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English for cooking

First Contact with English language

The Alphabet
/ei/ /bi/ /si/ /di/ /i/ /ef/ /yi/ eish/ /ai/ /yei/ /kei/ /el/ /em/ /en/ /ou/ / pi/

/kiu/ /ar/ /es/ /ti/ /iu/ /vi/ /dabol iu/ /ex/ /guai/ /zi/ /// /zet/

I. Fruit, vegetables, food and drinks
1. Apple /apol/ manzana 19. Vanilla /vanila/ vainilla
2. Banana /banana/ platano 20. Watermelon /watermelon/ sandia
3. Cherry /cherri/ cereza 21. Zucchini /zukini/ zapallito italiano, calabacin
4. Date/deit/ dátil 22. Asparagus /asparagas/ esparrago
5. Eggplant /egplant/ berenjena 23. Avocado /avocadou/ palta
6. Fig /fig/ higo 24. Beets /biits/ remolacha, beterraga
7. Grape /greip/ uva 25. Broccoli /brocoli/
8. Hazelnut /jazelnat/ avellana 26. Cabbage /cabach/ repollo
9. Kiwi /kigui/ kiwi 27. Cantaloupe /cantalup/ (melon)
10. Lemon /lemon/ limón 28. Cauliflower /coliflaguer/ coliflor
11. Mango /mangou/ mango 29. Celery/celeri/ apio
12. Orange /oranch/ naranja 30. Chili-pepper /chilipeper/ aji
13. Peach /piich/ durazno 31. Coconut /coconat/ coco
14. Quince /kuins/ membrillo 32. Corn /corn/ maiz
15. Raspberry /raspberry/frambuesa 33. Cucumbers /kiucamber/ pepinillo
16. Strawberry /stroberri/ fresa 34. Garlic /garlic/ ajo
17. Tomato /tomeito/ tomate 35. Lettuce /letius/ lechuga
18. Plum /plam/ ciruela 36. Lime /laim/ lima

Lic. Juan Carlos López

37. Mushrooms /mashrooms/ hongos 68. Cookie /kuki/ galleta
38. Olive /olif/ aceituna 69. Green pepper /griin peper/ pimiento verde
39. Peas /piis/ arverjas, guisantes 70. Red pepper /red peper/ pimiento rojo
40. Pineapple /painapol/ piña 71. Carrot /carrot/zanahoria
41. Potato /poteito/ papas 72. Water /guoter/ agua
42. Pumpkin /pampkin/ zapallo, calabaza 73. Soda /soda/ gaseosa
43. Radish /radish/ rabanito 74. Beer /bier/ cerveza
44. Milk/milk/ leche 75. Tea /ti/ té
45. Cereal /sireol/ cereal 76. Coffee /cofii/ café
46. Sugar /shugar/ azucar 77. Juice /yuis/ jugo
47. Rice /rais/ arroz 78. Orange juice /orash yus/ naranjada
48. Flour /flaguer/ harina 79. Fruit juice /frut yus/ jugo de frutas
49. Roll /rol/ panecillo 80. Sandwich /sanduich/ emparedado, sándwich
50. Bread /bred/ pan 81. Soup /sup/ sopa
51. Meat /miit/ carne 82. Chips /chips/ papas fritas
52. Dessert /dizert/ postre 83. Wing /guing/ ala (pollo,etc)
53. Oil /oil/ aceite 84. Liver /liver/ higado
54. Vinegar /vinegar/ vinagre 85. Heart /jart/ Corazon
55. Salad /salad/ ensalada 86. Breast /brest/ pechuga
56. Onion /onion/cebolla 87. Leg /leg/ patas, pierna
57. Cheese /chiis/ queso 88. Octopus /octopus/ pulpo
58. Egg /eg/ huevo 89. Crayfish /kreifish/ cangrejo,
59. Beef Steak /bíf steik/ Bistec 90. Lobster /lobster/ langosta
60. Seafood /sifud/ marisco 91. Bean /biin/ frijol
61. Fish /fish/ pescado 92. Lentil /lentil/ lenteja
62. Chicken /chiken/ pollo 93. Raisin /reizin/ pasa
63. Hen /jen/ gallina 94. Wine /guain/ vino
64. Rooster /ruster/ gallo 95. Red wine /red guain/ vino tinto
65. Butter /bater/ mantequilla 96. Sweet potato /suit poteito/ camote
66. Salt /solt/sal 97. Capsicum / capsicam/ pimento
67. Pepper /pepper/ pimienta 98. Crab /crab/ cangrejo de mar

