Editorials: From 50 Years Ago

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From 50 Years Ago it necessary, for instance, for him to get him- which gave him every opportunity of clearing
self photographed with someone about himself.
whom the following facts are well known? Whether the charges against the individual
(i) that he is on bail after being arrested on a concerned are ultimately proved or not,
Vol XVII, No 16, APRIL 17, 1965 criminal plaint; should not the Prime Minister have consid-
(ii) that he is charged by the Government with ered carefully the consequences of his con-
WEEKLY NOTES various malpractices before a semi-judicial body; sorting with such a person for the morale of
(iii) that a number of companies under his the Government officers and others who are
The PM’s Approval control are under investigation by statutory charged with the investigation and prosecu-
... is it necessary for the Prime Minister to authorities; and tion of the charges against the individual con-
seem to extend his congratulatory approval, (iv) that only a few years ago he was removed cerned and for public confidence that the Gov-
even though by a thoughtless word or act, from the Board of the very institution whose ernment will apply the country’s laws equally
from the institution concerned to individuals achievement is being lauded, as a result of a to all wrong-doers, however rich or influential
who have fallen foul of the laws of the land? Is specific directive from an official authority some of them may be.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW APRIL 18, 2015 vol l no 16 9

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