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Dynamical Model Development

and Parameter Identi®cation for an

Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Process

Olivier Bernard,1 Zakaria Hadj-Sadok,1 Denis Dochain,2

Antoine Genovesi,3 Jean-Philippe Steyer3
INRIA, COMORE Project, BP93, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex,
France; telephone: +33 492 38 77 85;
fax: +33 492 38 78 58; e-mail:
CESAME-UCL, Av G. LemaõÃtre, 4-6, 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
LBE-INRA, Av des Etangs, 11100 Narbonne, France
Received 26 December 2000; accepted 11 June 2001

Abstract: This paper deals with the development and the model of the process is required for the design of such
parameter identi®cation of an anaerobic digestion pro- monitoring and control algorithms.
cess model. A two-step (acidogenesis±methanization)
mass-balance model has been considered. The model The dynamical modeling of anaerobic digestion has
incorporates electrochemical equilibria in order to in- been an active research area during the last three decades.
clude the alkalinity, which has to play a central role in the Andrews (1968) introduced the Haldane model to char-
related monitoring and control strategy of a treatment acterize growth inhibition that can emphasize the process
plant. The identi®cation is based on a set of dynamical instability (i.e., the biomass wash-out via the accumula-
experiments designed to cover a wide spectrum of op-
erating conditions that are likely to take place in the tion of acids). A model with a single bacterial population
practical operation of the plant. A step by step identi®- was then proposed (Graef and Andrews, 1974).
cation procedure to estimate the model parameters is The representation of the process was then improved
presented. The results of 70 days of experiments in a 1- by considering three stages: solubilization of organics,
m3 fermenter are then used to validate the model. ã 2001 acidogenesis, and methanogenesis (Hill and Barth,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 75: 424-438, 2001.
Keywords: anaerobic digestion; dynamical modeling; 1977). Mosey (1983) introduced a four-population
model identi®cation model with two acidogenesis reactions and two meth-
anization reactions which also emphasizes the role of
hydrogen. These main modeling studies have then been
INTRODUCTION extended and detailed by other authors in order to get
The anaerobic wastewater treatment process presents closer to the complexity of the process (Moletta et al.,
very interesting advantages compared to the classical 1986; Batstone et al., 1997; Costello et al., 1991a; Cos-
aerobic treatment (Mata-Alvarez et al., 2000; Pavlosta- tello et al., 1991b; Fernandes et al., 1993; Kiley et al.,
this, 1994): It has a high capacity to degrade concentrated 1997). It results in detailed models of the process which
and dicult substrates (plant residues, animal wastes, include several bacterial populations and several sub-
food industry wastewater, and so forth), produces very strates. As a result, the number of parameters in these
few sludges, requires little energy, and, in some cases, it models can become very large.
can even recover energy using methane combustion. But As suggested in the above paragraph, there exists a
in spite of these advantages, the anaerobic treatment wide range of models dealing with anaerobic digestion.
plants are still very rare at the industrial scale, probably However, the models describing with detail all the pro-
because they are known to become easily unstable under cesses responsible for anaerobic digestion are generally
some circumstances, such as variations of the process dicult to use for control purposes (Bastin and Do-
operating conditions (Fripiat et al., 1984). Nevertheless, chain, 1990). In addition, the question of model identi-
this drawback can be overcome by associating a moni- ®cation and validation is rarely performed in a
toring procedure with a decision support system that suciently large range of operating conditions (typi-
allows enhancement of the stable performance of the cally, loading rates and retention times). Moreover, in
online wastewater treatment operation via a feedback all these models, the considered process is often assumed
control loop (Dochain et al., 1991; Perrier and Dochain, to behave like a continuously stirred tank reactor
1993; Steyer et al., 1999). Therefore, a reliable dynamic (CSTR). In practice, the technologies often aim at in-
creasing the contact surface between the biological
phase and the organic matter in order to improve the
Correspondence to: Olivier Bernard process eciency. As a consequence, the technology

Ó 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

based on ®xed or ¯uidized bed reactors generate a tri- tor, the measurement devices, and the considered
phasic medium (solid±liquid±gas) where the bacteria are methods. The modeling assumptions are then intro-
usually not in the liquid phase anymore. The principles duced in a second section. We simplify the process by
of CSTR modeling (i.e., liquid homogeneous medium) considering two main bacterial populations: X1, the
may thus not be valid anymore in these reactors. acidogenic bacteria population, and X2, the methano-
However, the lack of phenomenological knowledge, genic bacteria population. We then give a description of
the complexity of the process, its nonlinear nature, and the basic elements of the model (reaction network,
the lack of sensors explain why most of the existing chemical equilibria, hydrodynamics). From these con-
models are generally only rough approximations that siderations, a mass-balance-based model consisting of a
have not been validated with a large set of data. In this set of six di€erential equations is derived. The equilib-
context, it is of great interest to derive models that would rium points of this model are studied in the following
be as insensitive as possible to the lack of phenomeno- section, the main objective being to emphasize the role
logical knowledge. The model based on mass-balance played by each parameter. These results are then applied
considerations circumvents this diculty by locating the in another section to calibrate and validate the model
biological lack of knowledge in dedicated terms; namely, using experimental data produced by a 1-m3 ®xed-bed
the reaction rates. The use of such models for monitoring fermenter located at the LBE-INRA (Narbonne,
and control design has proved to be e€ective (Bastin and France). The parameters of the model are identi®ed on
Dochain, 1990), because they minimize the number of the basis of a set of steady-state data. The mass-balance
assumptions in the model-building exercise. model is then validated in the last section using experi-
Let us now recall that a dynamical model can be used mental data from a wide range of operating conditions
for di€erent purposes. One objective can be the nu- covering 3 months of process operation.
merical simulation of the process behavior; for example,
for predicting its dynamical behavior or for identifying
and understanding better the major mechanisms driving
its dynamics. Another objective is the design of moni- The In¯uent
toring and control algorithms. The current work has to
be viewed in the latter context. The proposed model has The experiments were performed with raw industrial
been developed within the framework of a European wine distillery vinasses obtained from local wineries in
Economic Community project (AMOCO, FAIR pro- the area of Narbonne, France. This substrate, neither
gram) that is aimed at developing a monitoring and sterile nor homogeneous, is stored in three tanks (27 m3
control system for anaerobic digestion processes. The each) that are connected to the reactor by a piping sys-
tem of about 0.5 m3. The characteristics of the e‚uent in
proposed model is inspired form the model of Graef and
those tanks and in the pipes are given in Table I.
Andrews (1974), but it has been modi®ed to lead to
better (and simpler) structural properties. Moreover, a
second bacterial population has been introduced to
better reproduce the destabilization phase. In this paper, The Reactor
we present in detail the modeling of the gaseous ¯ow The pilot plant is an anaerobic up¯ow ®xed-bed digester.
rates with respect to the biological and chemical species The reactor is a circular column of 3.5-m height and 0.6-
in the fermenter. This leads to a gaseous ¯ow rate de- m diameter. The e€ective volume of the medium is 0.948
scription that di€ers from most of the previous models m3. The support surface equals 135 m2 (Cloisonyl: 180
published in the literature. Moreover, we have consid-
ered a simple model for bacterial attachment. Another
Table I. Characteristics of the industrial wine distellery wastewater.
important original aspect of the current work is the
calibration procedure of the model parameters with Component Range
experimental data at equilibrium. The experiments used
Volatile Fatty Acids (g/L) [5.00±6.00]
for model building and identi®cation have been carefully
% acetic [35±55]
chosen so as to correspond to a suciently wide range of % propionic [15±30]
operating conditions assumed to be possibly encoun- % butyric [15±35]
tered in the practical operation of a treatment plant. % isobutyric [0±1]
Secondly, as with any systematic identi®cation study, % pentanoic [5±15]
% isopentanoic [0±0.1]
the model parameter calibration has followed two steps:
Total organic carbon (g/L) [2.50±6.00]
parameter identi®cation, then model validation. These Total COD (g/L) [9.00±17.4]
two steps have been performed on di€erent data sets, Soluble COD (g/L) [7.60±16.0]
and the model performance during transient conditions Total suspended solids (g/L) [2.40±5.00]
is evaluated during the validation step. Volatile suspended solids (g/L) [1.20±2.70]
Alkalinity (mEq/L) [30.8±62.4]
The paper is organized as follows. The ®rst section
pH [5.00±5.40]
brie¯y describes the anaerobic digestion ®xed-bed reac-


