Mineral and Rocks Questions 10

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Mineral Questions
Matching: Write the proper term in front of the proper statement.
_____________ 1. Tendency to break with rough or jagged edges cleavage
_____________ 2. How light is reflected from the minerals surface luster
_____________ 3. Minerals resistance to being scratched hardness
_____________ 4. Breakage along smooth, flat planes streak
_____________ 5. Color left by powdered mineral on unglazed porcelain fracture

Fill in the blank.

6. There are __________________ minerals in the hardness scale.
7. The hardest mineral is ___________________.
8. The softest mineral is ____________________.
9. ___________ elements make up 98.5% of the Earth’s crust.
The top two elements in the Earth’s crust are (10) _____________ and (11) ______________.

True or False: Write T for True or F for False in front of each statement.
____ 12. The quickest way to identify a mineral is hardness.
____ 13. Liquids and gases can not be minerals.
____ 14. Coal is a mineral made up of materials that were once alive.
____ 15. 46.6% of the Earth’s crust is composed of hydrogen
____ 16. All minerals have the same hardness.
____ 17. Minerals such as quartz may occur in different colors.
____ 18. Moh’s Hardness Scale ranges from 1 (diamond) to 10 (talc).
____ 19. Streak color is a better way (verses mineral color) to identify an unknown mineral.
____ 20. Minerals are not important in your daily life.
____ 21. Calcite reacts to hydrochloric acid with bubbles and fizzing.
____ 22. Some minerals are poisonous.
____ 23. Minerals can form from liquid that has evaporated. (i.e. Great Salt Lake in Utah)
Rock Questions
Matching: Write the proper term, from below, in front of the proper statement.

________________1. Rocks formed by increases in heat and pressure

________________2. Rocks formed from molten material
________________3. Rocks formed from sediments pressed or cemented together
________________4. Igneous rocks formed above Earth's surface
________________5. Banded texture in metamorphic rocks
________________6. Process by which small sediments are pressed together to form rock
________________7. Light-colored igneous rocks with a lower density than basalts
________________8. Dense, heavy, dark-colored igneous rocks
________________9. No visible banding in metamorphic rocks
________________10. When large sediments are glued together by dissolved minerals to form rock
________________11. Igneous rocks formed below Earth's surface
________________12. Bits of weathered rock, minerals, plants, and animals that have been eroded
________________13. Processes by which rocks form and change into other rocks
________________14. Molten material that reaches Earth's surface
________________15. A mixture of minerals

granitic metamorphic rocks rock cycle sedimentary rocks cementation

non-foliated basaltic rock extrusive igneous rocks
intrusive foliated lava compaction sediments

Fill In The Blank:

Write the proper term in each blank to complete the following sentences.

extrusive formation intrusive large surface pressure lava

slow igneous crystals minerals radioactive magnification

Rocks formed from molten Earth materials are 16___________ rocks. There are two kinds of
molten materials: magma and 17_________. 18________________ and heat caused by
overlying rocks and 19____________________ elements produce magma. When magma cools
below Earth's Surface, it forms 20_______________ -grained, 21_____________ igneous rocks.
The 22_______________ of these common rocks grow large because of the 23___________ rate
of cooling. When magma moves to Earth's 24_____________, it is called lava. When lava cools
on Earth's surface, it forms fine grained, 25________________ igneous rocks. Minerals of
extrusive rocks are so small that 26____________ is needed for identification. Igneous rocks can
be classified by their 27______________. They can also be classified by the types of
28_________________ in them.
Multiple Choice:
Write the letter of the term that best completes each statement in front of the number.

_____29. Magma that cools slowly forms _____ rock.

a. extrusive metamorphic c. intrusive metamorphic
b. extrusive igneous d. intrusive igneous

_____30. Foliated rocks are distinguished by____.

a. flaking b. banding c. weathering d. texture

_____31. Lava that cools quickly forms ____ rocks.

a. extrusive metamorphic c. intrusive metamorphic
b. extrusive igneous d. intrusive igneous

_____32. Rocks formed during metamorphism depend on all the following except __.
a. Earth's magnetic Field c. temperature
b. the original rock's composition d. pressure

_____33. A classification of metamorphic rocks would include whether they are

a. chemical or organic c. foliated or nonfoliated
b. intrusive or extrusive d. basaltic or granitic

_____34. Sedimentary rocks are ___.

a. formed below Earth's surface as magma c. formed by great heat
b. a type of foliated igneous rock d. often found at Earth's surface

_____35. Clastic rocks are ____.

a. made of fragments c. deposited from solution
b. formed from magma d. all of the above

_____36. The rock cycle indicates that each type of rock can _____.
a. provide materials to make other rocks c. be changed by forces at Earth's surface
b. form other rocks d. all of the above

_____37. The crystals that form in slowly cooling magma are ___.
a. tiny b. invisible c. colorful d. large

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