ray Parcipation or articat rom he ergnlation's one SAW 4 haus Ta 7 Bras leadership that document he parolpton and hours of credit once completed Date(s) lo 73/7 + Private Schoo! Service: Total Hours: foo ‘The student must arrange contac and obtain wien Permission from the schaots administration prior to ‘Supervisor Name (print) visitation, and must have an offer ofthe school Supervisor Signature: Fa designed vertesion upon esol tan ot Stein i Supenisor Phone: eb DE) 7907 ‘he typeof service pertrmed, and curation othe conmunty sere ote schoo ‘Supervisor e-mail: 724i V0S 201 § @ Sia Organized Field Trip: ed Your CSN instructor may beable to organize an edcation __Agency/Type of Service: ‘based fold tip n which al members ofthe class meet at ‘note loston, endl atoning case atthe reau—Date) ‘ches eee sare cet. Students misttt Dt 2) Bat Pree CRS ieeeeee ‘ut CSIs Feld Tip Waiver and provide it tothe instructor —_—_—_——_ before tavelng to sponsored of-campus event. Gredt _-Date(S) eT hows end verifcation fr tis experience wl be setermined by your netructor. Total Hours: + Other Service Supervisor Name (print): ‘The student can design and presenta unique service se ne Sate Fj cone tented educational experience to hekinstructor, ‘Supervisor Phone: ‘Ths proposal must be in wing and agreed upon by ‘Swanson odie See eae eee ‘he OSN stodent anc CSN instructor prior to TTT ‘scouulation of hous. a ee Agency/Type of Service: ee YOU MAY NOT list the schoo! you chose fr your FeLohermten regen a ence CCS soa atay) the agency fortis Senice Learning Proposal. Why? First Saisie ee ‘of ll te 10 hours for Field Observation independent ot Dat(s) ——____. ‘he 10 hours serving the community at another agency. Date(s) Sa ‘Secondly, you have no ea what school you wil eventual be placed this tno, Last, your eventual cooperating Total Hours: ‘sacher may not give you permission to stay an extra 10 See ee ee hour beyond the requirements of the Flld Observation, : ‘The 10 hours of Community Service ie not elated to tne 19 Supervisor Name (print): rr ‘ours of COS Field Observation, 80 DO NOT start cold ‘Supervisor Signature: re eer wolsbell Cela «Cala sbell@ CSN EDU; | ToWhom may Concer Victory Outreach 35 Las Vegas, DBA Victory Outreach Summer se nerf 801131 Corporation, area church an ‘se doalow people rom the eanmnunity todo community sevice se raquie by he courte wth permission rom the curs "Matthew van Raeyen hs complete 19 hours of comurty ‘erie with Frou trious commun outreach, ciren's ministes re ences ofc at 702-776 7368 Service Learning Reflection ‘Matthew Van Roeyen-Warda College Of Southern Nevada. : ‘Domne head WRITING CENTER W. CHARLESTON a ASSISTANT. =, Service Learning Reflection Matthew Van Roeyen-Warda Class College Of Southern Nevada vt! cops Service Leaming Reflection oe yale i 4 Abstract Victory Outreach is a church devoted to boosting faith in the community, and to uniting the community towards many various causes. The “international church oriented Christian ministry is called to the task of evangelizing and discipling the hurting people of the world with Vee Oot, the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christy (eee ar ee ete, ememats/), Strengthening faith in a community is important for many reasons. The church serves as a beacon of hope for people who are trying to pull their lives together. After facing numerous conflictsyand struggles, people desperately need a place to tur, Service Learning Reflection The people at Vietory Outreach choose to live their lives in service to others. Bringing a community together through ith has many positive outcomes. “This call involves a commitment to plant and develop churches, rehabilitation homes and training centers, in strategic cities of the world. Victory Outreach inspires and instills within people the desire to fulfill their potential in life with a sense of dignity, belonging, and destiny” ( This church funetions by uniting people towards a common goal. In the time volunteering at the church, it was learned that the community benefited from having its’ strength in faith. The people who attended the church only made that faith stronger by uniting everyone towards a common goal. The church’s goal was to “reach the lost as ‘mandated by Christ in what is known as the Great Commission found in the Gospels" (https://www., The principals involved with the church are creeds that the people attending choose to live by, and they help create hope for people who have lost their ways. The church underlies a code of ethics in the form of proclamations that motivate other people to unite against the adversities in their lives. The accounts of people’s struggles. were amazing, and the people attending this church chose to focus on how to make their lives better in the process. It was important to note, in the process of completing