ment, NF T 90-029) and then put in a furnace at 550°C
for 2 h. The pot is weighed again. The di€erence be-
tween both weights gives the VSS (NF T 90-105-2).

Measurement of the Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA)

The VFA are measured with a gas chromatograph (Fi-
sons Instruments GC8000) equipped with an Econocap
FFAP (Alltech) column with a length of 15 m, 1.2 lm
®lm width, 250°C maximum temperature, and regener-
ation at 200°C overnight.
The centrifuged samples are diluted to the external
standard scale and mixed with the same volume of the
internal standard (ethyl 2 butyric acid 1 g/L, acidi®ed to
5% with H3PO4). The programmed method allows the
Figure 1. Schematic view of the ®xed-bed anaerobic digester (LBE-
INRA, Narbonne, France). total separation of the VFA.

m2/m3). The dilution of the in¯uent is performed by Measurement of the Chemical Oxygen Demand
adding water to 20 L of vinasses (measured with the (COD)
¯owmeter) in a 200-L tank. The feeding tanks are
The principle of chemical oxygen demand (COD) mea-
equipped with level sensors that allows obtaining of a
surement (NF T 90-101) is the oxidation of the organic
selected concentration in the in¯uent. The pH is mea-
matter by a potassium bichromate excess, in acid media
sured and controlled in the feeding tank. Figure 1 de-
(H2SO4) at boiling temperature. The oxidant excess is
scribes the pilot plant and the measurement devices.
titrated by a reducing solution of Mohr salt (ammonium
and ferrum sulfate).
The Online Measurements
The temperature inside the reactor is controlled at 35°C. Measurement of the Alkalinity
The temperature regulation is performed in the recycle Acid (HCl) is added to the sample in order to reach pH
loop via an electric heater using a PID controller. The = 5.75 (the volume titrated corresponds to partial al-
in¯uent ¯ow rate is measured by an electromagnetic kalinity). Then, acid is added again until the pH reaches
sensor (Khrone). the value of 4.3 and the total added acid volume is the
The gas analysis loop (see Fig. 1) consists of a dryer total alkalinity. The concentration of acetate and bi-
that eliminates the humidity by cooling the gas. The carbonate can be determined from partial and total al-
Ultramat 22P sensor (Siemens) measures the CO2/CH4 kalinity (Ripley et al., 1986).
percentage of the analyzed gas. The gas ¯owmeter is
located at the output of the loop. It uses an electro-
magnetic ¯oater to continuously measure the produced The Experimental Protocol
gas ¯ow rate.
The experimental protocol has been determined in order
to cover a wide range of organic loading rates and to
The Of¯ine Measurements obtain situations close to the destabilization of the fer-
menter. This is performed via consecutive step variation
The samples used to determine the concentrations in the of both the dilution rate and the in¯uent COD. They are
inlet are taken in the pipe just after the feeding pump. maintained constant for a suciently long period of
The samples for the outlet concentrations are taken just time in order to reach a steady state. The in¯uent time
before their rejection to the sewer. The samples are evolutions are presented in Fig. 2. Note that some fail-
stored at 4°C. The dissolved part is obtained after cen- ures (leaks, pump failures, tube clogging, and so forth)
trifugation for 15 min at 15,000 rpm. have slightly disturbed the initial protocol.

