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Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect 56
Clinical Nutrition 59
journal homepage: 61
ESPEN Endorsed Recommendation 64
1 Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert 66
2 67
3 Q8 groups 68
4 69
5 Q7 Loris Pironi a, *, Olivier Corcos b, Alastair Forbes c, Mette Holst d, Francisca Joly e, 70
Cora Jonkers f, Stanislaw Klek g, Simon Lal h, Annika Reintam Blaser i, j, Katie E. Rollins k, 71
8 Anna S. Sasdelli a, Jon Schaffer h, Andre Van Gossum l, Geert Wanten m, Chiara Zanfi n, 72
9 Dileep N. Lobo j, on behalf of the ESPEN Acute and Chronic Intestinal Failure Special 74
10 Interest Groups1 75
11 a 76
Center for Chronic Intestinal Failure, Department of Digestive System, St. Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna, Italy
12 b
Intestinal Stroke Center (SURVI)/ Gastroenterology, IBD and Nutrition Support Department, Beaujon Hospital, and Laboratory for Vascular Translational 77
13 Science UMR 1148, University Paris VII, France 78
14 Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Bob Champion Building, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR4 7UQ, UK 79
15 Center for Nutrition and Bowel Disease, Department of Gastroenterology, Aalborg University Hospital and Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg
University, Denmark
16 e 81
Gastroenterology, IBD and Nutrition Support Department, Beaujon Hospital, and Gastrointestinal and Metabolic Dysfunctions in Nutritional Pathologies
17 UMR 1149, University Paris VII, France 82
18 f
Amsterdam University Medical Center, Location AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 83
19 Stanley Dudrick's Memorial Hospital, General Surgery Unit with Intestinal Failure Center, Skawina, Poland
20 Intestinal Failure Unit, Salford Royal & Manchester University, Manchester, UK
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
21 j
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital, Lucerne, Switzerland 86
22 k
Gastrointestinal Surgery, Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre, 87
23 Nottingham University Hospitals and University of Nottingham, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK 88
24 Clinic of Intestinal Diseases and Nutritional Support, Hopital Erasme, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
m 89
Intestinal Failure Unit, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
25 n 90
Q2 Department of Organ Failure and Transplantation, Sant'Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna, Italy
26 91
27 92
28 93
a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y
30 Article history: 95
31 Background & aims: Intestinal failure (IF) is defined as “the reduction of gut function below the minimum
Received 26 July 2018
necessary for the absorption of macronutrients and/or water and electrolytes, such that intravenous
32 Accepted 30 July 2018 97
supplementation is required to maintain health and/or growth”. Functionally, it may be classified as type
33 98
I acute intestinal failure (AIF), type II prolonged AIF and type III chronic intestinal failure (CIF) The ESPEN
34 Keywords:
Workshop on IF was held in Bologna, Italy, on 15e16 October 2017 and the aims of this document were to 99
35 Intestinal failure
Short bowel syndrome highlight the current state of the art and future directions for research in IF. 100
36 Definitions Methods: This paper represents the opinion of experts in the field, based on current evidence. It is not a 101
37 Management formal review, but encompasses the current evidence, with emphasis on epidemiology, classification, 102
38 Acute diagnosis and management. 103
39 Chronic Results: IF is the rarest form of organ failure and can result from a variety of conditions that affect 104
40 gastrointestinal anatomy and function adversely. Assessment, diagnosis, and short and long-term
41 management involves a multidisciplinary team with diverse expertise in the field that aims to reduce
42 complications, increase life expectancy and improve quality of life in patients.
Conclusions: Both AIF and CIF are relatively rare conditions and most of the published work presents
43 108
evidence from small, single-centre studies. Much remains to be investigated to improve the diagnosis
44 109
and management of IF and future studies should rely on multidisciplinary, multicentre and multinational
45 collaborations that gather data from large cohorts of patients. Emphasis should also be placed on 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
* Corresponding author. Fax: þ39 051 6363073.
49 E-mail address: (L. Pironi). 114
50 1
ESPEN Acute and Chronic Intestinal Failure Special Interest Groups: The following members of the ESPEN Acute and Chronic Intestinal Failure Special Interest Groups 115
51 participated in the workshop as discussants and chairman: Rosa Burgos Pelaez, Cristina Cuerda, Simon Gabe, Luca Gianotti, Oivind Irtun, Darlene Kelly, Marina Panisic, Henrik
Rasmussen, Stephane Schneider, Kinga Szczapanek, Michael Staun, Ronan Thibault.
52 117
53 118
54 0261-5614/© 2018 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 119

Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition
YCLNU3570_proof ■ 24 August 2018 ■ 2/12

2 L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12

1 partnership with patients, carers and government agencies in order to improve the quality of research 66
2 that focuses on patient-centred outcomes that will help to improve both outcomes and quality of life in 67
patients with this devastating condition.
3 68
© 2018 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
4 69
5 70
6 71
7 72
8 73
9 74
10 75
11 List of abbreviations i3 intestinal ischaemic injury 76
12 ICD International Classification of Disease 77
13 ACS abdominal compartment syndrome IF intestinal failure 78
14 AGI acute gastrointestinal Iinjury IFALD intestinal failure associated liver disease 79
15 AIF acute intestinal failure IFU intestinal failure unit 80
16 AGIRS autologous gastrointestinal reconstructive surgery ITx intestinal transplantation 81
17 BAPEN British Association of Parenteral and Enteral IVS intravenous supplementation 82
18 Nutrition LILT longitudinal intestinal lengthening 83
19 BSPGHAN British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and MDT multi-disciplinary teams 84
20 Nutrition MODS multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 85
21 CIF chronic Intestinal failure (CIF) NST nutrition support team 86
22 CRBSI catheter related bloodstream infection PYY peptide YY 87
23 CVC central venous catheter SBS short bowel syndrome 88
24 ESICM European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) SCFA short chain fatty acids 89
25 ESPEN European Society for Clinical Nutrition and SILT spiral intestinal lengthening and tailoring 90
26 Metabolism SIRS systemic inflammatory response syndrome 91
27 GLP glucagon-like peptide STEP serial transverse enteroplasty 92
28 HAN home artificial nutrition TNP topical negative pressure 93
29 HPN home parenteral nutrition WGAP Working Group on Abdominal Problems 94
30 95
31 96
32 97
33 98
34 1. Introduction The 2015 data collection for the ESPEN “CIF Action Day” data- 99
35 base, included 2919 adult patients with benign CIF from 65 HPN 100
36 Intestinal failure (IF) is defined as “the reduction of gut function centers from 22 countries and gave an updated picture of the 101
37 below the minimum necessary for the absorption of macronutri- mechanisms and the underlying diseases of CIF [6]. Short bowel 102
38 ents and/or water and electrolytes, such that intravenous supple- syndrome (SBS) was the most frequent pathophysiological mech- 103
39 mentation (IVS) is required to maintain health and/or growth” [1]. anism of CIF (64.3%): 36.8% had an end jejunostomy and the 104
40 According to functional criteria it is classified as type I acute in- remaining had part (19.9%) or all of the colon (5.9%) in continuity. 105
41 testinal failure (AIF), type II prolonged AIF and type III chronic in- Intestinal dysmotility was present in 17.5% of cases, intestinal 106
42 testinal failure (CIF) [1]. It may be due to one or more of five major fistulae in 7.0%, mechanical obstruction in 4.4% and extensive 107
43 pathophysiological mechanisms that may originate from various mucosal disease in 6.8%. The most frequent underlying disease was 108
44 gastrointestinal or systemic, congenital or acquired, benign or Crohn's disease (22.4%), followed by mesenteric ischaemia (17.7%), 109
45 malignant diseases. A clinical classification of CIF has been devised surgical complications (15.8%), primary chronic intestinal pseudo- 110
46 on the basis of the IVS requirements [1] (Box 1). The ESPEN obstruction (9.7%) and radiation enteritis (7.3%). Furthermore, the 111
47 Workshop on IF was held in Bologna, Italy, on 15e16 October 2017 data indicated that IVS reflects loss of intestinal function better 112
48 focused on IF due to benign disease. than energy requirements and allowed formulation of the simpli- 113
49 fied revision of the formerly proposed 16-category clinical classi- 114
50 fication of CIF [6]. Strategies to have constantly updated data on 115
51 2. Epidemiology incidence and prevalence of AIF and CIF are required to allow 116
52 adequate allocation of resources from the healthcare systems. 117
53 The only available data on the type II-prolonged AIF were pro- 118
54 vided by a British study in 2006, which estimated an annual inci- 3. Identification of intestinal failure 119
55 dence of 9 patients per million population [2]. Surgical 120
56 complications (32%), Crohn's disease (21%), motility disorders IF is the rarest type of organ failure. Although publications on 121
57 (14%), intestinal ischaemia (13%) and malignancy (8%) were the “intestinal failure” appear in PubMed from 1980, IF is not yet 122
58 main underlying causes [2]. included in the list of MeSH terms [7]. In 2013, CIF due to benign 123
59 The epidemiology of CIF is based on the data from home disease has been included in the ORPHANET list of rare disease 124
60 parenteral nutrition (HPN) which often include patients with either (ORPHA:294422) [8]. In addition, CIF is not yet recognized in the 125
61 benign or malignant diseases. In Europe, the prevalence of HPN for International Classification of Disease (ICD) and is not supported 126
62 CIF has been estimated to range from 5 to 80 per million popula- uniformly by national health care services [9]. Strategies to identify 127
63 tion, with the incidence ranging from 7.7 to 15 IF/HPN patients/ IF are warranted to allow national healthcare systems to devise 128
64 million inhabitants/year [1,3e5]. Around 10% of patients were in appropriate regulations and structures (i.e.: hospital units, multi- 129
65 the paediatric age group [1,3e5]. professional teams) for the management of IF. 130

Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition
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L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12 3

1 4. Multidisciplinary management of intestinal failure intestinal injury secondary to a vascular insufficiency, can be pre- 66
2 sent in the type I and type II ESPEN functional classification of AIF, 67
3 The aims of management of patients with IF are to provide IVS, as well as in grades I to IV of AGI. The vascular insufficiency can be 68
4 to reduce the severity of IF, to prevent and treat complications, occlusive (arterial/venous from thrombosis, embolus, dissection, 69
5 including those related to the underlying disease, IF itself or its trauma, tumoral invasion) or non-occlusive (low cardiac output, 70
6 treatments, and to achieve good quality of life for patients [10]. decreased blood pressure, vasoconstriction, venous stasis). The 71
7 Multi-disciplinary teams (MDT) are the key to successful man- intestinal injury occurs at different degrees of depth (superficial 72
8 agement of IF. This was proposed by Nehme [11] in 1980, after versus transmural), and at different stages of progression (early/ 73
9 finding that patients requiring IVS who were organised, supported late, reversible/non reversible, necrotic/non-necrotic). Early and 74
10 and managed by a nutrition support team (NST) were less likely to superficial i3 can be reversible whereas late, necrotic and trans- 75
11 develop catheter related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) at 24 mural i3 are irreversible [17e20]. The loss of the intestinal barrier 76
12 months than those managed by a variety of physicians (1.3% versus function and translocation of luminal contents are the cornerstone 77
13 26.2%). of deterioration and lead to a local, regional and then systemic 78
14 The earliest establishment of HPN was as an extension of hos- inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and multiple organ 79
15 pital care provided by the team that cared for the patient whilst in dysfunction syndrome (MODS). 80
16 hospital. This was not universal, was frequently driven by a limited A gut and lifesaving multimodal strategy has been proposed 81
17 number of people and required thorough succession planning to [18], including a wide range of specialists for the management of i3 82
18 ensure longevity [12]. (Box 2). Following the diagnosis of acute i3 a multimodal protocol 83
19 In the USA, intestinal care centres were established to provide should be implemented. If the patient is in the early stages of 84
20 intestinal rehabilitation, but these were mostly focused upon CIF ischaemia then radiological revascularisation is generally recom- 85
21 for weaning off HPN, reducing complications and preparing pa- mended, with surgical revascularisation if necessary. In the late and 86
22 tients for intestinal transplantation (ITx) [13]. irreversible phases, surgical revascularisation and intestinal resec- 87
23 The concept of AIF, however, is a more recent one, which has tion are the mainstays of management. In a pilot study, patients 88
24 brought with it the idea of a specialised intestinal failure unit (IFU) managed using this multimodal management strategy had a 95% 89
25 where specialist care is focused in one particular ward or area survival at 30 days, with mean lengths of intestinal resection of 90
26 [2,14]. The main aims of these IFUs are to provide consistency of 30 cm and 207 cm, with or without revascularisation respectively 91
27 expert care for safe IVS and catheter care to minimise rates of CRBSI, [18]. Recently in the dedicated intestinal stroke center (SURVI) an 92
28 maintain accurate fluid balance, provide stoma and wound care, overall survival of 86% and intestinal resection rates of 27% have 93
29 distal feeding (enteroclysis) and psychological care, all from highly been reported [21]. 94
30 trained and specialised nurses. A full range of specialists should be 95
31 available at these IFUs, including constant ‘expert’ medical and 96
5.3. Nutrition therapy and fluid and electrolyte balance
32 surgical care, dieticians, pharmacists, psychologists/psychiatrists 97
33 and interventional radiologists, with admission of patients for 98
In the management of AIF, there exist different phases, directed
34 purely IF-related issues. There is evidence that such specialised 99
to achievement of different goals (Fig. 1). Throughout the course,
35 IFUs, providing a skilled MDT, reduce complication rates and mor- 100
both hypo- and hyper-volaemia should be avoided. In the initial
36 tality [2,12]. 101
unstable and acute phase of illness capillary leak is observed
37 102
which leads to hypovolaemia and resultant tissue oedema. There
38 5. Acute intestinal failure 103
are no clear surrogate markers to quantify the magnitude of the
39 104
fluid shift, whereas prolonged hypovolaemia is known to aggra-
40 5.1. Assessment of type II prolonged-acute intestinal failure 105
vate capillary leak. Excessive fluid infusion and hypervolaemia
41 106
result in bowel oedema, which is more pronounced in injured
42 The ESPEN classification of AIF is based primarily on duration 107
bowel. This hampers local transport of oxygen and nutrients and
43 and does not comprise any severity categorization. As organ 108
impairs anastomotic healing [22e24]. A number of mechanisms
44 dysfunction in critical illness is commonly graded according to 109
influence the occurrence of bowel oedema: capillary leak
45 severity, the Working Group on Abdominal Problems (WGAP) of 110
46 the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), proposed 111
47 four grades of Acute Gastrointestinal Injury (AGI), based on motility 112
48 disorders leading to intolerance of enteral nutrition and progress- 113
49 ing to gastrointestinal injury [15]. The ESPEN type I-AIF could be 114
50 associated with AGI grade I due to impaired gastrointestinal 115
51 motility, whereas the type II-prolonged AIF could be associated 116
52 with AGI grades II to IV, due to impaired gastrointestinal motility 117
53 progressing to gastrointestinal mucosal injury, with clear mucosal 118
54 injury (e.g. bowel ischaemia and necrosis) seen in AGI Grade IV. 119
55 Evaluation of gastrointestinal function in AIF is mainly based on 120
56 bedside clinical assessment, which is largely subjective and not 121
57 well reproducible, whereas searches for specific marker(s) allowing 122
58 dynamic evaluation are continuing [16]. 123
59 124
60 5.2. Intestinal ischemic injury as a cause of acute intestinal failure 125
61 126
62 Aside from these classifications of AIF, the concept of acute in- 127
63 testinal ischemic injury (i3) has been proposed to standardize and 128
64 organize a management pathway that can be extended to all AIF, 129
65 whatever the mechanisms [17]. Acute i3, defined as an acute Fig. 1. Phases of intestinal failure evolution. 130

Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition
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4 L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12

1 precipitated by inflammation; increased hydrostatic pressure ongoing evaluation of efficacy or additional treatment if the high 66
2 from hypervolaemia; increased mesenteric venous pressure due output continues [32e34]. 67
3 to mechanical ventilation, increased intra-abdominal pressure or It is particularly important that patients who require monitoring 68
4 right heart failure; low oncotic pressure resulting from hypo- are identified correctly, and that the fluid balance charts are 69
5 albuminaemia; impaired intestinal lymph flow due to impaired completed accurately, including drain(s) and stoma outputs. 70
6 bowel motility, increased intra-abdominal pressure and me- Explaining to the patient the reasoning behind fluid restriction has 71
7 chanical ventilation. also been shown to improve compliance. Careful observation is 72
8 Initial fluid administration aims to achieve haemodynamic, recommended, including a measure of size, appearance, function 73
9 tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery goals. Severe hypovolaemia and separation between the stoma and skin surrounding the stoma. 74
10 should be avoided as this leads to severe vasoconstriction and A range of appliances is available for expert management of com- 75
11 activation of the pro-inflammatory cascade. Once hypovolaemia plex stoma and fistulae to maintain skin integrity and minimise 76
12 has been corrected, vasodilation commonly occurs and should be leakage. 77
13 treated with vasopressors rather than additional fluids. At the Laparotomy wounds require an individualised treatment plan 78
14 same time, treating severe hypovolaemia with vasopressors is describing the surface of the wound, including: length, width, 79
15 harmful and achieved normal blood pressure does not indicate depth, eventual undermining or granulation and surrounding skin. 80
16 adequate tissue perfusion. Balanced crystalloids should be used in Stomas and wounds must be separated, in order to secure proper 81
17 initial resuscitation. Synthetic colloids may expand the intravas- healing and reduce infections. As for stomas, a variety of appliances 82
18 cular volume more effectively, but have been associated with for wound management exist. The stoma and wound care nurse 83
19 renal dysfunction [25]. Replacement of fluids in a later stable specialist must stock a variety of the necessary products and be 84
20 phase can usually be guided by measured fluid losses and aim for familiar with their use. Topical negative pressure (TNP) may be 85
21 normal distribution of body water, not only expansion of plasma used for large wounds or when undermining is more than 5 cm. It 86
22 volume. may also be used, when drainage of the wound is desired, and 87
23 In terms of nutritional support, the preferred hierarchy gener- where the wound healing is not progressing. TNP is contraindicated 88
24 ally ranges from oral intake to gastric then jejunal nutrition to in wounds with necrotic tissue, and in those with visible blood 89
25 parenteral nutrition. Oral intake is not adequate in most critically ill vessels [35]. 90
26 patients and may carry the risk of aspiration. In the acute phase, Fluid restriction carries a risk of oral cavity problems such as 91
27 early nutrition aiming to meet the patient's full caloric re- mouth sores, xerostomia, thick saliva and fungal infection. 92
28 quirements is harmful, but the optimal amount of calories and Evidence-based oral care, in the form of chlorhexidine mouthwash, 93
29 protein necessary in this early stage is not well established. glycerol products, crushed ice, and lip care, may reduce the risk of 94
30 Parenteral nutrition should be considered if enteral nutrition is not aspiration pneumonia [36]. 95
31 established within one week. Feeding via the enteral route is 96
32 preferable as it may prevent mucosal atrophy and help preserve the 97
33 microbiome, but it is difficult to monitor malabsorption in this 5.5. Prevention and management of sepsis 98
34 setting. A combined feeding strategy such as oral and enteral or 99
35 enteral and parenteral nutrition is, however, known to increase the Sepsis is the leading cause of death in AIF. Sepsis may originate 100
36 risk of overfeeding [26]. Contraindications to enteral feeding are from the abdominal cavity, be caused by bacterial translocation 101
37 summarized elsewhere [27]. In patients with high output fistulae or (e.g. in case of severe bowel distension, subacute bowel ischemia 102
38 stoma and achievable distal access, a chyme reinfusion (enter- without perforation, etc.), a CRBSI or extraabdominal causes (such 103
39 oclysis) should be considered [28]. as pneumonia or urinary tract infection). Sepsis can present with a 104
40 Electrolyte balance is also crucial in the management of AIF, wide spectrum of symptoms/signs including impairment of 105
41 particularly as low concentrations of potassium, magnesium and gastrointestinal or hepatic function, fluid retention and oedema, 106
42 phosphate are associated with impaired bowel motility [29] and fever, increased metabolic demand and impaired fuel utilisation, 107
43 development of the refeeding syndrome [30]. In case of ileus, high- insulin resistance and failure to thrive [2]. Abnormal laboratory 108
44 normal concentrations of these electrolytes could be beneficial, but parameters include elevated C-reactive protein and leucocyte 109
45 evidence proving such benefit is lacking. Electrolyte concentrations counts, hypoalbuminemia, hyponatraemia and abnormalities in 110
46 should be monitored closely, particularly in the setting of insulin liver function tests. However, clinical signs may be absent in up to 111
47 administration, which may shift potassium, magnesium and 50% of patients, particularly in the severely malnourished [37]. 112
48 phosphate from the extracellular to the intracellular compartment, Diagnostic modalities include CT scanning which has an accuracy 113
49 and lead to overt refeeding syndrome. Losses are frequently un- exceeding 95% and may provide a therapeutic as well as diagnostic 114
50 predictable in AIF, and an intimate understanding of the site of opportunity, ultrasound, MRI, radionucleotide studies and fluo- 115
51 absorption of fluids, electrolytes and nutrients is the key enable roscopy. These imaging modalities should be supported by cul- 116
52 anticipation of the impact of resection or bypassed areas of the tures from peripheral veins and any indwelling lines, urine and 117
53 gastrointestinal tract. wound swabs, chest imaging, and a thorough search should be 118
54 made to identify a source of sepsis [2,14]. In the setting of a proven 119
55 intra-abdominal collection, a minimally invasive approach is 120
56 recommended in an expedient manner, in the form of either CT or 121
57 5.4. Stoma and wound care ultrasound-guided drainage, via percutaneous or alternative 122
58 routes (e.g. trans-gastric, trans-gluteal, trans-rectal or trans- 123
59 High output stomas including enterocutaneous fistulae and vaginal. This should be supplemented by antibiotic therapy 124
60 complex ostomies as related to type II-prolonged AIF are associated which should be guided by microbiological review of cultures. 125
61 with negative outcomes [31]. Protocols exist for the management of Should a minimally invasive route not be an option, surgical 126
62 high output stomas, including detection and treatment of the un- drainage is indicated. 127
63 derlying cause, reduction of fluid and electrolyte losses, optimisa- Control of sepsis is the primary objective in the management of 128
64 tion with anti-secretory and anti-diarrhoeal medication and AIF and some centers use acronyms such as SOWATS (sepsis 129
65 130

Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition
YCLNU3570_proof ■ 24 August 2018 ■ 5/12

L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12 5

1 control, optimisation of nutritional status, wound care, anatomy of gastrointestinal hormonal secretion (GLP-1, GLP-2 and PYY) 66
2 the bowel and the fistula, timing of surgery, surgical planning) [37] [38,41,43], development of hyperphagia [44] primarily stimulated 67
3 and SNAP (Sepsis-Nutrition-Anatomy-Plan) [14] which help navi- by an increased secretion of the orexinogenic gut hormone, ghrelin 68
4 gate treatment pathways. [45], and alteration of the gut microbiota with a higher prevalence 69
5 of Lactobacillus and a fewer anaerobes (Clostridium leptum and 70
6 6. Chronic intestinal failure Bacteroides spp.) [46] and an accumulation of faecal d/l-lactate in 71
7 some patients [47]. These changes are stimulated by intraluminal 72
8 6.1. Short bowel syndrome: spontaneous and induced intestinal nutrients and pancreatico-biliary secretions and are highly variable 73
9 adaptation after resection and unique to each patient. 74
10 The ESPEN guidelines additionally describe induced intestinal 75
11 Short bowel syndrome is the most frequent pathophysiological adaptation based on dietary counseling, oral rehydration solution 76
12 mechanism of CIF in adults [6]. A functional small bowel <200 cm and drugs to slow gastrointestinal transit and decrease intestinal 77
13 affords an accepted anatomical definition of short bowel in adults, secretion, as well as antibiotics to treat intestinal bacterial over- 78
14 but some authors prefer to limit the term to patients with <150 cm growth, when this occurs [12]. Patients are advised a hypercaloric 79
15 [1]. The incidence of SBS is about 2 per million per year and the diet, divided into 5e6 meals. Simple sugars should always be 80
16 prevalence about 20 per million [38], however, the exact epide- limited, lipids limited when colon is in continuity, and fibre limited 81
17 miology is not known. when there is an end jejunostomy. Hypo-osmolar low-sodium 82
18 SBS is categorized into three types: a) end-jejunostomy (SBS-J); fluids should be avoided because they increase intestinal losses. 83
19 b) jejunocolic anastomosis, where the remnant jejunum is in con- The consumption of 500e1000 ml/day of oral rehydration solution 84
20 tinuity with part of the colon, most frequently left colon (SBS-JC); c) according to the World Health Organization formula may favour 85
21 jejuno-ileal anastomosis with ileo-caecal valve and the intact colon intestinal absorption of water and electrolytes. Proton pump in- 86
22 in continuity (SBS-JIC) [38,39]. hibitors at full dosage can reduce intestinal fluid losses by 87
23 Pathophysiologically, SBS can be classified into two subgroups, decreasing gastric secretion. Loperamide and codeine phosphate 88
24 those with intact colon or part of it in continuity and those without slow intestinal transit safely. Octreotide decreases gastrointestinal 89
25 colon in continuity [38e40]. These subgroups differ in three key secretion and slows gastrointestinal motility, and can be useful in 90
26 characteristics: intestinal water and sodium absorption, gastroin- individual patients for a short time. This “conventional” therapy for 91
27 testinal hormone secretion and energy absorption from short chain SBS is, however, supported by very few studies [12]. 92
28 fatty acid (SCFA) produced by the colon microbiota. The probability of weaning a patient from HPN with the com- 93
29 Gastrointestinal secretion is about 9 liters/day, with water and bination of spontaneous intestinal adaptation, dietary counselling 94
30 electrolyte absorption occurring predominantly in the distal small and conventional therapy depends on the length, integrity and 95
31 bowel and colon. Furthermore, in the jejunum, the intracellular anatomy of the residual bowel in continuity. The minimum small 96
32 tight junctions are relatively weak, and sodium absorption is bowel length for independence from PN has been reported to be 97
33 coupled with the absorption of glucose (solvent drag) and occurs 35 cm in SBS-JIC, 60 cm in SBS-JC and 115 cm in SBS-J [48], provided 98
34 only against a concentration gradient. These mechanisms ensure that the remnant bowel is healthy, but CIF and HPN dependence 99
35 rapid iso-osmolarity of the jejunal contents: hypertonic fluids cause may occur when longer remnants (e.g. >200 cm) are diseased and 100
36 the passage of water and hypotonic-low sodium fluids determine sometimes without overt pathology, a condition termed functional 101
37 the secretion of sodium and water into the lumen. SBS-J patients SBS [1,12]. 102
38 often lose more fluid and sodium than ingested (net secretors), 103
39 whereas in SBS-J and SBS-JIC there is usually sufficient distal bowel 6.2. Short bowel syndrome: enhanced post-resection intestinal 104
40 to permit fluid and electrolyte balance (net absorbers). The ab- adaptation 105
41 sorption of sodium and water in the colon are normally around 106
42 200 mmol and 2 L/day in healthy adults and can increase up to In the last two decades, gastrointestinal hormonal factors have 107
43 800 mmol and 6 L/day in SBS when the colon is in continuity been investigated and used for intestinal rehabilitation of patients 108
44 [38e40]. with SBS, with the aim of maximizing absorption in the remnant 109
45 Many gastrointestinal hormones and neuromodulators, which bowel, decreasing intestinal losses, and reducing the need for 110
46 play a key role in the control of gastrointestinal secretions, motility intravenous supplements [49]. At present, the only one approved 111
47 and intestinal growth, are produced by the endocrine L-cells of the by the FDA and EMA for clinical use is the GLP-2 analogue, tedu- 112
48 small intestinal and colonic mucosa. Peptide YY (PYY), glucagon- glutide [50]. Randomized clinical trials have demonstrated its ef- 113
49 like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and GLP-2 are secreted in the distal ileum ficacy in reducing intravenous supplements in around two-thirds of 114
50 and the proximal colon after a meal, regulate motility by slowing patients treated so far, a small number having been able to be 115
51 gastric empting and small bowel transit (ileal brake) and exert a weaned off HPN [51,52]. However, long-term benefits and risks still 116
52 trophic effect on the mucosa by enhancing intestinal villus/crypt need to be elucidated and, therefore, regular and expert follow-up 117
53 cell growth. The secretion of these hormones is enhanced in SBS-JC is strongly advisable. Furthermore, this treatment is costly, and the 118
54 and SBS-JIC and is reduced/absent in SBS-J. This translates to less or cost-efficacy as well as the risk-benefit ratio need to be evaluated. 119
55 absent structural and functional adaptation after resection, and in A few open-label studies investigated the usefulness of GLP-1 120
56 accelerated gastric empting, especially for liquids in SBS-J analogues, liraglutide [53,54] and exenatide [55]. Encouraging re- 121
57 [38,41,42]. The colon can contribute to the absorption of energy, sults have been observed, but have to be validated by controlled 122
58 as SCFAs, following the fermentation of non-absorbed carbohy- trials. 123
59 drates by luminal bacteria. This mechanism can yield up to 124
60 1000 kcal/day (4 MJ) in patients with SBS and colon in continuity 6.3. Outcome on home parenteral nutrition 125
61 [43]. 126
62 Spontaneous physiological intestinal adaptation after massive Patients on HPN for CIF may develop central venous catheter 127
63 small bowel resection occurs during the following two to three (CVC) or metabolic complications due to factors related to HPN and/ 128
64 years, and improves intestinal absorption through intestinal mu- or the underlying disease, that may eventually cause death [12,56]. 129
65 cosa hyperplasia, slowing of gastrointestinal transit, modified Patients also suffer commonly from psychological problems and an 130

Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition
YCLNU3570_proof ■ 24 August 2018 ■ 6/12

6 L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12

1 impaired quality of life as a result of their underlying disease and the amount of soybean-based lipid administered routinely in clin- 66
2 the burden of HPN [56]. A review of 11 published series demon- ical practice in the past, it is apparent that a standardised definition 67
3 strated that 53% of patients with benign CIF requiring HPN died as a of IFALD is required to allow comparison between individual cen- 68
4 result of their underlying disease with only 14% dying because of tres and series. To-date, most studies on IFALD relied on 69
5 HPN-related complications; of the latter, 8% occurred as a result of biochemical abnormalities rather than histological information; for 70
6 catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI), 4% from intestinal example, chronic cholestasis has been defined as the persistent 71
7 failure associated liver disease (IFALD) and 2% from CVC-related elevation greater than 1.5 times the upper limit of the normal range 72
8 venous thrombosis [57]. for more than 6 months of two of the biochemical parameters: 73
9 alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transferase and conjugated 74
10 6.4. Prevention and treatment of catheter-related bloodstream bilirubin [64e66]. However, since liver function tests may not 75
11 infection correlate with the severity of underlying liver disease, a consensus 76
12 approach to the diagnosis and categorisation of IFALD is required 77
13 Older [58,59], as well as recent [12], international guidelines that synthesises clinical, biochemical, radiological and histological 78
14 advise that the diagnosis of CRBSI should be based upon quanti- parameters. Indeed, since deterioration of liver disease may not be 79
15 tative and qualitative assessment of CVC and peripheral blood reflected by changes in standard biochemical parameters, serial 80
16 cultures. Quantitative blood cultures e counting colony forming liver biopsy is still the gold standard for assessing IFALD [68]; this is, 81
17 units e are the most accurate test for the definitive diagnosis of of course, of paramount importance in patients considered for 82
18 CRBSI [59]. However, not all IFUs follow such guidance. Indeed, a isolated small bowel vs. multivisceral transplantation [12]. The role 83
19 recent study noted that basing the diagnosis of CRBSI on clinical of alternative, non-invasive approaches to liver biopsy, including 84
20 assessment only, rather than following ESPEN guidance, may lead transient elastography, MR spectroscopy and quantitative ultra- 85
21 to over diagnosis of CRBSIs by 46%, which can, in turn, lead to sound has been considered [12]. A multicentre study demonstrated 86
22 inappropriate antibiotics and increased risk related to repeated CVC that transient elastography values correlated with the serum bili- 87
23 re-insertion [58]. Further work is required to address the barriers to rubin concentration, the severity of histologic cholestasis, the AST 88
24 units adopting standardised, internationally agreed, protocols to to platelet ratio and the FIB-4 score, but not to the histologic fibrosis 89
25 define CRBSIs in patients needing HPN, not least because of the stage [69]. Further work is required to evaluate the role of these 90
26 importance placed on CRBSI rate as a quality assurance measure imaging techniques, in tandem with further assessment of the ef- 91
27 [60]. Furthermore, the role of new diagnostic approaches, such as ficacy of specific serological markers of hepatic fibrosis. 92
28 real-time polymerase chain reaction, aimed at improving diag- Long-established approaches to prevent and/or treat IFALD are 93
29 nostic sensitivity and reducing time to diagnosis, requires further agreed: including cycling PN, maintaining oral or enteral intake 94
30 evaluation [14]. and preserving small bowel length (wherever possible), avoiding 95
31 Once infected, CVC salvage is paramount to preserving long PN overfeeding, limiting the dose of soybean-based lipid to less 96
32 term venous access [12]. Two recent and large retrospective series than 1 g/kg/day and minimising recurrent episodes of sepsis [12]. 97
33 from England [61] and the USA [62] demonstrated that successful ESPEN guidelines recommend that the lipid profile of the PN 98
34 salvage can be achieved following CRBSI in patients with CIF using admixture is modified to decrease the omega-6/omega-3 poly- 99
35 standardised protocols involving systemic and local antibiotic unsaturated fatty acid ratio; however, the evidence base for this 100
36 therapy. Apparent differences between these studies highlighted recommendation is limited [12]. A 4-week randomised controlled, 101
37 that there remain a number of debated issues relating to CVC double-blind, multicentre study in 73 patients with CIF [70] 102
38 salvage, including a consensus on salvaging specific microbial iso- demonstrated that soybean/MCT/olive oil/fish oil emulsion was 103
39 lates, the duration of salvage therapy and the definition of suc- associated with lower concentrations of bilirubin and trans- 104
40 cessful salvage. CRBSI rates vary greatly between institutions both aminases within the normal reference range compared to 105
41 nationally and internationally, with reported occurrences between soybean-based lipid alone [71]. However, more data are required 106
42 from 0.14 to 1.09 episodes per catheter year [12]. Although ESPEN to evaluate the long-term efficacy, tolerance and safety of these 107
43 guidelines are clear on standard approaches to prevention of CRBSI and other novel combination lipids. Current evidence does not 108
44 e including education of staff, implementation of handwashing support the use of choline, taurine or carnitine to treat IFALD in 109
45 policies, hub disinfection, use of tunneled single lumen catheters e adults, while limited data are available on the usefulness of 110
46 it is clear that there is limited evidence for novel approaches such as ursodeoxycholic acid and of oral antibiotics to treat bacterial 111
47 antimicrobial lock therapy [12]. There is good evidence that ethanol translocation [12]. A recent ESPEN position paper has focused on 112
48 locks should not be recommended due to the risk of catheter oc- the definition and management of IFALD in adults with CIF. 113
49 clusion and damage [12], while a recent multicenter randomised 114
50 study showed the efficacy of taurolidine lock to reduce the risk of 6.6. Non-transplant surgery and intestinal transplantation 115
51 CRBSI significantly in new implanted CVC [63]. 116
52 Alternative surgical treatments for CIF are ITx and autologous 117
53 6.5. Prevention and treatment of intestinal failure associated liver gastrointestinal reconstructive surgery (AGIRS) [72,73]. The AGIRS 118
54 disease may aim to improve intestinal motility in case of a dilated bowel, to 119
55 slow intestinal transit in the absence of bowel dilatation or to in- 120
56 Liver injury in CIF can occur as a result of nutrient and non- crease mucosal surface area. When AGIRS is indicated, the first 121
57 nutrient factors. The former may include calorie overfeeding and/ option should be restoration of small bowel continuity in case of 122
58 or nutrient deficiencies, including choline, taurine and carnitine. unused intestinal segments [12]. The most widely accepted timing 123
59 Non-nutrient factors include recurrent episodes of sepsis, bacterial for restoration of bowel continuity is at 3e6 months after the acute 124
60 overgrowth, SBS, hepatotoxic medications and underlying paren- event, even though period as short as 7e10 days could be consid- 125
61 chymal liver disease [12,56]. Retrospective series reveal a signifi- ered in the “non-hostile” abdomen [12,73]. The AGIR procedures for 126
62 cant variation in the reported incidence of advanced liver disease SBS are categorized as tapering enteroplasty or plication, reversed 127
63 from 0 to 85% [64e67]. Although such variation may have related to intestinal segments (adult patients), colonic interposition (rarely 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition
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L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12 7

