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Republic of the Philippines

Region VI-Western Visayas

Schools Division of Escalante City
Brgy.Mabini, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
School ID 302660
Introduction to World Religion & Belief Systems
Second Quarter Examination
October 17-18, 2019

Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it in your answer sheet.

1. Hinduism became famous in India, when Indo-Aryan introduce it to the native of India the
Dravidian. How does culture of Indo-Aryan affect the rise of their religion?
A. It is because Indo Aryan culture is unique.
B. It is because their culture was the basis to rise their own religion.
C. Because their culture was already inculcated to their mind.
D. They follow what culture they had.
2. A belief system is a particular way of ordering the realities of one’s world and philosophy
described as
A. One’s integrative view of life C. Human’s way to God
B. A study of God’s way to humans D. A reflection of humans lived experience of God
3. How to attain the core teaching of Hinduism?
A. By attaining the liberation in the identification of Atman and Brahman through the four
B. By believing the cycle of birth
C. By attaining the highest level of purification
D. By achieving a good karma
4. Core teaching of Theravada Buddhism is very essential to life. Why is it important to know this
core teaching?
A. To help understand why life is full of suffering, suffering is due to craving and to overcome
craving is to live with the eightfold path.
B. To help understand the way to life.
C. To help understand the importance of life.
D. To help understand the middle way.
5. Why is it that Mahayana Buddhism core teaching is important for all living beings?
A. Because core teaching of Mahayana Buddhism center is seeking complete enlightenment for
the benefit of all living things through insight and compassion.
B. Because all living things are equal.
C. Because Mahayana Buddhism teaches how to become an enlightened one.
D. Because it teaches how to achieved Nirvana and Moksha.
6. Suffering experienced because of craving, how does craving exist?
A. When there is extermination C. When there is noble truth
B. When there is compassion D. When there is cessation of suffering
7. Craving resulted to suffering an example of that is
A. Craving for existence C. Mindfulness and concentration
B. Renewed existence D. Intention to cessation
8. These refers to religious law that provide prescribed rules in everyday living such as eating,
praying, wedding and funeral rites
A. Dharma C. Zakat
B. Halakhah D. Burka
9. What is the real name of Buddha?
A. Chih-I Zhiyi C. Ngo Dinh Diem
B. Siddhartha Gautama D. Songtan Gampo
10. What flower symbolizes purity in Buddhism?
A. Rose C. Lotus
B. Sunflower D. Cactus

Test II. Matching Type. Match the items in Column A with their corresponding
answers in Column B. Write only letter of the correct answer.

Column A Column B

1. One of Abraham’s wives a. shmail

2. Last prophet b. Sarah
3. Father of Israel c. Muhammad
4. Sarah’s lady in waiting d. Rebecca
5. Father of Arab People e. Jacob
6. Mohammed Uncle f. Khadija
7. Patriach g. Isaac
8. Abraham’s second son h. Abu Talib
9. Wife of Isaac i. Hagar
10. Muhammad’s first wife j. Abraham
11. Female Buddhist monks k.Sati
12. Universal law of causality l. “Law of Manu”
13. Pursuit of worldly prosperity m. Bhikkunis
14. Supplementary arms of the Vedas n. Karma
15. A widow killing herself to join her dead husband o. Artha
16. Nirvana p. The end of the cycle of birth &
17. Vishnu q. The destroyer
18. Brahma r. The soul attaining true
19. Shiva s. The preserver
20. Reincarnation t. The creator
u. The nature of suffering

Test III. Complete the table by filling in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose
the answer from the list below:

A. Untruthfulness B. tale-bearing C. single D. overcome E. living thing

F. Killing G. four noble truths H. feeling I. maintain J. meditation

Eightfold Path What One Must Do

Right View
Understand the “_____________________”1
Right Intention
Free one’s self from ill-will, cruelty, and ___________________2
Right Speech
Abstain from untruthfulness,_________________3 harsh language, and vain talk
Right Action
Abstain from ____________________4 stealing, and sexual misconduct
Right Livelihood
Earn a living in a way not harmful to any _______________5
Right Effort
Avoid evil thought and _____________________6 them arouse
Good thoughts and ________________7 them
Right Mindfulness
Pay vigilant attention to every state of the body, __________________8 and mind
Right Concentration
Concentrate on a ___________________ 9 object so as to induce certain special states of
consciousness in deep _____________ 10



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