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General Revision Answer Key

Part 1: Reading

A) Use the context to help you determine the meaning of each highlighted word.

1. Your cousin claimed to be late because the doors of his house were frozen shut. Even though I have my
doubts, his explanation is plausible. It got really cold last night. I'll just have to take his word for it.

If a statement is plausible, __________.

a. you must always believe it

b. you should never believe it
c. it's hard to understand because it makes no sense
d. it's believable enough to possibly be true

2. If you don't curtail your spending, you'll be broke in no time at all!

Which word is a synonym of "curtail"?

a. reduce
b. follow
c. behind
d. buy

3. No word must ever leak out about this military action! It has to be a clandestine operation in order to

Which word is a synonym of "clandestine"?

a. family
b. useful
c. dangerous
d. secret

4. Put this medicine on your arm and rub it into your skin until it's invisible. It will inhibit the infection's
attempt to spread.

What does “inhibit” mean?

a. live in a certain place

b. block or slow down
c. itch or burn
d. help to do something important

Compiled and Edited by Ms. Marwa El Deeb, ELI, KAU, Fall 2009-2010 Page 1
5. Fortunately, the dizzy spell was transient. He was able to continue playing within seconds and had no
trouble winning the match.

When you describe an event as “transient,” you are saying that __________.

a. it sounds like a train

b. it is quite harmful
c. it helps you win
d. it doesn't last long

6. Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station to play at work. It would be so much
simpler if they both liked the same kind of music.

A dispute is a __________.

a. musical instrument
b. choice of music
c. discovery
d. disagreement

7. When they heard the good news about the court’s decision, the angry crowd cheered and then began to
disperse. “It looks like everyone is going home,” one reporter stated.

Which would be the opposite of “disperse”?

a. come together
b. smile
c. fly like a bird
d. sing

8. It’s a wonder to me how anyone can still be undecided about this election. These two candidates are
certainly distinct. Each would lead our nation in opposite directions.

What does “distinct” mean?

a. needing a bath
b. dishonest
c. clearly different
d. about the same age


Compiled and Edited by Ms. Marwa El Deeb, ELI, KAU, Fall 2009-2010 Page 2
B) Read each paragraph carefully. Choose the best answer to the questions that follow.

1. Juan loves to play games. His favorite game is chess because it requires a great deal of thought. Juan
also likes to play less demanding board games that are based mostly on luck. He prefers Monopoly because
it requires luck and skill. If he’s alone, Juan likes to play action video games as long as they aren’t too

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. Juan dislikes violence.

b. Juan likes to think.
c. Juan enjoys Monopoly.
d. Juan enjoys playing games.

2. Maria is watching too much television. A toddler shouldn’t be spending hours staring blankly at a screen.
Worse yet, some of her wild behavior have been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches. We need to
spend more time reading books with her and pull the plug on the TV!

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. Watching a lot of television isn’t good for Maria.

b. Books are good.
c. All cartoons are bad.
d. Some cartoons are bad for Maria.

3. Samantha, I can’t eat or sleep when you are gone. I need to hear your scratchy voice and see your lovely
toothless smile. I miss that special way that you eat soup with your fingers. Please come home soon!

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. Samantha, you have bad manners.

b. Samantha, you should see a dentist.
c. Samantha, I miss you.
d. Samantha, I have lost my appetite.

4. Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. They will look and behave much like
real humans. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind.
Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. They will be smart, strong, and
untiring workers whose only goal will be to make our lives easier.

Which sentence from the paragraph expresses the main idea?

a. Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants.
b. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind.
c. They will look and behave much like real humans.
d. Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience.


Compiled and Edited by Ms. Marwa El Deeb, ELI, KAU, Fall 2009-2010 Page 3
Part 2: Grammar
A) Present simple:

Choose the correct answer.

1 - He ____ it.
don't like
doesn't like
doesn't likes
don't likes

2 - They _____ here very often.

don't come
doesn't comes
doesn't come

3 - John and Mary ______ twice a week.


4 - I _____ mind at all.


5 - It _____ sense.
don't make
doesn't makes
doesn't make

6 - They ____ happy.


7 - You _____ to do it.

don't have
doesn't has
doesn't have

8 - She ____ a brother.

doesn't has
don't has
don't have
doesn't have

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9 - The journey _____ an hour.

10 - I _____ it now.

11 - Peggy ____ by bus.


12 - She ____ .
don't know
doesn't knows
doesn't know
don't knows

13 - She ____ hard.


14 - They _____ football every weekend.


15 - The exam _____ two hours.


16 - She can ____ it.



Compiled and Edited by Ms. Marwa El Deeb, ELI, KAU, Fall 2009-2010 Page 5
B) Subject and object pronouns.

Choose the correct pronoun.

1 - I saw ____.
2 - Give it to ____.
3 - She kissed ____.
4 - He took ____.
Either could be used here.
5 - Did anyone see ____?
Either could be used here.
6 - _____ arrived on time.
Either could be used here.
7 - What did ____ say?
Either could be used here.
8 - She's faster than ____ am.
9 - I saw you and ____ there.
10 - Between you and ____, I really didn't like it.
11 - My brother and ____ went there.
12 - He gave it to me and ____.

Compiled and Edited by Ms. Marwa El Deeb, ELI, KAU, Fall 2009-2010 Page 6
C) Past simple

1- Fill in the gaps using the Past simple form of the verbs in the box.

Become- begin- buy- come- drink- find- go- have- put- speak- wear

Ex: The Iceman drank water and milk.

1. Matthew was very good at languages – he spoke German, Polish, Russian and Italian.
2 .We’re late. The concert began twenty minutes ago.
3 .Teresa first came to this town in 1998.
4 .Yesterday, Caroline and Peter had lunch together.
5 .I bought these boots at the market last Saturday.
6 .Our class went to the Science Museum last week.
7 .Last summer, David wore shorts and a T-shirt every day.
8 .When I looked inside the box, I found some old letters and books.
9 .When the climate became warmer, people started to live in villages.
10. It started to rain, so I put your bicycle in the garage.

2- Complete the dialogue using the Past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

The gold ring

A: That’s a beautiful piece of jewellery, Helen. Where did you get (get) it?
B: I (get) 1got it for my birthday, from my father. But he (not buy) 2 didn’t buy it – he
(find) 3 found it in the garden!
A: What do you mean? How (find) 4 did he find it?
B: Well, when he (begin) 5 began to plant the vegetables a few weeks ago, he (see) 6 saw this
gold ring. It (be) 7 was just a few centimeters under the ground.
A: (show) 8 Did he show it to anyone?
B: Yes, he (go) 9 went to the museum and (speak) 10 spoke to Mrs Scott.
A: And what (say) 11 did she say about it?
B: She thinks the ring is very old. People (wear) 12 wore jewellery like this about 600 years ago.
A: Wow, that’s great! (look) 13 did your father look for other things in the garden?
B: No, he (not want) 14 didn’t want to disturb the beans and potatoes!


Compiled and Edited by Ms. Marwa El Deeb, ELI, KAU, Fall 2009-2010 Page 7

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