1 performed nowadays), intussusception valve (in paediatric popu- failure due to IFALD; CRBSI, CVC-related vein thrombosis and 66
2 lation to induce bowel dilation) and the lengthening procedures, chronic dehydration), high risk of death due to the underlying 67
3 which are the most frequently performed in patients with SBS disease (invasive intra-abdominal desmoids, congenital mucosal 68
4 [72,73]. disease, ultra SBS) or very poor quality of life (intestinal failure 69
5 Lengthening procedures are of choice in case of a rapid intes- with high morbidity or low acceptance of parenteral nutrition) 70
6 tinal transit and bowel dilation (up to 5 cm). In the absence of [39,83]. Those indications were challenged by a 5-year prospec- 71
7 bowel dilation, reversed segment [74,75], colonic interposition tive survey carried out by the HAN&CIF group ESPEN. The results 72
8 [76] or neovalve procedures are used [77], the last one to obtain allowed to define that only intra-abdominal desmoids and IFALD- 73
9 sequential dilatation and then use the lengthening procedures. liver failure were associated with an increased risk of death on 74
10 There are 4 types of lengthening procedures: longitudinal intes- HPN [84e86]. Therefore, the ESPEN guidelines recommend that 75
11 tinal lengthening (LILT) or Bianchi's procedure [78], serial trans- those conditions should be considered indications for straight 76
12 verse enteroplasty (STEP), first described in 2003 [79], the referral for a life-saving ITx. The early referral of patients with CIF 77
13 Kimura's technique (no more used today) [80] and the spiral in- to intestinal rehabilitation centers with expertise in both medical 78
14 testinal lengthening and tailoring (SILT) procedure, firstly and surgical treatment for CIF is recommended to maximize the 79
15 described in 2011 [81]. opportunity of weaning off HPN, to prevent HPN failure, and to 80
16 Most of the published data are on pediatric patient cohorts. ensure timely assessment of candidacy for ITx [12]. Indeed, the 81
17 The LILT procedure is a very complex type of surgery, where the number of transplants performed per year had steadily increased 82
18 dilated bowel is divided longitudinally. Each half longitudinal until 2009, after which it declined steadily, due to improvement in 83
19 portion is tubularised and the two new segments are anasto- HPN management and to advances in intestinal rehabilitation 84
20 mosed end-to-end [78]. In the STEP surgery, serial transverse [82,87,88]. 85
21 surgical stapler is applied on the dilated bowel and the new 86
22 elongated intestinal channel has a zig-zag appearance [79]. In the 6.7. Transition from childhood to adulthood of CIF patients 87
23 SILT procedure, the bowel is incised along spiral lines and 88
24 stretched to a uniformly longer tube of narrower diameter and the Transition describes the process by which medical care for ad- 89
25 bowel is sutured along the incision line [81]. While no data olescents with chronic disorders is handed over from the pediatric 90
26 comparing SILT with the other lengthening procedures are avail- to the adult team. Patients deals this process with a mix of 91
27 able, LILT and STEP have been compared, with a greater worldwide emotional feelings that range from anxiety generated by leaving 92
28 experience for STEP [72]. Surgical complexity is higher with LILT, the familiar environment of the pediatric centers to the enthusi- 93
29 that requires significantly more mesenteric handling. The LILT astic dreams for a successful or at least as normal as possible life. 94
30 procedure cannot be performed in the duodenum and needs a Furthermore, the process from childhood to adulthood involves a 95
31 residual bowel length of at least 20e40 cm. The STEP procedure lot of physiological, psychological, cognitive, social and economic 96
32 can be performed with any length of bowel and even in the du- changes. 97
33 odenum and is therefore of choice for ultra-short SB (<20 cm). The The transition from pediatric to adult CIF/HPN centers repre- 98
34 STEP can be repeated in the same patient and can also be per- sents one of the major clinical challenge of the current era of CIF. 99
35 formed in those who have already undergone LILT (which cannot The major issues for patients could be taking on the responsibility 100
36 be repeated). Furthermore, STEP has been demonstrated to be of administering the PN as well as other medications by themselves 101
37 successful in the treatment of intestinal bacterial overgrowth and and of attending medical appointments and moving from person- 102
38 the associated D-lactic acidosis. Complications such as intestinal alized care in a family centred paediatric unit to a large, possibly 103
39 bleeding, obstruction and leakage have been described with both more impersonal, centre. The paediatric and the adult centres are 104
40 the procedures, whereas intestinal necrosis, perforation, fistula required to collaborate in order to clarify any confusion around care 105
41 and abscess have been reported only after LILT. The results indi- routines and psychological problems and to educate the young 106
42 cate a trend toward a higher percentage of intestinal lengthening persons about their illness, helping the patient to understand the 107
43 with STEP (up to 69%) than with LILT (up to 55%), lower need of ITx condition and its management and to realise the serious implica- 108
44 after STEP (5e6% compared with 10e26% after LILT), whereas the tions of non-compliance with medical advice. This seems to be a 109
45 two procedures showed similar percentages of PN independence key issue because patient underestimating or psychologically 110
46 (55e60%) and of survival (up to 90%) [73]. denying the severity of the illness may favor the occurrence of 111
47 Intestinal rehabilitation programmes based on medical treat- major HPN/underlying disease complications, representing a major 112
48 ment and AGIRS can improve intestinal function and allow risk factor for death during the transition period. 113
49 weaning off HPN. Patients with irreversible CIF are destined to No guidelines have yet been provided about this process. The 114
50 life-long HPN or ITx. On the basis of data on safety and efficacy, British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) and 115
51 HPN is considered the primary treatment for CIF, whereas ITx is the British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 116
52 reserved for those patients at risk of death because of life- (BSPGHAN) investigated this issue sending a dedicated question- 117
53 threatening complications related to HPN or the underlying naire to their members [89]. The main findings are summarized in 118
54 gastrointestinal disease [12]. Published cohorts showed mean 5 Box 3. It was concluded that transition pathway and service stan- 119
55 and 10-year survival rates on HPN of 70% and 55% in adults, and dards for adolescents on home PN should be developed, consider- 120
56 89% and 81% in children [57]. HPN complications were the cause of ation should be given to checklists for practical aspects (e.g. 121
57 14% of deaths in adults and of up to 70% of deaths in babies <1 year pumps), key worker and psychology input to enhance emotional 122
58 [57]. The 2013 International Transplant Registry report showed a resilience of the young people and careers. 123
59 5-year patient survival rate of 40e60% in adults and 50e70% in 124
60 children, depending on the type of transplant with the best results 6.8. The economic and social burden 125
61 after isolated small bowel ITx. Almost all the deaths after ITx were 126
62 related to the treatment [82]. CIF may result in a lifelong dependence upon HPN, which 127
63 The indications for ITx were firstly developed by expert carries a high complication rate and may impact upon overall 128
64 consensus in 2001 and could be categorized as HPN failure (liver patient survival. The provision of HPN is directly related to the 129
65 130

Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition
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8 L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12

