CEFR Lesson Plan Year 1. Reading

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CEFR Lesson Plan Year 1

Day : Date :
Subject : English Language Year : 1 Time :
Unit : 1 Theme : World of Self , Family and Friends

Topic :Pet Show

Language /Grammar Focus : Main Skill (s) Focus : Writing
Animals vocabulary Integrated skill : Listening
Content Standard (s) : Learning Standard (s) :
 Communicate basic information intelligibly for 4.2.1
 Give very basic personal information using fixed
a range of purposes in print and digital media phrases

Complementary Content Standard(s): Complementary Learning Standard(s) :

 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 1.2.1
 Understand with support the main idea of very simple
contexts phrases and sentences

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
Main Objective(s) Complementary Objective(s)
1. Pupils should be able to write at least 4 animals 1. Pupils should be able to listen to the sounds of the animals
correctly. and name the animals.
Main Success Criteria (s) Complementary Success Criteria (s)
1. Spell correctly 1. Immitate the sounds
2. According to the pictures
Diffentiation Strategies:
Differentiate by the task pupils are given
Moral Values :Self-confident Elements Across Curriculum(EMK) :
Values (Friendship)
Teaching Aids Hand Out, laptop and speaker , 21st Century Learning Activities ( PAK 21) :
Traffic-light, Parking Lot , Mini w/board  Public Speaking.
21st Century Learning ( 4C ) : School Based Assessment
 Communication, Collaboration , Critical Thinking, Creativity  Worksheet/ Observation/
High Order Thinking skill(s) : Analyse Assessment
Lesson Development
Pre Lesson Lesson delivery Post Lesson
Classroom Discussion Group Activity
1. Teacher starts the lesson by
playing the ‘Old McDonald’ 1. Pupils are introduced to the animals 1. Pupils are grouped into five
song. according to their sounds. members.
2. Pupils are asked to list all the 2. Teacher spells the words with the pupils. 2. Each groups is required to act
animals in the song. Pupils are then asked to write back. and make sound of the animal
3. Pupils complete a worksheet. while other groups tries to guess
the animal.
Closure :Draw yourself Homework : Worksheet 1
Achievements Pupils’ Performance Remarks
Attendance : /
Pupils are given: Teaching and learning is postponed due to:
______ of the___1pupils are Consolidation
able to achieve the Enrichment -----------------------------------------------------------------
objectives. Intervention
______ of the___pupils are
able to achieve the
objectives with guidance.
Worksheet: Level 1

Name the animals based on the pictures.

Worksheet: Level 2

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

pig horse duck cat

hen sheep rooster goat

Worksheet: Level 3

Complete the words with the correct alphabet.

pig horse duck cat

hen sheep rooster goat

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