Measurement of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) MODEL ASSUMPTIONS AND DESCRIPTION

and Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS)
Model Assumptions
The residue from centrifugation is put in the steam room
(105°C) in a 30-ml weighted ceramic pot. Twenty-four The choice of the number of considered bacterial pop-
hours later, the pot is weighed precisely (TSS measure- ulations involved in the anaerobic digestion process is

speci®c growth rates of acidogenesis and methanization,

Chemical Species
The Inorganic Carbon
Let us consider the chemical reactions involving the
inorganic carbon mainly composed of dissolved CO2,
3 bicarbonate (B), and carbonate in line with Rozzi
(1984). In normal operating conditions, the pH range is
between 6 to 8, and the temperature is between 35 and
38°C. In those conditions, the anity constant for car-
bonate/bicarbonate (Kc = 4.7 ´ 10)11 mol/L) indicates
that the carbonate concentration will remain negligible
compared to the bicarbonate. The total inorganic car-
bon C in the considered pH range is then approximately
Figure 2. In¯uent pro®les during the experiment. The values of COD, equal to:
VFA, and pH are extrapolated for any time from o‚ine measure-
ments. The values of the dilution rate result from online measurements. C ˆ CO2 ‡ B …3†
The time periods used for the parameter identi®cation are represented
with a thick line on the time axis. and the bicarbonate and dissolved CO2 concentrations
are determined by the following chemical reaction (H‡
directly linked to the model complexity. As one of our are the protons):
objectives is to obtain a model that would be able to
represent the destabilization phenomenon while being B ‡ H‡ „ CO2 ‡ H2 O …4†
identi®able, we assume that the bacterial populations we denote Kb the anity constant of this reaction (Kb =
can be divided into two main groups of homogeneous 6.5 ´ 10)7 mol/L):
characteristics, and that the anaerobic digestion can be
described by a two-stage process. In the ®rst step (aci- ‰H‡ ŠB
Kb ˆ …5†
dogenesis), the acidogenic bacteria (X1) consume the CO2
organic substrate (S1) and produce CO2 and volatile
fatty acids (S2). The population of methanogenic bac-
teria (X2) uses, in a second step, the volatile fatty acids The Volatile Fatty Acids
as substrate for growth, and produce CO2 and methane. The total concentration of VFA is composed of ions S
On the basis of hydrodynamical tests, we assume that (mainly acetate) and un-ionized SH (mainly acetic acid):
the reactor behaves like a perfectly mixed tank, and that
the biomass is uniformly distributed within the reactor. S2 ˆ ‰SHŠ ‡ ‰S Š …6†
The corresponding anity constant is equal to:
Biological Reaction Pathways ‰H‡ Š‰S Š
Ka ˆ …7†
The acidogenic and methanogenic bacteria intervene in ‰SHŠ
the two following biological reactions:
The numerical value of Ka in the considered pH range
· Acidogenesis (with reaction rate r1 = l1X1): (Ka = 1.5 ´ 10 5 mol/L) shows that [SH] is negligible
and therefore:
k1 S1 ! X1 ‡ k2 S2 ‡ k4 CO2 …1†
S2 ' ‰S Š …8†
· Methanization (with reaction rate r2 = l2X2):
k3 S2 ! X2 ‡ k5 CO2 ‡ k6 CH4 …2† The Ion Balance
S1 represents the organic substrate (and its concentra- The total alkalinity Z is de®ned as the sum of dissoci-
tion) characterized by its COD (g/L). The total con- ated acids in the medium:
centration of VFA is denoted S2 (mmole/L). In the
Z ˆ B ‡ ‰S Š …9†
sequel, we assume that S2, which is mainly composed of
acetate, propionate, and butyrate, basically behaves like From Eq. (8), we have in the considered pH range:
pure acetate. It is important to note that the total COD
is composed of S1 and S2. l1 and l2 (d)1) represent the Z ' B ‡ S2 …10†


Remark: This assumption is not valid in the in¯uent with
wastewater, where the pH can be very low. We must qM
therefore compute the in¯uent alkalinity with respect to / ˆ CO2 ‡ KH PT ‡ …16†
kL a
the in¯uent bicarbonate (Bin) and VFA (S2in) as follows:
Let us compute the roots of Eq. (15), which is of the
Zin ˆ Bin ‡ pH
S2in …11† form p(PC) = 0, where p is a binomial equation. First,
Ka ‡ 10 note that:
Note also that Bin is negligible at low pH. P T qM
We assume that all the other anions (of concentration p…PT † ˆ <0 …17†
kL a
denoted Z0) that signi®cantly in¯uence the total con-
centration of anions in the medium (i.e., Z + Z0) are This shows that the largest root of Eq. (15) is larger than
not a€ected by the anaerobic digestion process. There- PT, and therefore is not a physically admissable solu-
fore, Z0 does not vary between the in¯uent wastewater tion. The only admissible solution is thus the lowest root
and the medium in the fermenter: dZ0/dt = 0. In the of Eq. (15); that is:
considered pH range, it is generally the case, because q
[OH ], [H2 CO3 ], and [CO23 ] are negligible compared to / /2 4KH PT CO2
B and S2, so that Z0 ' 0. In some particular cases, PC ˆ …18†
chloride can be in high concentrations and signi®cantly
contribute to the total concentration of anions, and then Finally, the CO2 concentration can be computed by
Z0 ' ‰Cl Š. Our hypothesis then means that the chloride combining Eqs. (3) and (10):
concentration is not modi®ed in the reactor.
From the electric balance of the charges in the me- CO2 ˆ C ‡ S2 Z …19†
dium, Z + Z0 represents also the total concentration of
cations. The Hydrodynamics of the Fermenter
Additional experiments have shown that the recircula-
The Gases tion rate is high enough to maintain the fermenter in
We assume that the gas out¯ow is mainly composed homogeneous conditions. As a consequence, the dy-
of CO2 and CH4. Because of the very low solubility namics of the chemical species are directly in¯uenced by
of methane, the concentration of dissolved methane the dilution rate D of the fermenter (de®ned as the ratio
is neglected and the produced methane is assumed to of the in¯uent ¯ow rate over the volume of the fer-
go directly out of the fermenter with a molar ¯ow menter).
rate qM proportional to the reaction rate of methano- For a ®xed-bed reactor, the biomass is attached on a
genesis: support. It is therefore not a€ected by the dilution e€ect
as in a CSTR. Nevertheless, some bacteria do not ®x on
qM ˆ k6 l2 X2 …12† their support or are detached by the liquid ¯ow. Thus,
we decided to incorporate this e€ect in the hydrody-
For the out¯ow rate of CO2, we must take the storage namical modeling of the biomass. In order to keep a
of CO2 in the total inorganic carbon compartment into simple mathematical description of the process, we
account. The molar CO2 ¯ow rate qC can be computed simply consider that only a fraction a of the biomass is
using Henry's law: in the liquid phase. The parameter a (0 £ a £ 1) therefore
qC ˆ kL a…CO2 KH PC † …13† re¯ects this process heterogeneity: a = 0 corresponds to
an ideal ®xed-bed reactor, whereas a = 1 corresponds to
with kLa being the liquid±gas transfer coecient, KH an ideal CSTR.
being Henry's constant, and PC being the CO2 partial
If we assume that the gas pressures rapidly reach their THE MASS-BALANCE MODEL
equilibrium, we get a relationship between the partial Let us denote by n = [X1, X2, Z, S1, S2, C]T the vector of
pressure and the ¯ow rates from the ideal gas law: model variables (Tdenotes the transpose operator).
PT PC PC From the considerations of reactions (1), (2), and (4), we
ˆ …14† obtain the following mass-balance model:
qM qC
where PT is the total pressure in the fermenter (typically dX1
ˆ ‰l1 …n† aDŠX1 …20†
corresponding to the atmospheric pressure). dt
From Eqs. (13) and (14), we have:
ˆ ‰l2 …n† aDŠX2 …21†
KH P2C /PC ‡ PT CO2 ˆ 0 …15† dt