over ten volunteer hours, that the church is open to anyone from various ethnicities. Service Learning Reflection 4 References Parkay, Forrest W. (2013). Becoming A Teacher, 9” Edition, Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Vielery Ovtrecely SHEFORS-OREACH | Church OF Las Veoes. (n.d_). Retrieved DGtobet 4,204, from Service Learning Log qo Hours) EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 Participation Log: Complete (Combine) Service Learning components to equal 10 hours or more. Be sure to attach specific additional documents required for each type of service listed below. + Community Service: ‘Component In which the student woke na volunteer capacity at any organization that wil allow vlurtsers, and that serves the betterment of school age cian inthe community. This agenoy is one in which the student slits and ean obtain a vedfed letter of Patticipaton or coriicate om the opanzation’s leadership that documeres the participation anes hours of erect once complotod + Private School Service: The stusent must arrange contact and obtain wen ermssion trom th sonooté acminitration prior to station, and must have an office ofthe schoo! provide sianed verifaton upon schoo letterhead of the type of service prac and auaton ofthe ‘community serves he schoo. + Organized Field Trp: Your CSN intractor may be able to organize an education basod fold ip in which all members of ho lass mast at “nother locaton, instead of ttencing class at he regular sohoded time to enn service credit, Students must i ‘out CSN Fie Tip Waiver and provide itt he instructor before traveling to a sponsored offcampus event. ret hours sn vecatien for nis expen wil be determined by your instruct. + Other Service ‘The student can design and presant a urique sence coferted educational experience to ther instructor. ‘The proposal must be n wring and agreed upon by ‘the CSN student and CSN inertor pir to ‘secumulaton of hours. Ftd Obsorvation aquest, or ary otter CCSD schoo ae ‘the agency forthe Serves Leaning Proposal. Why? Fat al tho 10 hous for Field Observation is independent of the 10 ours serving the community at another agency, Ssecondy, you have no Idea what schoo yu wil eventually be laced at this time. Last, your evertual cooperating teacher may not give you permission to stay an extra 10 hours boyond the requromonts of he Fle Observation. The 10 nous of Community Serce snot eat 1 the 10 hours of COSO Feld Observation, so DO NOT stat cold caling ary COSD schoo to ask permission to volutoor there. Your Full Name (print Mestthea Cregery Vou kecytentulerde Agency/Type of Service: _Vi'c7 Kobey Out Peach Chink Date(s) 9/29 112 Yes Date(s) ol Date(s) iafeji?__ 4, pe Total Hours: O*% ‘Supervisor Name (print): Supervisor Signature: ‘Supervisor Phone: ‘Supervisor e-mail Themos meng Seong = Tom. Yes 2021p Que .com Agency/Type of Service: Date(s) Date(s) Date(s) Total Hours: Supervisor Name (print) Supervisor Signature: ‘Supervisor Phone: ‘Supervisor e-mail: AgencyrType of Service: Date(s) Date(s) Date(s) Total Hours: ‘Supervisor Name (print Supervisor Signature: ‘Supervisor Phone: ‘Supervisor e-mail: | Emerg ency Contact : Linda Vag Roeyen Reletivashie : Mother — Ahene 1214 $05 22198 Service Lear ning Pre-approval (10 Hours) Complete this form and submit to your CSN instructor before Proceeding with your contact hours Your Full Name: ei Chegor'¢ Vay koe: - tarda CSN Professor: Oh Ce regen ‘Agency Name & Contact Person Victory Ontreod Church of Sunmerln “Tom Agency Address: ring Cutle Dp. Las 1 Agency Phone: 1o2% 267 7107 Contact Person’s email: VO Summerlin. info &9, marhcory DIRECTIONS: Complete the following 3 sections so that your instuctor and selected agency I aware of your sence leaming requirement plan NEED/PURPOSE: - Why is this sorvice neoded? How will it help the community? Victor S Outreach provides a sa fe en vireamernt for feeyle whe wart todo more for the commen ity bp making adi fhererce in other peyples lives ACTION: - What specifically will you be doing over the 10 hours? L "5 hte leaning, office werk, ard assis tng stagh$ in regular duties; OUTCOMES: - What positive impact will this service have on the community? What do I personally hope to gain from the experience? What evidence do I need to collect from the agency/contact person to verify my participation? This service will fave a gost ive impact onthe communi &y¢ encovraging Saithand o sense of valty, & hope to make Some new Freeads, and bo,garn a deeper Insight into seci'el Communtcation, To verity my participation, F need to ave mpServi'ce learning log Filled ov, ‘SIGNATURES: Ihave reviewed this sovice proposal and approve o proceed The sence wil bean on AZ-2 L/1-E.pproumate a) ‘Student: MM. / Gregory Van. Agency/Contact Person's Approval: CN ratructr Approvat Me

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