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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Puerto Princesa
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Lesson Plan

August 14, 2019


A. CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text
STANDARDS types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to
use strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication
public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of
PERFORMANCE persuasive techniques and devices.

C. Learning The learners:

Competencies 1. EN10G-If-3.6: Use modals

D. Specific At the end of sixty-minute lesson, Grade 10 students are expected to do the
Objectives following with at least 80% proficiency level:
1. Use modals correctly based on the context of a sentence.
2. Identify modals in the sentence.
3. Employ modals in the dialogues of a role play about Filipino
superstitious beliefs.
II. CONTENT Module I: A. Forms and Types of Creative Nonfiction
a. Modals

LEARNING A. References
RESOURCES 1. Celebrating Diversity Through World Literatures – Learner’s Materials (p.61)

B. Other Learning Resources-

1. Websites:

PROCEDURES A. Preparatory Activities
(5 minutes)

Checking of attendance
B. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting new lesson
(2 minutes)

a. The teacher facilitates the review on modals.

b. The students enumerate the 10 core or central modals.
c. The students link the previous lesson on the activities for the new

C. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (5 minutes)


a. There are three mystery boxes on the table. Each box has an object.
b. The volunteer students put their hand inside the object. After touching
the object, the students guess the mystery item.

Note: The students use modals in describing each item.

1st box 2nd box 3rd box

(Responses: Flower, Car, Remote control)

The students answer the following questions:

a. How did you guess the object? (To the student volunteers)
b. What did you observe while the volunteers described and stated their
guesses? (To the other students.)

After the discussion, the students read the objectives for the day’s lesson.

a. Use modals correctly based on the context of a sentence.

b. Identify modals in the sentence.
c. Employ modals in the dialogues of a role play about Filipino
superstitious beliefs.

D. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson (5 minutes)

a. The students put together all the modals in the same category.
b. After putting modals together, the students make an acronym from the
categories listed.
c. The students answer the following questions:
c.1. Why is it important to make an acronym for remembering modals
and their modalities?
c.2. Why do modals belong to more than one category?
c.3. How does the use of modal change the meaning of the sentence?
E. Discussing new concept and practicing new skills #1 (10 minutes)

TASK 3. GAME KNB? (COT Indicator 2 & 7)

a. The students are divided into four groups with 10 members each group.
b. The groups form a line.
c. Every member must take his turn to answer a set of question. Note:
Each member is only allowed to take his turn twice—depending on the
number of members.
d. There are three students who act as watchers to monitor which student
raised his/her hand first.
e. The team whose all members answered first until the last member shall
be declared winner.
f. The students answer the following questions:
f.1. How did you arrive with your answers on the game?
f.2. How is categorizing modals helpful in answering the game?
f.3. Was it easy to identify what modal would fill in the sentence? Explain
your answer.

F. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 (20 minutes)

(COT Indicator 1: Integration within the curriculum and across
teaching areas—Social Studies)
a. The students answer the following questions:
a.1. Why do we frown on taking pictures when there are three people in
the photo?
a.2. Why shouldn’t people sing while cooking?
a.3. Why do we knock on wood, make a sign of the cross, or cross
fingers to ward off bad luck?
a.4. Give their own superstition they believe.
b. Why do Filipinos believe in superstitions?
c. The students listen as the teacher discusses the origin of Filipino
d. The students connect the idea of superstition on their activity.

TASK 4: Lights, Camera, Action! (COT Indicator 6)

Role Play: Filipino Superstitious Beliefs

a. The students remain from their grouping on Task 3.

b. Each group presents a superstitious beliefs and must use modals in their
c. They must be guided by the rubric attached.
d. They are given 10 minutes to prepare and each group has two minutes
to perform.

Group 1: Pregnancy
Group 2: Burial
Group 3: Night Time
Group 4: Money
G. Developing mastery (5 minutes)

TASK 5: What Will You Do? (COT Indicator 2 & 3)

a. The students are given scenarios and they should answer it as if they are
the ones in the situation. This is an individual recitation.
b. They must use modals in giving their answers.
1. Some of your friends have started drinking alcohol, and they seem
to be having more fun than you. They've asked you to try it. What
will you do?
2. What would you do if you found your class English test in the school
3. What would you do if you saw your classmate cheating to pass the
examination? You know he has to pass the examination because if
he didn’t he will lose his scholarship.

H. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living (5


a. The students write their answers on the notepad.

b. How do modals help convey your message in terms of asking for permission,
giving an advice, and predicting probability?




I. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson (5

minutes) (COT Indicator 3)

a. The students respond to this question, “Why is it important to know the

use of modals?” “What will happen if modals are used incorrectly?” “How
do modals change the meaning of the sentence?”


Directions: Choose the most appropriate modal to complete the meaning of each sentence.
Write only the letter on your answer sheet.
1. I think we are lost. The man ______ have given us the wrong directions.
(A)might (B)should (C)would (D)can
2. Plants ______ have sunlight in order to make food.
(A)can (B)may (C)must (D)will
3. Parents ______ take care of their children.
(A)may (B)could (C)would (D)should
4. I ________ believe that you failed your test!
(A). couldn‘t (B). shouldn‘t (C). wouldn‘t (D). may not
5. __________ I help you bring the LED TV. (talking to a teacher)
(A). can (B). may (C). should (D). might

5: _____ 4: _____ 3: _____ 2: _____ 1: _____

K. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Your friend is having trouble in her studies. She is asking you for an advice of what she should
do. Write your advice on a one-half sheet of paper.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
D. No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
H. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Reviewed by:

Master Teacher I

Noted by:

Head Teacher IV
TASK 4: Lights, Camera, Action!

Role Play: Filipino Superstitious Beliefs


CRITERIA 5 4 3 2

Overall Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often mumbles

Presentation and distinctly all and distinctly all and distinctly or cannot be
(100%-95%) the (100%-95%) the most (94%-85%) understood or
time, and time, but of the time. mispronounces
mispronounces mispronounces Mispronounces more than one
no words, shows one word, shows more than one word, shows no
mastery of the little mastery of word, shows mastery of the
topic the topic little mastery of topic
the topic

Creativity Original and Original and a Original and but Not original nor
imaginative little imaginative, not imaginative, imaginative.
imaginative but a Imaginative but
little original. not original

Content Major points are Major points are Major points are Topic is
presented and presented. presented. oversimplified or
fully supported However, some However, most of fails to present
with convincing of them are not them are not major points.
arguments, ideas supported with supported with
and data convincing convincing
arguments, ideas arguments, ideas
and data and data
Meaningfulness The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation
is cohesive and has deep lacks meaning lacks meaning;
comprehensive meaning but little with no no supporting
with supporting supporting supporting details with
details. details. details. unfinished parts.

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Reviewed by: Noted by:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher IV

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