dZ 2 3 2 3
ˆ D…Zin Z† …22† 0 0
dt 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 0 7 6 0 7
dS1 6 7 6 7
ˆ D…S1in S1 † k1 l1 …n†X1 …23† 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
dt 6 DZin 7 6 0 7
6 7 6 7
7 Qˆ6
dS2 6 DS1in 7 6 0 7
ˆ D…S2in S2 † ‡ k2 l1 …n†X1 k3 l2 …n†X2 …24† 6 7 6 7
dt 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 DS2in 7 6 0 7
6 7 6 7
4 5 4 5
ˆ D…Cin C† qC …n† ‡ k4 l1 …n†X1 ‡ k5 l2 …n†X2 DCin qC …n†
…25† 2 3
aD 0 0 0 0 0
6 7
6 7
with 6 0 aD 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
6 7
6 7
qC …n† ˆ kL a‰C ‡ S2 Z KH PC …n†Š …26† 6 0 0 D 0 0 0 7
6 7
7 …32†
6 0 0 0 D 0 0 7
where PC(n) is computed from Eqs. (12), (16), (18), and 6 7
6 7
(19) as follows: 6 7
6 0 0 0 0 D 0 7
q 6 7
4 5
/ /2 4KH PT …C ‡ S2 Z† 0 0 0 0 0 D
PC …n† ˆ …27†
The model given by Eq. (30) will serve as a basis for the
with design of online monitoring and control strategies of the
anaerobic digestion process (Bastin and Dochain, 1990).
k6 For this purpose, the modeling of the growth rates l1(n)
/ ˆ C ‡ S2 Z ‡ KH PT ‡ l …n†X2 and l2(n) is not required. Yet, for numerical simula-
kL a 2
tions, analytical expressions for the growth rates are
S1in (g COD/L), S2in (mmole/L), Cin (mmole/L), and Zin needed. In the following section, expressions for l1(n)
(mmole/L) are the in¯uent concentrations of S1, S2, C, and l2(n) are proposed.
and Z, respectively.
Moreover, we have the following model equations for Modeling of the Bacterial Kinetics
the methane gas ¯ow rate and for the pH from Eq. (12)
and Eqs. (7), (10), and (19): The modeling of biological kinetics is a dicult task for
which a systematic methodology is still lacking. For the
qM …n† ˆ k6 l2 …n†X2 …28† sake of model simplicity, and in line with other works on
anaerobic digestion modeling, we shall consider the
  following models for bacterial kinetics.
C Z ‡ S2
pH…n† ˆ log10 Kb …29†
Z S2
Acidogenic Bacteria
The model can then be rewritten in a more general We consider Monod-type kinetics for the growth of
matrix form: acidogenic bacteria; that is:
dn S1
ˆ Kr…n† Dn Q‡F …30† l1 …S1 † ˆ l1max …33†
dt S1 ‡ KS1
where l1max is the maximum bacterial growth rate, and
2 3 2 3 KS1 is the half-saturation constant associated with the
X1 1 0
6 X2 7 6 0 1 7 substrate S1.
6 7   6 7
6Z7 l1 …n†X1 6 0 0 7
nˆ6 7
6 S1 7; r…n† ˆ ; Kˆ6
6 7 l2 …n†X2 6 k1 0 7 7 Methanogenic Bacteria
4 S2 5 4 k2 k3 5
In order to emphasize the possible VFA accumulation,
C k4 k5
we have considered Haldane kinetics for the methano-
…31† genesis:


