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Why Human RIGHTS Must Be, A Public

Official's Responsibility?

What does this nation, stand for, and represent, if our highest priority, is being the voice, both,
throughout the world, and within the country, of human RIGHTS? Our Founding Fathers,
attempted to consider, what the United States, should be, and included, their ideas and
concepts, within the Constitution. Although, they were imperfect, they attempted to
emphasize, those things, which brought them, forward, to decide to declare our
independence, from England. They knew, they must, avoid the human rights violations, etc,
which they experienced, as a colony. Within the concept of human rights, must be areas,
including; civil, women's, and freedoms of speech, the Press, religion, etc. With that in mind,
this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the
mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, it must be every public
official's highest priority.

1. Responsive; right thing to do; relevant; responsible; ramifications: How can anyone,
be responsive, to all our citizens, and strive to bring us together, for the common good,
unless, they emphasize, doing, the right thing? Our leaders must agree to be responsible, for
meeting relevant needs, in an attempt, to create a meeting - of - the - minds, for the greater
good! Wake up, America, because, whatever today's leaders, do, or fail to, will have

2. Integrity; ideas; ideology; imagination: Since, public officials, in this nation, swear an
oath, to maintain the principle of our Constitution, shouldn't it be, a primary obligation, of
each of them, to maintain, the utmost degree of genuine, absolute integrity? If/ when, they
don't possess the necessary, imagination, to see things, as they should be, it's essential, to be,
consistently, loyal to our nation's ideology, they aren't fit, to serve and represent constituents!

3. Generate goodwill; greater good: Bringing us, together, means having the desire, and
ability to, consistently, generate goodwill, by emphasizing the greater good, instead of any
personal/ political agenda, self - interest, or favoring their core supporters, over the rest of us!

4. Humane; healing: Perhaps, more than ever before, in recent memory, President Donald
Trump, appears to feel, it's acceptable, to pick - and - choose, which rights and constituents to
represent, and honor! What we need, and deserve, is humane leadership, with the utmost,
genuine empathy, focused on healing our wounds, and bringing us, together, instead of

5. Trustworthy; traditions; timely: Why would others pay attention, if they don't believe,
their elected officials, are consistently, trustworthy? They must honor all of American's
tradition, and be willing to take, well - considered, timely action, to address any rights
violations, and/ or, threats!

Human RIGHTS must be an essential component of public service! Pay attention, and, be
certain, those you vote for, are willing to proceed, focused on these!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant,
professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars,
and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and
thousands of articles.

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