Year 9tb - Lesson 4-5 Outline

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Year 9 : Earth & Space Sciences : Plate Tectonics

Supportive Learning Environment

Teaching Strategies & Learning Experiences Resources (notes & questions) Adjustments for needs of learners (additional
Unit: “Plate Tectonics” notes).
Week 2: The theory of plate tectonics explains global patterns Notes for me.
of geological activity and continental movement. Powerpoint slides or notes (so I can keep track Dot point to touch on (time permitting)
 modelling sea-floor spreading of where I’m up to – what I’ve covered).
 recognising the major plates on a world map
Slides #18 - 23
 relating the occurrence of earthquakes and
volcanic activity to constructive and destructive
plate boundaries

Lesson 3 & 4: “Seafloor Spreading & Prac-tivity”

(100 min)
Learning Phase:
In this lesson – students will …

Learning Intentions: (students will be able to:-).

1. Explain seafloor spreading
2. Recognise seismic activity occurs along
the global rift system
3. Demonstrate that seismic activity can be
recorded – data collected.

Lesson Plan:
 Settle time and mark roll (5min)
 Recap/Revision –Continental drift, seafloor
spreading, types of boundary etc (5 min)
1. Seafloor spreading.
 Video (4 min) – Bill Nye discusses
Harry Hess and Seafloor spreading.
 Run through powerpoint slides (10
Year 9 : Earth & Space Sciences : Plate Tectonics

2. Mars Bar Earth Activity (15 – 20 minutes)
 Activity instructions on Daymap,
questions on powerpoint slide.
3. Seismograph Activity. (15-20 min)
 Construct a seismograph and test it.
 Answer questions
4. Have each group/pair report on what they
have achieved this session.
5. Show current seismic activity (20 min)
 Students can take a look at the usgs
 Have them try and find Australia’s
equivalent agency

Recap Key points:

o Seafloor spreading – how it
works, this was the mechanism
that Wegener’s Continental Drift
was missing.
o What did the Mars Bar activity
o Use of seismographs.

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