S2 The Identi®ability of the Model Parameters
l2 …S2 † ˆ l2 max S22
S2 ‡ KS2 ‡ KI2 The ®rst approach for identifying the parameters of a
model is to ®nd the set of parameters that minimize a
where l2max is the maximum bacterial growth rate global criterion based on the error between simulated
without inhibition, and KS2 and KI2 are the saturation values and measurements. The minimization procedure
and inhibition constants associated with the substrate results in parameter values that give the best ®t of the
S2, respectively. model with the data. Nevertheless, generally speaking,
such a global approach poses two problems. The ®rst
one is the uniqueness of the obtained parameter values
THE MODEL STRUCTURE (nonuniqueness means that di€erent sets of parameter
It is worth noting that the model has a cascade structure. values result in an equivalent model behavior). This is
This will make its analysis and its use easier. In this the so-called problem of structural identi®ability of the
section, we take bene®t of this structure to brie¯y de- model. One has to prove from a theoretical point of view
scribe the possible behavior of this model, and to discuss that the parameters can be uniquely estimated from ideal
the identi®ability of its parameters. For the sake of measurements. It is only when the uniqueness of the
brevity, the mathematical developments are not detailed parameters has been shown that it is meaningful to run
here. the global minimization procedure (see, e.g., Dochain
et al., 1995). The second problem, related to the prac-
tical identi®ability of the system, may result from the
possible presence of local minima (see, e.g., Vanrolleg-
The Model Behavior hem et al., 1995). The minimization algorithm may thus
First, we remark that the system of the two Eqs. (20) often be trapped into local minima, and this leads to bad
and (23) can be run separately. It means that S1 and X1 parameter estimates. The importance of this phenome-
are not in¯uenced by the other variables (and, therefore, non is directly linked to the number of parameters to be
by the parameters associated with the other equations). identi®ed, to the informative content of the data, and to
This system corresponds to a classical chemostat model the possibly high uncertainty associated with the mea-
(with Monod-type kinetics), with an equivalent mortal- surements.
ity rate kd = (a)1)D (note that kd < 0). The behavior of Let us now investigate the structural identi®ability of
such a system is well-known (Smith and Waltman, the model. The identi®ability problem is a dicult one,
1995). For constant in¯uent conditions, two equilibria and the analysis may be easily cumbersome (Walter and
exist in general. For appropriate values of the dilu- Pronzato, 1997). Here we take advantage of the cascade
tion rate, the nontrivial equilibrium is stable, and the structure of the model. In particular, the identi®ability
trivial equilibrium (washout: X1 = 0, S1 = S1in) is of the parameters of the subsystem (20), (23) is a clas-
unstable. sical problem that has been extensively discussed in the
Note that Eq. (22) (mass balance of Z) is independent literature. If all the state variables are measured, the
of the other equations and can therefore be analyzed parameters are identi®able (Chouakri et al., 1994;
separately: as it is a linear equation, it has only one Holmberg, 1982). We will detail the discussion later on
steady state, and this steady state is stable because D is (in the static case) in the case where the biomass is not
positive. measured.
Similarly, the system composed of Eqs. (20), (23), The identi®ability results also hold for the Haldane-
(21), and (24) can also be considered independently. It type model described by Eqs. (21) and (24) [note that in
can also be noted that the system composed of Eqs. (21) that case we can take bene®t of the measurement of
and (24) is a chemostat model (with Haldane-type ki- 9 qM(n)].
netics), with an in¯uent ¯ow rate DS2in + k2l1(n)X1. From total inorganic carbon measurement and using
The behavior of this model is also well-known (Smith the relationship (13), we can derive kLa. Finally, the
and Waltman, 1995). It has (in the general case) three identi®ability of the parameters k4 and k5 associated
equilibria: the ®rst one is the interesting operating point, with the last Eq. (25) follows straightforwardly.
as it is nontrivial and locally stable; the second one is Let us now consider the practical identi®ability
nontrivial and unstable; and the third one is the locally question. Even if the parameters are identi®able, the
stable trivial equilibrium (washout: X1 = 0, S1 = S1in). considered algorithms may converge toward several
Now, the behavior of the model can be brie¯y de- values. For this reason, in the sequel we shall at the same
scribed. Once the system composed of Eqs. (20) and (23) time describe the identi®cation procedure and discuss
has converged, the variables of Eqs. (21) and (24) will the uniqueness of the obtained parameters. With this
also converge toward one of the two stable equilibria. approach, we shall show that the identi®cation algo-
Finally the dynamical Eq. (25) will drive C toward an rithm will provide a unique value, and that the corre-
equilibrium value. sponding parameter is identi®able. We shall also show

that, when no biomass measurements are available, the Then, the possible steady states for S2 are solutions of
yield coecients are not identi®able and one can obtain the following equation, deduced from Eqs. (36) and (34):
only ratios of yield coecients.
S22  l2 max 
‡ 1 S2 ‡ KS2 ˆ 0 …39†
KI2 aD
Principles for Identi®cation
We have split the data set into one set for parameter We denote S2 and Sy2 the lowest and the largest solutions
calibration and one set for parameter validation. One of of Eq. (39), respectively. We also denote E and Ey the
our primary goals was to have a model able to predict corresponding equilibria. Note that E  corresponds to
properly the process steady states. Therefore, we have a steady state in the inhibition phase of the methano-
selected a set of steady-state values for parameter cali- genesis.
bration. We have then used the data corresponding to The computation of the equilibrium for Z is
the other steady states and to the transients for model straightforward from Eq. (22):
Z ˆ Zin …40†
Note that this approach is consistent and perfectly
valid from an identi®cation point of view. The model
structure is typically composed of the combination of
hydrodynamics terms, liquid±gas terms, and conversion Steady State of the Biomasses
(kinetic + yields) terms. The conversion and liquid±gas Using Eqs. (23) and (35), we get:
transfer terms contain all the parameters to be cali-
brated, while the terms related to the hydrodynamics are 1
X1 ˆ …S1in S1 † …41†
typically characterized by the (known) values of the in- ak1
¯uent and e‚uent ¯ow rates.
In the next section, the steady-state values of the From Eqs. (24), (35), (36), and (41), we have two pos-
model variables are computed with respect to the pa- sible values for X2:
rameters, in order to be used later on in the model  
 1  k2 
identi®cation procedure. X2 ˆ S2in S2 ‡ …S1in S1 † …42†
ak3 k1


1 k2
STATES Xy2 ˆ S2in Sy2 ‡ …S1in S1 † …43†
ak3 k1
Steady-State Values of VFA, COD, and Alkalinity
At steady state, if we do not consider the washout steady
state (corresponding to X1 = 0 or X2 = 0), we have Steady State of Gaseous Flow Rates
from Eqs. (20) and (21): The value of the methane gas ¯ow rate at steady state in
l1 …S1 † ˆ aD …35† the noninhibitory phase is readily obtained from Eqs.
(12) and (36):
l2 …S2 † ˆ aD …36† qM ˆ k6 aDX2 …44†
If l1max > aD, this implies from Eq. (33) that S1 , the The computation of the carbon gas ¯ow rate is a bit
steady-state value of S1, is equal to: more complicated. Let us ®rst consider Eqs. (13) and
(25) at steady state, which give the amount of total in-
S1 ˆ K1 …37† organic carbon C* at steady state:
l1max aD
qC ˆ kL a…CO2 KH PC † ˆ D…Cin C † ‡ k4 aDX1
The possible steady states for S2 are solutions of Eq.
(36). The function l2(S2) starts growing from 0, reaches
‡ k5 aDX2 …45†
a unique maximum, and then decreases to 0. Thus,
Eq. (36) admits two solutions (that can reduce to one) We compute C* with the expression (19), and using Eq.
only if: (19), we obtain:
aD  max‰l2 …S2 †Š 1
CO2 ˆ …kL aKH PC ‡ Dw † …46†
This implies, with the expression (34) of l2, that: kL a ‡ D

p with
l2max KI2
D p p …38†
a KI2 ‡ 2 KS2 w ˆ Cin Z ‡ S2 ‡ k4 aX1 ‡ k5 aX2


The relationship (46) between CO2 and PC can then Identi®cation Procedure of the Kinetic Parameters
be injected in Eq. (14). This gives:
From Eq. (35), we have the following relationship:

