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Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma in pediatric chest radiography

L. Porto a, N. Lunelli a, S. Paschuk a, A. Oliveira a, J.L. Ferreira a, H. Schelin a,b,n, C. Miguel a,c,
V. Denyak b,d, C. Kmiecik b,c, J. Tilly c, H. Khoury e
Federal University of Technology of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
Pelé Pequeno Príncipe Research Institute, Curitiba, Brazil
Federal University of Paraná – Clinical Hospital, Curitiba, Brazil
National Science Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil


 The entrance surface air kerma of chest X-ray examinations in pediatric patients was estimated.
 The data were analyzed for patients aged up to 15 y, stratified by age.
 The doses of LAT examinations were 40% higher than of AP/PA because of kV used.
 An increase in kV with a decrease in mAs leads to significant dose reduction.

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this study was to evaluate the entrance surface air kerma in pediatric chest radiography.
Received 30 June 2013 An evaluation of 301 radiographical examinations in anterior–posterior (AP) and posterior–anterior (PA)
Accepted 16 February 2014 (166 examinations) and lateral (LAT) (135 examinations) projections was performed. The analyses were
performed on patients grouped by age; the groups included ages 0–1 y, 1–5 y, 5–10 y, and 10–15 y. The
Keywords: entrance surface air kerma was determined with DoseCal software (Radiological Protection Center of
Pediatric chest radiography Saint George's Hospital, London) and thermoluminescent dosimeters. Two different exposure techniques
Entrance surface air kerma were compared. The doses received by patients who had undergone LAT examinations were 40% higher,
DoseCal on average, those in AP/PA examinations because of the difference in tube voltage. A large high-dose
“tail” was observed for children up to 5 y old. An increase in tube potential and corresponding decrease
in current lead to a significant dose reduction. The difference between the average dose values for
different age ranges was not practically observed, implying that the exposure techniques are still not
optimal. Exposure doses received using the higher tube voltage and lower current-time product
correspond to the international diagnostic reference levels.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Significant progress in the improvement in radiographic equip-

ment has been achieved in the last decades (high frequency X-ray
There is growing concern about the amount of absorbed dose generators, film-screen systems with high relative speeds, com-
in patients undergoing radiographic examinations (Azevedo et al., puted and digital radiography, etc.) resulting in reduction in the
2006; Lacerda et al., 2008; Suliman and Elawed, 2013). This patient dose. However, one of the most significant contributions to
concern is greater in children, who have a longer life expectancy decrease the mean radiation dose was the implementation of
than adults and are more sensitive to ionizing radiation (UNSCEAR, quality assurance programs to control correct usage of the radio-
2013). X-ray equipment is not designed solely for pediatrics, and graphic equipment (Huda et al., 2008).
consequently, the equipment is not optimized for this purpose. The introduction of the concept of diagnostic reference level
(DRL) (ICRP, 2013) has established the benchmarks for achievable
doses. However the DRLs should not be considered as technical
limits. They are established by surveying an appropriate quantity
n in a range of institutions and are subject to change with the
Corresponding author at: Pelé Pequeno Príncipe Research Institute – IPPPP,
Av. Silva Jardim, 1632, Curitiba-PR, 80250200, Brazil. Tel.: þ 55 41 33388052. improvement of radiographic equipment and the technique used.
E-mail address: (H. Schelin). That is why the achievements in dose reduction are of constant
0969-806X & 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Porto, L., et al., Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma in pediatric chest radiography. Radiat. Phys. Chem.
2 L. Porto et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎

interest especially in the developing countries that were not posterior–anterior (PA) and lateral (LAT) projection chest X-ray
covered in previous surveys. examinations in pediatric patients. The data were analyzed for
Chest radiography is the most frequent pediatric X-ray exam- patients aged up to 15 y, stratified by age.
ination. The purpose of the present study was to estimate the
entrance surface air kerma (ESAK) of anterior–posterior (AP),
2. Materials and methods
Table 1
Number of examinations by projection type in each age group. The investigation was performed at the Clinical Hospital of the
Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. Before the beginning the
0–1 y 1–5 y 5–10 y 10–15 y Total research project was submitted to the Ethical Committee of the
Hospital that is linked to the Brazilian Federal Government. All
AP/PA 48 58 34 26 166
patient's parents received instructions and gave the approval
LAT 34 47 29 25 135
about the survey.

Fig. 1. Weight and thickness of patients who underwent AP/PA examinations.