1 national economic status and is particularly controversial in the Box 1 66

2 setting of end-stage malignancy where the HPN-complication rate Definition and classification of intestinal failure [1,6] Q10 67
3 is higher. 68
4 The ESPEN guidelines for CIF [12] recommend that a HPN 69
5 programme includes the “provision of evidence-based therapy, Definition 70
6 prevention of HPN-related complications… and ensure quality of 71
7 life is maximised”. A recently published international retrospec- ⁃ Intestinal failure: the reduction of gut function below the 72
8 tive study [90] of 472 patients with severe chronic and benign IF minimum necessary for the absorption of macronutrients 73
9 who commenced HPN in 2000 demonstrated a survival proba- and/or water and electrolytes, such that intravenous sup- 74
10 bility of 88%, 74% and 64% at 1, 3, and 5 years, with survival plementation (IVS) is required to maintain health and/or 75
11 inversely associated with increasing age, the presence of Crohn's growth. 76
12 disease or chronic idiopathic pseudo-obstruction. At 5-year follow ⁃ Intestinal insufficiency or deficiency: the reduction of gut 77
13 up, 39% were alive on HPN with a mean age of 55 years, 36% had absorptive function that doesn't require intravenous sup- 78
14 been weaned from HPN with a mean age of 52 years, 22% had died plementation to maintain health and/or growth, can be 79
15 on HPN with a mean age of 60 years, 2% were alive following in- considered as “intestinal insufficiency” 80
16 testinal transplant with a mean age of 42 years and 1% had died 81
17 following intestinal transplant with a mean age of 36 years. The 82
Functional classification of intestinal failure
18 probability of HPN dependency at 5 years is variable depending on 83
19 the cause of the original HPN requirement, with a significantly 84
20 increased risk of remaining on HPN at 5 years in those with SBS Based on onset, metabolic and expected outcome criteria: 85
21 versus a much lower risk in those with an intestinal fistula. When 86
22 1,2, and 5-year survival in patients with CIF is compared between ▪ Type I e acute, short-term and usually self-limiting con- 87
23 literature from 1999 [33] and 2017 [90], very little change has dition; this is a common feature, occurring in the peri- 88
24 been observed (87 vs. 88%, 77 vs. 80%, and 62 vs. 64%). The un- operative setting after abdominal surgery and/or in 89
25 derlying disease process remains responsible for 65% of deaths association with critical illnesses; it recedes when those 90
26 within this cohort. illnesses subside; IVS is required over a period of days or 91
27 In the United Kingdom the cost of HPN is estimated at a few weeks 92
28 £30,000e40,000 per year if the patient is self-caring, and ▪ Type II e prolonged acute condition, often in metaboli- 93
29 £55,000e65,000 if they require nursing support, whereas ITx is cally unstable patients, requiring complex multi- 94
30 estimated to cost £80,000 in the first year then £5000 per year after, disciplinary care and IVS over periods of weeks or 95
31 thus making this intervention cost-effective after two years [91]. months. 96
32 The story is similar in the Netherlands where HPN is estimated at ▪ Type III e chronic condition, in metabolically stable pa- 97
33 V63,000 per year and ITx at V73,000 per year [92], thus the eco- tients, requiring IVS over months or years; it represents 98
34 nomic burden of IF is huge. Infectious complications related to HPN the chronic intestinal failure (CIF), that may be reversible 99
35 also carry a significant economic burden, with CRBSI accounting for or irreversible. 100
36 0.4e3 incidences per 1000 catheter days and 70% of HPN-related 101
37 hospital admissions. Each CRBSI is estimated to cost around Pathophysiological classification 102
38 V6480 per admission [93]. 103
39 The social implications of IF are wide ranging, including 104
40 disruption from pre-IF social and work life, uncertainty arising Five major pathophysiological conditions, which may 105
41 from HPN-related problems which frequently occur on an emer- originate from various diseases: 106
42 gency basis and a changed perspective upon life. Depression is 107
43 estimated at a rate of 65% in this population, and severe fatigue at ▪ short bowel 108
44 63% [94]. A study of 110 Dutch adult HPN patients found that 76% ▪ intestinal fistula 109
45 had one or more episodes of CRBSI during their treatment [95], ▪ intestinal dysmotility 110
46 and this was strongly associated with psychosocial complaints ▪ mechanical obstruction 111
47 and decreased quality of life [96]. This emphasised the lack of ▪ extensive small bowel mucosal disease 112
48 focus on the early recognition and treatment of psychosocial 113
49 Q3 factors in patients on HPN. 114
Clinical classification of chronic intestinal failure
50 115
51 7. Conclusions and future view for clinical and research 116
52 networking On the basis of the requirements for energy and the volume 117
53 of the IVS, CIF was firstly categorized into 16 subtypes. An 118
54 Both AIF and CIF are relatively rare conditions and most of the international multicenter survey carried out by the CIF Ac- 119
55 published work presents evidence from small, single-centre tion Day database allowed to simplify it in 8 categories [6]: 120
56 studies. Much remains to be investigated to improve the diag- Volume of the IVS (mL/day)a 121
57 nosis and management of IF and future studies should rely on 122
Type of the IVS 1000 1001e2000 2001e3000 >3000
58 multidisciplinary, multicentre and multinational collaborations 1 2 3 4
59 that gather data from large cohorts of patients. Some of the areas 124
Fluids and electrolytes (FE) FE 1 FE 2 FE 3 FE 4
60 of future research are listed in Box 4. Emphasis should also be 125
Parenteral nutrition (PN) PN 1 PN 2 PN 3 PN 4
61 placed on partnership with patients, carers and government 126
FE ¼ Fluids and Electrolytes alone.
62 agencies in order to improve the quality of research that focuses 127
PN ¼ Parenteral Nutrition Admixture containing also macronutrients.
63 on patient-centred outcomes that will help to improve both out- a
Calculated as daily mean of the total volume infused per 128
64 comes and quality of life in patients with this devastating week ¼ volume per day of infusion  number of infusions per week/7. 129
65 condition. 130

Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition
YCLNU3570_proof ■ 24 August 2018 ■ 9/12