C x PC ‡ PT w ˆ 0 …47† 1 a a 1
ˆ ‡ KS1 …49†
D l1max l1max S1
This relationship can be used with the measurements of
 kL a ‡ D
 the equilibrium values of S1, S1 , to estimate the para-
x ˆ KH PT ‡ w ‡ k6 aX2
kL a meters a/l1max and KS1 via a linear regression. Un-
fortunately, the parameters a and l1max cannot be
We know from Eq. (17) that only the lower root is distinguished from this relationship. We chose therefore
physically admissible. Thus: to select values of l1max from classical bibliographical
p results (Ghosh and Pohland, 1974).
 x x2 4KH PT w
PC ˆ …48† Equation (36) provides the following relationship:
1 a a 1 1 a 
The steady-state values CO2 and qC can then be directly ˆ ‡ KS2 ‡ S2 …50†
D l2max l2max S2 KI2 l2max
derived from Eqs. (46) and (14), respectively.
The steady-state values associated with E  can be Linear regression then gives the values of the following
computed by using a similar procedure, and simply by parameters: a/l2max, KS2, and KI2. Using the estimated
replacing the symbol * by   in Eqs. (44) to (48). value of a obtained in the previous step, we then get l2max.

Identi®cation Procedure of the kLa

IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE To estimate the value of the liquid±gas transfer coe-
Introduction cient kLa, we use the relationship (13). The dissolved CO2
concentration can be computed from the measurement of
The model developed in the preceding sections includes the total inorganic carbon if we use Eqs. (3) and (5):
thirteen parameters that have to be identi®ed from ex-
perimental data. This identi®cation step is very impor- C
CO2 ˆ …51†
tant to guarantee a large validity of the model. 1 ‡ ‰HK‡b Š
To circumvent these structural and practical identi®-
ability problems, we have chosen an approach based on or equivalently:
the following two points. First of all, we have decoupled
the estimation into three groups of parameters: the ki- CO2 ˆ Cf…pKb ; pH† …52†
netic parameters (l1max, KS1, l2max, KS2, KI2, a), the where pKb = )log10(Kb) and f is the function:
transfer coecient (kLa), and the yield coecients (ki, i
= 1 to 6). The motivation for this decoupling lies in the 1
f…pKb ; pH† ˆ …53†
(already mentioned) dicult task of kinetics modeling 1 ‡ 10pH pKb

that usually generates a large uncertainty in bioprocess

Then, we get the following expression obtained from
dynamical models (see also Bastin and Dochain, 1990).
Eqs. (13) and (52):
We designed therefore the identi®cation procedure
in order to estimate each group of parameter inde- qC ˆ kL aCf…pKb ; pH† kL aKH PC …54†
pendently. The second important point of the identi®-
cation procedure is the following: We focus on the From the measurements of pH, C, ¯ow rate, and
steady states and we adjust the parameters using linear partial pressure of CO2 at steady state, we can now use
least-square regressions so as to impose that the model the following regression to estimate kLa (with KH = 16
predicts correctly the equilibria reached by the process. mmol/L per atm):
The capacity of the model to properly reproduce the  
transients will then be judged during the validation qC ˆ kL a Cf…pKb ; pH† KH PC …55†
phase. This regression leads to an estimate of kLa.
During the modeling and identi®cation of the process,
we have measured as many process variables as possible
(at least for steady-state conditions). We denote S1 , S2 , Identi®cation Procedure of the Yield Coef®cients
 C, pH, qC , and qM the mean values of these quanti- Ratio
ties, measured during a steady-state period. Note that The identi®cation of the yield coecients is performed
these values correspond to one of the two equilibria E in two steps. In the ®rst step, four ratios of yield coef-
or E . ®cients:

k6 k2 k5 k4 This means that all the variables but the biomasses
; ; ; …56†
k3 k1 k3 k1 depend only on the ratio of yield coecients. The values
of the yield coecients themselves (and not of their ra-
are identi®ed. Then, in a second step, we use the mea- tio) are then needed only if we want to have an estimate
surements of the VSS to obtain an approximation of of the biomasses in the fermenter.
each yield coecient. For that purpose, we need additional information and
We ®rst consider the methane gas ¯ow rate, which we measurements related to the biomasses. We propose ®rst
compute by combining Eqs. (42) and (44): to use the ratio m of acidogenic and methanogenic bac-
  teria. This information is quite qualitative and can be
k6  k2 
qM ˆ D S2in S2 ‡ …S1in S1 † …57† determined despite the heterogeneity between the liquid
k3 k1
and the solid phases. We propose also to use the VSS
From this regression, we get the ratio of yield coe- concentration as a (rough) indicator of the total biomass
cients k6/k3 and k2/k1. X1 + X2.
From the consideration of the CO2 ¯ow rate (45), From Eqs. (41) and (42) we have:
using Eqs. (41) and (42), we obtain:
X1 1 S1in S1
   mˆ  ' …64†
k4 k5 k2 
X1 ‡ X2 ak1 VSS
qC ˆ D Cin C ‡ ‡ …S1in S1 †
k1 k3 k1
If we assume that m remains approximately constant, we
 ®nally have an estimate of k1:
‡ …S2in S2 † …58†
k3 1
1 S1in S
k1 ˆ …65†
We rewrite this equation as follows: am VSS
The value of m has been taken from the literature (m =
qC  ˆ k4 …S1in k5 qM
…Cin C† S1 † ‡ …59† 0.2) (Sanchez et al., 1994).
D k1 k6 D Now, if we consider Eqs. (41) and (42), we have:
This regression gives the values of k4/k1 and k5/k6.
X1 k3 S1in S1
mˆ  ˆ
X1 ‡ X2 k1 …S2in S2 † ‡ …kk21 ‡ kk31 †…S1in S1 †
Determination of the Yield Coef®cients …66†
In this second step, we show how to estimate each yield and thus:
coecient. It turns out that the yield coecients are not  
identi®able if we do not measure the biomasses. Indeed, m S2in S2 k2
k3 ˆ k1 ‡ …67†
it can be veri®ed that if we rescale the biomass by the 1 m S1in S1 k1
factors k1 and k2,
An estimate of k3 can then be found from Eq. (67). The
X01 ˆ k1 X1 …60† ratios identi®ed in the previous step can now be used to
derive estimates of k2, k4, k5, and k6.
X02 ˆ k2 X2 …61† Note that these values have to be considered with care
because of the uncertainty of the VSS measurements, the
then the biomass rescaling can be compensated by the uncertainty of the ratio of methanogenic and acidogenic
following parameter rescaling: bacteria, and, last but not least, the uncertainty of the
correlation between the total biomass and the VSS.
k1 k2 k4
k01 ˆ ; k02 ˆ ; k04 ˆ …62†
k1 k1 k1
Sensitivity Analysis
k3 k5 k6
k03 ˆ ; k05 ˆ ; k06 ˆ …63† In this section, we study the sensitivity of the model to
k2 k2 k2
its parameters. Note that there does not exist any
The numerical simulation of the model with the yield methodology to discuss the parameter sensitivity in
coecients ki and k0i will give the same values for all the general: The usual methods refer to parameter sensitiv-
model variables (except for the variables X1 and X2 that ity for a given system trajectory (i.e., in reference to a
are not measured). The yield coefficients are not iden- given set of parameters, initial conditions, and in¯uent
tifiable if no measurements of the biomass is available; ¯ow rates). Therefore, it is of great importance to cor-
this is consistent with the study of Chappell and God- rectly choose the reference simulation from which the
frey (1992), who proved a similar result when only the sensitivity analysis is performed. This results in fact
biomass is measured. from an iterative approach, where the ``best parameter