Please cite this article as: Porto, L., et al., Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma in pediatric chest radiography. Radiat. Phys. Chem.
L. Porto et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 3

Fig. 2. Weight and thickness of patients who underwent LAT examinations.

In this study, 301 X-ray examinations (166 AP/PA projections The X-ray equipment used was a GE Medical Systems model
and 135 LAT projections) of pediatric patients were acquired. Only AL01F-Proteus XR/a, type 2261765, with 3 mm Al total beam
films that were considered diagnostic by the radiographer were filtration and 400-speed screen-film receptor. A Potter– Bucky
accepted for this study. The patients were divided into age groups grid was used for the 1–5 y, 5–10 y and 10–15 y children and no
of 0–1 y, 1–5 y, 5–10 y, and 10–15 y. Table 1 shows the number of grid was used for the group 0–1 y.
examinations by projection type for each age group. In order to obtain the ESAK with DoseCal software, the radiation
For each examination, patient characteristics important for outputs of the X-ray tube for different tube voltages were measured
X-ray radiography were recorded (Figs. 1 and 2). using an ionization chamber (Model 10  5–6, Radcal Corp.) with
The radiological protocols used, including tube voltage (kV), 6 cm3 of sensitive volume. The ionization chamber was connected to
current-time product (mAs), and focus-surface distance (FSD), are an electrometer and was placed 25 cm from the table top in order to
shown in Figs. 3 and 4. prevent inaccurate readings caused by backscatter and 100 cm from

Please cite this article as: Porto, L., et al., Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma in pediatric chest radiography. Radiat. Phys. Chem.
4 L. Porto et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎

Fig. 3. Tube voltage, current–time product, and focus–surface distance used for examinations in AP/PA projection.

the X-ray focus. Exposures were taken and the output recorded for In some of the examinations (26 patients) TLD-100 were also
different mAs values throughout the tube potential range from 40 to used, placed with adhesive tape on the skin of the patient at the
90 kV in 5 kV increments. center of the field. Fig. 5 shows a dosimeter attached to a child
The doses were evaluated using a DoseCal software, developed with adhesive tape. After irradiation, the dosimeters were sent to
by the Radiological Protection Center of Saint George's Hospital, the Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Laboratory of the Dosimetry
London. The outputs from the X-ray equipment were used as input and Nuclear Instrumentation Group of the Nuclear Energy Depart-
parameters for DoseCal. The program performs a simulation of the ment of the Federal University of Pernambuco (GDOIN-DEN/UFPE).
dose received by the patient, taking into account variations in The readings of the TLDs were made in a Victoreen reader model
parameters provided by the ionization chamber and the values of 2800M. The results in nC were converted into μGy using the
kV, mAs, the focus-skin distance used in each examination, and calibration curve obtained earlier. One pair of dosimeters was used
the backscattering factor. The software uses the following equation in each examination, and the mean value and corresponding error
to calculate the ESAK: were calculated. One pair of dosimeters from a set was not
   irradiated and was used to evaluate the background.
Ka kV cal dcal
ESAK ¼ mAs ðBSFtable þ 1Þ In addition, 2 different techniques used in the hospital were
mAscal kV d
investigated. Both the techniques were applied by the same group
where Ka is the air kerma value measured with the ionization of operators. Initially Technique 1 was used and then it was changed
chamber at kVcal and mAscal; dcal is equal to 100 cm. The overall to satisfy the recommendations of European Communities (1996).
uncertainty of the ESAK values was better than 15%. The difference between the techniques results from a reduction in

Please cite this article as: Porto, L., et al., Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma in pediatric chest radiography. Radiat. Phys. Chem.
L. Porto et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 5

Fig. 4. Tube voltage, current–time product, and focus–surface distance used for examinations in LAT projection.