L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12 9

1 Box 2 66
2 Multimodal management strategy for acute mesenteric ischemia [18] 67
3 68
4 69
5  Assessment of Intestinal vascular perfusion which consists in a CT scan angiography at the 3 phases (non injected, arterial and 70
6 portal phase) and the evaluation and control of cardiac and hemodynamic conditions. 71
7  Assessment of intestinal injury, by a combination of clinico-bio-scanographic features. In acute i3 the onset of organ failure and/ 72
8 or elevated blood lactates is highly predictive of intestinal transmural ischemic necrosis [6]. Non-specific clinical and biological 73
9 manifestations can attest of intestinal injury: oral intolerance and motility disorders, blood losses, abdominal pain, diarrhea, 74
10 persistent inflammatory syndrome, SIRS, altered liver function tests, anaemia, protein losing enteropathy, inflammation, 75
11 hypoalbuminaemia. At CT-scan angiography intestinal injury features are mainly dilation, increase or decrease of mucosal 76
12 enhancement, thickening/thinning, faeces signs, fat stranding mesentery, fluid collections. 77
13  Assessment of length of remnant small bowel, length, site, number of excluded segments, length and integrity of colon/rectum, 78
14 stoma, drainages, presence/absence of the gallbladder. All these features should be indicated by the surgeon. 79
15  Assessment, identification and treatment of underlying and associated comorbidities at the origin of AIF. In case of acute i3 it 80
16 can correspond to ischaemic and/or embolic and/or rhythmic and/or valvular cardiopathy. Predisposing thrombophilia should 81
17 be explored. 82
18  Search for sepsis or fungal/bacterial colonisation or luminal bacterial overload especially in case of persistent inflammatory 83
19 syndrome, high stoma output, oral intolerance, altered cognitive functions, persistent malnutrition. Physicians should detect 84
20 and treat infection by repeated sampling of collections, abscesses, urine, lung (if symptoms), blood stream, scars and wall, 85
21 catheters, swabs. 86
22  Optimisation and equilibration of the following parameters: 1) urine and stoma output with water/electrolytes balance, 2) nutrition 87
23 (parenteral nutrition, enteral nutrition, distal enteral nutrition) and daily work-up of energy output/expenditure/input, 3) digestive 88
24 functions with oral intake, treatment of motility disorders, protein losing enteropathy, 4) diabetes, 5) blood pressure and antico- 89
25 agulant therapy, 6) control of beverages, 7) wound care, 8) accesses (catheter, stoma), 9) psychology, nursing and social cares 90
26  Consideration at each stage of AIF of the question of the need for surgery: second look, emergency surgery, vascular reha- 91
27 bilitation, digestive rehabilitation. The criteria for surgery should always be discussed and planned a priori. 92
28  Evaluation and determination of the timing for each step of the strategy: closure of stoma, rehabilitation after nutritional re- 93
29 covery, cholecystectomy, surgical technics that promote intestinal adaptation (STEPS, segmental reversal of the small bowel), 94
30 wound cares, home return and home parenteral nutrition. 95
31  Anticipation and prevention of complications of AIF: recurrence or complication of underlying disease, refeeding syndrome, 96
32 hypernutrition, liver disease, respiratory complications, lines infections, stroke, anticoagulants. 97
33 98
34 99
35 100
36 101
Box 3
37 102
Results of the BAPEN/BSPGHAN survey on transition of care from paediatric age group to adulthood [89]
38 103
39 104
40 1) Transition can take as long as two years and is greatly facilitated by the appointment of an identified key worker for the young 105
41 person. 106
42 2) Psychological issues need to be addressed prior to transition. 107
43 3) Written information can ensure clarity about all aspects of care. 108
44 4) Communication between the paediatric and adult centre is facilitated with at least one patient consultation where a profes- 109
45 sional from each centre is present. 110
46 5) Aim to keep the same infusion pump after transition. 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
Box 4
51 116
52 Areas for future investigation 117
53 118
54 Identification, epidemiology and management of intestinal failure 119
55 120
56  Strategies to make AIF and CIF recognized at institutional, clinical and research levels 121
57  Studies to update incidence and prevalence of AIF type I and type II and CIF 122
58  Studies to demonstrate the positive cost-benefit ratio of the MDT in AIF and CIF management. 123
59  Strategies to increase the awareness of medical professionals on AIF type II and CIF 124
60  Acknowledgement of the role of nursing experts in IF with HOS and CO 125
61  Strategies to minimise the socioeconomic burden of CIF and HPN and to improve the patients' quality of life 126
62  Strategies to homogenize HPN management (i.e., such as dialysis for chronic renal failure) in order to allow patient to receive 127
63 the same high level of care, independently of the HPN center 128
64  Structured protocols for a successful transition from childhood to adulthood of patients with CIF 129
65 130

Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition
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10 L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12

1 66
2 67
3 68
4 69
5 Acute intestinal failure 70
6 71
7  Risk factors and outcome of AIF type I and II 72
8  Recognition, diagnosis and management of acute intestinal ischaemic injury (i3) 73
9  Biomarkers of acute intestinal ischaemic injury (i3), intestinal viability, mucosal perfusion and mucosal barrier integrity 74
10  Impact of type 1e2 IF on the onset and course of type 3 75
11  Markers of nutritional status and of hydration status in ICU patients 76
12  Medications to foster intestinal adaptation 77
13  Early prokinetics and laxatives in patients at risk for AIF type II 78
14  Early postpyloric EN vs. early PN in AIF type I patients with gastroparesis 79
15  Trophic EN vs PN in patients with AIF type I and at risk of AIF type II 80
16  Early liberal vs. conservative fluid strategy in abdominal surgical patients at risk for AIF type II 81
17  Electrolyte balance and GI motility in AIF type I and II 82
18  Early mobilization in AIF type II 83
19  Strategies to avoid post-operative fistula formation or encourage healing 84
20  Surgical and radiological techniques (including plugs and implants) to promote fistula closure 85
21  Impact of chyme reinfusion in ECF; 86
22  PPIs and fistula output 87
23  Role of bile salt signaling on the onset of liver test abnormalities in AIF type I and II 88
24 89
25 90
26 Chronic intestinal failure 91
27 92
28  Short bowel syndrome 93
29  Safety and efficacy of intestinal growth factors in the very long term 94
30  Criteria to predict efficacy or failure of treatment with intestinal growth factors 95
31  Development of new intestinal growth factors 96
32  Safety and efficacy of high doses and prolonged use of opioids 97
33  Safety and efficacy of high doses and prolonged use of PPIs 98
34  Alternatives to WHO oral rehydration solution mixtures and the polysaccharide mixes which might be predicted to be better 99
35 tolerated and more effective 100
36  Role of microbiota in post-surgical adaptation and metabolic complications 101
37  Intestinal stem cells transplantation to treat patients with intestinal failure 102
38  Parenteral nutrition admixture: 103
39 o Lipids, role of emulsions containing fish oils 104
40 o Sugars, alternative to glucose 105
41 o Amino acid profiles, better parallels with physiological and pathophysiological needs 106
42  Safety and efficacy of new oral anticoagulants 107
43  Catheter related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) 108
44  Evaluating and addressing the barriers to adopting a standardised approach for diagnosing CRBSI between IF centres 109
45  Role of future technologies (e.g. real time PCR) in diagnosing CRBSI 110
46  Clinical & cost effectiveness of CVC salvage vs. replacement in risk-stratified CRBSI cases 111
47  Consensus on CVC salvage methodology 112
48  Role of antimicrobial locks in primary prophylaxis of CRBSI 113
49  Intestinal failure associated liver disease 114
50  Novel methods for diagnosis and monitoring (e.g. MR spectroscopy, serum markers). 115
51  Evidence for current preventative strategies (e.g. long-term efficacy & safety of second/third generation lipids) 116
52  Novel therapeutic targets 117
53  Non-transplant surgery 118
54  Studies to clarify, compare, and standardize the timing and type of lengthening procedure 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 Authorship contributions Conflict of interests Q9 124
60 125
61 All the authors were speakers of the 5th ESPEN Workshop on MH, SK, CJ, AVG, KR, CZ GW and ASS have nothing to disclose. 126
62 Intestinal Failure in Adults, held in Bologna, Italy, 15e16 October DNL reports grants and personal fees from BBraun, personal fees 127
63 2017, contributed in the manuscript writing, revised and approved from Fresenius Kabi, personal fees from Baxter Healthcare, outside 128
64 the final version of the manuscript. the submitted work; AF reports personal fees from Baxter, personal 129
65 130

Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition
YCLNU3570_proof ■ 24 August 2018 ■ 11/12

L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12 11

1 fees from Fresenius Kabi, personal fees from BBraun, personal fees [20] Oliva IB, Davarpanah AH, Rybicki FJ, Desjardins B, Flamm SD, Francois CJ, et al. 66
ACR Appropriateness Criteria (R) imaging of mesenteric ischemia. Abdom
2 from NPS Pharma, outside the submitted work; JS reports personal 67
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12 L. Pironi et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2018) 1e12

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Please cite this article in press as: Pironi L, et al., Intestinal failure in adults: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert groups, Clinical Nutrition

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