values'' serve as a basis to run the sensitivity analysis. Table II. Mean in¯uent characteristics used for steady-state identi®-
The classical choice is to consider the sensitivity coe- cation.
cient rpy of the variable y to the parameter p de®ned by D (d)1) CODin (g/L) VFAin (mmole/L) pHin
rpy ˆ @y=@p (Walter and Pronzato, 1997). These quan-
tities are computed by running the adjoint dynamical 0.34 9.5 93.6 5.12
0.35 10 73.68 4.46
system. The drawback of this method is that it gives an 0.35 4.8 38.06 4.49
idea of the sensitivity for small parameter variations. In 0.36 15.6 112.7 4.42
order to explore the e€ect of large parameter variation, 0.26 10.6 72.98 4.42
we use the following criterion for experiment from time 0.51 10.7 71.6 4.47
0 to tf: 0.53 9.1 68.78 5.30

Dp 1 tf y…p ‡ Dp; x0 ; u; s† y…p; x0 ; u; s†
ry ˆ ds
tf 0 y…p; x0 ; u; s†
the considered periods are presented in Table II. The
where y(p, x0, u, s) denotes the simulated value at time s
estimated standard deviation for some parameters is
of the variable y associated with the parameter p, the
quite high. However, this value is probably overesti-
initial condition x0, and the input u.
mated if we keep in mind the relatively small number of
In the sequel, we have focused the discussion on the
equilibria (seven points) from a statistical point of view.
sensitivity of the four following quantities to parameter
Note also that the deviations are particularly high for
variations: S1, S2, qC, and qM.
two classes of parameters. First, the estimates of the
The results are presented in Fig. 3. Note ®rst that the
kinetic coecients su€er from the already mentioned
cascade model structure has a strong in¯uence on the
lack of reliability of the kinetic expression used. Indeed,
parameter sensitivity. Indeed, the only parameters in-
the fact that the expressions retained for the biological
¯uencing S1 are l1max, KS1, k1, and a. The parameters
kinetics are only rough approximations results in high
in¯uencing S2 are those in¯uencing S1 plus l2max, KS2,
variability of the corresponding parameter values. The
KI2, k2, and k3. These parameters (plus k6) also in¯uence
other group of parameters for which the estimates seem
qM. Finally, all the parameters act on qC. Neverthe-
to be less precise are the ratio of parameter related to k1
less, the in¯uence of the parameters only related to S1
(k2/k1 and k4/k1). This is probably due to the fact that
is much lower on S2 and on the gaseous ¯ow rates.
the composition of the substrate S1 is changing
Similarly, the parameters in¯uencing S2 have less e€ect
throughout the experiment. As a consequence, the yield
on qC.
coecient associated to its degradation (i.e., k1) may
From this study, it results that the parameters that
¯uctuate during the considered period. As we shall see in
played the main role are a (because it modi®es the dy-
the sequel, in spite of this apparent uncertainty, the
namics of the whole model) and k3 (which has a strong
model correctly ®ts the data.
in¯uence on the gaseous ¯ow rates). Note that the small
Tables III and IV summarize the obtained kinetic
16 values of l2max and KI2 also strongly change the model
parameters and yield coecient ratio values. Table V
predictions: with low value the equilibrium S2 becomes
then gives the values obtained for all the yield coe-
less and less stable.
The parameters k2, k4, kLa, KS1 and KS2 have little
in¯uence on the model, and therefore they will be less
precisely estimated.
Finally, it can be noted that sensitivity analysis (in %) Table III. Estimates of the kinetic parameters.
for the ratio of yield parameters ki/kj is the same as that
of ki (in %). Parameter Meaning Unit Value SDa

l1max Maximum acidogenic d)1 1.2b

biomass growth rate
KS1 Half-saturation constant g/L 7.1 5.0
Identi®cation of Parameter Values from
associated with S1
Experimental Data
l2max Maximum methanogenic d)1 0.74 0.9
As already mentioned, the data have been split in two biomass growth rate
KS2 Half-saturated constant mmol/l 9.28 13.7
sets. The ®rst set, composed of a set of values obtained
associated with S2
at equilibrium (after a suciently long time after the KI2 Inhibition constant mmol/l 256 320
dilution rate and the wastewater composition has been associated with S2
changed), has been used for the calibration, and the a Proportion of dilution mmol/l 0.5 0.4
remaining set of data is kept for the validation. The rate for bacteria
kLa Liquid/gas transfer rate d)1 19.8 3.5
steady-state values are averaged over the considered
period, then the obtained averaged values are used for a
SD = standard deviation.
the regressions. The characteristics of the in¯uent during b
From Ghosh and Pohland (1974).