the current–time product and a corresponding increase in tube Figs. 3 and 4 and Table 4 show no significant difference in mAs and
voltage. Tables 2 and 3 show the exposure parameters for these FSD values between these projections. Therefore the main reason
techniques. for such result is the difference in tube potential used.
In AP/PA projection, 56 and 38 examinations were performed Very small differences were observed between the average
with Techniques 1 and 2, respectively. In LAT projection, 44 dose values for different age ranges. In the case of AP/PA projec-
and 38 examinations were performed with Techniques 1 and 2, tion, the maximum of the dose distribution migrates towards
respectively. higher doses with increasing age, but a large “tail” is observed in
the region of high doses for age ranges 0–1 y and 1–5 y. The same
“tail” is also observed in LAT projections, but in this case there is
3. Results and discussion no change in the position of the maximum distribution .
The obtained results triggered a detailed analysis of the
A comparison of the ESAKs calculated with DoseCal software exposure parameters utilized. Tables 2 and 3 show that with
and measured using TLDs showed that the difference between Technique 1 all age ranges in LAT projections and age ranges
them is not greater than 15%. 0–1 y and 1–5 y in AP/PA projections had tube voltage values
Figs. 6 and 7 show the ESAK of chest X-rays in pediatric somewhat lower than the values of 60–80 kV recommended
examinations performed in AP/PA and LAT projections for different by the European Guidelines on Quality Criteria for Diagnostic
patient age ranges. The dose received by patients in LAT examina- Radiographic Images in Paediatrics (European Communities,
tions was 40% higher, on average, than in AP/PA examinations. 1996). Technique 2 increases the tube voltage by 10–30% with a

Please cite this article as: Porto, L., et al., Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma in pediatric chest radiography. Radiat. Phys. Chem.
6 L. Porto et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎

simultaneous decrease in the current-tube product by a factor until 8 y of age because there is no significant scattering. Another
of 2. factor is that radiographic voltage can still be increased with
Fig. 8 shows the mean ESAK values obtained in each patient appropriate decreases in the current–time product.
group using the 2 techniques. The higher tube voltage and lower Comparison of our results with the investigations of the screen
current–time product contributed to a reduction in ESAK values. film radiography practice carried out earlier in Brazil (Lacerda
Usage of Technique 1 leads to the appearance of a high dose “tail” et al., 2008) and with the other investigations mentioned there
in Figs. 6 and 7. shows that the doses obtained in the case of Technique 2 coincide
Although Technique 2 reduces dose, Fig. 8 shows that it with the best results. The same conclusion can be made by
produces almost the same dose in different age ranges despite analyzing the latter research in Brasil (Mohamadain and
significant differences in patient thickness (Figs. 1 and 2). These Azevedo, 2009).
results show that the exposure techniques are still not optimal. Recently the survey of the hospital practice in screen film
The inappropriate use of anti-scatter grids may be one of the radiography has been made in eight general radiography hospitals
factors that increased ESAK because it requires higher radiation of Sudan (Suliman and Elawed, 2013). For all age groups except
intensity. According the European Guidelines (European 0–1group children, the lowest doses observed in this survey are
Communities, 1996) a grid is not required for chest radiography about two times higher than ours for the Technique 2. In the case
of the 0–1 group, they are similar.
According to European Guidelines (European Communities,
1996) the ESAK reference values for AP and PA projections for
chest radiography in children are 50 μGy for neonates and 1-y-old
infants, 70 μGy for 5-y-old children, and 120 μGy for 10-y-old
children. Practically the same DRL values were established in
United Kingdom and Austria (UNSCEAR, 2013). Results obtained
using Technique 2 satisfies these requirements.

4. Conclusion

The doses received by patients undergoing LAT examinations

were 40% higher, on average, than in AP/PA examinations because
of the difference in tube potential used. A large high-dose “tail”
was observed for children up to 5 y of age. An increase in tube
voltage with a corresponding decrease in current leads to sig-
nificant dose reduction. A statistically significant difference was
not observed between the average dose values in different age
ranges, implying that exposure techniques are still not optimal.
Fig. 5. Dosimeter attached with an adhesive tape to a child being prepared for a Exposure doses received using the high kV and low mAs technique
radiologic examination (PA projection). correspond to the international DLRs.

Table 2
Tube potential, current–time product, and focus–surface distance used for examinations in AP/PA projections.

kVp mAs FSD

Technique 1 Technique 2 Technique 1 Technique 2 Technique 1 Technique 2

Mean Stand. dev Mean Stand. dev. Mean Stand. Dev. Mean Stand. Dev. Mean Stand. Dev. Mean Stand. Dev.

0–1 y 51.9 70.7 0.9 55.0 74.8 9.7 3.20 7 0.03 0.16 1.517 0.11 0.23 987 3 9 1087 23 45
1–5 y 53.6 70.5 2.0 62.5 72.1 9.2 3.20 7 0.03 0.16 1.577 0.03 0.12 1247 8 35 1547 10 43
5–10 y 70.1 71.8 6.5 65.6 71.9 5.3 3.20 7 0.03 0.16 1.63 7 0.02 0.07 1627 4 14 1697 5 13
10–15 y 71.5 71.2 4.5 71.7 71.8 4.4 3.20 7 0.03 0.16 1.60 7 0.03 0.08 1627 4 14 166 7 4 9

Table 3
Tube potential, current-time product, and focus-surface distance used for LAT projection examinations.

kVp mAs FSD

Technique 1 Technique 2 Technique 1 Technique 2 Technique 1 Technique 2

Mean Stand. dev. Mean Mean Stand. dev. Mean Stand dev. Mean Mean Stand. dev.