Lic. Juan Carlos López

99. Passion Fruit/pashon frut/maracuya 100. Dressing/dresin/Aderezo/

II. Kitchen stuff

1. Kitchen/kitchen/cocina habitación 29. Drawer /drower/ cajon
2. Apron /eipron/ mandil, delantal 30. Chair /cheir/ silla
3. Blender /blender/ licuadora 31. Mitten /mitan/ manopla
4. Knife /naif/ cuchillo 32. Colander /colander/ escurridor
5. Meat cleaver /miit cliver/ machete 33. Slotted spoon /slot spun/ colador ,
6. Corkscrew /corkscru/ sacacorchos cucharon con agujeros
7. Coffee cup /cofi cap/ taza de cafe 34. Dishcloth /dishcloz/ secador, o
8. Cutlery /catleri/ cubiertos también paño de cocina, pilón
9. Fork /fork/ tenedor 35. Lemon squeezer /lemon skuizer/
10. Refrigerator /refriyereitor / exprimidor de limones
11. Freezer /frizer/ congeladora 36. Orange squeezer /oransh skuizer/
12. Micro-wave oven /maicrogueiv exprimidor de naranjas
oven/ horno microondas 37. Potato press /poteito pres/ prensa papas
13. Stove /stuv/ estufa 38. Sorbet /sorbet/ sorbete, cañita
14. oven /oven/ horno 39. Grater /greiter/ rallador
15. Pot /pot/ olla 40. Sponge /spansh/ esponja
16. Lid /led/ tapa (de olla) 41. Dishwasher /dishguasha/ máquina
17. Top /top/ tapa de botella lava platos
18. Screw top /scriu top/ tapa rosca 42. Plank /plank/ tabla de picar
19. Rolling pin/rolling pin/ rodillo 43. Garbage box /garbach box/ basurero
20. Table setting/teibol seting /set de mesa 44. Tankard /tankard/ jarra
21. Dishes /dishes/ platos 45. Kitchen bell /kitchen bel/ campana
22. Clock /clok/ reloj de pared 46. Dish rack /dish rak/ escurridor de platos
23. Tableclothes/teibolcloz/ manteles 47. Cooker /cuker/ cocina (electrodoméstico)
24. Napkins/napkins/ servilletas 48. Kettle /ketol/ hervidor, tacho
25. Glass /glas/ vaso 49. Ladle /leidol/ cucharon
26. Sink /sink/ lavadero 50. Tin opener /tin opener/ abrelatas
27. Toaster /touster/ tostadora 51. Tongs /tongs/ pinzas
28. Closet /closet/ alacena

Lic. Juan Carlos López

56. Window /windou/ ventana
52. Bottle opener/botel opener/abrebotella 57. Shelf /shelf/ repisa
53. Weigh scale/weiskeil/bascula, balanza 58. Cabinet /cabinet/ vitrine
54. Tray/ trei/ bandeja 59. Spoon /spun/ cuchara
55. Door /door/ puerta 60. Toque /touk/ gorro de cocinero

Nice to meet you!

Formal greetings:
1. In the morning: good morning
/in da morning/: /gud morning/
2. In the afternoon : good afternoon
/in diafternuun/ /gudafternuun/
3. At night: good evening
/at nait/ /gudivining/
4. A: How do you do? /jau du yu do/ ¿comó esta?
Informal greetings
1. Hi /jai/
2. Hello /jelou/
1. Bye /bai/
2. Bye-bye
3. Good bye /gudbai/
4. Good night (despedida por la noche) /gudnait/
5. See you later /Siiu leita/
6. See you soon /siiu suun/
7. See you on Monday /siyu on Mandei/

Lic. Juan Carlos López

The days of the week Months of the Year
Monday /mandei/ January /yanuari July / yulai
Tuesday /tiusdei/ February /febriuary August / ogost
Wednesday /guenzdei/ March /march September
Thursday /zersdei/ April /eipril October
Friday /fraidei/ May / mei November
Saturday /sáterdei/ June /yun December
Sunday /sandei/
How to introduce oneself
A: Good morning, my name is Peter. What is your name?
B: Good morning, my name is Mary.
A: Nice to meet you Mary.
B: Nice to meet you Peter.
Phrases to say you are glad to meet somebody

