Psychoanalysis (Sigmund Frued)

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“The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to knowledge of the unconscious

activities of the mind”

One of the most important creation of Sigmund Freud is the “Psychoanalysis” he

developed it way back 1996, it is form of therapy that he popularized as treatment to
mental health disorder. Psychoanalysis marks as the beginning of ‘Psychotherapy” .
In order to understand psychoanalysis is you have to understand first what it beliefs.
Psychoanalysis theorizes that the human personality is divided into two parts the
Unconscious and the conscious. The Unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings,
thoughts, urges, and memories that is outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the
content of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain,
anxiety, or conflict while the Conscious contains all of the thoughts, memories,
feelings and wishes of which we are aware at any given moment. This is the aspect of
our mental processing that can think and talk about rationally. This also includes our
memory, which is not always part of the consciousness but can be retrieved easily and
brought into awareness. Psychoanalysis also proposes that the human brain is consist
of Id, Ego, and Superego. The Id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends it is
responsible for the immediate desire for eating, sex, aggression, it is extinctual and
impulsive it has no morality, its just knew what it wants. The Superego play the
critical and moralizing role it tells you what is right or wrong, it always follows the
rule. The ego or the “Judge Duty” is the organized, realistic part that meditates
between desire of the id and the superego, hears both side to all the information and
give the final decision on what you become. Psychoanalysis says that the desire to
ravage and social disorder result to the development of defense mechanism this
defense mechanism keep us safe from guilt and anxiety we would feel if we are give
in into our enormous desire. And this were the goal of psychoanalysis work make the
unconscious to conscious defense mechanism, psychoanalysis attempts to help the
person identify and accept their defenses and create more forgiving defenses to allow
mature expression of those desire. But the most important aspect of psychoanalysis is
to have the client engage into free association. This is where the client says whatever
on their mind no matter how incoherent or impulsive it may be. But does
Psychoanalysis work? Up to this date there are no outcome studies on classical
psychoanalysis, case studies, survey, and several studies reveals that psychoanalysis
is better than no treatment. Psychoanalysis is not for everyone generally because
psychoanalysis requires 3-5 years of therapy and 4-5 session per week, it is extremely
expensive and un accessible form of therapy. Today psychoanalysis is viewed to way
unscientific and subjective and there is still not enough evidence to measure the
actual effectiveness of psychoanalysis into different disorder.


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