0–1 y 56.1 70.7 1.9 59.8 7 4.0 8.0 3.20 7 0.03 0.16 1.707 0.13 0.26 97 73 10 1077 21 42
1–5 y 60.1 71.7 5.2 71.17 2.8 12.0 3.20 7 0.03 0.16 1.647 0.03 0.14 124 713 41 1497 9 41
5–10 y 59.4 71.2 5.0 75.17 1.3 3.6 3.20 7 0.03 0.16 1.647 0.02 0.06 166 73 10 1627 5 13
10–15 y 59.7 70.8 2.9 83.9 7 1.3 3.6 3.20 7 0.03 0.16 1.60 7 0.03 0.08 165 73 11 1627 1 4

Please cite this article as: Porto, L., et al., Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma in pediatric chest radiography. Radiat. Phys. Chem.
L. Porto et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 7

Fig. 7. ESAK in LAT projection examinations.

Fig. 6. ESAK in AP/PA projection examinations.

Please cite this article as: Porto, L., et al., Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma in pediatric chest radiography. Radiat. Phys. Chem.
8 L. Porto et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎

Table 4
Basic characteristics of the distributions of tube potential, current-time product, focus-surface distance and ESAK.



Mean St. dev. Mean St. dev. Mean St. dev. Mean St. dev. Mean St. dev. Mean St. dev. Mean St. dev. Mean St. dev.

0–1 y 48 7 1 5 557 1 6 2.17 0.1 0.5 2.2 70.1 0.6 857 4 25 877 4 23 597 6 43 817 9 51
1–5 y 587 1 8 677 2 11 2.2 7 0.1 0.7 2.1 70.1 0.6 1377 5 38 1327 5 38 477 4 33 617 5 35
5–10 y 617 1 7 727 1 8 2.8 7 0.2 1.4 2.8 70.3 1.4 1597 3 17 153þ 4 20 417 3 17 687 6 32
10–15 y 64 7 28 9 777 2 9 2.7 7 0.2 1.0 2.8 70.2 1.2 1587 5 28 1587 3 16 55þ 11 56 807 11 53

Fig. 8. Mean ESAK values obtained in patients by age. The solid line is for Technique 1; the dashed line is for Technique 2. a and b represent AP/PA and LAT projections,

Huda, W., Nickoloff, E.L., Boone, J.M., 2008. Overview of patient dosimetry in
Acknowledgments diagnostic radiology in the USA for the past 50 years. Med. Phys. 35 (12),
ICRP, 2013. ICRP publication 121: radiological protection in paediatric diagnostic
The authors would like to thank the Radiological Protection and interventional radiology. Ann. ICRP 42 (2), 1–63.
Center of Saint George's Hospital, in London for the DoseCal Lacerda, M.A.S., Silva, T.A., Khoury, H.J., 2008. Assessment of dosimetric quantities
software and CAPES, CNPq, and Fundação Araucária for financial for patients undergoing X-ray examinations in a large public hospital in Brazil—
support. a preliminary study. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 132, 73–79.
Mohamadain, K.E.M., Azevedo, A.C.P., 2009. Radiation dose survey in conventional
pediatric radiology. J. Sci. Technol. 10 (2), 175–184.
References Suliman, I.I., Elawed, S.O., 2013. Radiation dose measurements for optimisation of
chest X-ray examinations of children in general radiography hospitals. Rad.
Prot. Dosim. 156, 310–314.
Azevedo, A.C.P., Osibote, O.A., Boechat, M.C.B., 2006. Paediatric x-ray examinations UNSCEAR, 2013. Effect of radiation exposure of children. United Nations, New York,
in Rio de Janeiro. Phys. Med. Biol. 51, 3723–3732.
NY (Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation. United Nations Scientific
European Communities, European Guidelines on Quality Criteria for Diagnostic
Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. Report. Vol. II)
Radiographic Images in Paediatrics, Office for Official Publications of the
European Communities, 1996.

Please cite this article as: Porto, L., et al., Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma in pediatric chest radiography. Radiat. Phys. Chem.

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