1. Nice to meet you: mucho gusto de conocerte

/nais tu miidiu/
2. Glad to meet you: encantado de conocerte
/ glad tu miidiu/

3. Pleased to meet you: un placer de conocerte

/plisd tu miidiu /

The Colours
1. rose /rous/ 10. black /blak/
2. pink /pink/ 11. white /guait/
3. blue /blu/ 12. silver /silver/
4. yellow /ielou/ 13. gold /gold/
5. green /griin/ 14. dark blue /dark blu/
6. light blue /lait blu/ 15. grey /grei/
7. brown /braun/ 16. red / red / rojo
8. purple /perpol/
9. orange /oransh/
Lic. Juan Carlos López
The Numbers
0 Oh /ou/ Zero /zirou/ 29 twenty-nine
1 one /wan/ 30 thirty /zerti/
2 two /tu/ 31 thirty-one
3 three /zri/ 32 thirty-two
4 four /for 33 thirty-three
5 five /faiv/ 34 thirty-four
6 six /SIX/ 35 thirty-five
7 seven /seven/ 36 thirty-six
8 eight /eit/ 37 thirty-seven
9 nine /nain/ 38 thirty-eight
10 ten / ten/ 39 thirty-nine
11 eleven /ileven/ 40 forty /forti/
12 twelve /tuelv/ 41 forty-one
13 thirteen /zertiin/ 42 forty-two
14 fourteen /fortiin/ 43 forty-three
15 fifteen /fifftiin/ 44 forty-four
16 sixteen /sIxtiin/ 45 forty-five
17 seventeen /seventiin/ 46 forty-six
18 eighteen /eitiin/ 47 forty-seven
19 nineteen /naintiin/ 48 forty-eight
20 twenty /tuenti/ 49 forty-nine
21 twenty-one /tuenti-guan/ 50 fifty /fiffti/
22 twenty-two 51 fifty-one
23 twenty-three 52 fifty-two
24 twenty-four 53 fifty-three
25 twenty-five 54 fifty-four
26 twenty-six 55 fifty-five
27 twenty-seven 56 fifty-six
28 twenty-eight 57 fifty-seven

Lic. Juan Carlos López

58 fifty-eight 84 eighty-four
59 fifty-nine 85 eighty-five
60 sixty /sIxti/ 86 eighty-six
61 sixty-one 87 eighty-seven
62 sixty-two 88 eighty-eight
63 sixty-three 89 eighty-nine
64 sixty-four 90 ninety /nainti/
65 sixty-five 91 ninety-one
66 sixty-six 92 ninety-two
67 sixty-seven 93 ninety-three
68 sixty-eight 94 ninety-four
69 sixty-nine 95 ninety-five
70 seventy /seventi/ 96 ninety-six
71 seventy-one 97 ninety-seven
72 seventy-two 98 ninety-eight
73 seventy-three 99 ninety-nine
74 seventy-four 100 One hundred /guanjandred/
75 seventy-five 101 one hundred one /wanjandredguan/
76 seventy-six 102 one hundred two
77 seventy-seven 110 one hundred ten
78 seventy-eight 120 one hundred twenty
79 seventy-nine 130 one hundred thirty
80 eighty /eiti/ 1000 one thousand /wan zauzend/
81 eighty-one 2000 two thousand
82 eighty-two 2009 two thousand nine
83 eighty-three 2010 two thousand ten
/tu zauzend and ten/

Lic. Juan Carlos López

What time is it?

Half past
/jaf past/

A. It’s 12 o’clock B. It’s 1 o’clock

C. It’s 2 o’clock D. It’s a quarter past twelve

E. It’s a quarter to twelve F. It’s twenty past two

G. It’s twenty-nine to two (60-31=29) H. It’s half past two

Lic. Juan Carlos López

Write the time
1. 12:00 It’s _______________________________________

2. 7:25 ___________________________________________

3. 4:10 ___________________________________________

4. 5:25 ___________________________________________

5. 6:43 ___________________________________________

6. 1:50 ___________________________________________

7. 10:18 ___________________________________________

8. 2:15 ___________________________________________

9. 9:45 ___________________________________________

10. 3:36 ___________________________________________

Simple Present

1. Usamos el simple present para indicar información en general.
My mother teaches at university.
2. Para indicar una verdad irrefutable.
The Earth goes around the sun.
3. Para indicar rutinas, habitos y costumbres.
I always get up at 7 o’clock.

Lic. Juan Carlos López

Simple present
Verb To be

Personal Affirmative form Negative form Question Short answer

I I am a chef I am not a chef Am I a chef? Yes, you are
I’m a chef I’m not a chef No, you aren’t

You You are a chef You are not a Are you a chef? Yes, I am
you’re a chef chef No, I am not
You aren’t a
He He is a chef He is not a chef Is he a chef? Yes, he is
He’s a chef He isn’t a chef No, he isn’t

She She is a chef She is not a Is she a chef? Yes, she is

She’s a chef chef No, she isn’t
She isn’t a chef
It It is a big kitchen It is not a big Is it a big kitchen? Yes, it is
(it= It’s a big kitchen kitchen No it isn’t
kitchen) It isn’t a big
We We are chefs We are not Are we chefs? Yes, you are
We’re chefs chefs No, you aren’t
We aren’t chefs
You You are chefs You are not Are you chefs? Yes, we are
You’re chefs chefs No, we aren’t
You aren’t
They They are chefs They are not Are they chefs? Yes, they are
They’re chefs chefs No, they aren’t
They aren’t

Lic. Juan Carlos López

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