Figure 3. Sensitivity for the model parameters. The mean changes of S1, S2, qC, and qM are represented with respect to the deviation of the
nominal value of the considered parameter.

MODEL VALIDATION initiate the simulation have been estimated by comput-

ing the equilibrium obtained with the initial values of
The simulation results are presented in Figs. 4, 5, and 6. in¯uent concentrations and pH.
The periods of time considered for the calibration step The model correctly reproduces the behavior of the
are shown on the ®gures. The initial conditions used to system for the considered period, in spite of the fact that


Table IV. Estimates of the yield coecient ratios.

Ratio Unit Value SDa

k2=k1 mmol/g 2.72 2.16

k6=k3 1.62 0.12
k5=k3 1.28 0.13
k4=k1 mmol/g 1.18 3.02
SD = standard deviation.

it has been calibrated only using steady-state measure-

Indeed, Fig. 4 shows that the continuously measured
variables (i.e., gaseous ¯ow rate and pH) are well pre-
dicted. It is worth noting that these simulations also
correctly reproduce the e€ect of the disturbances induced
by pump failures (around day 45). We remark also that
the pH predictions match quite well the direct measure- Figure 4. Comparison between simulation results and measurements
for the gaseous ¯ow rates and the pH. The periods considered for the
ments, although pH measurements have not been used to calibration step are represented on the time axis.
calibrate the model parameters. However, the model
predicts a more severe pH drop during the destabiliza-
tion phase (days 21±25). This may be due to an under- in¯uent total alkalinity titration is less precise, because
estimation of the bu€er capacity (i.e., the alkalinity of the the pH in the in¯uent is low.
system). It can be noticed that during the destabilization Finally, the comparison between the measured VSS
period, the gases are underestimated by the model. and the simulated total biomass (i.e., X1 + X2) is pre-
The model simulations are also in good agreement sented in Fig. 6. The main trends of the data are re-
with the o‚ine data (Fig. 5). Even if S1 is a variable that spected even if the correlation between VSS and biomass
stands for the various components of the COD that can is probably poor. The peak of VSS during the destabi-
be rather di€erent along the experiment, the adequacy lization period is probably not due to a biomass increase.
between model and measurements is good. The peak of The main quality of the model is its ability to predict
S1 measured around day 50 is not represented by the the destabilization of the plant. This was not obvious,
model. However, this peak is dicult to explain from a because only equilibrium data have been used for the
biochemical viewpoint, because it does not correspond model calibration and the data obtained during the de-
to an increase of the organic loading rate. Moreover, it stabilization phases were not used. The quality of the
does not coincide with an increase of volatile fatty acid. model justi®es its integration in an online monitoring
The reaction of the model to the overloading produced procedure, in order to early detect a possible destabili-
on day 68 seems to be slower than the process, so that zation (Bernard et al., 1999). The model is also used to
the accumulation starts less rapidly in the model. derive a robust control algorithm that is insensitive to
Similar conclusions can be drawn for the volatile fatty
acids for which the model predictions match fairly well
the measurements. The fact that the model reacts less
rapidly than the process for overloading can also be
noticed around day 68.
For the simulations of alkalinity and total inorganic
carbon, there exists a bias compared to the data. This is
probably due to the uncertainty attached to the uncer-
tain measurement of the in¯uent alkalinity. Indeed, the

Table V. Estimates of the yield coecients.

Parameter Meaning Unit Value SDa

k1 Yield for COD degradation 42.14 18.94

k2 Yield for VFA production mmol/g 116.5 113.6
k3 Yield for VFA consumption mmol/g 268 52.31
k4 Yield for CO2 production mmol/g 50.6 143.6
k5 Yield for CO2 production mmol/g 343.6 75.8 Figure 5. Comparison between simulation results and measurements
k6 Yield for CH4 production mmol/g 453.0 90.9 for COD, VFA, alkalinity, and total inorganic carbon. The periods
considered for the calibration step are underlined.

1198). It also presents research results of the Belgian Pro-
gramme on Inter-University Poles of Attraction, initiated by
the Belgian State, Prime Minister's oce for Science, Tech-
nology, and Culture. The scienti®c responsibility rests with its

B bicarbonate concentration (mmol/L)
C, Cin total inorganic carbon concentration (mmol/L)
D dilution rate (d 1 )
d/dt time derivative
k1 yield for substrate degradation
k2 yield for VFA production (mmol/g)
k3 yield for VFA consumption (mmol/g)
k4 yield for CO2 production (mmol/g)
k5 yield for CO2 production (mmol/g)
k6 yield for CH4 production (mmol/g)
Ka, Kb equilibrium constants (mol/L)
Figure 6. Comparison between measured VSS and simulated total KH Henry's constant (mmol/L per atm)
biomass (X1 +X2). The periods considered for the calibration step are kLa liquid±gas transfer constant (d 1 )
underlined. KI2 inhibition constant (mmol/L)
KS1 half-saturation constant (g/L)
KS2 half-saturation constant (mmol/L)
the main modeling uncertainties and that avoids the PC CO2 partial pressure (atm)
plant destabilization (Bernard et al., 2001). PT total pressure (atm)
qC carbon dioxide ¯ow rate (mmol/L per d)
qM methane ¯ow rate (mmol/L per d)
r, r1, r2 reaction rates (d 1 )
S1, S1in organic substrate concentration (g/L)
S2, S2in volatile fatty acids concentration (mmol/L)
In this paper, we have built, identi®ed, and validated a
X1 concentration of acidogenic bacteria (g/L)
model for an anaerobic treatment plant. The four fol- X2 concentration of methanogenic bacteria (g/L)
lowing points are important, because they guarantee Z, Zin total alkalinity (mmol/L)
that our model can be useful to monitor and control the Z0 anion concentration (mmol/L)
anaerobic process. a fraction of bacteria in the liquid phase
m mean fraction of acidogenic bacteria
l1 speci®c growth rate of acidogenic bacteria (d 1 )
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biological kinetics is concentrated in the reaction l2max maximum methanogenic bacteria growth rate (d 1 )
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